Reports :: Printing Separate Reports Into One Combined PDF Using VBA?

Jul 1, 2013

Currently I have five separate reports setup in Access 2010 (that are running off of five separate queries). Since they have different data/fields, I was unable to combine into one query & one report.

However, I print each to PDF and then combine using Acrobat Pro. Is there a way to combine in VBA and not have to do the step using Acrobat Pro?Function PrintReports()

DoCmd.OpenReport "Program_Summary_1", acViewPreview
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "Program_Summary_1", "PDFFormat(*.pdf)", "C:DesktopPrintFiles" & "Program_Summary_1" & ".pdf", False
DoCmd.Close acReport, "Program_Summary_1"
DoCmd.OpenReport "Program_Summary_2, acViewPreview


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Reports :: Each Event Report Printing On Separate Page

Dec 3, 2013

I have a database of musical events. Now im creating flayers for each event. My Q is how the Information for each event should fit on one A4 page and should start on a new page of the report.

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Reports :: Stop Report Footer From Printing On Separate Page

Apr 20, 2014

How do I stop the report footer from printing on a separate page. I have seen several suggestions but nothing seems to work.

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Reports :: Pass Listbox Parameters To Pull Multiple Separate Reports

Nov 23, 2013

I have a form that the user can add Work Order numbers to a text box and pass them to a listbox to collect 1 or more values. Each of which need a separate report with the labour hours for each Work Order.

I am having issues figuring out how to get it to pass them to a query or filter the reports.

I have tried many different examples and nothing seems to work.

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Reports :: Open Separate Reports For Each Record In Continuous Form

Aug 19, 2014

I have a continuous form that displays a list of invoices (frmInvoiceList) based on an adjustable filter contained within the form. I have the filters working the way that I want them through VBa and I have a button on each record to open a report (rptInvoice). Inside that report, I have some controls to "print", "email", and "export to PDF". Again all that works just the way I want. The Form and the Report are based on a different query and each has an InvoiceID field to link.

What I am trying to do is put the Print, Email, and Export buttons on the main form which would perform the appropriate action for all the records that are displayed on the form. I've been able to get the Print function to work to a degree. It will print all the records, but it changes the background colors based on the alternating records. When I go to Email or Export, it creates a single file with multiple pages and each page is a new record, again with the alternating background colors.

Ideally, I would like to have a separate file exported for each record that can be renamed and archived separately. I'm not so concerned with the email function but if it would be possible to generate a separate report for each invoice, then pull the appropriate email address for the record, that would be really nice.

I've tried some "for" and "do" loops that I found through some Googling but none of the samples ended up working like I wanted.

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Reports :: Eliminating A Space In Combined Field

Sep 4, 2014

I use several fields to capture a name: LName, FName, MI and Suffix.

In a report I combine the fields.

=[LName] & " " & [Suffix] & ", " & [FName] & " " & [MI]

This works fine if there is a suffix; however, without a suffix I have an extra space.

What is the "work around" to eliminate the space.

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Reports :: Printing Multiple Reports From One Button

Apr 23, 2014

I have a form that produces Year end accounts, therefore each page is totally different from one another, there are 10 reports per set of accounts.

I have created 10 buttons that out puts the desired report

Profit and Lost, Balance Sheet etc.....

What I would like now is a way to print all 10 reports with the click of a button, how can this be done...

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Modules & VBA :: Printing Code Slowing Down Printing Reports?

Feb 25, 2014

I was having trouble just setting each report with a particular print method - for some reason they just kept forgetting their individual settings and resorting to default on the machine.

This meant reports were printing on the wrong paper, or the wrong size paper, the wrong orientation and some times refusing to print if it couldn't find the paper (which is useful in runtime as it doesn't display error messages)

So I used Reports(rpt).printer properties (I forgot where I found this) to hard code the printer properties into each print command... this meant I had to use another function to insert the variables.

So all I had to do was say:


and a report would print to exactly how I wanted... but it's just too slow!

See attached for full code, I have a niggling feeling it may be the function: PrinterOK, to make sure the printer exists or not.

Function PrinterOK(sPrinterName As String) As Boolean
Dim MyPrinter As Printer
PrinterOK = False
For Each MyPrinter In Printers
If MyPrinter.DeviceName = sPrinterName Then
PrinterOK = True
Exit Function
End If
End Function

I know it's the printing code, because if I stop the printing and just preview then it shows up almost instantly.

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Reports :: Separate Check Box From Label

Aug 8, 2013

I am trying to set up a report and I need to separate the check box from the label. For example, the label reads CASH and has a check box. I want the label CASH to be the header and the check box to be underneath, but I can't seem to separate the two. How do I slide the check box down to the Detail row and leave the Header in the Page Header row?


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Reports :: Separate Pages By Unique Field?

Jul 29, 2013

I have a DB with all my patients and (among other things) all their referral source.

I would like to print a status report of all my patients, grouped by the referral source, and fax them to the appropriate offices. Easily done with the report wizard.

What I need to know is, how do I create one report, but force a new page for each referral source?

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General :: Possible To Store Forms And Reports In Separate FE

Jul 27, 2013

I have an A2007 database used for time and billing. As time goes on I've had to add more forms and especially more reports. I feel the because of all these "additions" the FE is getting a bit bloated, something like 2.2MB right now.What I want to inquire about is the possibility of moving at least some (if not all) of the forms and reports to another FE and can this be done without having to move tables and/or queries?

The navigation pane is "hidden" from the users so they don't see all the tables, queries, forms and reports but some are smart enough to figure out to "unhide" the navigation pane.Concerning the forms; there are certainly some forms that I do not want other users to open out of curiosity, or for whatever other reasons they might have, so these I would want to move. The same basic reasoning would apply to the reports.

My thinking would be this; move a particular form/report to a separate FE that merely acts as a "bucket" to store the form/report. Clicking on the control in the main FE would open the form/report stored in the other FE using the tables and queries in the main FE.can it be done without having to re-write a bunch of code? I know I can add code so certain controls aren't visible to certain users but I've not found a way to permanently lock and hide the navigation pane.

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Reports :: Create Separate Report For Each Record

Apr 13, 2013

I have a query which displays only the records that match the criteria in the form given before. Now i want to create separate report for each of these records. How should i go about with it? I don't want a seperate form for this purpose, is there any way to do the same with a macro?

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Adding And Subtracting Totals From 3 Separate Reports

Sep 4, 2015

I have 3 reports

Report 1. is attendance from January to June
Report 2. is from June to December
Report 3. is from January to December

The are all run from the same query with different Between Dates.

The scenario is that Paul attended the support group from Jan to June so in the Jan to June report he is counted once. The query removes duplicate values

Paul attended the same support group from June to December so in the June to December report he is counted once. The query removes duplicate values.

This shows the Paul attended he support group from Jan to December so in the June to December report he is counted once. The query removes duplicate values, if you removed the duplicates from this query he would be counted twice.

Not all people attend the same group for 12 months but if they do the are a duplicate and Paul is a duplicate. That is ok because we need to know now many duplicates there are for the year.

If I print all 3 reports with the duplicates remove query and you looked at the totals it would show (Example) 30 attendees in the 1st report and 30 attendees in the 2nd report but in the 3rd report it would show 59 not 60 which is the total of reports 1 & 2. we need to report these figures as 1st 6 months with 30 and the second 6 months with 30 but the whole year would be with 59 and 1 duplicate.

The way it is now I have to run all 3 report and do the math by hand this way.

Is there a way on the to do the math with code calculations on the full year report with the figures from the 2, 6 month reports to automatically show total attendance for the year 59 with 1 duplicate?

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Reports- Printing

Nov 29, 2005

Hey all, I have a problem I was hoping that someone could help me with. I am trying to add my digital signature to my report. Since I have added an activeX Control to my form which display and stores my signauture, I would like to display it on my report as well (if it apperas with the record) So I added it like any other control to the report but when it is saved it is letters and numbers, so I have to make it back into a digital signature. Can anyone help me.Thanks

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Reports :: How To Take Two Separate Queries To Create 2 Line Graph

Nov 21, 2014

I want to be able to take two separate queries to create a 2 line graph. Also to be able to spice the graphs up some. The ones I have done, single line, even seems dull.

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Reports :: How To Create A Separate Ribbon And Attach It To Report

Aug 30, 2013

I've created a custom ribbon and it works great however I want to create a separate ribbon and attach it to the report. On this particular ribbon, I'd like the export to excel, export to word and print functions to appear ONLY for reports. Not all reports will need to be exported; it depends what the user does. I've created this XML and I'm not receiving any error message. It loads as expected but my group is blank/empty. Still confused.

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Printing Reports In Excel

Jul 17, 2006

hi. i am working first time with query and reports. i have created a database. i have reports and query. i have a button in my form by the name of (View reports) if a user clicks on that button it opens another form with 3 options
1) Problems all report
2) problems resolved
3) Problems not resolved
Now what i really want is when a user clicks on Problems all report it should go directly into excel worksheet based on my query which i have assigned and the width, column should be perfect in excel so then a user can print. secondly same thing goes for problems resolved based on my query which wil show all the problems which have been resolved and should open it in excel with everything alligned and ready to print. i know it is possible and i have been able to just print Problems all based on report not with my query and the formatting was really bad. i need to print reports based on my query directly in Excel worksheet with everything perfectly formatted. any help will be really appreciated.
Thanks alot

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Reports Printing To My Own Printer

Jan 10, 2008

Good morning,

I've created a pretty powerful Access Database that pulls information out of some ODBC tables we have on our local server. Of course, I created the database and all the forms and reports on my work computer here. But, when I was finished, I sent that entire database out to probably 20 or 30 people in the company. On a daily basis, they run the same program from their own computer and they like to print/export/etc. the reports that are produced. However, I don't understand why those reports print our on my personal printer (the printer is on the network). If they have a default printer at their site, why wouldn't it print there? Also, I haven't included any printing macros or VBA coding. I'm tired of having 30 or 40 sheets of paper print out on my printer daily. Any suggestions?

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Reports :: Not All Data Is Being Printing Out

Jan 13, 2015

Not sure why this is doing this. When I print out my report, it will print most of the items, and leave some out. When I go back and check the information is in the database correctly, but it wont print out.

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Reports :: Printing Twice As Many Pages As Necessary

Feb 25, 2014

I have a report where the detail section, holding 4 subreports, takes up 5 inches in the middle of the page between the header and footer. We want the entire 5 x 8 area enclosed in a box on every page. I have tried to achieve this by putting a line in the Detail_Format section:

boxDetail.Height = 5 * 1440 * Pages

However, when I run the report, I get pages 1/3 correctly, then 2/3 and 3/3 with no detail section or box, and then pages 4/3, 5/3, and 6/3 with blank detail sections and no box. If it's a 1-page report, the same - page 1/1 is perfect and page 2/1 is blank, no data and no box. I also sometimes (but not always) get overflow errors from the Detail_Format event.

I know it's not a margin error because that would be every other page, and the page count wouldn't be doing that. (Still, I have scrupulously checked every margin, and they all look fine.) Getting this look on the report is a priority. Any way to achieve the same result with the box without causing the missing data and extra pages?

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Reports :: Sub-report Not Printing

Jan 13, 2015

I have a report with one sub-report. It previews correctly and prints correctly from my ACCDB. However, when I create an ACCDE, the sub-report previews correctly and then does not print. I have tried the following and none work: In the main report, deleted the links and changed the subreports record source.

Changed layout for print to no
Changed filter on empty matches to no

Moved everything from detail to page header.When I put code in the subreport to set a flag when loaded and queried that flag in the main report, the subreport never admitted to being loaded when run from the ACCDE (again works fine from the ACCDB).

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Reports :: Printing Into Pdf From A Report

Mar 1, 2013

I'd like to print out a report so that each record should be printed into an individual pdf file. When printing manually, record by record, I use an app called cuteprinter for converting reports into pdf. But that one needs saving path for each individual pdf file. What could I do if I'd like to make a series of record printing? Would there be a way of automatic generating path and file name for each record's print?

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Access Reports: Adding Lines To Separate Rows And Columns Like Excel

Nov 4, 2004

Ive been converting .xls files to Access database files. I would like to use ACCESS to develop the Reports but the client wants the Reports to look like those in where you have lines between rows and columns. If I could give my Access Reports the same look and feel, I could wean these guys off of Excel and into the wonderful world of relational models.

Does anyone have sqlcode or tricks I might use to create the Excel 'look alike' report in Access?

thks in advance...and I will sum.

the ravenman.

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Reports :: Writing VB Code To Loop Through A List Box And Create Separate PDFs

Aug 19, 2015

I have a sales report that I generate each week based on a query, which relies on the input from a combo box on a form. This works great - but I have select each salesperson, one at a time and run their reports separately.

I'd like to have some code that will run through each person on the list, generate their report, create the PDF, and email (or save) the file.From my initial research, it appears I will need to utilize a List Box (vs a combo box), so I can select multiple salespersons for the report.

I've found a few examples of code to use...but a little lost on how to implement. I create a new form with a list box that queries the property table for the list. I then added a button to execute the code, and attempted to add this (with my control and reports names substituted). Getting all sorts of errors -- so not sure I'm on the correct path.

'Posted by ADezii 5.23.2009 on
'Modified by Gina Whipp 11.4.2009 to OutputTo Multiple Files
'Tested in Access 2003 with a Combo Box

Dim intCounter As Integer
Dim cboCode As ComboBox
Set cboCode = Me![ YourControl ]
'If Your Data Type is Numeric use this section


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Printing Multiple Reports Question

Aug 24, 2004

I have a report that prints per customer. Is there a way to do a print all such that all the cusomer reports are printed without having to manually print each one ??

thank you

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Modules & VBA :: Printing Multiple Reports At Once

Dec 19, 2014

I want to print mulitple reports with different content based on a query. It is like printing invoices of different customers based on a date selection at once / automated..Current I have it working so that I have to select 1 customer at the time.

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