Reports :: One Invoice Report For Each Record In One To Many Relationship

Jun 19, 2013

I have a report, based on two tables which I have combined into a query.

The first table is the invoice date & ref, and the second table is the invoice amounts & descriptions, which could be more than one.

I have based the report on the underlying query, and I want all the many invoice & amounts to appear on one invoice, but I get one invoice for each of the many sides of the relationship.

I have a related key field in each table, with a common ref and referential integrity and cascade update set, but it still produces one invoice rather than a combined.

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Reports :: Using A Report To Create Invoice

Jan 30, 2014

I'm having an issue trying to get a report to show a single customers' data on one report. The way I am doing it at the minute isn't really a way I would like to do it, using a query to create the report, but I don't know how to do it via a form. Basically when I do it at the minute, it will create an invoice... but with every customers' data on the same report.

But what I want to do is have it so that when I create a new record in a form, when I press a button it will create a report with just the information in that form and the details of the customer (as the form only uses the customers' ID)...

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Reports :: How To Add Mailing Addresses To Invoice Report

Nov 20, 2014

I have to prepare invoice statements to send to my clients. I have managed to generate the invoices as a report.

However, I want to add two types of mailing addresses to this invoice report: "From" mailing address (my company's mailing address) and a "To" mailing address (the recipient's mailing address).

I have created a Clients table which contains the company's mailing address details and a separate ClientContacts table which contains the primary contact name and the secondary contact name (along with their email addresses) for the respective company.

My problem is how to incorporate this information on the invoice report. What I have done is to create an unbounded text box on the invoice report and manually type in this information. Is there a way to add my company mailing address as a "From" mailing address and the recipient's mailing address as a "To" mailing address on the report automatically?

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Reports :: Blank Fields On Report Invoice

Apr 18, 2013

I have 2 blank fields on my report "Invoice":


These fields are correct on the reports AFR, Tear Down, and 8130-3.What am I doing wrong and can this be corrected?

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Reports :: Calculated Date On A Report (Invoice)?

Jul 15, 2013

I have an invoice system, where the payment due date is the last working day of the month following the invoice.

For example, if I produce an invoice on 5th June, the payment will be due on the last day of July. What I can put in a text box to automatically calculate that date, based on the Order date?

This is the order date formula : =[Forms]![frmInvoiceMain]![txtOrderDate]

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Reports :: Auto Generate Invoice Number On Report

Jul 1, 2013

I have created invoices as reports but now I'm looking for a way to add an invoice number to it. It needs to be an auto increment number for every invoice for every client.

I have 10 different clients and I want them to have their own incremented invoice number. Every client has it own unique number. So for example in week 1 I want to have the following invoice numbers; 01-0001, 02-0001, 03-0001 etc. In week 2 I want them to be; 01-0002, 02-0002, 03-0002. It is important that every client has the invoice numbers without gaps.

What is the best way to realize this?

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Reports :: Printing Invoice - Record Selection

Apr 14, 2014

I am working on a volunteer organization's database, and am trying to create capacity to print an invoice for a donation pledge. I have a sub-form that displays donation records for a selected individual. From the sub-form I have created a command button with an OnClick event procedure with the following code:

DoCmd.OpenReport "Reports![RadThonInvoiceR]", acViewNormal, , "MasterID= " & Me.MasterID

ID Year Amount Status

53 2008 $200.00 Paid
53 2009 $200.00 Paid
53 2013 $200.00 Unpaid

Can I modify my Where condition so that the report selects only the most recent entry (by Year) from among the current selections?

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Forms :: Save Record For Invoice Before Saving Invoice Items From Subform

Jul 30, 2013

I have a main form and subform. The main form is bound to a table of invoices and the subform to a table of invoice items. I'm picking up the invoice number from the form to save it to the invoice items table, so I need to save the record for the invoice before saving the invoice items from the subform.

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Reports :: Print Only Report Matching Current Record In Form Among Multiple Reports

Oct 2, 2013

I have been an MS Excel man all along my career and I am a novice in MS Access.I have created a table, [Initial Customer Approval] which records data from a Form, [Initial Customer Approval]. Once the data is entered in the Form, I need to do some calculations based on the data entered in some of the fields in the form.I created 6 different queries for the six possible values in those fields. now for each of those queries I created respective reports.I placed a Print command button in the Form.

1. When I press the Print button it should open the report for the current record in the Form. (Currently It Opens all the reports simulatneously, with only one relevant report containing the current record; other opened reports being blank.)

2. If user presses the Print button before pressing Save button then system should prompt user.

Here is the code (Please note [reference number] is the unique ID generated for each record entered in the tabe through form):

Private bSaveClicked As Boolean
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Not bSaveClicked Then
MsgBox "You are trying to navigate away from the active record. Please either save your changes, or press ESC to cancel your changes.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation
Cancel = True


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Reports :: How To Print A Particular Invoice

May 13, 2013

I have used a report wizard to create invoice format.Currently, when I run the report, it will generate all the other invoices continously (a bit like a continuous long roll of of toilet paper). However, I only need to print a particular invoice at a time.

1. How do I only print a particular invoice number, without having all the rest to be generated?

2. Is there a way to format the report settings into the print button on the form to print this particular invoice, where the form is showing the record?

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Invoice Report

Apr 28, 2005

Right at the moment I am basing my Invoice report on a query.The query criteria is [forms]![Loans]![lblloannumber]

So that the data is taken of the form.

But when I do it it comes up with No information.

Can someone tell me what im doing wrong?

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Reports :: How To Make Unique Invoice Number

Dec 24, 2014

I am selling some products, namely A to M. I record the orders of costumers in a table, named "orders". For example, if costumer "Jack" has ordered as the following:

ID costumer product quantity unitprice orderdate

12 jack A 4 10 25/11/2014
13 jack B 5 5 25/11/2014
14 jack C 1 4 25/11/2014
15 jack F 3 2 25/11/2014
16 Jack G 4 8 25/11/2014
17 Jack H 1 7 25/11/2014

Then I make a report based on the above table and issue that as the invoice to the costumer, who is jack here.

How can I make a unique invoice number, which automatically increases sequentially for each invoice? Do I need to add a new column to the table? I also need to be able to look for a specific invoice based on the number, or date.

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Problem With My Invoice And Report

Sep 21, 2005

I have couple of problems I need to be resolved and I hope someone here can be able to help me. I have an estimate (all form designed), that when I click the button export to internal invoice, I want the contents of all the estimate moved to the internal invoice and display the invoice, without getting an error cannot delete invoice because they are in a relationship. Does anyone know how to do this? Second then I am having a problem is when I click the button Display report for an invoice I don't want it to display ALLL THE REPORTS of the all the invoices in the database, just the current report for that invoice. This way for example, when I am in invoice number 2130, I don't want too, when I click the button Display Report, to scroll all the way to report of invoice number 2130 to print the invoice. That would be a big problem. Can anyone please help me?

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Reports :: Subform Record To Report

Nov 7, 2013

how do i select one record from a subform and open it on a report ?

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Reports :: Record Won't Display On Report

Mar 29, 2015

my ive made a query to base my report off the only issue is the ' timeslot' wont appear on the report.

the timeslot needs to be displayed on the time the customer booked their appointment...

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Reports :: Displaying Record In Report

Mar 2, 2014

I have a report, which opens a dynamic search form (built off of John Big Booty's code from this site). The form opens, and works as expected.During the dynamic search form testing, I created an 'OK' button that opens another form to display the record, but the dynamic search was opened first.

I would like to reprogram the button to display the selected record in the report which opened it.How can I get the selected record to display in the already open report?

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Reports :: Current Record To Report

Apr 17, 2014

I make a print button on the form and want printing current record to the report, but every time I can not do that.

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Reports :: Record Source Of REPORT Other Than Query

Aug 27, 2013

Everytime i make a report in Access, first thing i do is build a query and then use it as a record source. I try the other way, I go to create report design directly and do the drag and drop of fields.

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Reports :: Filtering Report To Specific Record

Jun 9, 2014

I work in psychological testing and I have created a database to store some data for our patients' test scores. I have a main form with demographics and then 5 buttons on the main form that open into 5 other forms (one form for each test). I also have created a button on the main form to run a Report; however, I would like to filter the report to only show the current record (e.g., Patient ID #1 only).

(Can this be done?) How should I go about filtering the report to show only the open record? Expression is preferred - I'm not very good with code.

I'm also assuming that since each form is linked by the primary key of Patient ID, I should be able to see all data from each form (main + 5 others) in the report for that specified Patient ID... (?)

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Reports :: Getting Report To Print Only Selected Record Instead Of All

Aug 10, 2015

I am trying to get a report to print out one one record that I want.. I want it to be able to be sorted by date and the user just picks a date and one record is printed out on page. Right now every record that is stored is being printed on a different page and over time that is going to be a lot of paper... I want to be able to pick which record I want printed...

The Form is called "Bread Mold"
The report is called "Bread Mold Report"
The table is called "Bread Mold"
What it is sorted by is called "Swab Date"

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Reports :: Create Separate Report For Each Record

Apr 13, 2013

I have a query which displays only the records that match the criteria in the form given before. Now i want to create separate report for each of these records. How should i go about with it? I don't want a seperate form for this purpose, is there any way to do the same with a macro?

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Invoice Form (invoice Master + Invouice Detail) Using Dao

Jan 19, 2006

I have to add an invoice how can I do it.
Desgn of the ms access form is

Date (suggest me)
ShipMode (option button)
Buyer (combo)
Supplier (combo)
Indentor (combo)

Product UnitPrice UnitOfMeasurement Quantity
(combo) (textbox) (combo) (textbox) (btnaddrow) (btndeleterow)

(btnAddInvoice) (btnCancel)

Please suggest me how to do it.Any code or sample like this.
I don't know how to add new row of product e.t.c.
Please help me as I have never done any programming in ms access before
(Done most of web development,,jsp,coldfusion)

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Reports :: Adding A Message Box To Report If Record Is Not Found

Mar 17, 2014

I'm currently creating a student database where the user where be prompted to enter a students name and then a report is generated with the information retrieved. Everything works as it should but i would like to add a message box that comes up if the data entered by the user is not found in the database. Something like 'No student found, please retry'

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Reports :: Average Of Numbers - Show Only 1 Record In Report

Sep 11, 2013

I have a report with 3 fields in it. I have made the control source for each field an average of the #'s in the field of the query. I only want it to show 1 record but can't seem to figure out how. I've already listed the cycle option to current record, but it still shows the 3 fields repeating over and over... for ex:

Field 1 Label 7.4
Field 2 Label 8.4
Field 3 Label 6.4

Field 1 Label 7.4
Field 2 Label 8.4
Field 3 Label 6.4

And it goes on and on like this... the averages are correct, but I only want to show them 1 time, not repetitively..

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Reports :: Passing Variable To Report Record Source?

May 7, 2013

I have a subroutine that successfully builds a SQL statement "strSQL", which is a public variable.

Using msgbox, I can read that the value is correct -
SELECT * from tblIncidents WHERE [Nature] = 'Hover';

(The select statement may be complex, e.g. [Nature] = 'hover' AND [COLOUR]= 'Blue' AND [GRADE] = 'High')

I want to pass the variable strSql to my report rptIncident in the following command:

Private Sub CmdPrintReport_Click()
If Right(strsql, 1) <> "'" Then 'check if statement was built
strsql = strsql & ";" 'add trailing ; to statement
MsgBox strsql
DoCmd.OpenReport "tblincidents", acViewNormal, , strsql
End If
End Sub

I get a flashing error, then runtime error 3075 - |1 in query expression '|2'.

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Reports :: Emailing A Record / Report / Form From Within Access

Aug 7, 2015

My database is stores information about students such as name, student number, programme, email, etc. I have a STUDENT form with this information visible.

I also have a another table and MARKS sub form that contains the details of courses completed by the student and results. I have placed the sub form in the STUDENT form and can see each student's details and a list of their courses.

I want to be able to send this information to the relevant student via email. The student should only receive his information and no one else's.

Can this be done? Do I need to create a report first? Should I be using WORD to produce the emails?

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