Reports :: Prompt Before Overwriting A Saved File

May 15, 2015

The code below successfully saves a .pdf file to my c: drive. However, on occasion i want to overwrite a previously saved invoice e.g. 3815-140515-Bristol with an amended invoice but retain the same Invoice Number e.g. 3815-150515-Bristol.

Currently, if i save the invoice with the same invoice number but a different date it just saves down without overwriting the original invoice. Leaving 2 invoices with the same invoice numbers but with 2 different dates.

What I want to achieve is: Once I hit the SaveInvoice button the code will check that invoice Nr 3815 does not exist in c: drive and save normally. However, if it does exist a msgbox will then prompt me to overwrite.

Current code:

Private Sub SaveInvoice_Click()
'Save Invoice as PDF and annotate invoice number, site name, and date
Dim slFileName As String
' create the invoice as a pdf
slFileName = Me.txtInvoiceNr.Value & "-" & Format(Date, "ddmmyy") & "-" & Me.SiteName.Value & ".pdf"

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "rptinvoice", acFormatPDF, ("c:CompanyName InvoicesRegular Invoices" & slFileName)

MsgBox "Your Invoice was successfully Saved"

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ACCESS File Is Overwriting While It Is In Use

Feb 12, 2008

I created one MS access database and I added some table in that and I have other access mdb file with same name so when I open the first one file and I copied the second one file in same location it asked me to overwrite but I have using that file my issue is that while using access file if I am overwriting it wont allow me to overwrite it has to stop doing. Is their any solution for this.

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Running A Batch File From Command Prompt Using VBA

Apr 25, 2008


I know this can be done but I'm a novice at VBA. I have a batch file AutoLoop.bat which I run from command prompt at the moment. The idea is to run a VBA routine behind the onClick event of a command button in Access which would run this batch file in command prompt automatically. Say if the batch file path is I:AUTOGENLOOPGENAutoLoop.bat,
what VBA code can be used.

Thanks for any help.

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How To Get File Address Path Thru Windows Prompt?

Feb 2, 2006

Hi there!

I have a question:
Is it possible from a form to have a field (hyperlink - I suppose) where when the user cliks it opens windows prompt (like when you do a "Open" in a word document) and the he/she can select a desired file/folder then click OK (or something) and it puts the exact path to the previously selected file into the field!

Do you get what I mean? Is this possible?

Thank you for your help

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Open Saved File Based On Form Textboxes

Feb 1, 2006

Hello all,

Do you have a code that would open a saved file based on the contents of 2 textboxes on my form.

The saved files would be in:
C:Documents and Settings100310257Desktop

I have a button on the form, but need a code that would pull up the savedfile using the name in textbox1 and the name in textbox2, like this:
textbox1-textbox2. e.g. textbox1 = Novo Group. textbox2 = AA
There is a saved file in the path above, Novo Group-AA

Thanks for helping!

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Modules & VBA :: How To Change Name Of File Output Report Is Being Saved As When In PDF

Jun 4, 2014

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "Estimate", acFormatPDF, "c:TestMyReport.pdf"

the following code saves my report in a folder called test as a pdf file with the name MyReport. I have a string variable called RepName. How can I make the report get saved under that name.

I tried
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "Estimate", acFormatPDF, "c:Test&MyReport&.pdf" but it dosent work.

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General :: Prompt A Windows Alert To All User Who Using The Same Database File?

Dec 3, 2014

Im seeking for a solution to prompt all user with windows alert for Notification

Case 1:One staff applied leave and clicked "Submit" , after clicked I want the system will prompt his/her Supervisor for his/her leave approval or like a notification that the Supervisor need to go somewhere to approve (Selected Supervisor)(Maybe the Supervisor need to 7x24 Opening the access database).

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Forms Instead Of <Variable>: [Prompt] In Queries/reports

Mar 30, 2005

Ok, so now this is where it's getting more complicated... (though I guess this is where you guys usually start)

When you have a query, and you type in your inputbox thingy like so:

PeriodEnd: [Enter period end date dd/mm/yyyy: ]

And you can have multiple, then it will prompt you for several of them.

Now this is not very tidy, so I'd rather do it on a form. How can I display the form as the query/report runs, and insert the values entered into the form as the inputs into my variables? (This case PeriodEnd)


Grrr... I can't get the image to display.

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Reports :: Prompt For Date And Insert Into Letter?

Nov 18, 2013

I'm using MS Access 2002 and I'm trying to create a prompt for a date and then enter that date into the body of the letter.

Also can the date format be short and converted into a long format on the letter.

Prompt - Enter Date
Date entered = 12/31/2013

Sample Letter:

Your subscription ends on December 31, 2013 if you would like to renew etc.....

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Reports :: Remove Prompt While Running Report

Apr 8, 2015

I have a report that is created from the following query (qryTotalProjectHours). What I am trying to do is get the total hours spent on Tasks within a given time period.


SELECT TasksEntries.Project, TasksEntries.Task, Sum(TimeTracker.WorkHours) AS TotalHours
FROM TasksEntries INNER JOIN TimeTracker
ON (TasksEntries.EmployeeId = TimeTracker.EmployeeId) AND (TasksEntries.TaskID = TimeTracker.TaskId)
GROUP BY TasksEntries.Project, TasksEntries.Task;

I accept the start and end dates in a form and pass it like shown below. WorkDate is a column in the TimeTracker table and is not present in any other table.


strWhere = "WorkDate BETWEEN #" & txtMgrRptStartDate & "# AND #" & txtMgrRptEndDate & "#"
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptTotalProjectHours", acViewPreview, "qryTotalProjectHours", strWhere, acWindowNormal

When the report is invoked, I get a box where it says
"Enter parameter value" for Workdate..

Is there anyway I can get rid of the prompt? I never thought you needed the column name in the SELECT statement to be able to run this.I should add the I tried the query with the WorkDate hardcoded in there and it worked fine and returned the correct results

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Reports :: How To Print Images Saved In Database Records

Apr 14, 2014

I have created a database which has 2 images for record embedded, the method I have use for this is to link the address were the image is in order to avoid that the database gets slow, the images are displayed on the form but I cant find the way how to embed such images in a report neither how to print them with a button used for such purpose.

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Overwriting Subform Address

Nov 19, 2005


I am in transportation and am designing a form for bills of lading (air/sea/truck). There are two tables, a NameAddress list, and the BillOfLading record list. The bill of lading form has a drop down combobox to let the user choose a Ship From name and address, and another for a Ship To name and address.

The simplest way I can think to display, and later report-output the names and addresses is with subforms for Ship From, and Ship To, or alternately, using DLookup fields. Both methods seem to work fine.

But in this business, the user, a shipping clerk or agent, is often called on edit a name or address text in the Ship To or Ship From, usually for a one time occurance for the specific shipment, rather than for a change for the Name or Address list. That change might be a request for adding a purchase order number, or a pickup number, to an address field. This change might occur rarely or regularly, but often it must be placed in the address lines rather than elsewhere on the bill of lading.

With subforms, I seem to have been able to set it up where you can edit the address field, however, when doing this, it has always meant that the related record in the NameAddress table gets changed by this editing.

So the question is, would it be better to create real name and address fields in the bill of lading table, and somehow have the related NameAddress field data written to those fields? Then, if required they could be edited for the specific shipment and that that bill of lading data record would be saved. If so, how can I write to those fields from the related record in the NameAddress table?

Thanks for any help or suggestions.

(PS: I know that doubling up on name and address fields breaks a rule in DB design but I don't see how to avoid it in this case.)

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How Do I Append To An Existing Table Without Overwriting Data

Feb 3, 2005


I have a table that contains a notes field. What i would like to do is to append to this field in table with some more data (notes), however i dont want to over write the existing data. I would just like to add to it.

the current notes are added through the access front end, but in this instance i have a particular note that needs to be added to various enteries without overwriting existing data. I know this is to be done via an append query, any help would be great


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Queries :: Find A Way Of Overwriting Records In Table With New Data

Aug 6, 2014

I have a table where csv files get imported to on a daily basis. The key fields I am working with are a supply number and date. The problem I have is that sometimes the csv file will contain information that is correcting/updating information held in the table. This is creating duplicated records.I need to either create a query to find records that have the same supply number and date or find a way of overwriting the records in the table with the new data.

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Reports :: Where Condition And Output To PDF File

Nov 30, 2013

I would like to print a report file from a database into PDF format.Currently I am using a macro with a "where condition" to select the particular file which currently outputs to the default printer. Converting the macro to VBA reads as follows:

DoCmd.OpenReport "Receipt - full pay new", acViewNormal, "", "[ConsultID]=[Forms]![Payment Record Type]![ConsultID]"

However, if I do an output to PDF file as below, I can't insert a "where condition" to pick the specific file. Instead, it outputs the whole unfiltered report which is 12,000 pages and 29 MB!

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport,"Receipt - full pay new",acFormatPDF,"C:AccessReceiptPDF.pdf"

How to combine the 2, i.e. have the "where condition" to select the particular report page, but output to a PDF file in a selected directory.

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Reports :: Generate Report File Name

Apr 28, 2014

I have a report named PIRREPORTFORMD17792. Every time I try to print out a record, the MS Access 2010 uses PIRREPORTFORMD17792 as a default file name.Instead of using PIRREPORTFORMD17792 as a default file name for all the reports, I would like to use a field on the form for the file name. This field called PIRNO. This field will automatically generate a number whenever a new record is added.

If I am on a record shown PIR20014-0001, then I want the file name of this report (in PDF) to be PIR20014-0001.

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Reports :: Importing A File And Fixed Text?

Jul 30, 2013

1. how do i import a word document as a template to ms access Report file i did Ctrl + A to select all copy then paste it pasted it well u can say good but when u preview its not an actual page size its much smaller and theres no way to re-size it is there a way to copy or import it perfectly to the report file in access?

and the second question

2. in a form where you choose source code (i think) i merged in 1 table the FirstName and LastName i remember doing something like

[FirstName] & " & [LastName]

now when i preview the report after selecting my data from combo box it prints fine i mean merges the FirstName and LastName to 1 box but its not a fixed position i mean i placed the text box above the line "Fullname:_______"

but when i preview it depending on the lenght of the table it moves too left or too right and i cant control it is there a way to fix its position? because if the name is too short or too long the text just dances and i changing the position of the textbox doesnt

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Reports :: Adding File Path In Footer?

Sep 29, 2014

In Access 2010 how to add a file path in the report footer?

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Reports :: Save Report As PDF And Auto Populate File Name

May 8, 2013

My reports are saved as a PDF at the moment I click the print report button, select cutePDF Writer then manually add the Quote number stored in Field from the Table or form into the file name, then select the location to store the PDF file

Can I make this process automated when I click the print report button to auto select PDF Print, then auto populate the file name with the quote/Inv Number and then save to nominated directory.

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Reports :: Importing And Processing Excel File For Report

Mar 26, 2013

I have an excel file that I need to prepare to create a report.It would be great if I could do this with Access 2003. This would mean that I need to import the excel file and create a table to handle this.Is there by any chance that I don't need to create a table and I can process the excel file? Or maybe automate the import of the excel file into table and only use a few of the columns so later I can create the report in access.Also what I need to do is add some columns with text in it (a standard text) that needs to add a day taken form the column to the right.

I simply would like to avoid to create a table from the import as this would make me end with a lot of tables (or mabye option to delete the table after finishing producing the report.

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Reports :: PDF Generating And Saving But Returns Blank File

Apr 18, 2013

PDF was generating and saving to the correct location, but when I open the PDF file ... it's blank =P am using access 2003 and acrobat standard 9


Private Sub cmdPDFByAssetNo_Click()
Dim MyFilter As String
Dim MyPath As String
Dim MyFilename As String


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Reports :: Open Report As A Microsoft Word File

Jun 26, 2014

I want to open a simple report (restricted to the current record) but I need it as a editable MS Word file, (not printed or pdf, etc.)


Private Sub MyReport_Click()
Dim stDocName As String
Dim strWhere As String


I've tried several combinations of vba..I'm using Microsoft Access 2007

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Reports :: Unable To Save Report As Excel File

Jul 19, 2015

I want to save my report as excel file on the user computer with a click of a button. I have tried this code:

Private Sub Cmd_ReporttoExcel_Click()
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "Gastrolog Report", acFormatXLS, "C:UsersXXDocuments" & Format(Date, "yyyymmdd") & ".xls"
End Sub

But it is giving error 2282 - The format in which you are attempting to output the current object is not available.

The other part of this question is :

This is something similar when I didn't have "PDF add in " in access 2007, when I added PDF add in then option to save file in PDF was available in "output to" action of macro. There is nothing like excel add in. However when I can export the data in excel sheet by Export function in access why don't I have option to save file as excel in "output to " action in macro? I want to have this option so that user can click a button in the form rather than in the top ribbon try to find out how to transfer and save the excel sheet.

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Reports :: Printing Report To PDF File Via Button On Search Form?

Aug 7, 2014

I'm building an application to record engineer input in Events (jobs) for an engineering company.

My main tables are Products, Builds and Events, together with fifty or so reference and ancillary tables which aren't really relevant to this particular head-scratcher.

A Build is derived from a Product and an Event is applied to a Build. An Event includes a sale, a service, a warranty repair and so on. Over time, multiple Events will be logged against a Build.

I have a searchable Events form (Search_Events), containing a subform (Search_Events_sub) whose contents dynamically change to reflect data entered in a variety of unbound fields in the main Events search form. Needless to say, the glue that holds things together is the Event_ID field.

On my Search_Events form, I'd like to place two buttons (Rpt_Event_client and Rpt_Event_internal) which will allow the user to print either a client or an internal copy of the event in question. The reason I want to use separate buttons rather than one button for both copies is that it's quite likely that different engineers will work on different parts of an Event's build, test and sign off process, and will want to print off and annotate the internal report, whereas only the final report will be sent to the client. Also, there will be some slight differences between the visible fields on each report (time and materials logged etc).

So far, I've managed to get the Rpt_Event_internal button to open the relevant Event report in preview mode, using the following on the button's 'on click' event:

DoCmd.OpenReport "Rpt_Event_internal", acViewPreview, "", "[Event_ID]=[Forms]![Search_Events]![Sub].[Form]![s_Event_ID]", acWindowNormal, ""

(In the subform, Event_ID is referenced as s_Event_ID because I'm using an nZ function in most of the search fields so that the results filter dynamically)

So far, so good: this works fine. However, from a usability perspective, and based on the fact that this will be the most-used feature, I'd really like to be able to have the button do the following:

- print the relevant report, based on Event_ID as above to a PDF file

- synthesise the filename of the report along the lines of "Event_" & [Event_ID] & "_Client_Copy_" & [Date()] & ".pdf"

- and to then have the standard 'save as' Windows location browser/file explorer dialogue box appear so the user can choose where to save the file. I don't want the filepath to be hardwired, rather I need the users to be able to decide where to save the file.

I'm using Access 2013.

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Reports :: Adding Images To A Report - Only File Path Displaying

Oct 15, 2014

I have to add 2 company logos and a phone graphic to a report.

I can only seem to add one logo and if i try to copy and paste a graphic it just displays the file path.

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Reports :: Excel Template File - Direct Access What To Put In Which Cell?

Nov 24, 2014

How much formatting can be done to a report from Access into Excel? I am trying to (or will be in the next day or so) to create a report to export data and I would like it presented in a specific format. This is hopefully to replace a spreadsheet where someone currently has to collate and re-type a load of info that has already been typed into various other spreadsheets.

Access is going to happily cope with all of those users entering their data to a table, and I would like to be able to output that data to something similar to the end result now? Is there a way to have an Excel template file and simply direct Access what to put in which cell?

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