Reports :: Saving Report To A Map In Macro

Oct 3, 2013

What I want to do is save a daily report to a map source, each day the map name changes so for today the map name is "Report2013-10-03", and tomorrow the map name will be "Report2013-10-04".

Is this possible? is there some function like save(Report%s) where %s = date() ?

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Reports :: Send Report As PDF With Macro

Sep 26, 2013

I want to sent out my report as a pdf file with my macro.. I've been trying to use the VBA

Option Compare Database

Sub Fix1()
DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, "MarketRiskControl_HighestDiffs_AsOfCurrentDate", "PDFFormat(*.pdf)", "my mail@mail", "cc", , "SD Counterparty Report as of Current Date", "Regards, Trading Risk Control", False
End Sub

But this doesn't work, get run-time error 2282..

I am using access 02.

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Reports :: Producing A Report And Then Saving As Attachment

May 29, 2013

I am building a database which produces a report which I have formatted as a letter, I know I could have done this via a mail merge etc however...

What I am wanting to achieve is when this report(letter) is run, is there a way that when it is produced from a macro button embedded in a form that this report can then be saved as a pdf attachment within the same access database attached to a client record?

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Reports :: Making And Saving A Report Template

Aug 15, 2014

I have developed an Access Database for my Co-Op work term workplace, and everything seems to be running smoothly with the exception of the report generation phase. The company I am at has a set template for all reports (Clients column always goes in a specific place on the page, and the report always contains the same categories in the same locations; things like that). The problem is that, every time I go to make a new report, I have to re-format and re-make the report. Is it possible to save a report`s format so that, when I go to make a new report, it automatically applies that format to the data being used?

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Reports :: Custom Macro Stopped Report From Rendering

Dec 13, 2014

I am facing an issue The Custom Macro Stopped report from rendering. I have report which is having two sub reports inside. The report is opening in the report view properly but when the ExportWithFormating macro runs, it throws this error.

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Reports :: Save Report As PDF - Output To Action Cancelled With Access VB Macro

Jan 12, 2015

One of the users of my application, reports an error when saving a report to pdf by VBA code. She’s using Access 2013, on Windows 8.1.

The error is “error 2501 output to action was cancelled with access vb macro”

The VBA code is

StrReport = “RepInvoice”
StrDocumentName = “C:UsersMaryDocumentsAccessInvoice.pdf”
DoCmd.OpenReport StrReport, acViewPreview
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, StrReport, "PDFFormat(*.pdf)", StrDocumentName, False
DoCmd.Close acReport, StrReport, acSaveNo

This error occurs at the OutputTo line. This code is part of an user form with a button “save as PDF”.
When this code is run, the report is visible as an example (as meant to be) on the screen. The code stops at the OutputTo line.

When I use
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, StrReport, acFormatPDF, StrDocumentName,, False
the problem still exists.

I tried to save the report manually by Preview > Export > PDF. The preview is OK, saving as PDF results in the same error 2501. This may lead to the conclusion that this problem is not caused by the VBA code.

I verified whether user write rights are OK, and whether a default printer is available. Both are OK. The report consists of 1 page.
When this very same application is used with Access 2010, everything functions as expected.

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Reports :: Export To PDF Without Saving?

Mar 8, 2014

I have some code below that exports a report to PDF.

It works fine, I just want to know if it's possible to export the PDF without saving it? I can't seem to find anything on my search about it.

'Open Report From Query
DoCmd.OpenReport "rpt_BLT_PrintReport", acViewPreview, Me.Filter
'Output Form to PDF
Dim strUserName As String, strPath As String
strUserName = Environ("username")
strPath = "C:Users" & strUserName & "DocumentsPoliceReport.pdf"
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "rpt_BLT_PrintReport", acFormatPDF, strPath, True

'Close Report
DoCmd.Close acReport, "rpt_BLT_PrintReport"

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Macro To Run Reports With Parameter Values

Mar 24, 2006

I have devolved two reports which receive their data from the same query. I could not fit everything in one report as I am limited by Access 22 inch limitation. I would like to enable a user to run the reports off a Macro. The report/query requires the user to enter a Parameter Value such as date and facility number. When running the Macro it requires the user to input the same Parameter Values twice, once for each report. What I would like the Macro to do is only request the Parameter Values once. Is there a simple way to achieve this? Thanks for any assistance.

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Saving Report In Access 97

Apr 6, 2006

Thanks for the help so far...

I have managed to export areport to file but I lose all the formatting. I get the option to output as html, xls, txt, rtf or snapshot format.

Is there a way I can output the file whilst maintaining the look of the report as it is in print/preview??


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Saving Form As Report

Dec 19, 2005

Hello all!

I would like to have one stupid question, because I could not find any answer on this forum.
I want save the Form as Report. I can do that from "Menu bar", but I want to do that from the code (VBA or Macro) without inputting the output parameters by users.
Do you have any idea how?

Many thanks.


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Close Report Without Saving

Oct 14, 2004

Can anyone tell me how to have Access automatically close a report without saving any changes.
I do not mind if the user closes the report manually but do not want Access to prompt the user to save changes. I want it to automatically abandon any changes that were made.

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Report Formats Not Saving

Jan 17, 2005

I have built several reports and I have set the layout to Landscape. When I go into the reports after a few days, it puts the format back to portrait. How can I stop this from returning to portrait?

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Saving Information To A Report

Apr 2, 2007

Hi all - I'm new here and am very glad to find this forum for some help!

I've been using Access for several years and I do the same type of reports over and over and all of a sudden I'm having trouble.

I typically modify existing queries - changing the name of the department in order to pull up their info - and then I format a report and modify that same report over and over with the "Properties" key where I pull in the new query info and then use SAVE AS to save the report with that department's information.

For the first time ever it will not let me SAVE AS with the new info. Sometimes it just does nothing at all - appearing to save but then the report isn't there - sometimes giving me a pop up box that says it couldn't find the search key - I don't even know what that is!

I can SAVE AS with queries, but not reports. HELP!


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Print Report By Macro

Aug 16, 2007

Is there a way to print a report from a form by using VBA or a macro? If so how can this be done?

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Opening A Report Using A Macro?

Jan 18, 2013

I have a form in Datasheet view and when you click on a record in that form I want it to take you to a report with all the details of that record number. I have the On Click event set to run a Macro. The Macro is as follows:

Report Name Incident Report
View Report
Filter Name Open
Where Condition =[Event ID]=[Reports]!Incident Report]![Event ID]
Window Mode Normal

This Where Condition works for me open another form from the form with the same Event ID. Why does it come to a "new" Incident on the report?

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Reports :: PDF Generating And Saving But Returns Blank File

Apr 18, 2013

PDF was generating and saving to the correct location, but when I open the PDF file ... it's blank =P am using access 2003 and acrobat standard 9


Private Sub cmdPDFByAssetNo_Click()
Dim MyFilter As String
Dim MyPath As String
Dim MyFilename As String


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Saving Access Reports Into Multiple PDF / Error 3014?

Oct 2, 2015

I'm running into a Run time error 3014 Cannot Open Any More Tables

I have a report in Access and I am using the below VBA to save the file by the content of the "File" column in the DOC_AP_MASTER table. It works wonderfully for about 60-120 (it ranges and I don't know why) but then I get the lovely error above.

My report closes after each save... what tables am I opening without knowing?

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim MyFileName As String
Dim mypath As String
Dim temp As String
mypath = "C:Testing"


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Report: Saving Print Settings

Feb 9, 2005

I have a report that prints labels.
Every few times of opening the report, the page setup settings revert back to default i.e. 1" margins, 1 column etc.
how can i assure that these settings remain unchanged??

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Create Macro Save Report As PDF

Sep 17, 2011

I want to be able to have a report automatically generate at the beginning of each month and save it as a PDF file and have that report saved to my access database.

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Reports :: Macro That Opens Exports The Selected Data To A Form?

Feb 23, 2015

I currently require a macro that takes the record and when clicked, it opens a form and displays this record. This is so that I can use it to click buttons and open existing reports based on the data and field that match the 'clicked' record.

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Automatically Saving A Report As An Excel File

Jul 7, 2006

I was wondering if there was a way for a report to be automatically saved as an excel file. Also, the Access database is stored on the company's server so would you be able to choose the path where the excel file would be stored?


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Print Multiple Copies Of A Report Using Macro

Jan 7, 2015

In Access 2007 is it possible to alter a macro so I can print 2 copies of a report. I have created a simple macro which opens up a report based on a value in a data entry form. I want to automatically print 2 copies of the report. Is this possible....

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Macro To Open A Report That Includes Certain Dates?

May 11, 2012

I have a bunch of reports that need to be printed, but only if they include a certain date. I want all of the dates to show up though.

For example:

There are 3 reports with a bunch of different dates in the bill date column.

Reports A and B include the date 04/30/2012, along with a bunch of other dates.
Report C does not include the date 04/30/2012.

i want reports A and B to open since they include the date 04/30/2012, and I want all of the other records with other dates to show up on the reports along with records with a date of 04/30/2012. I do not want Report C to open at all.

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Macro To Open Form When Report Is Selected

Sep 16, 2014

I have a report that is based on a query. The query has filters in it based on user info entered from a form. So the form asks the user to select which division of the company, and the date range for when the info applied to. My issue is that I am trying to set a macro that opens this form whenever some tries to open the report.

But the macro appears to run the query before it opens the form and it gives me a generic message box asking for the division. After I type that in (instead of selecting from a drop down list like I have on my form) another window pops up asking for start date, etc...instead of opening the form I created. What am i doing wrong and how do I get the macro to open my form? If I open the form directly and enter the criteria, it runs the report correctly.

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General :: Saving Report As PDF Without Save Button Showing

Nov 6, 2013

I have generated a report in acviewreport, after viewing the details I want to save the report as a pdf file with the client name, invoice number and date. In the report design view I added a cmd button and successfully coded it. However, it saves the report WITH the cmd button showing. I don't want this button saved. Is it possible to remove the button from the report AFTER I have clicked it?

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Forms :: Macro To Close Report And Opened Form

Mar 10, 2015

I am using MS Access 2003.

I would like to open the form = VendorPayables_Maintenance_F
Choose a cheque number
Print the cheque

How to create a macro to
close the open report = d_One cheque information
and close the open form = VendorPayables_Maintenance_F

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