Reports :: Making Textbox Invisible When Null On A Report?

Oct 31, 2013

i have been trying to figure out how to make a textbox if it is null to be invisible on a report.

I selected the detail section on the report, under the Event tab, On Format option then selected [Event Procedure] and then clicked on the ellipses.

Tbl_Receipt_Description is the name of the text box.
If Me.Tbl_Receipt_Description = " " then
Me.Tbl_Receipt_Description.Visible = False
Me.Tbl_Receipt_Description.Visible = True
End If

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Reports :: How To Arrange Columns In A Report (visible / Invisible)

Apr 17, 2015

I've accomplished some simpler things like hiding fields based on the data in another field but nothing very complex. To the point: I have a report that shows data in both rows and columns, the report has a 7 columns, 3 of which could or could not contain data other than zero, in which case the column is not displayed. The problem I have is that it could be any of those three at any given time depending on what data is available for that report and what the user wants to see. Basically, if a given company has no data regarding column "A", then column A is hidden, but the main grouping is done through rows so all companies contain at least 0 for all columns (what I did is that, if a field sums the whole column returns 0, then the column is not visible). What I need to get working is the second part of this, have the columns rearrange themselves depending on which column is hidden (it could be that all 3 are hidden). How could I make this work? (btw, autoshrink is not usefull for this since it only shrinks vertically, not horizontally).

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Reports :: Setting Static Textbox To Null?

Sep 15, 2013

I am new to access. I have created a report form a query and have fields with a value of "0" or "$0.00" I would like to set a static textbox to Null. I belive it can be done with the IFF function but I get a syntax error.

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Making Data Visible Or Invisible In A Form?

Feb 16, 2007

My question is how can I make data in a form visible or invisible just by a button. In other words, if I have a group of buttons, based on the button selected I would want certain data to appear.

I know that this is possible, I have seen it done but just cannot find out how to do it or what this is called to look it up in Helps.


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Modules & VBA :: Making Already Opened Excel File Invisible

Jan 14, 2014

I have the following code. In the Else part of the code, after the wb.Activate line, what code can I place here that will assign wb.Name to the objExcelApp object ao that when the line .Visible = False kicks in, it will make the already opened MS Excel file invisible.

Dim strExcelFile As String
Dim wb As Workbook
Set objExcelApp = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
If objExcelApp Is Nothing Then
Set objExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
objExcelApp.Workbooks.Open FileName:=strExcelFile


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Reports :: Making And Saving A Report Template

Aug 15, 2014

I have developed an Access Database for my Co-Op work term workplace, and everything seems to be running smoothly with the exception of the report generation phase. The company I am at has a set template for all reports (Clients column always goes in a specific place on the page, and the report always contains the same categories in the same locations; things like that). The problem is that, every time I go to make a new report, I have to re-format and re-make the report. Is it possible to save a report`s format so that, when I go to make a new report, it automatically applies that format to the data being used?

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Reports :: Making Report Monthly / Yearly And Weekly

Mar 10, 2015

how to create the report monthly,year and weekly using access 2007?

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Reports :: Making Labels With Report - Repeating Label

Jul 18, 2013

I am making labels to stick on containers that we're shipping out. Some shipments will have only 1 container and some will have more than 1.Can I have it repeat a label if there are more than 1 container for an order?

For example:
Shipment 1 has 3 containers. The label says "3 x DM" and it will make one label.

Can I set it somehow to print that label three times? What about adding incremental text, e.g. 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3?

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Making Form Buttons Visible/Invisible Depending On The Contents Of A Field

Oct 23, 2004

I am trying to make a button on a form visible and invisible dependant on the contents of a field in my form, any ideas?

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Make Textbox Invisible By A Checkbox

Jan 3, 2007

Dear All:

I have a checkbox called "display_field" and a textbox called "Amount".

Any ideas on how I can make the textbox invisible when I place a check in the checkbox?

thanking in advance,


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Reports :: Passing A Variable To A Report Textbox

Sep 16, 2014

I have a form with 5 buttons on it. Each button is meant to select a warehouse location, so a query can be run to give an inventory report for that location. There is a separate query for each button and the OnClick event does properly modify the recordsource to give the appropriate data to the report for the location selected.

To this functionality I want the OnClick event VBA to pass the warehouse location to a textbox on the report, so the title of the report reflects that inventory location.

My code thus far is:

Private Sub Command5_Click()
Dim mySQL As String
Dim WHSE As String
mySQL = "SELECT [Master Part List].[Part Number], [Master Part List].Category, [Master Part List].Description, [Master Part List].MaterialCost, [Master Part List].Inventory, [Master Part List].Update, [MaterialCost]*[Inventory] AS [Total Cost], [Master Part List].Warehouse"

[Code] ....

When I get the report, the textbox is empty, instead of containing the text value for the warehouse location.

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Reports :: How To Run A Report To Only Show Null Values

Aug 20, 2014

I am very new to access. I have made a database that holds certain company information.

As part of a process a company must fill in and complete form and send to me and once they have I enter a 'yes' to the form and then link directly to said form.

I am wanting to be able to run a report to be able to only see the companies where a certain field has not been filled in.

For example I have a field for doc 698, if I have had this form back I enter a yes in this field, if I havent had this back I leave it blank and these blanks are what I want to pull off in the report.

I have made queries and then just filtered to show blanks but I would like to have in report form.

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Reports :: Capture Value Via Textbox Or Any Source For New Blank Report

Jul 7, 2013

I have a report in access 2007, now i need to ask that i am creating new blank report and just like to to capture value from other report via textbox or any source (you may reccommend), for e.g in Report A i have months and their total amounts now i want to add both these fields in new Report B where i will do the same with other previous reports to create summary of accounts.

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Reports :: Invalid Use Of Null Error On Loading Report

Jun 5, 2014

I am developing a database for my company which will produce reports based on data entered on various forms.

When the report opens, I would like its name to dynamically change to include the site, the client and their reference number. Although I know very little VBA, from searching this and other forums I have managed to get this to work on other forms.

On a different form, I have managed this by giving the form the caption "Caption" and then running the following code on load:

Reports("ItemisedQuoteFromQuoteFromViewSalesEnquiryFromSearch").Caption = "Our Quotation Ref: " & [StaffInitials] & "/" & [QuoteEnteredBy] & "/" & [QuotesJobsSalesEnquiryRecordNumber] & " - " & [ClientDetailsName] & " reference " & [JobsClientJobNumber]

Which will give the report a title along the lines of: "Our Quotation Ref: AB/CD/123456 - Client Name reference 987654".

On the report I am struggling with the code is:

Reports("MWUPropertyAssessment").Caption = "Property Assessment for " & [SiteDetailsAddressLine1] & ", " & [ClientDetailsName] & " reference: " & [PropertyAssessmentClientJobNumber]

However all this produces is "Property Assessment for , reference". If I try entering just "[SiteDetailsAddressLine1]", "[ClientDetailsName]" or "[PropertyAssessmentClientJobNumber]" I receive an Invalid use of Null error message.

If I create text boxes on the report for [SiteDetailsAddressLine1], [ClientDetailsName] and [PropertyAssessmentClientJobNumber] they are filled with the correct information so I know that these fields are not blank.

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Reports :: Hiding Null Records In Report With IIF Statement

Dec 29, 2014

I have a report based on a query with 3 fields (Tested, RMA, OpenRMA). The query searches all the tables in my database and gives me a count of the equipment tested, RMA reported and open rma.

The report has two fields (Equipment, NumberTested) with a total below and also a total of the RMAs and OpenRMAs. I'm trying to hide RMAs and OpenRMAs from appearing in the body and only showing below the total. All three totals are showing correctly, but I am still seeing RMA and Open RMA with a null in the count in the body.

So in the report's Equipment.control I wanted to put

Iif([NumberTested] is null, null, [Equipment])

Meaning if the numbertested field is null the equipment field will be blank, if it is not just leave what is in the equipment field there, but it returns a #Error in the printout. It seems to handle the two null records correctly. Trying Equipment.Value also returned the same error.

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Reports :: Get Count Of Distinct VolunteerID In Unbound Textbox On Report?

Jan 28, 2014

SELECT qryHoursReq.VolunteerId, qryHoursReq.Name, qryHoursReq.Program, Sum(qryHoursReq.Total_Time) AS SumOfTotal_Time, qryHoursReq.S_date
FROM qryHoursReq
GROUP BY qryHoursReq.VolunteerId, qryHoursReq.Name, qryHoursReq.Program, qryHoursReq.S_date
HAVING (((qryHoursReq.S_date) Between [startdate] And [enddate]));

This is my query

I'm trying to get a count of distinct volunteerID in an unbound textbox on report.

If I use =Count(*) I get 2 when I put in date parameters and it groups by program

This is kind of correct, but, these 2 are the same person, she had different days she participated.

What code can I use for only get a count of 1

FOrgot to mention, when I use the DCount with numerous examples, I get #Error

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Reports :: DLookup - Populate Textbox Based On Value That Is In Another Field On Report

Oct 20, 2014

I have a textbox on a report that I wish to populate based on the value that is in another textbox/field on the report, and I thought DLookup was the way to go - however, I cannot seem to get it to work.

I have a table (ComplaintsResponses) that has two fields, both text


The text from [ShortDescription] is saved in a field on another table that contains all the other relevant information that is used in the report, and whilst this short description is mostly fine, I have one report where I need the data from the larger [ResponseText] field.

I have tried the following code:

=DLookUp("[ResponseText]","[ComplaintsResponses]","[ShortDescription='" & [Reports]![PublicComplaintsArea]![txtSAPCRMResponse] & "'")


=DLookUp("[ResponseText]","[ComplaintsResponses]","[ShortDescription='" & [SAPCRMResponse] & "'")

Both of which return a #Error in the text box.

The field that contains the text that is used for the lookup is SAPCRMResponse, and the textbox on the report itself is called txtSAPCRMResponse.

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Reports :: Validation - Null Table Field Will Not Include In Report

Mar 30, 2013

I need to validate if a Field in my table is NULL, details of which will not be included in my report.

I attached sample report wherein the data is sorted by EXPIRATION DATE, first rows displayed the data of NULL EXPIRATION DATE FIELD ...

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Reports :: Null Date Field - Make Entire Entry Not Visible On Report

Dec 16, 2013

I am building a report that has a header with several details followed by a detail section.

What I need to do is make the entire entry not visible on the report if one of the dates is null.

So it looks like this

last first title id memb # date a date b
1. smith , john fng 8521 2356224
5/12/2012 6/20/2013
10/2/2013 (is null)

2. neckbone, jim dude 2548 85858412
6/20/2013 5/5/2014
8/5/2013 2/31/2013

On the report i want the 1st entry (smith john) not to be visible due to the null (B) Date.... but i want it to be visible once the date is entered...

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Forms :: Making Forms Invisible When Code Is Running

Jan 12, 2015

I'm opening forms to get data then closing using VB code.

Is there a way to stop the screen showing these forms as the code runs

something like Display refresh off then display refresh on.

Just to hide my workings.

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Invisible Field In Report?

Sep 30, 2014

[URL] making text boxes visible or invisible on a report depending upon criteria selected on a criteria form.

* I have a form [Frm_REPORT_Parameter_01] which has is a criteria selection menu related to a report. Among other criteria, is a combo box [CboGrade] which has the following options to select from "All", Excellent", "Good", "Fair", and "Poor"

* I have a report [FacilityIdentityReportDR]

* On this report, I have a trext field [TxtConditionHdr] that I want to make visible or invisible depending on what is selected in the form as criteria.

* I have a query [QryRPTFacilityIdentityRating01d]

The form criteria feeds the query that is the source for the report and the VBA coding behind the command button of the form is below. I have bolded my vba coding attempt to make the text field visible or invisible.:

Private Sub Command22_Click()
Dim strCrit1 As String
Dim strCrit2 As String
Dim strCrit3 As String
Dim strCrit4 As String


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Reports :: Report In Which A Textbox Generates Numerical Values And Letter Values

Aug 6, 2014

I have a report in which a textbox generates numerical values and letter values. I want to...On report load - if textbox = numbers then hide otherwise show if it contains letter values.

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Reports :: Make Fields Invisible In Detail Or Field Header?

Aug 20, 2013

Is there a simple way, or special event, that can be used to turn off the visibility of fields when they are in the detail or in a created header for a field?

I tried using the report's Load event, but this kept giving me errors. Are any of the events in the detail able to allow this?

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Forms :: Making Data In A Field On A Form Appear If Content Is Not Null

Dec 31, 2014

I have a subform with continuous records. One of the fields in the recordset of the subform is a field named "Remarks". This field does not need to be visible on the continuous subform as it is rare that this field will have any entries.

I plan to apply conditional formatting on another field (IDcardNo) in the record line of the continuous subform so that when field "Remarks" contains any data it will show as a different format on the field IDcardNo.

I would like to make a small form appear when one points to the IDcardNo field with the different format, so that the data in the field "Remarks" pops up when one points to the field IDcardNo with altered format, showing that there is data in the field "Remarks".

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Modules & VBA :: Loop For Labels Invisible / Not Invisible

Nov 8, 2013

I'm trying to get some labels and eventually text boxes to become visible on an input of a qty in a text box, but I can't get my syntax right.Here's what I have so far.

Private Sub More_qty_AfterUpdate()
Dim count As Integer
Dim pumplbl As String
For count = 1 To [More qty].Value
pumplbl = "pumplbl" & count
pumplbl.Visible = True

Next count

End Sub

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Queries :: Making Default Value Of A Form Textbox Control Minimum Value Of A Field

Mar 21, 2014

Expressions in Access have given me some trouble before. Mainly due to inexperience. I hardly ever work with them. What I am trying to do is make the default value of a form textbox control the minimum value of a field A in a table A. The datatype of Field A is Date.

So far I've got:

=Min([table A].[field A])

In the Default Value of the form's property sheet, but this just returns a blank value. I've had a look in the table and there is no value that is blank in field A.

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