Reports :: Send Email Based On Query From A Specific Form

Jun 27, 2013

I'm trying to send at report based on a Query from a specific form.

Everything is (almost) working fine, except the fact that I can't get a criteria into DoCmd.SendObject method.

My code is:

Private Sub Kommandoknap212_Click()
On Error GoTo MailTilGodkendelse_Err
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, 5, , acMenuVer70
Dim MailAtt As String
Dim intSearch As String

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Generate And Send By Email Individual Reports Based On A Query

Mar 19, 2014

I am trying to make an automation in order generate reports based on query ( person name,person email address ) , export them to a folder in PDF and then send them one by one to each person email address.

What is happening:

- the reports are generated and exported fine
- the email are sent to the right addresses but the first person receives the correct report , the second person receives the report from the first person plus its own report and so on.

Here is my code :

Private Sub MakeReportSendEmail_Click()
Dim MyDB As DAO.Database
Dim MyRS As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strRptName As String

[Code] ....

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General :: Send A Specific Email From Outlook To All Email Addresses Within A Query

Jan 21, 2014

I have a database that I can use to create a query, grouping companies by city. I then want to send a specific email I have created in outlook to all of the email addresses in the query.I do not need to include names.

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General :: Send Email Based On Query?

Apr 23, 2013

I have an access database that sends one e-mail to each individual in a table, that works fine. Now I would like to send an e-mail to the leaders of these individuals, however, some leaders have more than individual under their scope so to avoid sending several emails, I would like to know if there is any way I can send one e-mail to the person with the names of the individuals he leads in the body of the e-mail. This is the code I have that sends emails to the individuals:

Private Sub Command2_Click()
Dim MyDB As Database
Dim MyRS As Recordset


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General :: Send Outlook Email Based On List Of Emails In Access Query?

Sep 15, 2014

I've setup a selection form that returns a specific list of email addresses in a query.

What I can't work out is how to press a button and have the email addresses populate the To: field in a blank Outlook email - I don't need any bells or whistles.

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Send Report Based On Email Selections?

Oct 1, 2013

I like this form I have that allows me to send attachment when email is entered.However, I would like to have a list box of Name and Email Address. when selected the email address is now set (same as before but just as a drop down) I type my message etc...But the attachment part I would like to send a specific report (that connects to that email address) so that it will only send jobs connected to that person.

Here is the code below:

Private Sub Email_Output_Click()
' Email API Outlook example programming code
' Send email from to Outlook
Select Case Me.Email_Output_Option


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Modules & VBA :: Send Two Reports In Email Body?

Jan 15, 2015

With the code below , I send the report: “ESERT4H”, in email body. How I could add yet another report on the same body of the email ?

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "ESERT4H", "HTML(*.html)", "D:Access empESERT4H.html", False, "", 0, acExportQualityScreen
Dim Out As Outlook.Application
Dim NS As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim Folder As MAPIFolder
Dim Mens As MailItem

[Code] ....

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General :: How To Send A Single Email Message To All The Email Addresses In Query

Jun 2, 2014

I have a query (Access 2007) that contains a field named "email" (which contains email addresses, of course). I want to email everyone in the query and they are all going to receive the same message. My email to them doesn't have to be personalized and I don't need to collect data from the recipients. I don't even need a reply to the email I send.

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Modules & VBA :: Sending Reports By Email Based On A Query

May 13, 2015

I am trying to send a report to a list of employees. I have a query that generates the report into the layout I want and includes the e-mail address of who the recipient should be. The report looks something like this:

--Employee Name--
--E-mail address---
-Hire Date----Tenure-
-Quality Score-

I need to send, for each row in the query, this report based on the results of that particular row. How would I go about making a e-mail template that would be used, or at least sending the report as a PDF attachment? I've seen the sendObject method.

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Forms :: Multi List To Select Reports Send By Email

Mar 13, 2015

I am trying to create a Multi list to select reports to send by email. I am able to select one report to send but when I change the list box to multi select it doesn't work.

The codes I have been using are;

Private Sub Command2_Click()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim sAddr As String, sSubj As String, sFor As String
If IsNull(ReportList) Then Exit Sub

[Code] ....

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Send Query In Email Body

Feb 27, 2006

I almost have what I need, but I am not quite there. I am a VBA novice and need help. I couldnt understand some of the code I have searched for on this topic.

I have a query that returns exactly the results I want. By using a SendObject macro I can accomplish sending the message with a .txt file attached. What I want to do is instead of having the attachment I want to send my query "FaxReportQueryReport" in the body of the email. No set address, just a set RE: line of "Today's Deliveries".

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Send Email With Data From A Query

Nov 29, 2004

I have a database where I keep track of student employees. The database has three forms, a new hire form, a supervisor form and a financial aid form. The student fills out a new hire form that requires additional input from the hiring department and from financial aid. Included on the new hire form is the name of the supervisor. I have a table that contains the supervisor name as well as email address. Once the student has filled out the new hire form, I would like to generate an email that sends a report, identifying the new hire, to the supervisor requesting them to fill in the missing information in the database. I want the email to either (1) be generated automatically once the student has completed the form selecting who to email to form the student input or (2) have the student pick the supervisor from a list to send the email to. I have very limited knowledge of programming. Thanks.

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Split Form - Filtered / Send To Email

Feb 11, 2013

I have a split form that can be filtered with a combo box. It filters out all "counties" and then shortens the list for me. Now I have the following code attached to a Send E-mail button:

Dim oOutlook As Object
Dim oMail As Object
Dim strAddr As String
Dim MyDB As DAO.Database
Dim rstEMail As DAO.Recordset


How do I have the recordset open only the filtered recordset and not the entire table?

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Create Command Button On Form To Send Email

Oct 26, 2004

I have created a form and housed in the form is a combo box that pulls info from managers I work with. I want to create a command button that I can click to send them an email. I have their information tabled and then have also converted that table into a form. I have their email address I just need to know how to properly code the command. I have no visual basic experience. I have had classes where I've coded in C++ and HTML but very limited.


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Forms :: Send Email To Current Contact In A Form?

Jul 19, 2013

I am using Access 2010 and I want to be able to open a blank email addressed to the contact I am viewing in my Access form. I have been successful in creating a button which opens Outlook, but I don't know what code to put in the 'To' field of the EmailDatabaseObject page so that it picks up the email address of the contact I am looking at.

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Send Email Attachment Located In A Table From A Form?

Apr 9, 2014

I have Access 2007. I have a form where I can attach PDFs, Word documents, etc with an command button. This atachment is then put into a field in a table which has the email address and works fine.

The attachments are there in the field with the paper clip in the field title.I have a command button with an embedded macro that opens OUTLOOK and the email form with the email address and all the other information inserted perfectly. How do I get the OUTLOOK email to grab the assoiated attachment(s) from the record in the table and send them with the email? I can send the email without the attachment just fine.

The attachments cannot be located in a common path. They must be in the field in the associated record and each attachement will be different from one record to the next.

The emails are sent one by one, not as part of a group.

The form name is TASK DETAILS.

The email command buttin is called E-mail

The table is called TASKS

The attachment command buttin is called Attachments

What do I need to do this?

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Send Email Form Access Code With Attachment

Feb 14, 2012

Send an email form Access code with attachment..

I am able to export data to excel file, I would like to send the excel file created to the customer, is there a sample code I can use to do this in a module.

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Queries :: Send Query Result Via Email Attachment

Jul 25, 2013

I'd like to send a query result via email attachment daily without user intervention. Is it possible?

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General :: Send Email Attachment Using Form Data Using Automation

Jun 20, 2013

I am currently using SendObj method to send an Outlook email and selected report as an attachment using the current form's data. This is triggered by a button click.

This is working well apart from having to use 'ClickYes' to outwit the Outlook 2012 security system.

However I now need to selectively send an extra pdf file with some of the emails based on a Yes/No field on the form. This is a fixed file on my local C drive.

I think I have to use automation to do that but I can't find a method of specifying the report I currently use in the SendObj method in the .Add.Attachment line.

Do I need to run the report and then save it so that I can specify the path and name in the .Add.attachment line followed by code which will delete the file? or is there a means of combining the code I currently use in SendObj to create the pdf object with automation option?

I have working code for both attachments at present but they send separate emails and I would prefer to combine them if possible.

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Modules & VBA :: Send Query Results In Table In Body Of Email

May 24, 2014

I have created some code to get the records of a query and it puts them in the body of the email but it doesn't format it well for example the email looks like

James | halliwell | 31
Leanne | smith |27
Alexis | smith |8

I would like it to be in a table is this possible,

Public Function SendEmail()
Dim MyDB As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set MyDB = CurrentDb

[Code] .....

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Forms :: Sending Email From A Form Based On Query Results

Apr 1, 2014

I have got a form (name: SearchForm) that displays results of a query (name: AircraftSearch). It is a continuous form displaying multiple results of a search done by the query. I need to be able to send an e-mail to multiple recipients chosen from results displayed on the form.

One of the form's field (a text box called: EmailToOperator) is containing e-mail address to an aircraft operator selected by the underlying query. I need to be able to place a check box button (or something similar) that is going to select the e-mail address. The tricky part is to have multiple check boxes allocated for each record displayed on the form and have them working independently.

The second task is sending a one message (via Microsoft Outlook 2010) to chosen multiple recipients (with no attachments) having the recipients' addresses not visible to each other.

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General :: Automated Task - Send Email Address To All Emails In Query

Sep 30, 2013

I want to automate a task in access....

I have a query that may have 6 - 7 different records for example each record contains a different email address, i need to get the first email then send and email to that address then go to the next record get that email address send an email to that email address until its gone through all the records...

I use this code to send an email, dont know how to loop through records and get the email...

Dim appOutLook As Outlook.Application
Dim MailOutLook As Outlook.MailItem
Dim strPath As String
Dim strFileName As String
Set appOutLook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

[Code] .....

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Reports :: Email Report Based On Supplier?

Apr 14, 2014

I have a report that creates purchase orders, this could be many suppliers these suppliers have e-mail addresses.

is it possible to get the report to look at the supplier name , find the e-mail for that supplier and send it to them.

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Reports :: Filling Report Based On Specific Word Template

Jan 13, 2014

I was thinking today if it is possible to fill Access reports based on a specific Word template? I don't want to populate a Word file with Access data as users of my app might not all have Word. Or is there another solution using a WYSIWYG editor where users can format everything according to their needs? That would be fantastic.

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Reports :: Conditional Formatting - Rows To Be Of Specific Color Based On Value In 1 Field

Jul 24, 2014

I have a report that I would like to have the rows be a specific color based on the value in 1 field on the row.

I have attempted to use conditional formatting but it will not work (IE, I can get font color to change, but not field boxes to have color).

The field is labeled [text144] based on the value in the field (1,2, or 3) I would like the field to be a different color.
3 = green
2 = yellow
1 = red

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Forms :: Email Specific Record From A Form?

Oct 31, 2014

In Access 2010 I have built a FORM which has several records of several people. I am trying to email one record only to a certain person from that FORM. If I use the access email button it opens outlook but it sends all the records in the FORM to the person. I have tried even to use the micro, but still it attach all the records in the FORM and send it all as one bundle to other.

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