Reports :: Select Data For Continuous Records In A Report
Feb 26, 2015
For the report in question all data is taken from one table named "Completions ". The fields I will be using are as follows:
When the records are added, the Branch is added using a combo box. There can be several rows of data with the same Firstname and Surname but with different Branches.The report layout must look something like this.I have tried using DLookup to select the data based on the data in the Name text box, but this just gets the first result and duplicates it.
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May 24, 2015
We have a shift log that includes both personnel actions during any given day as well as operational actions. (We recently switched from a word document to an Access Database to allow multiple users to input events while another has the logbook open already (which you couldn't do with Word))
At the beginning of each day, my manager reviews the previous days log and forwards up pertinent data (some personnel, some operational) to our higher authorities. Is there a way to allow him to select which records he'd like to include on that higher-authorities report straight from the local-level report?
I'm not a fan of allowing him a "Save As" feature because that kind of defeats the data integrity purpose of an events log where he could save as an RTF and then edit any of the log entries without any checks or balances.
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Aug 22, 2013
How to proceed and what is the "accepted" version of events.I have created a report, a dynamic method statement actually, and want my user to be able select some data to appear in the report. Report is rptMS01, it is fed from a query and has some fields to automatically populate [Company], [Site], [Postcode] etc. All of the static text is in CanGrow textboxes to sidestep the report height limit. The report is opened by a button on a form which uses a macro to open only for the current site. All OK so far.
My boss would like a section/text box/subreport to select the personnel involved in each method statement and this to appear on the report. So, on clicking the button on the form which would usually open the report directly, some kind of intermediary selection form opens instead with a list of all personnel. User can then select which personnel to involve and on clicking OK this appears in the designated box on the report. A CanGrow/Shrink textbox would be ideal!
Do I need to include this in the current query which feeds the report? I know a listbox can have multiple selections but how would I reference this? How do I keep the other fields as well? Should I create a table with the personnel list?...
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Feb 13, 2006
I have a continuous form that opens all of the records for a specific user on a specific date and displays them in a continuous form. Each record requires an approval check box be marked before it can be processed for reporting. I want the approver to be able to click a button and mark all of the records displayed at one time. Currently my button will only mark the current record. How to I select all of the records?
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Nov 2, 2013
I have a command button as a field in a continuous subform which is based on a table. I click it and it opens a report. I need the report to be filtered by the ID of said record and not to show all the records.
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Mar 7, 2006
I've been trying to get my head round this one , but i'm just to thick to get it.
I have a continuous form that lists all items at a certain location.
The user selects a record by clicking on the record selector and then clicks on a command button with this code:
stDocName = "DivingInspectionCert"
stLinkCriteria = ("EquipmentID = " & Me!EquipmentID)
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria
The user then enters inspection details in to the "DivingInspectionCert" form which i want to store in a table (DivingCert) which will relate to the item. On completion of this form the user then clicks on a command button with this code:
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
If Me.RecordsetClone.RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox "There are no items to Print", vbInformation, "EquiTrac"
DoCmd.OpenReport "DivingInspectionRpt", , , ("EquipmentID = " & Me!EquipmentID)
When i click on this button, the report doesn't print and i get a message "No current record".
The inspection details are not stored in the table.
I did have the forms RecordSource based on the table "DivingCert" but that didn't work and i have just tried a query but it is still not working.
Would be much appreciated if you can help me.
Thank you
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Aug 13, 2015
I have a form with 7 List boxes linked to 7 Query's which in turn are linked to a table. Each list box if for a particular trade.
I am trying to select a person or persons from each List box and then have them sent to a report. I have Code to do one list box, but do not know how to link all boxes with code to a 'Open report' button.
The code I am using is as follows:-
Private Sub cmdOpenReport_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdOpenReport_Click
Dim strWhere As String
Dim ctl As Control
Dim varItem As Variant
'make sure a selection has been made
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Oct 3, 2013
I'm using the following code to filter a report by using a multi-select box.
Private Sub cmdOpenReport_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdOpenReport_Click
Dim strWhere As String
Dim ctl As Control
Dim varItem As Variant
I have a report that contains a subreport. The report is simply an image of a word document. The subreport will contain the actual data.When I open the subreport, the IN query works perfectly. When I open the main report, I only get the first record listed in the IN query. I have the master/child links set properly.
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Sep 26, 2014
I have a report reporting events that occurred today, using =Date() in the query.I want to have a control/box on the report which shows today's date by default, but enables me to select a different date with the outcome that the report refreshes and shows the events on the selected date instead.
Maybe I need a form for this although I would like to do conditional formatting so a report is better.It would also be good to be able to sort by column values, as in a table on a webpage with sort controls in the column headings which work just by clicking.
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Oct 10, 2014
I'm using pbauldy's code to filter a report by a multi-select listbox. The only issue do I include more (7 to be exact) listboxes to the code? It seems the OpenReport vba is only allowing 1 where clause?
Dim strWhere As String
Dim ctl As Control
Dim varItem As Variant
'add selected values to string
Set ctl = Me.VP_ListBox
[Code] .....
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Nov 4, 2013
I've got a simple dataset that will ALWAYS have 4 rows, against which I have assigned the colours Green, Amber, Red, Grey. So I made a simple pie-chart to go on the report, but I can't work out how to assign the same colours.
Please see 3 attachments showing the current layout, the preferred layout (which I mocked up in Excel) and the chart settings screen.
The chart is working OK i.e. 4 slices appear and they are the right size, but when I open the chart, I see only East, West, North. So I am unable to manually set the colour for the 4th slice.
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Dec 17, 2014
I have a master table located on the backend of the server with about 3 fields:
I have 4 databases, one for each software on the front end accessing this master table.
So far I have in the master table a dropdown to select 1 of the 4 software's, the version number and a brief description.
One the front end I have a button that when pressed will bring up the report based on the master table.
Can I have the report just select the software that it refers to. For instance if the datebase is Sony when I click on the report it only grabs the records with Sony on it. For my next database when I open up Sharp's database it only makes a report for the Sharp records.
How would I do this? Is this something I have to code or something I can do in criteria or do I create a query?
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Aug 22, 2015
there are 3 options Yes Somewhat and Not really I want to count the records that only have Yes.
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Nov 21, 2006
I have a main form with several continuous subforms. Each subform consists of several listbox controls. I would like to require the user to select an item from the listbox before being allowed to move to the next record in the subform, and upon reaching the last record in that continuous subform, to require an entry there in order to move to the first record in the next cont. subform.
As an added bonus, it would be nice, though not necessary, to automatically jump the focus from one record to the next after data is entered. But my basic goal is to avoid skipping records.
Caveat: I cannot use the "required" option in the field to which the control is bound because that field has a default value previously entered using an append query. (The default value basically means "not yet entered" and is not one of the options in the listbox. I am using this because this field is a foreign key in the table, thus it must have a value in order to have a record with which to populate the subform.)
My apologies if this has been asked and answered elsewhere, but I've searched and, while I found a few related threads, they don't quite answer my question. Here they are for reference:
Thanks for any help! Also, if you are going to recommend VB code, could you be specific about how and where I should use it? I'm not afraid of code, but I'm definitely new to it...
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Dec 21, 2014
How do I hide the report footer based on the report's data ?
I'm trying to hide if number of users = 1
The report's data is a query built inside the report's RecordSource, not a self standing query.
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Oct 26, 2006
I have a database that contained the following fields. VacEarned,VacUsed,VacPlan (Yes,No). In my report, I grouped VacPlan field (which is yes/no field) together and sum it up by VacUsed. However, I'd like to put another formula in my report to subtract the the Sum of the VacPlan from VacEarned...I have such a hard time doing that..Is there way that I can put if statement in the report option that would do the following: If VacPlan is Yes, than Sum VacUsed and use it to subtract from this possible..
I hope this make sense...
Thanks in advance..
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Mar 20, 2015
So I have a text box in a report that I want to pull in data from a field in another report, so the 'control' for my text box looks something like this...
=[Reports]![rptSalesReceiptSub]![Text141] (i.e Text141 is the data I want to pull into my report)
...the path is completely correct but when I run my report I get.#Name? If I run the report that has the data I want, it's fine (in other words Text141 has valid data in it)
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Apr 16, 2014
I have data from a survey with qualitative responses. For a single qualitative question, I moved the ID & responses into a new table and categorized the response according to a bucket/theme, where each column is a new bucket. I now have 10 columns. Each response is represented in 1 or more columns. I used an excel formula to copy the response data into the column itself.
A1 // B1// C1 // D1// E1//... L1
ID // Response // Cats // Dogs // Elephants //.... Column 10
1 // I like cats // I like cats //(null)//(null)// ... (null)//
2 // I like cats and dogs // I like cats and dogs // I like cats and dogs //(null)//..//
3 // etc.
However, now I'm realizing that Access always wants to show data for all records, or at most I can limit using a WHERE clause in my query.I want to use Access to generate this report:
1. Section 1: Show all responses from the Cats bucket where there is data
2. Section 2: Show all responses from the Dogs bucket where there is data
3. and so on
I know how to do summary values, and I know how to do filtering that apply across the whole report, but this seems like more advanced filtering, where I want to see selective details differently for each field.
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Aug 19, 2014
I have a continuous form that displays a list of invoices (frmInvoiceList) based on an adjustable filter contained within the form. I have the filters working the way that I want them through VBa and I have a button on each record to open a report (rptInvoice). Inside that report, I have some controls to "print", "email", and "export to PDF". Again all that works just the way I want. The Form and the Report are based on a different query and each has an InvoiceID field to link.
What I am trying to do is put the Print, Email, and Export buttons on the main form which would perform the appropriate action for all the records that are displayed on the form. I've been able to get the Print function to work to a degree. It will print all the records, but it changes the background colors based on the alternating records. When I go to Email or Export, it creates a single file with multiple pages and each page is a new record, again with the alternating background colors.
Ideally, I would like to have a separate file exported for each record that can be renamed and archived separately. I'm not so concerned with the email function but if it would be possible to generate a separate report for each invoice, then pull the appropriate email address for the record, that would be really nice.
I've tried some "for" and "do" loops that I found through some Googling but none of the samples ended up working like I wanted.
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Oct 29, 2013
I am using Access 2007.I have a report that has 2 subreports within it.One of the sub reports input is from a table (Work Order Parts) whose records have a field called "DisplayOrder". This is a numeric field that I use to enable the user to specify the exact order that they want the records to be displayed in a form or report...well that's the plan anyway.
I can't seem to get the subreport to sort on the "DisplayOrder" field.
I have tried to set the Property value "Display Order" to "[Workorder Parts].DisplayOrder" but this doesn't seem to make a difference. The "Order By on Load" is set to "Yes".
Here is the "Record Source" value : SELECT DISTINCTROW [Workorder Parts].*, Parts.PartName, [Workorder Parts].Notes FROM Parts INNER JOIN [Workorder Parts] ON Parts.PartID = [Workorder Parts].PartID;
What am I doing wrong?
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Oct 18, 2005
When viewing in 'continuous' / datasheet mode - is it possible to highlight the whole row instread of just the cell the user has clicked in?
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Mar 30, 2015
I have a simple report which looks as given below:
ID Number Products
122 Cups
133 Pencils
122 Cups
133 Pencils
When I use the count function I get the total count of the record as 4.what I want is count the product varieties which should be 2
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Feb 20, 2014
How do I pull information from a subform (more than 1 record in subform at times) to put on my report?
I have added the subform to the report and set Visible property to No,
I know the syntax to refer to the subform and its fields but I don't understand how to get all records in the subform for the main record to be displayed.
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Feb 19, 2014
I have a field on a form (exception) that is also a column in a query. I would like to create a report an only show those records that had an exception in it. I am not sure what criteria in the query to use, but it would seem creating a report off of this query would work.
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Oct 11, 2013
I'm creating a report for an imaginary "medical clinic's database", the intended function of which is described as follows: "Create a statistic that shows the total number of distinct drugs prescribed to a patient."
Where I'm at:
I've created a query called UniqueDrugs containing drug and patient info. The SQL is:
SELECT DISTINCT Drugs.Drug_Name, Patients.[Patient _ID]
FROM Patients INNER JOIN (Drugs INNER JOIN Prescriptions ON Drugs.[Drug_ID] = Prescriptions.[Drug_ID]) ON Patients.[Patient _ID] = Prescriptions.[Patient_ID]
GROUP BY Drugs.Drug_Name, Patients.[Patient _ID]
ORDER BY Patients.[Patient _ID];
The results of this query seem to be what I need. All I need is for the count formula that I use to return the number of distinct drug names there are that are related to a patient's ID.
I've created a report and I've put the following formula into a text box:
Where PID is the name of another text box in the report that contains the Patient ID that I want to compare to the drug names returned by the query.
However, this *always* results in #Error, no matter how I change the formula.I have been led to believe that syntax is not the issue, as the following formula worked as intended for a different task:
How do I use a DCount to return the number of different drugs that have been prescribed to a patient?
If it did not require the number of different drugs, I would simply use the following formula, which works just fine:
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Nov 9, 2013
How to display in a report a field with 50 records in two separate columns of 25 records.Is this possible or am I completely off the reservation?
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