Reports :: Justify Text In A Letter

Nov 19, 2013

I'm creating a form letter in Access 2002 and the letter is completed but I want to change the formatting from align left to justify but can't find a way to do this. The detail section contains 2 label boxes and 1 text box.

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Reports :: Prompt For Date And Insert Into Letter?

Nov 18, 2013

I'm using MS Access 2002 and I'm trying to create a prompt for a date and then enter that date into the body of the letter.

Also can the date format be short and converted into a long format on the letter.

Prompt - Enter Date
Date entered = 12/31/2013

Sample Letter:

Your subscription ends on December 31, 2013 if you would like to renew etc.....

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Reports :: Create Letter Using Fields In Query

Mar 14, 2014

All, using access 2010. I am working with an existing database that have a letter programmed using fields in a query. I have to add to it but having a trouble. Merge in Word was not used. I can't find any examples. The letter is designed in a report design. Using the fields from a query and filtered by "IIF Statements".

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General :: Changing Text So That First Letter Is Uppercase

Nov 24, 2012

I want to change text in txt boxes. when a new customer is being created we are too lazy to put uppercase in. so i want to change the text so the first letter is uppercase. i have used this on every event and it doesn't change a thing.

PHP Code:

Private Sub txtTown_AfterUpdate()LResult = StrConv("TECH ON THE NET", 3)End Sub
Private Sub txtPostcode_AfterUpdate()LResult = StrConv([txtPostcode], 1)End Sub
Private Sub txtStreet_AfterUpdate()LResult = StrConv([txtStreet], 3)End Sub
Private Sub txtFirstName_BeforeUpdate()LResult = StrConv([txtFirstName], 3)End Sub 

I have this at the top

PHP Code : Option Compare DatabaseOption ExplicitDim LResult As StringDim LResponse As Integer 

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Modules & VBA :: Text Box Searches With Every Added Letter To String

Sep 16, 2014

I'm trying to add a search function the searches with ever letter I add to the string in the search box. if the string is not in the recordset then vbred the textbox.

Here's my code:

Private Sub txtGroupNr_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
Set RstRecSet = Nothing
Set db = CurrentDb
On Error Resume Next
If IsNull(txtGroupNr) Or txtGroupNr = "" Then
' MsgBox "Please enter a Group Number to use as the search criteria", _

[Code] ....

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Exporting To A Fixed Width Txt File - How Do I Right Justify Fields?

Sep 1, 2004

I have a spec set up that controls the settings for an export file. the table and the form are set up with fields that are right justified. When the data is entered into the table from the form, it shows in the table as right justified. When I run a query and then try to export the results, I use the spec I set up to deliver the txt file in a fixed width ASCII txt file. The data shows in the txt file as left justified. - I need it to be right justified.


$ amount- in the table, the dollar amount is 11 char long and is right justified do it looks like this: |-------7.50| I need those spaces (-) in the export file yet when I export it, it is left. The wizard shows a preview, yet there is no way to make it right.

Can I add blank spaces in the database or space fill the 7 preceding Char in the field with some sort of invisible char or zeros?

Any help would be great - thanks

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Storing The First Letter Of First Name, First Letter Of Last Name And Data Of Birth

Feb 19, 2006


I'm designing a database in which the primary key is a combination of the first letter of first name, the first letter of last name and the date of birth.

How can I do that?


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Modules & VBA :: Body Of Outlook Email - Left Justify String

Mar 5, 2015

I have the following string of text that I currently push out to the body of an Outlook email (using the DoCmd.SendObject function with an Access report):

sMsgBody = "Please find attached the specified Final Costing Report for WO# " & WO & vbCr & vbCr
sMsgBody = sMsgBody & "Dealer: " & rs.Fields(0).Value & vbCr
sMsgBody = sMsgBody & "Model: " & rs.Fields(1).Value & " : " & rs.Fields(2).Value & " : " & rs.Fields(3).Value & " : " & rs.Fields(4).Value & vbCr
sMsgBody = sMsgBody & "Margin $: " & rs.Fields(5).Value & vbCr
sMsgBody = sMsgBody & "Margin %: " & rs.Fields(6).Value & vbCr

Which is great and works fine! It appears in the email like so:


Now, it has been requested that the data to be left justified to the widest line... so, in this scenario, it would look like this:


I've searched for ways this might be accomplished so it's always left justified to the widest line, but haven't come across any definitive solutions yet.

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Letter By Letter Search Through A Table

Aug 21, 2005

ok here is what i want.. imagine a search box, just an empty text box that allows the user to type things into it...

there will be a simple table from the database behind it, here is the typical structure of a record


in this table there will be say a 1000 of these records...
my user is going to have to quickly search through these records while on the phone to a customer, and quote one of the relevant prices associated with that country

what i would like is this most convenient system..
as the user types in the letter 'P' just below all the records with countries that begin with 'P' are displayed (with a scroll down arrow if needed) well as the 3 relevant prices with that record

if they then type an 'O' into the box (which will now hold 'Po') all the records with countries beginin with 'Po' will be displayed (eg Poland)

if they delete the 'o'. once again the displayed records below the box will return to just the countries begginin with 'p'

all that is needed is for the records to be displayed, thats it.. but the adding and deleting of the letters within the text search box will need to instantly manipulate this list..

i have posted on other forums, and have been told this can be acheived in access, is it hard?

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Reports :: Report In Which A Textbox Generates Numerical Values And Letter Values

Aug 6, 2014

I have a report in which a textbox generates numerical values and letter values. I want to...On report load - if textbox = numbers then hide otherwise show if it contains letter values.

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Reports :: Can Shrink On Reports With Adjacent Text Boxes

Apr 11, 2013

I have a report that has Bill to and Ship to addresses. They are positioned across from one another (ship to on the right and bill to on the left of the page). The issue is that the 'can shrink' doesn't work when there is data in the same field on the other address..

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Reports :: Splitting Single Field Into Multiple Text Boxes Or Multiline Text Box

Jun 4, 2013

I have a single field in a table called "Client Contact", where users enter a semicolon between the name, address, and city state & zip. My reason for this was so we could copy client info with a single copy and paste (like from an email). But, on the final report, it needs to have these three parts split up into different lines, or even different textboxes. I can't find a way to do that.

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Reports :: Find And Replace Text Across Many Text Boxes In Report Design

Jan 30, 2015

Is it possible to use find and replace to modify text in report design - or else is there something else I can do to get the same effect? I have a really useful report and I want to modify it for use with a different dataset. To do that I will need to change the text in over 150 text boxes. I have seven different fields which each occur over 20 times in the control source formulas in the text boxes, because they are used in different ways in different calculations. If this was excel I could do a simple find and replace to change e.g. every reference to fieldname OLD to fieldname NEW, but I cannot see how to do that within access report so am haveing to click on each text box in turn, go to properties and edit the text box .

I am trying to switch to a more general naming system in the modified report so then I will be able to assign data with the required fieldnames for the report within a query. But the report I am starting with has field names based on years 2013, 2014, 2015 etc.I want a quick way to change each reference to those field names to my more generic new field names.

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Reports :: Tooltip / Popup Text Box / Floating Text Box?

Jul 5, 2014

I have a report that lists incidents for a specific day (reference number, a brief description and a few other fields). There is also an additional notes field, which I would like to be viewable from within the report.

For example, as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the brief description text box. Or displayed in a textbox on the right (I don't want one textbox per line though, but instead a single re-usable textbox). Or a more information button/link that shows a "popup" containing the additional notes. I don't want to exit out of the current report, but stay within it.

I have tried to achieve this with a tooltip, but in fact even when I manually typed in a tooltip on the control's properties it wasn't displayed when I hovered over the text box.A pop-up or floating textbox would be preferable.

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Reports :: Text Box Make Bold Uppercase Text

Sep 18, 2014

is it possible with transform, only uppercase text contained in a report textbox, to bold? How? Through VBA?....

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Reports :: Text Box Truncates To 255 In All Reports

Mar 6, 2014

I use an Access database at work and there is little technical expertise for support. I have been using this database (or a copy of) for the last few years. I am not sure what happened or when but the problem now is that when you try to run a report (that I've ran a hundred plus times in the past) the text boxes only display 255 characters. The big question is what changed. I asked my team and the only logic is it happened during the annual transition when the database is copied into the next year and the CA table auto number is reset. We think that this started around this time. I was told the process used to reset the auto number was a combination of information found here support .microsoft. com/ kb/ 812718 and use of compact and repair.

So it was found that both the 2013 and 2014 databases are having this issue. We are hoping to avoid have to revert back to the 2012 database and import all the data and items (queries reports etc.) that have been created over the last two years.

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Reports :: Comma Won't Appear In Text Box Value

Nov 5, 2013

I have a text box that has an iif statement in it and a referenct to a numerical value that is suppose to be a currency.

The table that is providing the source for the report show the value as $x,xxx.xx and if a create a text box with just it in the report it shows as $x,xxx.xx but when I put it into the iif statement it shows as $xxxx.xx with no comma.

iif statement example in txtbox:

=iif([Happy]=true,"I am happy with " & [value] & " in profits","I am sad with " & [value] & " in profits")
[value] is suppose to be like $1,111.11 but instead their is no comma showing $1111.11.

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Reports :: Text Box Control

Oct 25, 2014

I am currently working on a project that is almost complete, but my only problem is that I am clueless as to how I can get a text box in my report to hide base on if a text box in my form is hidden. Meaning that whenever this particular text box in my form is hidden then the text box on my report should be hidden too. how to get my form and report text boxes in sync with each other.

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How To Display MEMO Text In Reports..

Jun 6, 2005

Hello Guys,
I am new to Access 2000 and issue is ,I have a field name product_name with datatype MEMO,when I chek my report at the place of product_name instead of the name of product it shows a squared symbol ,i dont understand how I can see the values of product_name.

SO anyone can help me out ,bcos of this I m stuck into my project.

Hope to get answer asap...


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Reports: Conditional Statements In Text Box

Mar 3, 2006

I am creating a report based off a query. My problem is that I am trying to create conditional statements within a unbounded text box. I would like to say: =[Field] where [Field2] = X. Unfortunately, I can not find any support on this matter.

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Reports :: DLookup For Text From ID Field?

Mar 27, 2013

I have a report based on a parameter query. One of the parameters is TM Name. This parameter value is selected from a list box. The table on which the query is based also has TM Name as a look-up from a list. So ofcourse the ID is showing in the TM Name field on the report...not the actual name.

I am attempting to use a Dlookup to show the actual name than I will hide the field with the ID. Here's what I have as the control source:

=DLookUp("Name","TM_Names","[TM]=" & [Reports]![Report_TM_Records]![TM])

It is pulling in the value of the first row in the "Name" column of the "TM_Names" table. Doesn't seem to be looking at the value in the TM field on the reports.

My gut feeling is the report needs to be "saved" or "refreshed". I have tried a few macros to do this but I get errors.

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Reports :: Split Into Two Text If Overflow

Oct 15, 2013

I am trying to create another text filed if the first one is overflow in a report.

Text= If my time was right I would have taken the chance to find another job but it was not possible since there was nothing available at that time

Text count for above is 147.

Text1 width =85 characters
Text1= If my time was right I would have taken the chance to find another job but it was not

Text2 width =85 characters
Text2= possible since there was nothing available at that time

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Reports :: Getting Blank In Text Box Instead Of Displaying Zero

Mar 11, 2014

I am trying to display zeros in a report and at present I'm getting blank in text box where the value is zero. How do I display zero?

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Reports :: Text Box From Drop Down Not Working

Jan 7, 2014

I have a textbox that has 3 columns in it (Rank, First Name, Last Name)...when the user selects the appropriate choice, it just shows the Rank.

Ex: Lt. John Smith --> just shows Lt.

To get around this I made an unbound text box and have it set to show all three choices when the selection is made in the drop down box. Unfortunately, it isn't working right. This is the code I am using for the text box:

=[OPRID].[column](1) & [OPRID].[column](2) & [OPRID].[column](3)

Is there anything that looks wrong with this code?

What it ends up showing in the text box is: JohnSmith (no rank, no space between the names).

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Reports :: Adding A TON Of Text To A Report

Jun 27, 2013

When I send a customer a work order, I want the final page to be a list of conditions of the current sale. In Word, it is nearly a full page of 7pt font with bold and italic. What is the best way to add this to the end of my report in Access?

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Reports :: Calculated Text Box With Values Less Than 600

Feb 10, 2014

I have a textbox in a report that I would like to calculate the sum of values that are less than 600.Then have a second textbox that counts the number of records that have values less than 600..This is based off of a query with calculated fields..I have been working with a formula that looks something like this


But all I get is a value of 0.BaleETime is the elapsed time between bales.

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