Reports :: IIF Statements With AND (multiple Criteria)

May 7, 2013

I have a list of projects and I need to display their status (Red or Green) in a text box.

My fields are [PercentComplete],[StartDate],[EndDate],[ReportDate]

There are two ways a project could have a red status.

1. [PercentComplete] < 100 AND [ReportDate] < [EndDate]
2. [PercentComplete]<100 AND IsNull([EndDate])

There is one way it could have a green status:
[PercentComplete] = 100 AND Not IsNull([StartDate])

This is the best I could come up with for the Iif statement, but I get "invalid argument" which I suspect relates to the AND portion.

Iif([PercentComplete] < 100 AND [ReportDate] < [EndDate], "Red",
[PercentComplete]<100 AND IsNull([EndDate]),"Red",
[PercentComplete] = 100 AND Not IsNull([StartDate]),"Green","")))

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Reports :: Nested IIF Statements With 2 Criteria To Meet

Dec 2, 2014

I have a report based on a query and in that report I added a text box to be yes or no depending on 1) the number of days to complete and 2) the type of urgency. There's 3 different urgency levels so I was trying to create iif statements based on each one with the corresponding days using the OR operator between them like below:

=IIf([t_Days]<=2 And [Urgency Level]="Expedite (1-2 days)","Yes","No")_
Or IIf([t_Days]<=7 And [Urgency Level]="Normal (5-7 days)","Yes","No")_
Or IIf([t_Days]<=30 And [Urgency Level]="Low (14-30 days)","Yes","No")

Any 1 of those by themselves works fine but I need it based on all of that. So with that said, is there a way to do this? I tried using VBA code, but I think with the type of report I'm running that that wont work. It has a repetitive one line detail section with the data I'm trying to view.

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Reports :: DLookup With Multiple Criteria

Apr 11, 2013

creating a DLookup expression for an unbound control on a report. This report displays data collected from the users from a table called tblaudit completed. This table contains (among others) three fields labeled below

Area Changed

I also have another reference table labeled refevalareas. The fields in this table are as follows


I would like to create an unbound control on my report that "prints" the point value depending on the Brand, Form, and Area displayed for each record. Though the field names are different the data collected and displayed in each table is consistent. I haven't worked much with Lookups and the logic is challenging for me to grasp but I think I have the basic idea which is shown below..

DLookup( refevalareas.[PointValue], refevalareas, ("[BrandName] = '" & Reports!rptqryauditcompleted![Brand] = "'") & ("[FormName] = '" & Reports!rptqryauditcompleted![Form] = "'") & ("[AreaName] = '" & Reports!rptqryauditcompleted![Area] = "'")

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Reports :: Dlookup Multiple Criteria

Mar 11, 2015

I have a database which I have been using for over a year now which includes a Dlookup formula in a report.The dlookup references the query QRYDwgCount and looks up the number of drawings issued by a particular architect. I have been using the following formula which was previously working

="Total drawing count for " & [IssuedBy] & " = " & DLookUp("CountOfDrawingNo","QRYDwgCount","IssuedBy = '" & [IssuedBy] & "'").

The problem I have now encountered is a new job with an architect that worked on another job already in the database. Instead of bringing forward the number of drawings issued by the architect for this current job, the formula is showing the number of drawings issued for the earlier job. I therefore need to add "ContractName" = [ContractName] but I am getting either Error or an incorrect answer as the result.This is what I have written:

="Total drawing count for " & [IssuedBy] & " = " & DLookUp("CountOfDrawingNo","QRYDwgCount","IssuedBy = '" & [IssuedBy] & "'" And "ContractName='" & [ContractName] & "'")

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Reports :: Report Based On Multiple Criteria

Jul 27, 2015

I am in the learning phase for MS Access reports. I have a datasheet which contains the employee daily activities.I need a report when either or both criteria is selected. For ex..criteria1 is Start date and End Date and criteria2 is Employee Name.Output of the report should be based on the selection of the criteria ,as I said either or both.

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Reports :: DLookup With Multiple Criteria That May Change

Jan 5, 2015

I have a table named z_ResltsSampleCountMonthly. In that table I have fields SampleSize, Month and LOB.

I have a report that I need to use a Dlookup in order to pull the SampleSize by LOB into my report. However, my report has three columns that change based on the start and end dates for the report. It shows current month plus the two prior months to show a trend.

So I have each column heading update automatically based on the dates the user enters into the start and end date on the main menu form.

If they select 12/1/14 to 12/31/14 the three columns heading would update to October 2014, November 2014, and December 2014. In the table I have the data for all three months so when I use this formula it works but it's putting September 2014 data under October 2014 so I need to have multiple criteria; one being the LOB and the other being the column heading which is equal to the field Month in the table.

=DLookUp("[SampleSize]","z_ResultsSampleCountMonthly","[LOB] = ""CMES""")

This is what I tried to do to add the second criteria to pull based on text59 being equal to the Month field in the table but it's not working:

=DLookUp("[SampleSize]","z_ResultsSampleCountMonthly","[LOB] ="CMES" And [Month] = ' " & [Text59] & " ' ")

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QUERY IIf Statements In Criteria

Sep 7, 2005

Hi I need help inserting IIF statements as criterias in my query.

Here's the query I have created from a table called XML_EXPORT which consists of a list of ORGANIZATIONS with various fields. What I'm trying to do is display:
-the name of the EXEC_NAME_1 (primary executive's name)
-the CITY
-the ORG_LEVEL_1 (the organization's main name)
-the ORG_LEVEL_2 (the organization's departments 2 to 5)
-the ORG_LEVEL_3
-the ORG_LEVEL_4
-the ORG_LEVEL_5

Now not every record contains data in ORG_LEVEL_2 to ORG_LEVEL_5 so we want to display only ORG_LEVEL_1 and the last ORG_LEVEL that is not blank.

i.e. If a record has ORG_LEVEL_4 and ORG_LEVEL_5 blank then we want to only display: ORG_LEVEL_1 and ORG_LEVEL_3 (even though there is something in ORG_LEVEL_2)

Here's my query:


Can anyone show me how the Iif statement syntax would be ?

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Form For User To Create Custon Reports From Multiple Criteria

Jan 4, 2006

I am trying to put together an form to be used in an academic administration database.
Ideally, I would like to create a form that will allow a user to select criteria and get a list of all students fitting that criteria.
For example:
Show me all a) all Economics majors with b) 30-50 Credits who c) have not taken English 101.
All of this data could be compiled into one query, but I would like to create a form that will allow a user to select what data he or she would like to see.
(Maybe they only want to see graduates)
I hope this makes sense.
And I hope someone can help point me in the right direction.

Thank you!

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Reports :: Conditional Formatting On Multiple Fields Based On Two Criteria

Sep 24, 2014

I have a report which I would like to apply conditional formatting on multiple fields. I would like the conditional formatting to be based on two types of criteria

First criteria would be contracts that start with the year 2014. I used the following expression which worked - InStr(1,[ContractNr],"2014" AND [DirectorInCharge]= "Joseph Steinbok" or "Adam Godson")

To this expression I would also like to highlight fields which contracts start with 2014 AND have a particular Director assigned to it. For this I used the following expression - And [DirectorInCharge]="Name"

On their own, both expressions are working but I want to combine them. How do I do this? I've tried the following - InStr(1,[ContractNr],"2014" AND [DirectorInCharge]= "Name") but then nothing is highlighted. I also tried InStr(1,[ContractNr],"2014") AND [DirectorInCharge]= "Name" - in this instance EVERY record was highlighted.

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Queries :: IIF Statements Within Query Criteria (Actual Date)

Jul 9, 2013

I am working with Access 2007. I have a little problem building the iif statement within a query criteria in [Actual Date] which is the following:

iif([Actual Date] Is Not Null And [Document]=0;>#01.01.2012# Or Is Null;999)

When I enter this I get no records out of about 8000. The table fields behind the query are in the right format (date/time and number).

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Multiple IIF Statements

Nov 16, 2006

I'm trying to compile a number of IIF statements.

I have 6 IIF statements, but would like to put them all in to one IIF statement.

Could anyone help me with this one?

OrderTrack: IIf([O_SRC_CD]="2005WMDT","Web","Phone")
OrderTrack: IIf([O_SRC_CD]="2005WMKE","Internet","Phone")
OrderTrack: IIf([O_SRC_CD]="DOGNET23","Web","Fax")
OrderTrack: IIf([O_SRC_CD]="CANTRY3J","Web","")
OrderTrack: IIf([O_SRC_CD]="MAMTWOSE","Web",",")
OrderTrack: IIf([O_SRC_CD]="2005W999","Web","Mail")

Thank you for your help and time


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Multiple If Statements, Best Way ?

Dec 15, 2004

I have a query which works fine for one if statement, but i neewd to have 10, whats the best way of sorting this, can it be done in one query, or should i use a module or should i use the code?

my if statements are as follows:


can someone please help me sort this...

a problem may be that the list of eventcodes may increase... again whats the best way to sort this.


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Reports: Conditional Statements In Text Box

Mar 3, 2006

I am creating a report based off a query. My problem is that I am trying to create conditional statements within a unbounded text box. I would like to say: =[Field] where [Field2] = X. Unfortunately, I can not find any support on this matter.

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Multiple Sql Statements In Access Sql Editor

Jun 8, 2005

I would like to update a lot of fields in my tables; about 120 different fields in 12 different tables. I would however like to keep it simple by using the SQL editor in MS Access by writing all the UPDATE queries and leave them to run while I do smething else. It seems to me however that you can only run one query at a time using the SQL editor. I thought I could separate one SQL editor from the other by using semicolon as in Oracle SQL editor etc., but that does not seem to work. Does anybody know how to do this in Access without writing a VBA code etc.?

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Query Support Multiple SQL Statements

Feb 17, 2008

Hi everyone,

I am writing a query that is master-detail in principal. But need other data from other 2 tables. I wonder if I can construct the query so that it contains the result set of more than one SQL statement. Thank you for your kindly help.

Gary AU

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Queries :: Multiple If Then Statements In Query

Jan 30, 2015

I have a query that I just can't figure out. We are a facility that works on rail cars. We have over 200 cars in house at the moment and the database has a daily production report in it with the status of all of the cars.

I need a query that will pull out the "AAAA" and "XXXX" cars from the list only IF the cleaning field or the mechanical inspection or BOTH fields are blank.

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Modules & VBA :: Multiple If Statements Into One Procedure

Jun 26, 2013

I'm trying to put multiple IF statements into one procedure like the below:

Dim Answer As Integer
Answer = MsgBox("Have You Selected The Correct Outcome?", vbCritical + vbYesNo, "Continue Request?")
If Answer = vbYes Then 'Works fine here
'The bit I can't get right

[Code] .....

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Reports :: Printing Statements For Clients - Different Formats Within Same Report

Aug 5, 2015

I am printing statements for clients. Depending on certain criteria about the client, the format of the statement changes completely. This is just how the boss wants it, I have no control. I still want to generate all statements at one time (not separate reports).

I currently have this working using multiple subreports, and changing their Visibility property, only one being visible at any one time. This works, but it is very slow, I assume because I am basically making Access do triple the work (I have 3 subreports).

I pretty confident this is not the intended use of subreports. Is there a "correct" way to do what I am doing? I know I could just manipulate everything with VBA, but having subreports makes editing the different formats very easy.

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Update Query With Multiple Part If Statements

Aug 13, 2014

I have a table where I have 5 columns, (BatteryL1, BatteryL2, BatteryR1, BatteryR2 and BatterySize).I want to update BatterySize, with a value if any one of the above listed columns contains a specific value using something like 'LIKE' in the query.

For example:
UPDATE Customers
SET BatterySize=13
WHERE BatteryL1 LIKE '%13%'


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Queries :: Bank Holiday Date - Multiple IIF Statements

Jun 1, 2015

I've a nice formula which work the majority of the time, the only time this doesn't work is Bank Holidays. Is there a way to build on this:

>=Date()-IIf(Weekday(Date(),2)<2,4,2) And <=Date()-1

The above simply runs a report for the last working day, expect if today is a Monday then it runs Fri-Sun.

Im assuming if I know the dates of the Bank Holidays I could hardcode them into the beginning with multiple IIF statement followed by the one above??

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Queries :: Multiple Nested IIF Statements - Output In One Field

Mar 25, 2013

I am trying to get the output of several nested IIF expressions to show in only one filed in the table created. The output needs to be captured in a table. I am staring with create table to get it to work before I go ahead and use the sql to update the original table (the table the data is from)

I can get each to run fine independently and the whole thing runs too, the issue is it wants to put each expression in a new column, thus it is forcing me to label the expression.

Can I change this to only output in one column or add some more sql to do so?

Here is the SQL (table and filed names have been changed to protect the innocent)

BTW, I cannot change the Table the data comes from, I am stuck with the single table structure (BOO).

************************************************** *************
IIf([TABLE1]![PROJ_ACTUAL_D_DATE] Is Not Null,"Tier 1",
IIf([TABLE1]![APPROVAL_D]="Y","Tier 2",

[Code] .....

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Queries :: Missing Operator Error In Multiple Update Statements

Jun 22, 2015

I'm trying to run about 300 update statements and keep getting a syntax error of missing operator... what could be wrong?

UPDATE Applicants set [NBCC ID] = '351174' where SSN = '136861387'
UPDATE Applicants set [NBCC ID] = '350960' where SSN = '138885740'
UPDATE Applicants set [NBCC ID] = '350817' where SSN = '140082154'
UPDATE Applicants set [NBCC ID] = '351013' where SSN = '145766662'

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Reports :: Using Form With Command Buttons To Set Criteria - Quarterly Reports

Jul 17, 2015

I am using a form with command buttons on it to set the criteria in my query to run the report.

Example : cmdQ1 'Command Button

PHP Code:

'1st Quarterly Report.
BeginDate = DateSerial(Year(Date), Int((Month(Date) - 1) / 3) * 3 + 1, 1)
EndDate = DateSerial(Year(Date), Int((Month(Date) - 1) / 3) * 3 + 4, 0) 

I managed to get this far but need to continue on with 2,3, and 4th quarters.

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Queries :: How To Count Records Based On Multiple Criteria From Multiple Tables

Jan 4, 2014

I need to count records based on multiple criteria from two different tables. I have two tables (i.e. "tblTasks" and "tblTaskHistory"). The tables have a one-to-many relationship based on the "TaskID" field. "tblTasks" has a field called "AssignedTo" and "tblTaskHistory" has a field called "TaskStatus". I need to know how many tasks have been "reopened", the "reopened" status is located in the "TaskStatus" field in "tblTaskHistory". I need this count against a unique listing of employees which can be found in the "AssignedTo" field in "tblTasks".

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Reports :: Print Only Report Matching Current Record In Form Among Multiple Reports

Oct 2, 2013

I have been an MS Excel man all along my career and I am a novice in MS Access.I have created a table, [Initial Customer Approval] which records data from a Form, [Initial Customer Approval]. Once the data is entered in the Form, I need to do some calculations based on the data entered in some of the fields in the form.I created 6 different queries for the six possible values in those fields. now for each of those queries I created respective reports.I placed a Print command button in the Form.

1. When I press the Print button it should open the report for the current record in the Form. (Currently It Opens all the reports simulatneously, with only one relevant report containing the current record; other opened reports being blank.)

2. If user presses the Print button before pressing Save button then system should prompt user.

Here is the code (Please note [reference number] is the unique ID generated for each record entered in the tabe through form):

Private bSaveClicked As Boolean
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Not bSaveClicked Then
MsgBox "You are trying to navigate away from the active record. Please either save your changes, or press ESC to cancel your changes.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation
Cancel = True


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Reports :: Pass Listbox Parameters To Pull Multiple Separate Reports

Nov 23, 2013

I have a form that the user can add Work Order numbers to a text box and pass them to a listbox to collect 1 or more values. Each of which need a separate report with the labour hours for each Work Order.

I am having issues figuring out how to get it to pass them to a query or filter the reports.

I have tried many different examples and nothing seems to work.

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