Reports :: Layout - Wrapped Text For Corresponding Fields

Feb 2, 2014

One of the fields in the report can have multiple records and the field next to it has corresponding data. This is fine, but gets messy if the text in the first field goes over 1 line.

This looks okay for the report
name1 - details1 cost1
name2 - details2 cost2
name3 - details3 cost3
name4 - details4 cost4

But I have been asked to ensure that the costs line up with the corresponding name and details, which is a problem if more than 1 line is required.
name1 - details1 cost1
name2 - lots of .. cost2
details2 ............ cost3
name3 - details3 cost4
name4 - details4

I guess the only thing I can really do is check the length of the record against the width of the field and try to work out how many lines are required. If more than 1, then I add a vbCrLf for each additional line to the cost column.

The reports are in Ariel, so would I need to change to Courier? Other than trial and error, i'm not sure about how to get the desired lengths - or is there some other way of going about this?

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Forms :: Text Box Layout As Per Screen Resolution

Jul 13, 2013

I want to place a text box at the right bottom corner of a form. I tried but its position is changing as per moinitor sizes.

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Can A Field In A Table Be Wrapped At 50 Characters?

Oct 22, 2004

I have to import a field from Excell that contains more than 50 characters in the field.

I need the line to stop at the last complete word prior to 50 characters and start the next record in that field automaticly and continue to fill and wrap at the last complete word prior to 50 characters.

Would it be better to do this in another Office 2K program?

I have several thousand lines to type if this can't be automated. What a drag.


M :confused:

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Reports :: Inventory Database - Printing A Report That Matches Real Layout

Jul 20, 2015

I want to track inventory. All our items are tubes that are stored in boxes in a 10x10 grid. So I have a single access table with columns for tube ID, box ID, and position in the box (numbered 1-100). That works fine in terms of 'where can I find tube x'. However it's also useful to be able to look at the physical box & check that there are tubes where should be tubes, and empty spaces where there should be empty spaces. So for each box in the database, I want to print out a 10x10 grid, with the appropriate tube ID's in the appropriate place. Then I can easily check the layout in the database against the layout in the actual box.

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Reports :: Display Report In Popup Window And Maximize In Print Preview Layout

Dec 22, 2013

I have created a report with a subreport for my database. The user selects the project for which he/she wants to see a report. Once the project is selected, the report is displayed in a popup window and maximized in the print preview layout. This allows the user to view and read the report. Once this is done, there are no buttons or menus on the screen that allows the user to send the report to a printer or file.

Other than the report, there are minimize / maximize and close buttons at the top right of the window and page selection buttons at the bottom left of the window. If the user wants to print the report, they must either hit ctrl-P or right click the mouse on the screen to display a menu from which the user can select print to open a print dialog box. Is there any way to add a button or menu to the print preview that appears on the screen to make printing easier?

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Reports :: Summing Calculated Fields On Reports And Tables To Include Cents?

Feb 18, 2014

In my tables i have used calculated fields. one of the fields is to "total expenses." In a report, i need to show the sum of all the "total expenses", the filed populates in the report but the cents are missing. for example if the amount is 6080.40 it shows as 6080. how can i get around this? I have tried changing the decimal point value to 2 at which point the value turns to 6080.00 when it should be 6080.40 (i am a beginner at this i am assuming the answer will probably involve c++ or visual basic's, two concepts i am not familiar with.)

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Reports :: Can Shrink On Reports With Adjacent Text Boxes

Apr 11, 2013

I have a report that has Bill to and Ship to addresses. They are positioned across from one another (ship to on the right and bill to on the left of the page). The issue is that the 'can shrink' doesn't work when there is data in the same field on the other address..

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Reports :: Splitting Single Field Into Multiple Text Boxes Or Multiline Text Box

Jun 4, 2013

I have a single field in a table called "Client Contact", where users enter a semicolon between the name, address, and city state & zip. My reason for this was so we could copy client info with a single copy and paste (like from an email). But, on the final report, it needs to have these three parts split up into different lines, or even different textboxes. I can't find a way to do that.

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Reports :: Find And Replace Text Across Many Text Boxes In Report Design

Jan 30, 2015

Is it possible to use find and replace to modify text in report design - or else is there something else I can do to get the same effect? I have a really useful report and I want to modify it for use with a different dataset. To do that I will need to change the text in over 150 text boxes. I have seven different fields which each occur over 20 times in the control source formulas in the text boxes, because they are used in different ways in different calculations. If this was excel I could do a simple find and replace to change e.g. every reference to fieldname OLD to fieldname NEW, but I cannot see how to do that within access report so am haveing to click on each text box in turn, go to properties and edit the text box .

I am trying to switch to a more general naming system in the modified report so then I will be able to assign data with the required fieldnames for the report within a query. But the report I am starting with has field names based on years 2013, 2014, 2015 etc.I want a quick way to change each reference to those field names to my more generic new field names.

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Reports :: Tooltip / Popup Text Box / Floating Text Box?

Jul 5, 2014

I have a report that lists incidents for a specific day (reference number, a brief description and a few other fields). There is also an additional notes field, which I would like to be viewable from within the report.

For example, as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the brief description text box. Or displayed in a textbox on the right (I don't want one textbox per line though, but instead a single re-usable textbox). Or a more information button/link that shows a "popup" containing the additional notes. I don't want to exit out of the current report, but stay within it.

I have tried to achieve this with a tooltip, but in fact even when I manually typed in a tooltip on the control's properties it wasn't displayed when I hovered over the text box.A pop-up or floating textbox would be preferable.

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Reports :: Text Box Make Bold Uppercase Text

Sep 18, 2014

is it possible with transform, only uppercase text contained in a report textbox, to bold? How? Through VBA?....

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Reports :: Zero Values And Calculated Fields In Reports?

Nov 13, 2013

I am trying to get calculated fields in my report to work but zero values in the data are throwing up #Div/0! and #Error! and #Num!

The main data fields I am trying to work with are:


My aim is to track mileage and consumption for a fleet of vehicles and show daily and weekly averages in mileage and consumption and then to flag 20% increase in consumption.

I have a calculated field in my report named Kilometers,

= [VehicleReading]-[PreviousReading]

and also a calculated field named Consumption,


My sum and average calculation fields in the group footers are only working where there are values above zero in the Kilometer and VehicleLitres and Consumption fields.

In reality there are some days where there has been no travel, so some records will have a zero for the Kilometers field and there are also days when there has been no refueling so there is a zero for the VehicleLitres field.

I have tried using the expression builder to create an IIf function but to no avail.

I have tried copying the syntax suggested by the Expression builder:

«Expr» IIf («expr». «truepart». «falsepart»)

I know I need to get those zero's to fail in the calculation but as I said before all of the suggested expressions I have tried fail due to syntax!

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Forms :: Gray-out / Disable Text Fields By Checking A Text Box

Nov 21, 2013

how can i disable a textfield or two in a form when the textbox is unchecked also how do i add a default value for it while the textbox itself is disabled, can i get away with it by adding a default value on the textbox?

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Reports :: Text Box Truncates To 255 In All Reports

Mar 6, 2014

I use an Access database at work and there is little technical expertise for support. I have been using this database (or a copy of) for the last few years. I am not sure what happened or when but the problem now is that when you try to run a report (that I've ran a hundred plus times in the past) the text boxes only display 255 characters. The big question is what changed. I asked my team and the only logic is it happened during the annual transition when the database is copied into the next year and the CA table auto number is reset. We think that this started around this time. I was told the process used to reset the auto number was a combination of information found here support .microsoft. com/ kb/ 812718 and use of compact and repair.

So it was found that both the 2013 and 2014 databases are having this issue. We are hoping to avoid have to revert back to the 2012 database and import all the data and items (queries reports etc.) that have been created over the last two years.

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Datasheet Layout Changes

Oct 26, 2005

I have subforms that are datasheet view, if the user rearranges the coloumns, or resizes etc , I would like to save what they have done so it is as they left it next time they open up the screen.

This works fine with an mdb (all my forms are set to close acsaveNo).

However in an mde this doesn't work.

Can I get this to happen in and mde.

(A button that saves a layout change would be fine for my purpose)



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Changing Layout

Mar 16, 2006

Hello Everyone,

I'm pulling my hair off with this situation. I have an excel file that was given to us by the payroll department of our company, but my manager doesn't like the layout in which was given to us. I've attached a sample of the file, the file has two sheets the first one is how the original file looks like and the second sheet "final look" is how my manager want the file to look.The original file is pretty big, it's for 33 different employees and it contains 93,500 rows. I think it will take forever to do this manually, any ideas would be really appreciated.



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Relationships Layout

Mar 1, 2007

I had a couple of forms go corrupt in one of my databases this morning, which has around 50 or so tables in it. I repaired the database by creating a new db then importing all the db objects from the original and the 2 corrupted forms from yesterday's backup.

However, the relationships table is now a disorganized mess. Is there some way to import the layout of the relationships table from the original db or am I stuck with manually re-arranging?

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Report Layout

Nov 20, 2007

Hi all,

How should I do if I want to display my records in Report by 3col x 5row instead of 1col x 15row.

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Database Layout

Jan 13, 2005

I have an issue with a database layout and I am not sure which is the best way to proceed.

The problem is in an invoice part of a db . When a service is delivered, say 2 hours of a technicians time, it has to be assigned to a particular tech. No problem when there is only one tech however there could be two or more techs who have helped to supply this particular service and the time ( and income) needs to be divided up between them. However the invoice can only show one item the ie total time taken to deliver the service ( quite likely to be a fixed cost for a particular service ).

Possibilties I have considered are: to have a number of fields in the invoice detail table , one for each tech, however I would have to assume a maximum number of possible techs per job and also there would be a lot of redundant fields and trying to analyse how many hours each has worked would be painful.

Each tech could be assigned a code ( single number or letter ) and these could be stored in a single field . The code would then have to be manipulated to work out how many techs worked on each item and how much each had worked. Again this is rather messy.

I think the ideal would be for each tech to have their own table where each time an service was invoiced which they helped delivered the appropiate percentage is assigned but I cant quite see how to do this.

Any ideas or examples gratefully recieved

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Table Layout

Apr 11, 2007

17099Good Morning

I was wondering if someone can please assist/advice. I am currently a bit stuck and feeling like I am walking into a dead end the whole time.
I am currently creating a DB with the purpose of Capturing Potential Candidates provide them with an ID. Fill in their basic details Name Surname, submit to a report, which I will then export, email to them, they will fill in the outstanding information requested, send it back and will import it back into the DB with my various queries to run searches on candidates for placements.

My only problem is that I have quite a lot of fields...

So I Decided to Create 4 Tables
In each table I am using the same ID for a person so should be a 1 to 1 Relationship.

1 General Information
2 Info Relating to Skill
3 Work History
4 Qualifications.

I have all of these separate tables due to the fact that with all the records in one i exceed my 255 table fields allowed

But then if I decide to create a query so I can run some of the details i get errors because there are to many fields. Even if i run one on the other. My last one will still have to many fields.
Basically I am hoping someone can just assist in what would be the best way for me to lay out my tables. And what would be the best to link these tables.
Is it better to have all the records horizontally, or as a one to many with duplicates.

Please find attached a copy of the tables. I would really appreciate any advice

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Sub-Form Layout

Aug 12, 2006


I created a sub-form using the wizard; however, I can't get it to view as Calumnar even when I move its text boxes about and change their order. When I run it, it always show as a datasheet!

Any suggestions will be very much appreciated.


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Checkboxes Layout

Jun 18, 2005

Is there a way of putting the checkbox to the right of the text other than dragging it over?

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How To Show The Data In Such Layout

Jul 9, 2007

I have this very important question, I dont know how to do it but I am sure Access support this and it is doable.

I have the following recorset:

Name LeaveType LeaveDate LeaveYear

Frank Annual 25/06/2007 2007
Frank Annual 30/04/2007 2007
Frank Unpaid 11/09/2004 2004

James Unpaid 04/03/2006 2006
James Unpaid 19/09/2006 2006

Meco Paternity 17/12/2004 2004
Meco Paternity 18/12/2004 2004
Meco Annual 02/07/2006 2006

Paolo Annual 25/06/2007 2007
Paolo Annual 12/06/2007 2007
Paolo Annual 24/06/2004 2004

I want the data to be shown in a report as follow:

Name: Frank

Leave Type200720062004

Paternity 000

Name: James

Leave Type200720062004

Paternity 000

Name: Meco

Leave Type200720062004

Paternity 002

Name: Paolo

Leave Type200720062004

Paternity 000



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Complex Table Layout Help

Jun 27, 2005

I am working on a complex database to store Business information as well as specific into about that Business... here is the tricky part...

The individual companies are sorted by Business type (i.e. Computer Software Companies, Child Care Providers, Commercial Building Contractors, etc.) and each Business type needs to hold a simi-customized set of information (i.e. Commercial Building Contractors needs Total AZ Billings for Commercial Bldg., $ Awarded for Completed Contracts, % of Work Subcontracted, No. of Local Employees, and Areas of Specialty). I will refer to each type of information as a Category. Each Business Type has between 4 and 7 Categories. Within a Business Type there are between 10 and 30 companies listed. There will be just over 200 Business Types listed within my database structure, as well as around 100 unique types of Categories.

Primarily, I need to be able to query and format each Business Type, to include the Companies information as well as each Category that is associated with the Business in a flat spreadsheet style layout.

Now, I intend to create a unique report (if needed) for each Business Type as needed to customize the look (i.e. column widths and any other special formatting needed) of each Business Type,

Here is where I stand currently with this project…

I have 4 tables,
1. Business (it includes basic contact info that is common to all business)
2. Category (is basically a list of all possible categories)
3. BusinessCategory (a Many-to-Many relationship container that links the BusinessID to the CategoryID and includes the corresponding Value)
4. BusinessType (a list of business types that a business can belong to)

This structure seems to work in that it can handle the customization of categories for each Business within a BusinessType. The problem I am running into with this structure is creating a query to handle the data and create a “flat” table for a BusinessType with each Business and it’s categories.

It may be that I can use this structure to do what I need done, however I think that there must be a better way to structure my data to work the way I need it to work. I really appreciate your input on this!

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Database Layout Questions

Nov 15, 2005

I have designed a few databases for my work. I have been recently assigned a new one that has me a little stumped. I am looking for some suggestions as to how to go about this.
Essentially, we have a training department that does training in the various aspects of the job. In the various classes, the "students" take a midterm exam to gauge the level of retention of the training midpoint in the class. Then at the end of the class, they need to take a final exam.
My department director would like the "students" to be able to take the exams using Access, since 99% of the questions are either multiple choice, yes/no, true/false, or fill in the blank, and Access would be able to "auto-grade" the tests, essentially.
I am at a loss, basically, as to the layout. The "student" information table would be the easy part. I am unsure of how to create the tables that would have the questions, depending on the class and whether it is a midterm or final, with the answer choices attached.
Any suggestions?

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Form Layout/Syles

Sep 7, 2006

Ive been using the form wizard, with columnar but I find it squishes up some of the words, and doesnt use the whole screen width, is there a way I can change this? and is there anywhere that you can download more styles?

Any thoughts would be awesome.
Cheers Ezy

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