Reports :: How To Set Order With Designated Column

Jun 27, 2013

I create an inventory report which source is from a query. I have set a field "Date" displaying in ascending order in query. But the report cannot achieve that result.
My code is:

Private Sub PrtDelRec_Click()
DoCmd.OpenReport "DeletionTransferRpt", acViewPreview
End sub

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Search A Designated Field

Oct 20, 2006

Hey gang,
Is there a way to click on the find record button and have it automaticly search from a specific field? The only way I know how to search a field in a form is to select the field and then click on search. I just wanted it to automaticly select a field.
Thanks gang, have a great weekend.

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Column Order

Jun 8, 2005

I have got a number of queries that query an MSSQL database that were running fine, but then I decided to tidy them up by giving them more meaningful column headings eg Pupil ref instead of tblPupil. Some of the queries are still fine but in some of them I can't get the columns to display in the order I want. In one, I have got columns called Round, Pupil ref and School but I can't stop the Pupil ref column coming first. If I delete it and put it in again, I can get it to go where I want (ie second) but as soon as I name it, it comes first and stays there even if I remove the name.

Please can anyone help

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Possible? Query Column And Order By Frequency

Aug 14, 2005

Hi all,

I am wondering if it would be possible to do this:

Use a query to create a list of items from the column (duplicates removed) ordered by the frequency that they occur.

For example the column lunch


Would end up like this:

Thanks in advance :)

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Querie Order By Num Then Text In 1 Column?

Nov 20, 2006

Hi, I have a querie that returns various data based on the page of a part's Sub-Assembly. There are 4 basic items returned for each page that display in my subform it displays as follows:

SpecID - Page # - Part# - Description - etc.

4 basic SubAssembly Descriptions are

1 - A Text Description of Assembly as a whole (varies for each record and usually has a number such as 2" or 3" or 4" etc at beginning of field)
2 - Valve
3 - Selenoid
4 - Actuator

I want to sort these records so that the first field is that Text description field. I tried sort descending and this does sort descending but puts text field last. (i Know that this is because it is sorting on text first and then intergers. But I don't know how to program multiple OrderBy for this column. How can I sort by intergers first and then by text on this field? :o

Thanks for any help!

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Division By Zero In When Order By Column Number

Jul 30, 2013

So, I have some complicated calculations I am aliasing in my SQL query. My end goal would be to sort by my final calculation from all the other calculations I have performed but I am running in to some issues. I know I can't sort by referencing the alias itself without saying order by (column number). My calculations are usually pretty small (around .001 and up). Whenever I order by the column number I would like to use (select... from... where...order by 73) I get a "Division by zero" error in access. I figured this was an issue with how small the calculations were, so I multiplied by 1000000, then ordered by that column number. Still division by zero...I went ahead and changed all 0 values to 1, still division by zero. There are no zero values in the column itself, it's either 1 or something in the thousands. I can order by other columns, just not the one I want to use. I don't want to have to re-do my entire calculations in my order by clause.

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Forms :: Datasheet Column Order Not Saving

Feb 8, 2014

Why Access 2010 does not save the Datasheet order?? I keep setting the order and it puts it back again

I have set the order in the design. I have set the tab index individually for each item. I says in the tab order that they are in the correct order. I reorder them in the datasheet and click on save. Nothing sets that order. It will revert it back to the order that IT wants every time.

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Auto-rearranging Column Order In Query

May 10, 2012

Why does access automatically rearrange column order in a query after closing and reopening? Is there a way to stop it? It doesn't affect the usefulness of my query but I set the columns up in a specific order and I'd like them to stay that way. This is an update query. I see that it is grouping them by name. Anyway to stop that without giving each field a unique name? Screenshots attached.

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Forms :: Column Order In Subform Datasheet View

Nov 22, 2014

I have a subform in which I display a table in Datasheet View. The problem is, I cannot figure out how to place the columns in the order (i.e. from left to right) I want.

For some reason, right-clicking on a column header in Form View and selecting Freeze Fields will shift that column to the left but I can find no consistent pattern to it and no other way of shifting a column. Reordering the columns in the table itself seems to have no effect on the order they appear on the subform and moving the controls around in the subform in Design View also seems to have no effect.

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Queries :: Order To Get A Sum Of Volume With Only One SKU Code Listed In Column 1

Jun 21, 2013

I created a query, and in field one i have a list of SKU codes (of which many are repeats), and in field two I have their corresponding volumes. In Fields 3-5 I have some various algebraic calcuations.

Now, in order to get a sum of the volume with only one SKU code listed in column 1, I use a group by on the SKU code, and a sum for the volume. When these are the only fields in the query, this works great. But when I add in the other calculated fields, the run query returns to showing each SKU code multiple times, and shows the volume and the calculations correctly. When I change the other calculated fields to Sum, then I get the aforementioned overflow error and no output at all.

Is there a way to both set it so that the output is only showing one SKU code, the total volume for that SKU, and the weighted average output of the other calculations in one query?

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Access 2010 - List Box Changing Column Order

May 16, 2014

I have a list box and a series of 11 fields a user can search by. My problem is that the List Box has changed the column order.

Example: In the design wizard of the list box I had it such that the columns were in order 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

Now after I hit search the fields populate out of order... 4, 9, 2, 1, etc...

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Tables :: Importing Excel Data - Maintaining Column Order

Mar 4, 2013

I've been using MS Access 2007 for years to manage some Excel data. running some queries etc. Just recently I've been encountering problems when importing data into an existing table. When I do it now, I get a "Subscript out of Range" error. To troubleshoot, I imported into a new table and when doing so, the fields no longer match the column order of the spreadsheet. They all get imported but appears in a different order. I think this is why I am getting the error message. How can I go about ensuring that the data gets imported properly into my already existing table? My fields in "Design View" will match the order of the Columns in the Excel spreadsheet.

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Rearrange Column Order In Search Form (opening As AcFormDS)

Jun 17, 2014

I'm opening a search form using DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, acFormDS, , stLinkCriteria for user filtering purposes. I added a column which it now appears as the last column - I need it to be the 4th WHEN THE FORM OPENS. I can move after it opens, but it won't default there. Tried rebuilding the query and the form, but it still opens with this column at end of form - how can it be placed where I want it?

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Reports :: Force Actual Page Not Column Breaks In Label Reports

Jul 19, 2013

I print a report onto labels (Avery 5960: 3 columns of 10 labels on a letter sized piece of paper). The report and labels print fine BUT...

I need physical page breaks between certain sections. When I click on "keep whole group together on one page" in the "group by" section of the report, it starts a new COLUMN of labels (which Access sees as a new page), but does not force an actual new piece of paper.

How can I force a real page break?

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Reports :: How To Display Time In Order

Mar 19, 2015

I've got a report displayingg appointments, only issue is that it doesnt display these times or date in order of earliest first...

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Reports :: Report Not Displaying Data In Order?

May 17, 2013

I have a report that generates the position of certain items. When I produce this report it doesn't put the data in order. All associated data with that position is correct, it is just not in numerical order. The attached screenshot shows the issue I am having. In the position column it should read 1,2,3,4 but in some cases the positions are not in order.

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Reports :: How To Set Order For Specific Row As Last In Access Report

Sep 5, 2014

I have report which record source is a Union Query, The query contain Order Details and a single row for "Freight Charges", I just want to set Freight Charges show in Report at last row.

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Reports :: Stacked Bar Chart - How To Customize Order Of The Columns

Mar 12, 2014

I am using Access 2007-2010 and I was able to create a report but now I want to include a stacked bar in it.

My report shows one record at a time, so the values for my chart change accordingly. The chart should have four columns: Student, Homemaker, Retired, Employed I have assigned a colour for each category in "Edit" mode (by clicking separately on each column). However, sometimes the results don't show all four values and then my stacked chart only has 3 categories, but I would like it to show the missing category and just have value as 0. But most importantly the colours get all messed up. Can I permanently assign a color for each column?

Also the order is not how I want it to show. Right now it's in alpha can i customize the order of the columns?

I tried doing this in datasheet - saved; but when I switch to a report view - everything changes back...

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Reports :: Change Plot Order For Graph In Access 2010?

Nov 28, 2014

I have a column graph I created for a report.

The Y axis has number of days.

The X axis has Member ID.

When I make the column graph the data seems to not be in any order. The report is in order by the number of days in ascending order.

How can I have the columns with the largest number show up first and the columns get smaller. I would like the largest column all the way to the left, proceeding the next one in size so it goes from largest to smallest.

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Reports :: How To Insert Enough Blank Line In Order To Make Each Report The Same Length

Aug 22, 2013

I have a main report / subreport relation, just want to have a fixed length of each printout. e.g the total number of lines of the subreport should be 8 lines. However, lots of subreports contain records less than 8. I would like to know how to insert of blank line in the subreport depending on the records with content at each print, in order to make the total number of lines in each subreport is 8 each print!!

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Reports :: Save Access Form Based On Order Number And Client Name Using VBA

Apr 28, 2013

I have an acces form to input client orders. Each order has its own order number a different client. On the same form I have a button to generate a report based on the inpuuted data on the same form which works perfectly fine.

Now I need to use same report to save each order in a specific folder on my computer in pdf format. However I would like to have the file generated as follows ordernumber "-" clientname.pdf. This way each order is saved in the same folder without overwriting the previous one.

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Reports :: Edit Current Report That Lists Production In Week Number Order?

Feb 26, 2015

I've been asked to edit a current report that lists our production in week number order. I need to look at way we can 'flag up' orders that are within a 4 week period from the current date.

For example,

10 Orders in total in our database. 5 of which are due the drawings back within 4 weeks from today (26/02/15). I'm looking for a way for the report to show the 5 orders as priority, either by formatting the orders in bold, a different colour or under their own heading/group.

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Reports :: Summing Up The Rows In A Column?

Mar 20, 2013

How do I sum up the rows of a column in a report ? My example is here below

Sick Days
Total of Sick Days

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Reports :: Hide Column When No Data?

May 22, 2015

I have a report in access having multiple columns. because of multiple columns it is not possible to display it in A4 size.

I want to hide the column when there is no data, Is there any possibility to hide column on the basis of criteria ?

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Reports :: Display Total At The Top Of Column Instead Of At Bottom

Mar 15, 2014

I have reports that total the figures in a column and displays the total at the bottom of the column. I would like to display the total at the top of the column since the length of the column continues to grow and I would like to see that total before scrolling down to view the various individual entries.

No matter how I try the =count(x) always shows an error. Is it not possible to display the total figure at the top of a column instead of at the bottom?

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Reports :: Deleting Column And Its Associated Heading In A Report

Sep 10, 2014

I am coming back to an Access 2007 database that I put together some time ago. I need to simply delete a column and its associated heading in a report and I can't remember how to do it!!

I have attached a few screen shots.

001.jpg is of the actual report and 002.jpg is what the report looks like in Design view. If I try to use Layout view it displays the message "Layout View is Unavailable for this report".

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