Reports :: One Record Across Multiple Tables In A Printable Report

Aug 8, 2013

I am trying to produce a report that shows a single record that has fields in multiple tables. When these reports we're in Word form they were about 7 pages long. I put them in access to be able to update the data in one or more than one of them at a time more effectively. But now I am unable to get them print out one at a time like they looked originally in Word form.

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Reports :: Query Based On Linked Tables - Report Produces Multiple Copies Of The Same Record

Jul 22, 2013

My report produces multiple copies of the same record. I know why, but don't know how to fix it.


With a one to many relationship with TrainingTable (via employee PK as FK in trainingtable).

Training table has a one to many relationship with a table called Range.

Report is based on a query that picks up the Employee/Training/Range (range just describes the training unit).

However, If I have more than one range expressed organized a training unit, the report spits out several copies of the Employee record to display all the ranges.

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Reports :: Print Only Report Matching Current Record In Form Among Multiple Reports

Oct 2, 2013

I have been an MS Excel man all along my career and I am a novice in MS Access.I have created a table, [Initial Customer Approval] which records data from a Form, [Initial Customer Approval]. Once the data is entered in the Form, I need to do some calculations based on the data entered in some of the fields in the form.I created 6 different queries for the six possible values in those fields. now for each of those queries I created respective reports.I placed a Print command button in the Form.

1. When I press the Print button it should open the report for the current record in the Form. (Currently It Opens all the reports simulatneously, with only one relevant report containing the current record; other opened reports being blank.)

2. If user presses the Print button before pressing Save button then system should prompt user.

Here is the code (Please note [reference number] is the unique ID generated for each record entered in the tabe through form):

Private bSaveClicked As Boolean
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Not bSaveClicked Then
MsgBox "You are trying to navigate away from the active record. Please either save your changes, or press ESC to cancel your changes.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation
Cancel = True


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Reports :: Can Run Format Event Code For Each Report In A Multiple Record Set

Aug 16, 2013

URL...Essentially it seems like the format event fires only once with a docmd that has a where clause. If I print a single report it is perfect! Example one in the above post has a subreport, example 2 its very simply incorporated into the main report with no sub report.

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Reports :: Counting Test Records From Multiple Tables In One Report?

Apr 22, 2014

I have been trying to create a report to count equipment tested between two dates:

I am using Access 2000 (old I know) and I have 21 different tables with the fields laid out the same. For the moment, I will list five of the tables: Servers, Laptops, Printers, Workstations, and Monitors. The criteria I draw from each table are the fields Model#, Part#, Serial#, Test Date, Retest Date, and Technician.

I can create a report from a query (say laptops). The criteria I is BETWEEN[Enter Start Date]AND[Enter End Date] under the TEST DATE field. Works great! In my report I use =Count(*)&" "&"Unit(s) tested" & "Between "&[Enter Start Date] & " and" & [Enter End Date].

That works great too.

I am trying to create ONE REPORT using ONE Date range and display how many units were tested:


Units Tested between March 1, 2014 and March 31, 2014

Servers 9
Laptops 23
Workstations 15
Printers 18
Monitors 31

If I can get these five tables, hopefully I can add additional tables to the same report as I need them. I am not savy with VB code, but will give it a go with some direction as to where to put it and how to add to it.

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Reports :: Creating A Report Based On Single Record In Multiple Item Form

Jan 8, 2014

I'm currently working on a database which requires invoicing as a part of it. The invoicing is done based on quarters, and I want the users to be able to use a multiple items form, listing all of their clients, to create the invoices. Each invoice must be created individually so they can be e-mailed to the client, and saved to the clients folder. So I was wondering if it would be possible to create individual invoices for clients using a multiple items form.

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Multiple Fields Of Multiple Tables To One Table Query Or Report

Apr 12, 2013

I have 10 tables, 30+ fields on each table (every table has the same 'account number' field). I only need from 5 - 20 fields from each table. How do I get the certain fields from each table and put them in a table, query or report?

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Reports :: Multiple Prompts On Report?

Apr 9, 2014

I have a blank report and dragged two queries to it so that they are displayed on it. Both queries prompt for a Customer code. How do I get it that I only have to type it in once rather than for each query prompt?

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Reports :: SUM Multiple Columns On A Report?

Aug 5, 2013

I can't seem to find a way to SUM two seperate columns on my report. I've attached an example of what I am talking about. I was able to add the SUM feature to the 'Estimate' column, but it doesn't allow me to add that to the 'Plan' column too. The only options available are Count Records or Count I can have these both SUM seperately within their columns?

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Reports :: Multiple Queries Into One Report

Jun 18, 2013

We have a database that has around 30 queries that are ran on a monthly basis. They all have unique criteria (but there is a crossover of fields that are used), and are all set up so they show only the previous month's data (the date is taken from one date field for some queries, and another date field for others).

We run the queries, and only need the 'count' of number of records that fit the query each month.I was wondering if it is possible to create a report that will run the queries simultaneously, and show the 'count' of the query results in predetermined fields.

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Reports :: View One Record From Master Table And Many Record From Slave Tables

Dec 23, 2013

I have got problem with ms access report. I want to make a report which is based on

1) first master table
2) first slave table
3) second slave table

I have done some research and decided to do some form with subform. So I have got the view one record from master table and many record from slave tables in one view.

But it turned out that it has become duplicate records. (the relationship are ok - it duplicate master record as many as slave records)

1) how i can do ms access report from multiple tables - one master record with multiple records form slaves tables

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Reports :: Output A Report To Multiple PDFs

Feb 6, 2015

I have several reports that creates price sheets for all of my customers. It is a report with multiple subreports within, and I am trying to create a process to seperate them and export them all into [Customer Name].pdf. I have tried to scrap some code together from various forums, and it has been unsuccessful.

For example, one of the reports "rptPriceSheetQuarterly", has a field "txtCustomerName", that feeds the queries for the other subreports. I would like to create a new PDF when that field changes.

I understand I need some sort of looping code that will cut the report up dump them all into one folder, but I am totally out of my element here.

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Reports :: Can't Pull Up Report Multiple Times

Jun 14, 2013

Here is my delima, I have a report that I am able to type in a keyword and it will pull up that report exactly as I type the keyword, however, let's say that I want to pull up someone else's report I cannot. I have to exit out of my report and then go back into it and resubmit the new search.

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Reports :: Report Based On Multiple Criteria

Jul 27, 2015

I am in the learning phase for MS Access reports. I have a datasheet which contains the employee daily activities.I need a report when either or both criteria is selected. For ex..criteria1 is Start date and End Date and criteria2 is Employee Name.Output of the report should be based on the selection of the criteria ,as I said either or both.

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Reports :: Display Multiple Attachment In Report?

Aug 11, 2014

I would like to ask about on how to display my attached pictures to my report. I'm using MS Access 2007 and I have a table names:

Projects - ProjectID, ProjectName, StartDate, EndDate;

Task - TaskID, ProjectID, TaskName, Pictures;

Picture datatype is Attachment and it is multi-valued field so I created a query to extract picture per ProjectID and to be used as a Subreport. Query results shown below:

ProjectID Attachment
11 tulip.jpg
11 hill.jpg
10 panda.jpg
10 shark.jpg

Now, I have created the sub report and linked it Project table. Result is the pictures add up vertically or downward where there is a big space on the right side, I want to have it from left to right or horizontally.

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Reports :: Multiple Report Printing From One Button

May 13, 2014

I'm trying to print out several reports from one button. I have created individual buttons for each of the reports and they work fine.

But when I try to amalgamate them it stops printing after the first two reports regardless of which ones are at the top of the list.

The code I'm using is ......

Private Sub Print_All_Click()
Dim strFilter As String
strFilter = "Business_ID = Forms!frm_Business!Business_ID"
DoCmd.OpenReport "rpt_Front_Page", acPrint, , strFilter
DoCmd.OpenReport "rpt_D_and_N_Suitability", acPrint, , strFilter

[Code] .....

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Reports :: Multiple Filters In Access Report Using Vba

Jul 28, 2015

I am trying to link 2 reports so that when a user selects a field in the 1st report it will only return records specific to the filters. I have used the following code via a field in a report to return records in a seperarte report using 1 filter "BudgetPool". What I need to do is add a second filter "ContratorType" to the code to allow the second report to refine the records.

Private Sub BudgetPool_Click()
DoCmd.OpenReport "Budget Expenditure by Pool per Project Type", acViewReport, , "BudgetPool=" & Me.BudgetPool
End Sub

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Reports :: Show Topics With Multiple Subtopics In A Report

Nov 25, 2013

I have a table with some meeting topics, and I have another table with subtopics for each topic of which there can be multiple instances on no instances at all (let's say weekly updates if that makes sense).

What I would like to have on a report is all the information, all the topics, and for each topic, all the subtopics, if there are any. As an example:

Topic1 Description1 DueDate1 Responsible1 UpdateDate1.1 Comment1.1
UpdateDate1.2 Comment1.2
Topic2 Description2 DueDate2 Responsible2
Topic3 Description3 DueDate3 Responsible3 UpdateDate3.1 Comment3.1
UpdateDate3.2 Comment3.2
UpdateDate3.3 Comment3.3

What I tried so far is to make a query left joining the update table with the topics table and that seems to get all the data in one place, the only thing is that if more than one update is present for a topic, the topic will appear multiple times.

I then thought I could group the data into the report and I could ... sort of ... What I did is to add all the topic fields into the grouping header, that seemed to eliminate duplicates, but I don't like the results at all. First of all, the first (or only) update item does not appear on the same line as the topic, it appears below, and that would not even be that bad, I could live with that. The worst thing is that if a topic does not have any updates, empty fields are still present and they get shown even after grouping, as if being an actual entry. Even if updates are present, a blank line still appears along with the rest of the updates, even though it wasn't there before grouping.

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Reports :: String Together Multiple YES / NO Text Boxes On Report

Sep 1, 2014

I have a Table of Special instructions. Each type of a Yes or No Text Box. There are 13 items in this table along with the ID key.

Each Field has a Special Description. I used the Y/N format for ease of use for user input to simply select the applicable options.

However, I need the text description to display on the printed report, which is not the problem.

So i created a separate text box for each item that simply says; If True, "Description", else blank. And named each one sp1...sp14.

So now, I want to take these text boxes with the proper descriptions and string them together.

My formula is: =Trim([sp1])&" "&([sp2]) etc.

This does produce the proper text results, however, and oddly enough, each item displays on its own line rather than in a string.

I get:

Instead of the desired result of SP1 SP2

This seems to simple, and probably has to do with the yes/no format. I've tried with and without (), and using + instead of &, and to troubleshoot, I eliminated the " ". No luck. Everything is coming back as a single column.

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Reports :: Emailing Specialized Report To Multiple Recipients

Jul 20, 2015

I have a large report that generates information specific to a large list of contacts. I would like to email each contact a .pdf of their part of the report. If possible, I'd like access to run a loop and do this in one button click. I'm not even sure to begin with this.

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Reports :: Adding Multiple Subreports On Main Report

Feb 12, 2015

I am relatively new to Access. I am having difficulty summing up totals and bringing them into the main report. To be more specific I have two sup reports called WOExpenseTotalSubreport and WOServiceTotalsubreport. These two subreports are based off of queries that gather the description, price and qty of either services or expenses and then produces a "total" for me on the query.

When I bring these two queries into a report as sub reports I am able to Sum the "total" field in the subreport footer which works fine. What I would like to do is add those two totals together for a grand total on the main report. The two summed fields are called ExpensesSum and ServicesSum. It seems most things I have tried do not produce an expression error but the result is either #error or #name? Here are a few different scenarios I have tried both on the main report details section as well as the footer section.

=[Reports]![qryWOExpenseTotal subreport]![ExpensesSum]+[Reports]![qryWOServiceTotal subreport]![ServicesSum]

=Sum([qryWOExpenseTotal]![Total]) + Sum([qryWOServiceTotal]![Total])

=[qryWOExpenseTotal subreport].[Report].[ExpensesSum] + [ qryWOServiceTotal subreport].[Report].[ServicesSum]

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Reports On Multiple Tables

Nov 10, 2004

I want to write a report. I have 10 different tables now what I want to do is. Create a report from say 6 out of these 10 tables. These 10 tables have some common columns and some different. If a table doesnt have a particular column, it can be blank in the report. But say "title" is common to all tables, so it should pick up this "title" from each table. How can I do this???

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Reports :: Summary Of Multiple Records - Open Report With Button

Jan 27, 2014

I have a report that is a summary of multiple records in it. What I have next to the record on the report is a button.I have report that are labeled:

rptIncident Summary
rptIncident Report
and a button labeled
"open report"

I would like to click on the button and then it open the rptIncident Report with all the information, not just the summary. I will put a picture so you know what I am trying to accomplish.Is this a simple Onclick event with a where condition or what? Or does this go beyond to having something to do with VBA?

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Reports :: Access Report Chart Across Multiple Group Levels

Jan 22, 2015

I know how to create a chart in an access report, put it in the group header or footer and link it such that the the grouping filters the chart.

My VP wants me to create a chart that compares each invididual providers episiotomy rate (something that is done to pregnant women during delivery) to the overall divisional rate on a monthly basis.

I know how to do this with 2 charts, ie 2 different group levels. One chart goes in the date grouping level (the overall rate) and another goes in the provider grouping level (the individual provide rate).

is there a way to have this in one graph in an access report?

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Reports :: Multiple Rows In Query Show In One Report Entry

Sep 17, 2014

I have a query that returns numerous rows of data per person per day.

Simplified Example ( ';' used to show columns):

LastName ; Date ; DrillNumber ; Score
Smith ; 18/9/14 ; 0 ; 100
Smith ; 18/9/14 ; 1 ; 150
Smith ; 18/9/14 ; 2 ; 120
Doe ; 18/9/14 ; 0 ; 150
Doe ; 18/9/14 ; 1 ; 150
Doe ; 18/9/14 ; 2 ; 100

I'm trying to create a report that shows each of the scores per drill in the report per person (Dont worry about the formatting):

Name: Smith
Date: 18/9/14
Drill & Score:
0 - 100
1 - 150
2 - 120

However, when I drag the field lists into the report Im getting a new report entry for each drill eg.

0 - 100

1 - 150

Any way to get all drills to show in the one report entry per person? So all data for Smith is in the one report or report section, and then all the data for Doe.

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Reports :: Multiple Page Layouts In One Report - Portrait And Landscape

Oct 23, 2013

Is it possible to have part of a report set to portrait, but another part set to landscape? Like you can in Word by adding section breaks and setting the page layout separately for each section?

I have a "MainReport" comprised of 5 sub reports which are all portrait. Now I've been asked to add a 6th section and it will need to be landscape. I tried and tried to get it all on a portrait page but it's just too cramped.

I could keep them as two reports and have the command button simply run the second one at the same time. The thing is, that button "prints" the main report to a PDF file and emails it. And I don't want the new report to be in a separate PDF.

If you can't have separate sections, then is there any way to print separate Access reports into a single PDF? I'm using CutePDF but would be open to trying a different PDF printer if appropriate.

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