Reports :: Populating Report Through Recordset

Apr 3, 2013

I work with SQL Server 2008 with Access 2007 front end (using ADO). I can easily populate form controls using recordset. It does not look like I can do the same with reports.

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Reports :: How To Add Recordset In Report Query

Aug 14, 2013


Private Sub Command37_Click()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rsItems As DAO.Recordset
Dim SQL As String
Dim currentItemNumber As Long


adding record set in report and displaying a report..i want every record to pass thru recodset and create a report for every record separately

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Populating A Listbox From A Recordset

Sep 13, 2005


I have a DAO recordset(rcdSearch) which contains a number of fields(eg
UNIQUE_NUMBER, AREA and SITE_NAME). Assuming the recordset is populated(in this case I know it is), how can I populate a listbox with the data? I have tried the following with no joy

me.listBox.RowSource = "rcdSearch" 'puts string "rcdSearch" in column header
me.listBox.RowSource = rcdSearch ' returns type mismatch
me.listBox.RowSource = rcdSearch!UNIQUE_NUMBER ''puts unique number in column header row
me.listBox.Column(0) = rcdSearch!UNIQUE_NUMBER ' object required error msg

I have even tried using the SQL string that generates the Recordset, this does not return any results. :confused:

I would be grateful for any help on this issue, as it has been doing my head in for days!


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Modules & VBA :: Continuous Form With Data From Table - Populating Listbox From Recordset

Nov 28, 2013

I'm trying to populate a listbox from a recordset. I will explain what I'm trying to achieve.

I have a (continuous) form with some data from a table. On the form header I have a listbox, showing all (distinct) customers from that form.

The user is able to do some filtering. That all works great. But I want to populate the listbox with ONLY the customers on the form AFTER filtering.

One way I thought might me the solution was using RecordClone. But I'm stuck there. It must be something simple for an expert. I'm not entirely a newbie, at least not to VBA. Is there an easy way to refer the listbox' recordset to the actual recordset on the form?

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Populating Table With Data From Report?

Aug 18, 2011

I am generating a report from my database that I would like to turn into an invoice. My report generates perfectly, but I need to add an invoice number when I print the report and I need to take the data Customer ID, Invoice Total, and a maybe other data from the report and populate the Invoice Record table. I have VB code that is generating my Invoice No, creating a new record in the Invoice Record table and populating the Invoice Record Table with the Invoice number. I want to add this Invoice No to my report at time of printing, and populate the Invoice Record Table with the fields from the report as stated above.

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Reports :: Populating Text Box With Field From Query That Is Not Record Source

Aug 3, 2015

I have a report based on a query. I want to populate 6 Text Boxes with Dates from fields in another query. The date fields I want to add will be headings for columns that represent weeks (they change all the time so can�t be hard figures). The two queries are not really related by any common field. I am not able to get this working because the fields I want are not part of the query that is the Record Source for the Report.

Is there any way that I can do this? Can I change the record source of just the text boxes?

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Multiple Query Results Not Populating Report Properly

Sep 29, 2011

I currently have a combo box (combo121) on a form. I select the "Company" which is connected to "Company" in the query via [Forms]![courseinfo].[combo121]..That is working. When I press the "query" button on the form the selected company in the combo box is updated in the query and it updates the report templates.I also want to use the same system to populate a different report, using the same query. This works a bit differently.

Once the company is selected in the first combo box(combo121). I have other combo boxes which bring up students attached to that company. I have multiple combo boxes because I need select multiple students for the one report. These students are in fields "First Name" and "Last Name". So in the query I can only have those fields once. I have several links to the several combo boxes under "Last Name" as that is the "bound" selection for the combo box:


Problem I am finding is this is bringing up several lines in the query. So when I try to populate the report with all of the different Students I have selected for the query, it won't work properly because I can only put "First Name" & 'Last Name" fields on the report once.

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Opening A Report With Recordset Data

Nov 3, 2004

I have looked through the threads and have not found an answer to my question, so I post it hoping there is an answer as well as documenting useful information for other individuals.

The following code is what I am using to 'pull' data in order to print a certificate. It functions the way I designed it (verified by debug.prints and msgboxes). My question is how do I pass data to a defined report (certificate) based upon the results of a built recordset. When the report opens, the values come up as "#Name?". I'm guessing that the issue is syntax, but I just don't know. Here is the code I have so far (I've even commented it for y'all)...

Looking forward to your comments...


Dim RSAgg As Recordset
Dim RSsrc As Recordset
Dim DB As Database
Dim strAgg As String
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strCert As String

'If there is no week number set, drop out
If Not IsNumeric(txtWeekNum) Then
MsgBox "You Must Specify a Week Number.", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Required Input"
Exit Sub
End If

' tblAggDesc contains the field names
' that have scores I want to evaluate.
' If someone makes a perfect score,
' then they get a certificate. Fields are
' a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3, c1, c2, c3.
strAgg = "SELECT tblAggDesc.AggCourse, tblAggDesc.AggDesc FROM tblAggDesc;"

Set DB = CurrentDb()
Set RSAgg = DB.OpenRecordset(strAgg)

Do While Not RSAgg.EOF
If (Right(RSAgg!AggCourse, 1) > 1) Then 'rounds 2 & 3 contain additional information that is printed on certificate
strSQL = "SELECT tblScores.HEDR, tblRoster.Fname, tblRoster.Lname, tblScores.WeekNo, tblScores." & RSAgg!AggCourse & ", tblScores." & RSAgg!AggCourse & "X AS AggCourseX " & _
"FROM tblRoster LEFT JOIN tblScores ON tblRoster.HEDR = tblScores.HEDR " & _
"WHERE (((tblScores.WeekNo)=" & [txtWeekNum] & ") AND ((tblScores." & RSAgg!AggCourse & ")=100));"
strSQL = "SELECT tblScores.HEDR, tblRoster.Fname, tblRoster.Lname, tblScores.WeekNo, tblScores." & RSAgg!AggCourse & " " & _
"FROM tblRoster LEFT JOIN tblScores ON tblRoster.HEDR = tblScores.HEDR " & _
"WHERE (((tblScores.WeekNo)=" & [txtWeekNum] & ") AND ((tblScores." & RSAgg!AggCourse & ")=100));"
End If

Set RSsrc = DB.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset)
If Not (RSsrc.BOF And RSsrc.EOF) Then
Do While Not RSsrc.EOF
If (Right(RSAgg!AggCourse, 1) > 1) Then
strScore = RSsrc!AggCourseX & "X"
strScore = ""
End If
'MsgBox RSsrc!Fname & " " & RSsrc!Lname & " " & RSsrc!WeekNo & " " & RSAgg!AggCourse & " " & strScore & " " & RSAgg!AggDesc
strCert = "Fname='" & RSsrc!Fname & "' AND Lname='" & RSsrc!Lname & "'" & " AND WeekNo='" & RSsrc!WeekNo & "' AND XCount='" & strScore & "' AND AggDesc='" & RSAgg!AggDesc & "'"
'Debug.Print strCert

' this is the point that I have problems.
' I want to pass RSsrc!Fname,
' RSsrc!Lname, RSsrc!WeekNo,
' RSsrc!AggCourseX, RSAgg!AggDesc to
' the report.
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptCleanTarget", acViewPreview, , strCert

End If


Set DB = Nothing

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Binding Recordset To Report With VBA Code

May 5, 2005

Hy,i have some ADO recordset and i want to bind it to blank report that I made in reports.How to do this.
If i create report in reports section and after that i want to see it in my code as that same object and set his record or data source property how to do this??
I know that you can set the recordsource property directly in report but it includes some values from textbox in my form that doesn't show corectly(it's an array of numbers,and i don't know why it doesn't accept it).

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Modules & VBA :: Creating Recordset - Using Array As Report Data Source

Apr 17, 2015

I've done some basic work with arrays.. writing array data to form list objects.. How to use an array as a data source for a report?

Would i need to create a recordset and populate it with the array, then bind the report to it ?

The reason I am asking is the previous developer here built every app using arrays and UDT's... the apps are completely disconnected from the data. Everything is loaded in to arrays..

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Reports :: Print Only Report Matching Current Record In Form Among Multiple Reports

Oct 2, 2013

I have been an MS Excel man all along my career and I am a novice in MS Access.I have created a table, [Initial Customer Approval] which records data from a Form, [Initial Customer Approval]. Once the data is entered in the Form, I need to do some calculations based on the data entered in some of the fields in the form.I created 6 different queries for the six possible values in those fields. now for each of those queries I created respective reports.I placed a Print command button in the Form.

1. When I press the Print button it should open the report for the current record in the Form. (Currently It Opens all the reports simulatneously, with only one relevant report containing the current record; other opened reports being blank.)

2. If user presses the Print button before pressing Save button then system should prompt user.

Here is the code (Please note [reference number] is the unique ID generated for each record entered in the tabe through form):

Private bSaveClicked As Boolean
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Not bSaveClicked Then
MsgBox "You are trying to navigate away from the active record. Please either save your changes, or press ESC to cancel your changes.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation
Cancel = True


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Reports :: Subtract Totals From 2 Sub-reports In Main Report Of Access?

Dec 28, 2014

I am trying to create a P&L statement in access. I know what I want to come out at the end. I am just starting to play with access and having trouble getting what I want to come out of it.

On the sales side I have a query that gathers all the revenue sources and calculates a total for each date. I then use a second query to just take out the data I want for the P&L report. I created a sub-report that displays the data I want. I use the grouping and grand total features to get the total into the report footer. So far so good.

On the expense side I created a form of a query to manage the one to many relationship to capture the data for expenses (one purchase with many line items). I created a query based of this query to get the relevant data for my expense sub-report. I created the sub-report and got everything looking and calculating the way I want it to. I use the same grouping and grand total features to display the data in the report footer. Still good.

I created a new main parent report with the two sub-reports (sales & expenses) on it and even was able to pull the totals from the sub-reports into the main (so currently the subtotals of the two sub-reports are displayed twice). Now when I try to use the textboxes I used to pull the sub-report totals into the main report to perform additional calculations (sales - expenses) I get #error. I have tried different things and gotten ?name.

Control source for the two textbox controls on the main that display correctly, but don't let me do any further calculations.


=[rptP&LSalesOverview]![AccessTotalsTotal Sales]

To do the subtraction I have tried using the references above, as well as just using the names of the unbound text boxes in the report that bring the totals into the main report.

As a work around, I tried to build one query with all the data from sales and expenses, but can't "filter" based on date and get the data I want in the query results because the two sets of data are not necessarily related. I either get a long list of records, or no records (I am currently only playing with about 5 days of data).

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Reports :: Filtering Report To Only Show Current Month Report?

Nov 16, 2014

The aim of what I am doing is to create a monthly statement to give to our intermediaries that shows the commission they will receive each month for the deals they have referred. I have managed to create this report, HOWEVER I can't figure out how to filter out which month I need, so I a report for Jan, Feb Mar etc... The idea is that at the end of each month I need to run the report so only the latest month shows...

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Reports :: Hide Report Footer Based On Report Data?

Dec 21, 2014

How do I hide the report footer based on the report's data ?

I'm trying to hide if number of users = 1

The report's data is a query built inside the report's RecordSource, not a self standing query.

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Reports :: Unfiltered Report Footer Totals On Filtered Report?

Apr 10, 2014

I've done this once entirely by accident and can't seem to duplicate it...

I have a report. It has the following:

Report Header: Logo and title
Department Header
Supervisor Header
Group Header
Department Footer: Totals
Report Footer: Overall Totals for all departments

Here's my question.
I have combo boxes on my main form that filter this report. The combo boxes are referred to by the query that runs the report. How do I get proper unfiltered overall totals in my report footer?

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Reports :: Join Smaller Report On The Back Of Main Report?

Apr 18, 2013

I have a report that displays incidents, their details, consequences and a photo. Among the details is a severity rating high medium or low, I have been asked to make the report shorten the records which have been given a low severity (because it takes up as much space as the more important/severe ones).

The only method I can think of is to use the onformat event, to shrink and make invisible all the fields that I don't want to see if the severity field shows 'low'.

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Reports :: Select Records From Report To Populate Second Report?

May 24, 2015

We have a shift log that includes both personnel actions during any given day as well as operational actions. (We recently switched from a word document to an Access Database to allow multiple users to input events while another has the logbook open already (which you couldn't do with Word))

At the beginning of each day, my manager reviews the previous days log and forwards up pertinent data (some personnel, some operational) to our higher authorities. Is there a way to allow him to select which records he'd like to include on that higher-authorities report straight from the local-level report?

I'm not a fan of allowing him a "Save As" feature because that kind of defeats the data integrity purpose of an events log where he could save as an RTF and then edit any of the log entries without any checks or balances.

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Reports :: Scrolling Down Report Changes Report Fields To Errors

Jun 26, 2013

I have an odd thing happening with my reports. There is a main report that gives class information (from query). There are two subreports (from queries also ) with scores (one for each type of test). There are some unbound controls on the main form that display a count of how many scores are recorded which are totals from the subreports. The controls all report the correct numbers however, when I scroll down to view each record, some of them change to #error, or #name, or similar for a moment. Sometimes they will stay in error form when I stop scrolling but change to correct if I scroll up just a bit. Is this because the controls won't calculate unless that report record has focus?

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Reports :: Hide Report Label If Sub Report Count Is 0

Dec 18, 2013

Is there a way to hide a label on a report if the sub report count is 0?

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Reports :: Getting Totals From Five Reports To Create One Report

Feb 18, 2015

Is there a way to have say five different reports that give out information and at the bottom the totals. I would like to take each of those separate reports to create one report with just the totals.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Extract Recordset From Subform Into Recordset Object

Aug 14, 2015

Special situation: The SQL Server Linked Server across the country is linked to a Read Only Oracle DB. This data pull works perfectly and populates the Subform.

The problem is that Oracle can take 3 to 6 seconds to retrieve the single record depending on the network traffic through a small pipe.

The code below shows the RecordSource for the SubForm. clicking on a list box supplies the value. Then 3 to 6 seconds later, the subform populates.

The actual Recordset for this Recordsource is needed to conduct Validation on each field. Normally this would be on SQL Server, I might just create a Recordset Oject and run this SQL statement again in 1 milisecond. In this case, it will probably take an additional 3 to 6 seconds. Avoiding another lengthy round-trip to Oracle would be prefered.

Goal: How does one grab, clone, or other wise reference the existing recordset for the SubForm?

Note: Immediate Window - One single field can be returned quickly

There are 48 fields that need validation - is there a way to reference the entire recordset?

Immediate Window during Break Mode:
? me.fsubsrNavSHLBHL("NavSH_QQ")
NESE ' this is the correct value for the current recordsource

Set a breakpoint right after the line:
fsubsrNavSHLBHL.Form.RecordSource = "Select * from vsrNavigatorSHLBHL where Well_ID =" & txtNavWellID.Value

Immediate Window:
? me.fsubsrNavSHLBHL.Form.RecordSource
Select * from vsrNavigatorSHLBHL where Well_ID =91229

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Reports :: Pulling Data Into A Report From Another Report

Mar 20, 2015

So I have a text box in a report that I want to pull in data from a field in another report, so the 'control' for my text box looks something like this...

=[Reports]![rptSalesReceiptSub]![Text141] (i.e Text141 is the data I want to pull into my report)

...the path is completely correct but when I run my report I get.#Name? If I run the report that has the data I want, it's fine (in other words Text141 has valid data in it)

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Reports :: Possible To Send Report As XLS And Keep Format Exactly As Report Looks

Jul 11, 2013

I am wondering if it is possible to send a report as xls file and keep the format exactly as the report looks.When I try to send it now, it automatically changes back to the column names from the table, which I in the report have changed and want to keep in my excel output!

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Reports :: Unbound Report - Print Preview OK But None Of Fields Print When Report Directly Send To Printer

May 25, 2013

I have an unbound form with an associated report. When the user hits the 'print' button on the form/screen, the report is launched in the background. In the On Load event of the report I populate the report fields from the forms field as so:

Me.txtAddrMainLine2 = "NAME " & UCase([Forms]![frm_OrderRx].[txtPatientName])

This works like a charm as long as I call the report in Print Preview mode (i.e. with acViewPreview). But if I send the report directly to the printer, none of the fields print.

I've read about using other report events to populate the fields (e.g., On Format and On Print) and also something about using TempVars to pass the data. But I haven't read anything that's clear and definitive about the full answer.

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Does A Filtered Mdb Recordset Still Bring Down The Whole Recordset?

Apr 27, 2007

Hi guys, I'm a bit confused: I know that opening a bound form will bring down the whole recordset. But if I create a parametered query as the recordsource, will it still bring down the whole recordset first and only afterwards cut down to the records matching the parameters?

Example: I have a clients table with 5000 clients on a backend mdb, and my client lookup form in my frontend mdb. If I open the form looking for just client "Jim Jones" (via the parameter query), will Access bring down all 5000 clients from the backend to my frontend first, and only then seek out "Jim Jones" before discarding the rest of the recordset?

For if this is true then this whole Access business is rather unsuited for networks, even a small one. I hope you guys prove me wrong.


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Modules & VBA :: Can Use Result Of One Recordset For Other Recordset

Jul 7, 2013

I want to write a email where there are 2 or 3 different ordernumbers for same email, i want to include the email in the mail part as single column table. how to do it? also can i use result of one recordset for other recordset?

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