Reports :: Sending Mail Which Contains Image (JPEG)

Jul 16, 2014

I am in project to send members a birth day greeting with image.

Now I have designed report containing JPEG image. but i am not able to send report to mail as Mail body using MS outlook.

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Modules & VBA :: Encrypt / Decrypt JPEG Image / Binary File

Oct 7, 2014

I am looking for a function that will allow me to encrypt/decrypt single image files as and when required. I have built my own simple one to encrypt a string that will be stored in a filename as all the ones I found created unusable filenames.

However I don't know where to start with the image file encryption.

(Any better way to encrypt a string that can be used in a file name that would be great too. My method is a bit basic).

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Sending A Report Via E-mail

Oct 26, 2006

I am using Docmd.sendobject to print a report to Outlook so that I can e-mail the report. The method used to work. Outlook would open, I'd elect my recipients and could click the send button to e-mail the report. Now the send button is disabled once the report shows as an attachment in Outlook. I have to ctrl-alt-del to break the process and outlook gives me an error message regarding the ole object. Is there anyway to fix this problem or a possible root cause. Thank you


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Sending Mail In Outlook From Access

Jan 19, 2006

I've got information stored per row with the name of the person which data-entried the information.
If a user wants feedback from that user on that specific row i would like to make it able to send a mail to the data-entrier. The data-entrier name should be clicked in the row and that specific row should be attached in the mail.

I can store e-mail addresses of my data-entriers in the database, how do i achieve to send the mail address and specific row to outlook when a user clicks it?

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Sending E-mail To Filtered Result

Jan 6, 2005

Happy New Year to ALL!

I am trying to e-mail from a form that displays filtered result, but having trouble. Could someone please guide me?

I am using DoCmd.SendObject (a routine that I found in a newsgroup). This routine works fine when I am sending it to all the recipients, but not to filtered recipients. The form shows filtered result, but I am not being able to use the command to only send to filtered recipients. Instead, when I press the button to e-mail, it populates the cc: field with all the e-mail addresses rather than the filtered addresses.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Here is the code:

Private Sub cmdGenerateList_Click()
'Create Email list from the appropriate query and open Outlook with those addresses in the cc: field

Dim db As Database, rs As Recordset, sql As String, emailTo As String, txtEmailList As String

On Error GoTo Err_cmdGenerateList_Click

Set db = CurrentDb()

emailTo = ""
sql = "select EmailName from qInd_info "
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(sql)

Do Until rs.EOF
If Not IsNull(rs!EmailName) Then
'build up email addresses separated by a semicolon
emailTo = emailTo & rs!EmailName & "; "
End If

'Remove the last semicolon
If Right(emailTo, 2) = "; " Then
emailTo = Left(emailTo, Len(emailTo) - 2)
End If

' Me.txtEmailList = emailTo

'Create the message with the recipients in the BCC: field
' DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , , emailTo
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , emailTo

Exit Sub


Select Case Err.Number
Case 2501
Resume Next
Case Else
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdGenerateList_Click

End Select

End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Sending Result Of A Query By Mail

Jan 2, 2015

In the following code, I debug a problem with the CurrentDb.OpenRecordset

' ---
' ---
' Entree : strEmail <- Adresse e-mail du destinataire
' strObj <- Objet du courrier
' strMsg <- Corps du message

[Code] ....

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Reports :: Inserting A Logo In Jpeg Format To A Report

Jul 14, 2015

I am inserting a logo in jpeg format to a report. unfortunately the logo comes in very large. the frame around the logo can be adjusted but the image does not; it remains large.

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Image In An E-mail

Apr 27, 2005


i have a form, with a command button, which when you press it automatically sends an e-mail

At the moment, that e-mail is just text. What I want is to insert the company image in the e-mail?

Have tried doing this but keep getting error message (put image on the form and then referenced Me.logo behind the code)

Anyone know if this is possible


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Mail Once Again - Opening 'new' Mail-window And Export Mail Adress

Jun 23, 2006

Hi, this is probably a very easy question for you “Access-gods” out there.

I’ve made a database (MS Access 2000) with all my clients. I collect a lot of contact info, including e-mail.

I want to make a function which opens a new mail window (Outlook 2003) and automatically puts in the e-mail from my form (In the send-to field of outlook).

Is this possible? And how?

(BTW: I’m a newbie with VBA)

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Reports :: Sending PDF Files Via FTP

Aug 9, 2013

I am creating reports (containing a chart) which I output as pdf files using the code below:-

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, PrintDocName, acFormatPDF, Me!PDFName, False, , , acExportQualityPrint

This works fine - file is produced and can be viewed correctly.

I then use the shell command to ftp these files to a web site:-

Shell "ftp -n -i -g -s:" & Me!Defaultfolder & "FtpComm.txt " & vFTPServ, vbNormalNoFocus

Again this works fine, the files are uploaded.

But if I download these files and look at them they are only partly there - sometimes the titles are gone, sometimes the scales, sometimes the data. It's very inconsistant.

Since the files are created ok and are viewable on my pc I think this part is ok. So I'm guessing that something goes wrong during the ftp upload though I can't imagine what - the files are quite small and surely ftp doesn't care what's in a file - it just sends it?

I'm using Access 2010.

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Reports :: Automated Sending Report By Email

Jan 8, 2015

Every month I have to make a report about registration of hours of a group of employees. (These employees have a deal with direction about travel hours vs. working hours).This report has to be send to the group members but only the data which is valid for the group member in it. There are 11 persons in this group so I have to send 11 reports.

I made a query with the hours registered from this group. I couldn't export it because it was read-only. That was because the query contains joins to the employee table. After that I tried it with a report. That nearly went well but it contained all data and not the seperated info.What I need to know:What is easier/better: use a query or use a report?Is there code which looks in my query or the report and makes it into seperated reports?I've tried the code of Tony Hine but I can't make it work.After that I need to do a mail-merge. But first of all do I need to make the seperated reports to work.

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Reports :: Sending Email Form Report?

Nov 12, 2013

I am trying to send an Email from a report . Using this code

On Local Error GoTo Some_Err
Dim MyDB As Database, RS As Recordset
Dim strBody As String, lngCount As Long, lngRSCount As Long
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
Set MyDB = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).Databases(0)


I am getting an error on lblStatus.Caption.

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Sending Reports With Email Body Having HTML

Nov 20, 2014

I need to send different reports to a bunch of different persons every hour... I had several macros that did it for me, But Then they wanted me to include a e-mail body that was more than 255chars, so i had to go VBA and i have this (for every set of persons and Reports):

Private Sub Command38_Click()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
DoCmd.SendObject acReport, "REPORT NAME", "Extension", "EMAILS", "", "SUBJECT", "EMAIL BODY", True, ""
Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Exit Sub


so everything is good, but NOW they want the body of the email to contain another paragraph totally separated from the first one and they want it highlited and also in Red, How can i add Html to this or do i have to use another method?

I have tried this:

Public Sub TestEmail()
Dim appOutLook As Outlook.Application
Dim MailOutLook As Outlook.MailItem
Set appOutLook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")


But it keeps on giving me errors, about objects not being defined.

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Modules & VBA :: Sending Reports By Email Based On A Query

May 13, 2015

I am trying to send a report to a list of employees. I have a query that generates the report into the layout I want and includes the e-mail address of who the recipient should be. The report looks something like this:

--Employee Name--
--E-mail address---
-Hire Date----Tenure-
-Quality Score-

I need to send, for each row in the query, this report based on the results of that particular row. How would I go about making a e-mail template that would be used, or at least sending the report as a PDF attachment? I've seen the sendObject method.

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Reports :: Sending Multiple Email - Unknown Message Recipients

Oct 15, 2013

I have this code below its giving me the RUntime 2295 error. Unknown message recipients. I have check all email addresses and they are fine. Everything else works except when it gets to Outlook and do not send email. I did a Debug Print but didnt understand how to do it.

Private Sub Command9_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strEmailAddress
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("T_Inspectors")
Do Until rst.EOF

[Code] ....

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Mirror Image Reports

Oct 28, 2004

My printer does not have a "print mirror image" setting. Is there a way to create a report that would show on the screen as a mirror image?

The application here is that the informartion would be printed on iron-on material and then transferred to a t-shirt as a souvenir. Currently, I do a screen capture, crop and flip the image in Adobe and then print it, but I would like to set it up so that anyone could use the database without my intervention nor using a second application. Reducing steps users need to take is a must.



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Reports :: Mail Merge - Multiple Value Fields

Jan 14, 2014

I am using mail merge to produce reports for lift inspections and it is all going well apart from the fields that are multi value do not quite transfer. For instance the "inspections completed" field has a list of the months Jan-Dec and therefore a visit may have been completed in Jan, Mar & Jul for example.In word the first two letter of the last month are transferred across followed by Chinese symbols.

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Reports :: PNG Image On A Label Report

Apr 7, 2014

I have a report reading directly from a table. Table has a text field "txtOldState" where the field data a 10 digit number.

Also have a directory with .png files named with same 10 digit number. The txt field is on the report - I need to print the associated .png file on the report along with the 10 digit "txtOldState" field. I'm failing at pulling a png from the folder to print on report.

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Reports :: Using Image In Header In A Report?

Sep 6, 2014

I want to use a image in Header in a report. Even if I use a small image (gif), it produce a huge mdb file. Haw can I reduce it?

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Reports :: Report Not Printing Image

Oct 22, 2013

I am trying to have a macro button so when I click it it Emails to a particular person but also prints off a all works fine but for some reason it wont print the image off, my macro is as below

RunCommand - Print
SendObject - Report, RPTDailyReports
Close - Report, RPTDailyReport

when I do CTRL + P and put the print quality up to 'Super' it prints fine

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General :: Printing Each Image On 3 Different Reports

Jul 24, 2013

I need to be able to browse to and open a folder from a form, and import images from within that folder to (i guess?) another form?

I then need to print each image on 3 different reports, but in order as below...

Image 1 - report 1
Image 1 - report 2
Image 1 - report 3
Image 2 - report 1
Image 2 - report 2
Image 2 - report 3


Once images / reports are printed they can be removed.

Should I have a page that shows maybe 40 images and a big print button? or 40 images with a selection box by each one and a big print button? or 40 images and 40 print buttons? etc

The reports will need to change in the future, so a option to select any or all of the reports would be a really good idea.

I have access 2013 but I much prefer 2003 as I know where all the buttons are!

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Reports :: Make Report The Same As Form And Sub Using Mail Merge

Jul 16, 2013

I am using mail merge to add info from my database to my word document template. I want to make it the same as my form I have set up which gives me a patient name, dob, GP details as head of main form then a subform (continuous) of their medication. When I try a mail merge it comes up right but only shows one medication on each page. I want it to add all their medications to the body and have the patient info in the heading. Do-able?

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Reports :: Blurry Image In Access PDF But Not In Word

Dec 19, 2014

I have been printing reports in pdf format, and the jpg company logo is blurry; my boss did not approve.....

Yet the same image in Word or Excel prints very clear.

I tried bmp, png, tif, etc., with no luck.

I finally figured out that if I check "Standard" publishing in Access then my images are clear.

But, I have to check the Standard box every time I print.

Is there a way to change the default pdf printing in Access to Standard???

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Reports :: Get Each Image Per Row At Report Details Section

Jun 16, 2015

My table structure is

id photoPath name
1 C:a.jpg A
2 C:b.jpg B

How to show all image per row at report details section in a report like

ID Image Name
1 Here Image of A A
2 Here Image of B B

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Reports :: How To Get Link Address To Image In A Report

Dec 4, 2013

I want to get the link adress to an image in a report using VBA. I use the following code:

PHP Code:

Dim strPath As String
strPath = [CurrentProject].[Path] & "builder" & FirstImage
If Not Right(strPath, 7) = "bilder" Then
    Me.huvudbild.Picture = strPath
    Me.huvudbild.Picture = [CurrentProject].[Path] & "builder\_tom.jpg"
End If 

I get the following error (translated from Swedish): Error: 2424 The expression contains a field, a control or a property name that MS access couldnt find.

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Reports :: Changing Header Image On Report

Jan 12, 2015

I have a database used for several product lines. Depending on the product line selected, I need to add an image to my report as the header for it. I need to store the images (there are only 3) in the database and cannot have an external link to them. Have been trying to figure out the best way to do this and I am finding both OLE Objects and Image Objects.

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