Reports :: Members Database - Show Payments Of Yearly Subscriptions
Jun 27, 2013
I have a members DB that apart from full details also show payments of yearly subscriptions. I am trying to print a report that shows a list of all the lapsed members. sounds like a simple simple report, BUT...I have a table that includes male and female members on one club number, idealy man and wife, but if for some reason the part company one may not pay the others subs those making the other a lapsed member. is there anyway i can print one part without the other?
E.g. this is haw it prints now
Male Name Paid Female Name Paid
J Smith No M Smith Yes
i am making a db for a gym. the members pay yearly and the fact that they have paid is shown by a tick box in the members table. i therefore want to reset these boxes to 'No' at the beginning of each year. anyone got any way that this could be done. thanks
I have a query that lists members who have outstanding payments. The results of this query are being used to populate a winword mail merge document.
The problem with this query is that if there are multiple members from the same family who owe then I will get an entry for each of them in my query results. What I would like to do is add the amounts due so that I only have 1 entry for that family. Additionally, since it is possible that more than 1 person can have the same last name and not be related I would also like to have the query check the address field and if it's the same than add the amounts due. The following is the sql statement for the current query.
SELECT Members.FirstName, Members.LastName, Members.ParentsNames, Members.HomePhone, Members.PaymentDue, Members.Active, Members.MemberDues, Members.FamilyAmount FROM Members INNER JOIN MemberTypes ON Members.MemberTypeID = MemberTypes.MemberTypeID WHERE (((Members.PaymentDue)=Yes) AND ((Members.Active)=Yes)) ORDER BY Members.LastName;
I made a report that show a list of data where there is a date. It sorts the report by year then by month.I collects the information about the date from a field in a table where the whole date is inserted (example28.12.2014. (date/month/year)).What I want is to make a combobox or a listbox where you would chose a year you want it to show you the report for and a button that would open the report.So to make it clear in a form you would have a combobox where years would be displayed (and i would like the combobox to somehow know what years are inserted in the table), you select the year and click on the button that would open the report for that year.
The report name is "rptClients". The table from where the data for report is taken is "tblCustomers" and the field where the date is in the table is called "DateOfUse".Also in the report the date is in a field called "DateOfUse" also.
I have a report that has two sub reports one to report deposits and the other to report payments.
The report prints fine if there are records in both sub reports, however when the payments sub report is blank then the report hangs and won't print to pdf at all.
Hello, i am creating a database for a membership of my martial arts academy, so far i can add and search members.
i would like to have a mail merge feature on this, so that i have a list of all the people with a check box next to their name, if the box is ticked their name is added to the mail merge. if its not ticked its not added.
frmPayments (Bound to tblPayments) - Main Form for payment entry. frmInvoice Sub (Bound to tblInvoice) - Sub form to display not paid invoices.
What i need is a Command button , lets named it "Commit", to perform a few tasks :
1. When click, prompt message asking whether to Save current payment record when all relevant input is completed during data entry.
2. If Answer is "Yes", then it will compare the "Invoice No" on the Main Form with the "Invoice No" of the Sub
Form , and if found to match, then put a tick in the "Yes/No" field of Invoice Table (tblInvoice) against the matching "Invoice No" of Main Form. This is to record payments made to this particular Invoice in Invoice Table.
3. Proceed to save current record, Refresh Main Form to be ready for a new data entry.
4.If Answer is "No", discard all current entries in the Main Form, Refresh to be ready for a new data entry.
I am building a simple invoicing system so far with 2 tables customer details item details
The items are usually subscriptions which can last 3, 6, 12 or 24 months (but needs to be flexible if more options are offered in the future) and I am currently storing the start date in field 'start'date' and the number of months the subscription lasts in field 'recurrence'.
Every month I need to produce a report which shows the subscriptions due in that calendar month. Eg: subsc A - start 1/1/06 recurrence 3 months subsc B - start 1/1/06 recurrence 6 months
So report for March 06 would should subsc A due report for June 06 would show subsc A & subsc B due
I would be grateful for any pointers in calculating & producing the report.
I have an attendance database and I connect the time attendance machine db to my access db, what i am trying to do is to generate a report that shows the time in and time out for specific date. the type of attendance db is date/time.
Please see the attached screenshot db from attendance machine.
an also some time there is duplicate entry, I need to get the first and the last entry only for specific date.
I have a database of high-school football players, and I am looking to print out single page reports (or forms) that will show detail from several tables and queries. This will act as their resume when they visit schools on recruiting visits. The reason for needing query items, is that I have developed queries that return the most up to date height, weight, 40 time etc., and that single most up to date number is what should print, not the entire table. When I try to build a report it will let me bring in multiple tables, but not queries.
I have tab controls, each of which holds a report. If the report is longer than the tab control the report is stuck there. no slide bars, no overflow. I have set scroll bars but they dont seem to take or work. I need to find a way to add verticle scroll bars to the reports within the tab controls so that you can view the entire report. I have included a screen print of what I mean.
I'm trying to create a report where I can use a section header as a hyperlink to show/hide detail, but only for that section. For example, my customer names are:
Code: ABC Co. ZYX Co. 123 Co.
If I click on ZYX Co., I want it to show the contracts for ONLY that customer:
Here what I want to do. I want to use the autonumber facility which will restart by itself yearly in the following way. 1/2004 2/2004 3/2004 4/2004 . . 1/2005 2/2005 3/2005 4/2005
I'm currently attempting to setup a small database to track a few things for the company I work for, namely attendance. Currently they use an excel spreadsheet that covers the current year. This worked great for them when they were still a small company, but with the number of employees shooting from 50'ish to a couple hundred the spreadsheet is just not a viable option any more.
What I need is suggestions on the best way(s) to go about implementing this.
First, I need to do a 1 year look back, on a montly level is fine. So from January 2008 back to January 2007 will work fine. What i have currently setup is a form with 12 of the basic Calender controls built into access 2003. Unfortunatley these wont quite work.
Basic layout of my database so far will be an employees info table, a lookup table for Attendance codes and their infraction values and an attendance (or I suppose more technically an absence) table. I would like to have a form that displays a calendar view for the last 12 months, that will allow me to view / update any absences for an employee. I would also like a way to insert company holidays / shutdowns in to the attendance table in a way that marks it on any employees calendar as a scheduled day off. I assumed i could do this with a simple "all" employee along with the dates and have the calendar search for entries with the Employee ID as well as the All flag and mark those on the calendar.
I think if i can just get the calendar setup covered I can figure out the rest of the data aspects, I'm just stuck on finding a decent way to implement the Calendar Aspect.
Got a little system going whereby when a job is created it will display the date that the job is next due by.
I'm trying to work out how to create a qry that will display all due dates & not just the next one.
Here is how it should work. If a job is created on the 1st of April 2007 & the type of job is MONTHLY then I want it to list the rest of the monthly orders that are planned for the year.
Here are the different PPM types that I'm using to calculate with 8784= Yearly 43848= 5 Yearly 2208= 3 Monthly 744= Monthly 168= Weekly
Has anyone done anything similar cause I can't see how it can be done?
This is what I'm using to create the next date due
Here is my qry that the above code is in. SELECT tblPPMType.PPMID, tblBuildings.PropertyName, tblPPMType.PPMType, tblTasks.DateReported, tblPPMType.PPMNextDue, DateAdd("h",DLookUp("[PPMNextDue]","[tblPPMType]","[tblPPMType]![PPMID]=" & [PPMID]),[DateReported]) AS NextDue, tblContracts.ConDescription FROM tblContracts INNER JOIN (tblBuildings INNER JOIN (tblPPMType INNER JOIN tblTasks ON tblPPMType.PPMType = tblTasks.JobDetails) ON tblBuildings.ProID = tblTasks.BuildingID) ON tblContracts.ContID = tblTasks.ContractNo ORDER BY tblPPMType.PPMType;
I am trying to track a yearly training in Access 2010 but am not quite sure how to accomplish it. The training originally was just a one-time thing, due within two weeks of a new hire's start date so I currently have it displayed as three fields in my employee table (Due Date [Calculated], Completed [Date/Time], Paid [Yes/No]). Now, employees will be required to complete this training every year (beginning January 1st, not from employee's start date) and I don't know how to accomplish the tracking it.
I need to keep each year's completion date and whether or not the employee was paid. Currently, the "Paid" field is linked to a query that populates a list of employees that have not completed the training. If the "Paid" Yes/No box is unchecked, the employee's name will be listed in the query; once I check the Yes/No box then the employee's name is removed.
What would be the easiest way to track this training for each year? There are several other training that I am tracking but are one-time only events; these too are separate fields in my Employee table.
I'm new to Access. It is obviously a very powerful database program I've developed a data base of my agency's service purchases for a variety of clients. I have to generate a report totaling the monthly purchases and counting the number of unduplicated clients. We make multiple purchases for clients monthly. There must be a feature on this program that will sort through the client ID Numbers and count them (rejecting duplicates) in that one month or quarter or year. I've been exporting to excel, sorting by client ID and then counting each new ID number.
at the moment i am making a system that calculates the cost of gym membership cost. however, i am stuck on how i can determine whether or not the member's have paid. i have a make table query that calculates each members fees. i would like the payments to be made quarterly. does anyone have any ideas on how i would be able to do this.
I have a database with 10 properties which I want to record details of weekly or monthy payments. I have a table for properties, one for tenants details and one called payments. I then have them on a form. I want to open the tenants form and insert a command button to open the payments form and record payments as the occur but i can only enter one - it is giving me an error message as I am duplicating a record. The tables are linked with a property reference which I have set as the primary key. I have obviously done it wrong. Can anyone advise me of a way to do this please. Thanks Tracey
I have a query where I am trying to count the number of members who have joined during a period of 12 months from a start date sept 01 to following August 31. Instead of getting the total number of members I am getting totals for each member type. I have 12 member categories identified by [TypeID] but each member has a MemberID (Autonumber). I use Sum in the MemberID Field in my query by pressing the Sigma Button. When I run the query I get totals for each TypeID instead where I wanted one final Total. I suppose I need to count the records bearing in mind some numbers have been deleted so numbers jump in the Auto Number field. This is quite asic but I cant get it right. Help appreciated!
First I'd like to say I've learned a great deal from all of your posts. I registered today because I'm having the strangest problem.
Let me tell you that I am in no way a programmer, I don't know any code except some basic html. I was asked to take a 2 day class to learn Access (which was a joke) and then build a database for my employer. I think I've accomplished what they need by using every available book I could get my hands on, forums like this, and the help menus.
Our database is very simple. We only have 3 tables, all of which are related by a field we call our "referrer code".
My problem is this -- we've noticed that some (6)of our records are gone. I have no idea why, or when. We run a roadside assistance company. The database keeps track of members. I can't afford for Access to just drop people. The tables are very small, we only have 1,841 members. There isn't any specialized coding, because like I said, I don't know any. I've mostly used wizards to design.
Does anyone have any idea what, if anything, I should look for. I can send or answer any questions that might help you help me.
I would appreciate anything you have to offer -- even if its just a place to read something that might help.
Hello. I am having dificulty setting up a query. What I have so far is two tables one with customer contact info (name address phone etc..) and one with transactions. I want to have a query that can show me the customer and all of his transactions in one record. I am able to list it now as multiple records but i want to have it all in one record.
I have a single membership table that contains two separate date fields,a "StartDate" when a member joins and an "EndDate" when an individual cancels their membership.
I would like to query this table to provide a list of active members between a given range of dates.
For example if the date is set to 1/1/06 through 1/1/06, I will get a list of all active members on that particular day.