Reports :: How To Get Sum Of Values For Specific Rows

Nov 5, 2013

I have a report being generated that pulls in a bunch of data. The processed column is a boolean value.

I want to be able to set the text of a label to be equal to the "material cost" for all the rows where is processed is set to false.

Picture of the report: [URL] ....

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Reports :: Conditional Formatting - Rows To Be Of Specific Color Based On Value In 1 Field

Jul 24, 2014

I have a report that I would like to have the rows be a specific color based on the value in 1 field on the row.

I have attempted to use conditional formatting but it will not work (IE, I can get font color to change, but not field boxes to have color).

The field is labeled [text144] based on the value in the field (1,2, or 3) I would like the field to be a different color.
3 = green
2 = yellow
1 = red

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Reports :: Access 2003 - Count Values Over Specific Amount In Report

Mar 16, 2013

In Access 2003 I have a form, at the footer of which I want to put some summary information. One of which is a count of the number of purchases over £500. I have tried many variations after searching the posts on this site but the only one which does not return me an error of some kind with the expression is

=IIf([Bought For]>"500",Count([Bought For]),0)

where 'Bought For is the reports listing of the purchase prices in a given date range when opening the report, but the value returned in my test is '0' when it should be '2' as the test file has two purchases of over £500.

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Locking Specific Rows Within A Query

Oct 12, 2007

Hey guys,

I have a query on a form in which I want to lock the first two rows to prevent the user from manipulating the data. The user will input information in the third column.

How would I go about this


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Set Colors On Specific Rows In Continuous Form

Sep 5, 2006

Can we set different colors on specific rows in a continuous form?
Suppose the following data entry form (continuous) is to fill in spouse name, while name and marital status is already prepared in a different table. If the marital status is Married, then the spouse name textbox's background color will be Yellow. The standard background color is white.

Name Marital Status Spouse Name
xxxx Married (Yellow)
xxxx Unknown (White)
xxxx Not married (White)
xxxx Married (Yellow)

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How To Return Specific Rows In A Query To A Form

Dec 31, 2012

I have a Query of dates and I need to have those dates return onto a from horizontally?

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Forms :: Count Only Rows In Specific Field With Date

Dec 12, 2014

I have an access forum that I need to have a textbox count how many rows have dates in my "Ship_To_Date_HP_" field

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Column Values To Rows?

Aug 25, 2006

I am trying to devise a way to display query results in a row instead of a column. The table on which the query is built has this structure:

Column1: Index (pkf)
Column2: Group (int)
Column3: Position (int)
Column3: ItemCode (txt)

When I do a select query, the data comes back like this:

Group Position ItemCode

I want to arrange the data this way:

1ABCDE (Etc)

I keep thinking that a cross-tab query is the answer, but all I seem to be able to do is to get counts of Position 1, 2, 3 Etc.

I’m baffled. Does anyone have a suggestion?



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Compare Sum Of Values In Rows With Same ID To Another Value

Feb 6, 2013

I need to compare the sum of a values in a column of rows with the same id. For example:

ID Value1 Value2

122222 20 40 (these are okay, the sum of Value1 in rows with same ID equal value 2)
122222 20 40
333333 100 100 (ok)
111111 50 100
111111 50 100 (not ok, the values with same id add to 150, so the first row containing this id should be deleted so the the total of Value1 equals Value2)
111111 50 100

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Modules & VBA :: Populating Rows With Set Values?

Sep 11, 2013

I have a Machine Running Conditions database that records running conditions for 2 machines. The table is set up like this

LotNumber Parameter Condition
130506m11 Screwspeed 100
130506m11 StockTemp 50
130506m11 KniveSpeed 75

In reality there are many more machine parameters (about 30). We have two machines that usually are set with 2 different set combinations of parameters. The combinations vary at times but are usually one or the other

Currently the user is going in and selecting the parameters from a combobox manually for each lot number.

To save him time and work, I want those fields auto populated with the parameters for a machine. So the user will hit a button for machine 1 or 2 and the parameter rows will fill with that machine's correct parameters.

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Combining Rows With Duplicate Values

Jun 17, 2013

I am working with an Excel file of raw data aggregated from an annual customer relationship survey that has been sent out since 2010. The file has approximately 20,000 rows, meaning the survey has been taken around 20,000 times. Unfortunately, each time a customer takes the survey, it is included in the raw data as a separate entry. Therefore the file has numerous duplicate email addresses, corresponding with unique data for each time the survey was taken. Another issue regarding the data, is that in the first year the survey was sent out, the distribution mechanism "broke" and the survey was sent out multiple times (and completed multiple times) in the same year by the same customer, so the surveys are not necessarily uniformly distributed, if that makes sense.

I have been interested in isolating the common respondents (those who have taken the survey across multiple years, albeit not necessarily consecutive years). Up to this point, these respondents have been isolated manually using a pivot table, however I am now looking to enter the raw data into SPSS (a statistical analysis package), in order to view the drivers of these common respondents.

Therefore, I would like to be able to isolate these common respondents and the data corresponding with their surveys from the raw data in a separate worksheet or file. I have tried various formulas to do so in Excel to no avail. Is there anyway to accomplish this in Access or would a more complex database be needed?

Ideally the final product would have the common respondents' information from multiple surveys in one row and would be able to be filtered by feedback date (found in the raw data), so that hypothetically one could select a month and be able to tell how many customers considered to be common respondents completed a survey within that month.

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Totaling The Values In Multiple Rows In A Table

Oct 16, 2006

HELP! I’m working for a charity in a small town Tanzania and there is not a soul for miles who knows anything about access.

I have created a database to track requisitions of Office Supplies. I have table full of the requisitions which contains multiple rows for each item we have in the store and the quantity requisition on each occasion.

What I want is a query that will calculate the total quantity of each item requisitioned in a month. Is there an easy way to do this??

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Queries :: Comparing Two Values From Rows In Same Field

Jul 10, 2013

I have a table [VL] with four fields, [vl_id], [product], [vl_date], [valeur_liquidative].

The idea of the table is that you can input and update the value of each product on a given day.

I need to find the difference in days between successive dates (vl_date) each time that a product value (valeur_liquidative) is updated. Values aren't updated everyday as it is not updated during the weekends. I have had a go at this but have struggled..

A picture of what the table looks like is attached for reference.

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Reports :: Report In Which A Textbox Generates Numerical Values And Letter Values

Aug 6, 2014

I have a report in which a textbox generates numerical values and letter values. I want to...On report load - if textbox = numbers then hide otherwise show if it contains letter values.

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Reports :: Summing Up The Rows In A Column?

Mar 20, 2013

How do I sum up the rows of a column in a report ? My example is here below

Sick Days
Total of Sick Days

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Modules & VBA :: Select Rows From Different Reports

Apr 9, 2014

Im working on a DB with multiple tables. My DB consists in a lot of tables, each one for a different element and his specifications (e.g.: transmitter, sensor, relay). The user can create loops selecting different elements (All the elements of the same loop have the same Loop ID).

I want that when the loop is finished the user can select one of the loops he has create and see all the elements and specifications he has selected for this loop. The problem is that when I want to show in a form or report all the elements the user has selected before I cant select each different element from his table and show in a form or report.Until now I have this code in a form to select an element from a report and show it, but it doesnt work very well.

-) List3 is a list box in my form where is the list of elements to select.
-) Boton1 is the button in my form to open the report when the element is selected
-) Transmitter Specifications is the report with the list of elements and his specifications.

Option Compare Database
Option Explici
Private Sub boton1_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_boton1_Click


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Reports :: Show Two Rows For Each Record

Mar 19, 2015

I have attached a sample spreadsheet. Each store has a planned date which is calculated off the dates in column b and c. The second row is actual date.

As much of the data I have is in MS Access, I tried to use some extracts to appear in this format but no luck.

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Reports :: Overlapping Rows In Report?

Dec 23, 2014

I have a report whose fields are arranged in a table:

I need all fields to be able to grow in the event that there's more text than the box can hold, so I have all fields "Can Grow" property set to Yes.

However, when any of the top row fields (Field1, Field2, Field3) need to grow, the entire top row grow but the bottom row stays put and doesn't move down, which causes the top and bottom rows to overlap -- like below (look at ID # 4):

Green is the top row, Blue is bottom row:

how I can get the bottom row to move down when the top row grows?

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Reports :: Fill Certain Rows With Background Color

Sep 27, 2013

I'm trying to create a report that has certain rows filled with a background color. In excel, the fill color is complete across the row. That is, there are no gaps between cells. In Access, each individual "cell" or field is filled with the color but inbetween each cell/field there is white space. I tried changing the control padding to "narrow" but there is still too much white space. Changing control padding to "none" changes the alignment of the cells to look off. They aren't exactly lined up in a row anymore. It looks terrible.

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Reports :: Join Together Multiple Rows To One Field?

Jul 1, 2015

I have been struggling with combining multiple rows into one row for an order summary report.

Specifically, I have three tables (Products, Orders, and OrderDetails)

ProductID = AutoNumber
ProductName = String

OrderID = AutoNumber
OrderDate = Date/Time
OrderInfo = Memo
CustomerName = Text
CustomerAddress = Text
PaymentDetails = Text

OrderNumber = Number (Linked to OrderID)
ProductNumber = Number (Linked to ProductID)
Notes = Memo (Notes on product customization)

The OrderProductDetails table is in many to one relationships with both Orders and Products table. If I place an order with 3 products, the OrderProductDetails datasheet would be:

OrderNumber ProductNumber
1 78 (Product 1)
1 89 (Product 2)
1 56 (Product 3)

On my report, instead of 3 entries for this order, I would like show just one entry under a column "Products Ordered" ---> Product 1, Product 2, Product 3.

I tried the Concatenate macros I found online, however, I am unable to configure them properly to use for this purpose.

I am using Access 2010.

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Reports :: Concatenate Multiple Rows Into 1 Field

Jun 18, 2013

My database has a 'markets' table, where there could be multiple markets per campaign.

So right now in my report, it's displaying like this

campaign 1
Market 1
Market 2
Market 3

Is there a way, to Concatenate multiple rows into 1 field. So it would look something like this

Campaign 1
Market 1, Market 2, Market 3

That would save a lot of space in the report, and make it easier to read.

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Reports :: Hiding Rows Based On Cell Value

Aug 21, 2013

I have generated a report with my entire list of personnel, and I have created a column that generates thier age based of another column using this:


Now my question, im trying to hide the rows of those who age is older than 26. If thats not possible maybe highlight the entire rows of those under 26, i used conditional formatting to highlight the age, but not the entire row.

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Forms :: Auto Sum If Specific Values Come Up Within A Form

Jun 24, 2015

I am trying to have a field auto sum if specific values come up within a form. The form is a survey. Total all number zeros, total all 1's, 2's etc. so that I get a discrete value total for each option.


Q1) 1 Q9) 0
Q2) 1 Q10) 1
Q3) 0 Q11) 2
Q4) 2
Q5) 1
Q6) 1
Q7) 3
Q8) 1

Total Number occurrences

Total 0's= 2
Total 1's= 6
Total 2's= 2
Total 3's= 1

Each question in the above example is a field within the same Form. Each total is its own field.

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Subform Combobox To Only List Specific Values

May 22, 2014

I have an Employee's Development Objective main form , which has a subform that contains a combobox that lists all 'Job Titles' and 'Job Objectives' within the company, say such as:

IT Manager, Create Spreadsheets
IT Manager, Manage Staff
SQL DBA, Create Databases
SQL DBA, Create Spreadsheets
Managing Director, Manage Finance
Managing Director, Manage Staff

How do I get the subform combo box to ONLY display the Job Titles and Job Objectives specific to the Employees known Job Title? The combobox Row Source is presently:

SELECT qryJobObjectiveDetails.jobObjID, qryJobObjectiveDetails.jobTitle, qryJobObjectiveDetails.objective
FROM qryJobObjectiveDetails
ORDER BY [jobTitle], [objective];

The main form has a jobID number specific to the Employees job title.

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Reports :: Multiple Rows In Query Show In One Report Entry

Sep 17, 2014

I have a query that returns numerous rows of data per person per day.

Simplified Example ( ';' used to show columns):

LastName ; Date ; DrillNumber ; Score
Smith ; 18/9/14 ; 0 ; 100
Smith ; 18/9/14 ; 1 ; 150
Smith ; 18/9/14 ; 2 ; 120
Doe ; 18/9/14 ; 0 ; 150
Doe ; 18/9/14 ; 1 ; 150
Doe ; 18/9/14 ; 2 ; 100

I'm trying to create a report that shows each of the scores per drill in the report per person (Dont worry about the formatting):

Name: Smith
Date: 18/9/14
Drill & Score:
0 - 100
1 - 150
2 - 120

However, when I drag the field lists into the report Im getting a new report entry for each drill eg.

0 - 100

1 - 150

Any way to get all drills to show in the one report entry per person? So all data for Smith is in the one report or report section, and then all the data for Doe.

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Reports :: Zero Values And Calculated Fields In Reports?

Nov 13, 2013

I am trying to get calculated fields in my report to work but zero values in the data are throwing up #Div/0! and #Error! and #Num!

The main data fields I am trying to work with are:


My aim is to track mileage and consumption for a fleet of vehicles and show daily and weekly averages in mileage and consumption and then to flag 20% increase in consumption.

I have a calculated field in my report named Kilometers,

= [VehicleReading]-[PreviousReading]

and also a calculated field named Consumption,


My sum and average calculation fields in the group footers are only working where there are values above zero in the Kilometer and VehicleLitres and Consumption fields.

In reality there are some days where there has been no travel, so some records will have a zero for the Kilometers field and there are also days when there has been no refueling so there is a zero for the VehicleLitres field.

I have tried using the expression builder to create an IIf function but to no avail.

I have tried copying the syntax suggested by the Expression builder:

«Expr» IIf («expr». «truepart». «falsepart»)

I know I need to get those zero's to fail in the calculation but as I said before all of the suggested expressions I have tried fail due to syntax!

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