Reports :: Report Not Filtering Correctly With Date Inputs?

Mar 13, 2013

My report generates base on 2 date inputs(from textboxes) namely, ProcStartDate & ProcEndDate & a combobox(cmbRptSupplier) to select the supplier:

Private Sub btnReport_Click()
Dim strDocName, strWHERECondition As String
strWHERECondition = ""
If Me.cmbRptSupplier = "" Or IsNull(Me.cmbRptSupplier) = True Then


When I leave my cmbRptSupplier blank (so that I can leave supplier out of my criteria), & fill in 1/2/2013 for ProcStartDate, 14/3/2013 for ProcEndDate, I get ALL the invoices displayed in return for my report. Even with those before 1/2/2013.

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Reports :: Report Field Not Growing Correctly With Transparent Border

Jul 17, 2013

I have a report, and the "reason" field is one that can grow as needed. The following string is in the field: "MISSING IMPLEMENTATION PLAN, MISSING SERVICE LOGS FOR DATE OF SERVICE". I bolded MISSING, where the space hits the border. My standard setting for the border style is Transparent, and the space is causing the growing to not work properly. TransparentBorder.pdf shows the incorrect growing. When I change the border style to Solid, the growing works correctly, as shown in the SolidBorder.pdf file.why the growing is not working properly with the Transparent border, but does work correctly with the Solid border?

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Reports :: Filtering Report To Only Show Current Month Report?

Nov 16, 2014

The aim of what I am doing is to create a monthly statement to give to our intermediaries that shows the commission they will receive each month for the deals they have referred. I have managed to create this report, HOWEVER I can't figure out how to filter out which month I need, so I a report for Jan, Feb Mar etc... The idea is that at the end of each month I need to run the report so only the latest month shows...

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Reports :: Filtering A Report

May 28, 2013

report i'm trying to preview. I have a form which will display a person's training record and on that form i'd like to have a button which, when activated will show the record as a report in Print Preview. However, i'd like to just preview the record i'm looking at and not all of that person's records.

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Reports :: Filtering Subreports On Main Report

Aug 8, 2014

I have a database (Access 2007) that handles a large number of consultants. Each consultant has a number of skills, has worked in a number of countries, and speak several languages. As contracts come in, I wish to generate a report based on the skill set, language and country/countries that best suits the contract; thereby identifying a group of most suitable consultants. I have designed a report with three sub reports for skills, languages and countries. Each sub report is linked to the main report through Link Master/Child fields using the ConsultantID. That's all fine; I get a report showing all consultants listing all their qualities.

Now, I want to be able to filter the sub reports on the three aspects: Skills; Countries; and Languages.

In the past, for other applications, and with the unfiltered form in preview I have used a popup form with unbound Combo Boxes to generate a string to use in the reports filter. I think I got that technique from Allen Browne, and it has really served me well.

Now, however, I can't use this technique since I can't set the filter for the sub reports. I thought that I might be able to use the Link Master Field with text boxes on the main report, but haven't managed to figure that out.

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Reports :: Filtering Report To Specific Record

Jun 9, 2014

I work in psychological testing and I have created a database to store some data for our patients' test scores. I have a main form with demographics and then 5 buttons on the main form that open into 5 other forms (one form for each test). I also have created a button on the main form to run a Report; however, I would like to filter the report to only show the current record (e.g., Patient ID #1 only).

(Can this be done?) How should I go about filtering the report to show only the open record? Expression is preferred - I'm not very good with code.

I'm also assuming that since each form is linked by the primary key of Patient ID, I should be able to see all data from each form (main + 5 others) in the report for that specified Patient ID... (?)

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Reports :: Filtering A Report Through Start Of Week Dates

Jun 23, 2015

I've restructured my 'application' to have one table and a lot of query/forms. In light of not figuring out the combo box situation I altered the requirements and what I needed thinking I may have an easier go of it, but alas not exactly my experience. I have 5 reports that I want to filter them by week(start of the week). I have a function which can turn any regular date entered to the start day of the week(monday). I thought my best way about this would be to fill a combo box with all the accepted dates through a separate table's column.

Is there a way to pop a dialog box when the user clicks to generate the report that will prompt them to choose a week then run that criteria against the report and only bring back that date?

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Reports :: Filtering A Report Made Directly From A Table?

Aug 10, 2014

I've created a report which has 4 subreports linked to it via a ClientID. The problem is it prints 2000 reports for the 2000 different ClientIDs. I want, went the button is pressed, for it to ask what ClientID the users wants to print the report for.

I know how to do this in a query based report via criteria, buthow to get this to work when the reports been directly made from a table.

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Filtering By Date In A Report?

Oct 28, 2013

I've created a Form where I enter all my data - then I created a Report to output this data, it includes two buttons to filter based on one category. That's working fantastically well for me.

But now I would like to filter on dates. For example, last 7 days, last 14 days etc - and also give the user the option of filtering between x and y dates. I've discovered this is easily done by right-clicking the date field in the report, but I'd prefer to embed these commands into buttons etc so it's easier to navigate.

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Reports :: Filtering A Report Based On Chosen Criteria In The Form

Mar 12, 2015

I have a report with a table as the row source. I have command buttons that opens different forms and allows the user to choose criteria, the form then filters the report based on the chosen criteria in the form, but if I use the destination city form to filter the report by destination city, then filter the report using a different form, the destination city filter is lost, is there a way to filter the report with a form by say destination city, then further filter that dataset with another form for say location city.

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Queries :: Access 2013 - Filtering Report By Date?

Jan 14, 2014

Access version: 2013 / The user can click a button on the report that opens a form where they can select various filters. Once the user has selected the filters and clicks done, I have some VB code that fires which builds an SQL string with all of the filters selected. It then reopens the report with the new filter.

What I am running into issues with is one specific filter that the user can select. They can select a "from date" and "to date". Sometimes this filter returns what I want and sometimes it doesn't.

For example. I set 01/01/14 as the start date and end date as 15/01/14. <-- this works as desired.But if I put start date as 10/12/13 and end date 15/01/14 for example then it returns all previous records up to the specified end date. I.E dates such as 10/10/13 will show.

This is the VB code used to build the SQL for this filter:


newWhere = newWhere & "[FollowUpDate] > #" & Me.txtFromDateSelect & "# AND [FollowUpDate] < #" & Me.txtToDateSelect & "#" & " AND "

note: I have also tried using the between SQL syntax for querying the date to no avail and the same results.

This is the SQL that the above code creates:


[FollowUpDate] > #1/01/2014# AND [FollowUpDate] < #15/01/2014#

This only happens when I try select a start date prior to 12/12/13 (so the year is not the issue)

This happens both when I apply just the from date and to date filter and also when I mix it in with other filters. I.E Company name, product etc..

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Reports :: Data Picker Does Not Work Correctly In Subform Which Is In Reports Header

Apr 1, 2015

I have date picker which works correctly in form. When I put that form as subform to reports header calendar shows up but after selecting date on calendar textbox stays blank. Format of textbox is Short Date, Show date picker property is For dates.

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Reports :: Report Won't Sort By Date When Query Contains Date Formatting

Jun 21, 2013

A few months ago I created a report that displays the results of a long union query comprising a dozen or so individual queries, each containing an expression that yields a date (or sometimes date and time). I set the report to group by query and then sort by the date expression. Now for some reason that I can't fathom the report has always only ever offered me the option to sort the date "A to Z", I infer it thinks the date is text, but this misunderstanding has never actually stopped it sorting by date perfectly well. It worked. No problems.

However I have recently added formatting to some of the queries so that they just display date, not date and time e.g. Format([dateandtime],"dd/mm/yyyy"), and now the sort by date in the report no longer works. None of the sorting or grouping options have changed, but it now sorts just by the "dd" component of the date - so it thinks 21st June is later than 20th July. why?

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Reports :: Get Last Record To Query Correctly

Sep 17, 2013

I have a table that gets updated by a query(For Invoices).When I query that Invoice table for the last record, I do not get the last one written. It stops at number 12. I am using the Totals option with Invoice number field and setting to "Last".is there another way I can get the last record to query correctly. I am trying to populate an invoice report.

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Reports :: Alternate Back Color Not Printing Correctly

Sep 25, 2013

This is re-statement for clarity of earlier thread deleted.

In Access 2010 I have a Report with a Detail Section that shows a record and a Sub-report that shows the many records of a one-to-many relationship.

The Report Detail Section Property Sheet specifies a Back Color and a different Alternate Back Color.

Report View alternates the Detail Section background colors correctly.

Print View and Printing DO NOT correctly alternate the background colors. Back color and Alternate Back Color appear in irregular sequences.

how to fix it?

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Reports :: Access 2013 - How To Get Charts To Display Correctly

Mar 3, 2013

I've developed and used over the past 20 years to handle my home finances. It includes several charts that were probably created back in Access 2003, which I used up until a couple of weeks ago when I subscribed to Office 365 Home and set up Office 2013, including Access.Most things worked without a hitch. In fact, all my old VBA code seems to run just fine.

However, the charts don't work. The right side of chart gets cut off way short of the margin both in print preview and report view. Everything else looks fine and the data is correct.

I've fiddled and fussed and fangled with zoom, clip and stretch. I've tried to resize the chart area - it just snaps back. I've tried everything I can think of based on 20 years of fussing with Access charts - which has always been a major pain - without success.

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Reports :: Calculated Field Not Displaying Correctly On Subreport

Sep 14, 2014

I have been trying to figure out why my subreport is only showing sales price for only one of the records on my subform. Everything else works as it should, but it only displays the sales price for the record which is active on the subform.Attached is the database with the subreport called rptProposalItems with the field 'Sales Price' which is experiencing the issue.

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Open Report --&gt;working Not Correctly

Dec 7, 2005

firstly, i created some report based on query. then in my form i create list and combox to list down all primary key that had in query..
what i want to do is open report, based on criteria that i selected from combobox or list box...
i create both cbo and list box to compare which 1 is better... but both not working. i mean it works but not show the data as i want to. it open / list all data at report..

i use this code but nothing happen :

for listbox;
StCriteria = "[ID]=" & "'" & ListCustomer.Column(0) & "'"
DoCmd.OpenReport "Invoice Print", acPreview, , StrCriteria

and Cbo;
StrCriteria = "[ID]=" & Me.[cboCustomer]
DoCmd.OpenReport "Invoice Print", acPreview, , StrCriteria

plz help me..i dunno what to do.. :confused:
it works but not correct

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Reports :: Grouping By Date On Report

Mar 2, 2013

I am trying to create a report grouped by payment date. The problem I'm having is there are 3 different payment date fields on one table and 1 payment date field on another table. I cannot figure out how to get my group expression to pull up the dates from each one of the fields. Do I need to create a new table for each payment type, or is there a way to create a common field "Payment Date" and pull up date from these 3 fields. I have a criteria form which sets beginning and ending dates, but where to assign it. The report is called "Payments by Date" and I need to show PPD (primary payment date), SPD (secondary payment date), etc.

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Reports :: Date Field In A Report

Jun 6, 2013

I have a report where I added text then a date field based on a Table. In the table I have specified the "Co_ContractEndDate" for input mask as dd/mm/yyyy, however the format to display as dd mmmm yyyy. This works in the Form and in the report as it's own control text box, however when I merge the field with some text the formating changes.

My report text box is as follows:
="The Program Period for this Program will finish on " & Co_ContractEndDate] &"."

The output in Print Preview is:
The Program Period for this Program will finish on 30/06/2013.

I would like to show it as:
The Program Period for this Program will finish on 30 June 2013.

As a work around I have aligned the date field with the label field to get the outcome but as it is a sentence I would like to add a full stop at the end. how to show this text box in design view?

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Reports :: Calculated Date On A Report (Invoice)?

Jul 15, 2013

I have an invoice system, where the payment due date is the last working day of the month following the invoice.

For example, if I produce an invoice on 5th June, the payment will be due on the last day of July. What I can put in a text box to automatically calculate that date, based on the Order date?

This is the order date formula : =[Forms]![frmInvoiceMain]![txtOrderDate]

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Reports :: Sorting By Date In Query For A Report

Jul 27, 2014

I have a query where I ORDER BY ClientId, MatterId and Transdate. The result of the query is correct. All of the transdates are in ASC order within the Matter.

When I run the report for a MatterId the relative transactions are not sorted on transdate

Can there be something in the report that could be effecting the order of the transactions.

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Reports :: Date Range Filter For Report

May 27, 2015

The data the query pulls is employee name, course ID, course name and course completed date. I have added criteria in the query that asks for the Course ID to filter on a given course and a dynamic field in the query AnnualReqDate: DateAdd("d",+365,[TrainingCourseCompleted]). What this returns is a list of employees that have completed course X the date they completed and the date (12 months) when the course is due. This works great, have created a report that reflects this very well.

The issue comes in when I try to add the ability to filter by date range on the AnnualReqDate dynamic field. the AnnualReqDate dynamic field does not exist until the query is run the Between [Start Date] And [End Date] criteria add to the AnnualReqDate dynamic field wont work.The query fires off but returns zero records.

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Reports :: Custom Date Format In A Report?

Aug 30, 2014

can't find how to add today's date to a report formatted as "August 30, 2014." I can't understand why that's not one of the options when inserting a date.

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Reports :: Leading 0 Not Showing For Date On Report

May 28, 2015

On report, date shows as: 5/23/2015

I want it to show as: 05/23/2015

The input date in main table has the same format as the fields without the '0'.

Property for all date fields appear the same...

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Reports :: Report With Date Select / Search And Other Variables

Sep 26, 2014

I have a report reporting events that occurred today, using =Date() in the query.I want to have a control/box on the report which shows today's date by default, but enables me to select a different date with the outcome that the report refreshes and shows the events on the selected date instead.

Maybe I need a form for this although I would like to do conditional formatting so a report is better.It would also be good to be able to sort by column values, as in a table on a webpage with sort controls in the column headings which work just by clicking.

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