I have an report that uses name paramaters.this is the sql for the report
PARAMETERS [whatCompany] Text ( 255 );
SELECT tblInvoices.ClientCompany, tblInvoices_Details.Charge, Sum(tblInvoices_Details.Hours)
AS SumOfHours, tblInvoices.InvoiceID
FROM tblInvoices INNER JOIN tblInvoices_Details ON tblInvoices.InvoiceID = tblInvoices_Details.InvoiceID
GROUP BY tblInvoices.ClientCompany, tblInvoices_Details.Charge, tblInvoices.InvoiceID
HAVING (((tblInvoices.ClientCompany)=[whatCompany]));
How do I pass the paramaters to the report? I've tried several different ways but can't get it to work
Dim stdocname As String
Dim stLink As String
stdocname = "RptWithParm"
stLink = "ClientCompany = " & "'" & Me.lstCustomer & "'" 'Using the field name doesn't work
DoCmd.OpenReport stdocname, acViewReport, , stLink
'When I try to set the value of the paramater that doesn't work either
stLink = "[whatCompany] = " & "'" & Me.lstCustomer & "'" 'using the paramater name doesn't work
DoCmd.OpenReport stdocname, acViewReport, , stLink
I know I could use the value of the form in the criteria like this
HAVING (((tblInvoices.ClientCompany)=[Forms]![frmTesRptParm]![lstCustomer]));
If I use the list box as the criteria I want to be able to use reports in other than one place, plus there are over 80,000 records and it'll run faster if I set the criteria before the report opens instead of setting a filter after it opens to only show up to about 100.
I've made a report on a blank report template. I've dropped in 5 sub reports. I have entered into the criteria for each of the queries based on [forms]![ClientForm]!CleintID. to run the report. It wortks but I have to enter the ClientID 5 times. Usually, when I create a button to run the form from, it only asks for the CleintID once. The 5 reports are based on 3 separate queries.
I have a navigation form that will have 6-8 tabs. We were using about that many databases, but we are finally consolidating them into one. The result of us using so many databases has been the multitude of forms and reports that were necessary for each database prior to merging them together.
The problem: There will be anywhere from 12-20 (text boxes) that the user can use to search anything in our database. What we need to have happen, if possible, is for those search parameters to show up in the header of our report if they have text in them. If the text box is blank, it should not show up in the header of the report.
I have read how to to do the start/end date technique, but I do not know if that would work for what we are doing since the boxes would only show up if they are populated by the user.
What I have is a single table that I need to create a report from. It has vehicle unit numbers, dates of service, repair details and costs. I am trying to generate a report where I can select a unit from a combobox and enter a date range.
I am working on stream lining reports for my application, so that I don't have a huge maze of menus.
I am open to any ideas of how to best set this up. Right now I have a report menu with about 8 command buttons. Some take them to a criteria form for that report, others straight to the report, and others to another menu with a whole other set of buttons for more reports.
I have looked at organizing the "categories" of reports that I have.
I see that I have Candidate reports and Hire reports. This is because this application is for people who apply for a job. Once the information is entered on the entry side, there are a number of things to report on.
One idea is to make a statistics report menu for all of the summary reports. These are counts of candidates under certain groups, like what office they applied to, what departmen, or what date they applied. Then these counts exist for hires as well, and what they were hired to, and what date they started.
I also have detail reports showing the people information as candidates or hires, grouped by these such factors.
If anyone can help me to organize the best method for making these reports available to the user, I would really appreciate it.
One thought would be a form with 2 combo boxes and a preview button.
I am thinking that this could work for the statistic report menu. My database is normalized, so I can't use their names in the combos. I would want to have 1 combo for choosing candidate or hire, as that report that they want. Then the next combo would be the factor to report them on. Office, department, application source, etc
I have summary report for candidates and for hires. parallel reports, but one for (ie) all candidates by the office that they applied to. Then I would have one for all hired candidates (were hired) by the office that they were hired to. Same with department, and many others.
If anyone can help me to either how best to do this process, whether my thought is a good way to go, or if there is a better set up that I should try. I am open to anything here!
Report has records of errors. There are 3 types of error. In the report footer, I would like a total count (this is working!) and a count by type (can't get this to work).
Error Total =Count[ErrorType] Compliance Total =Sum(IIf([ErrorType]="Compliance",1,0)) Audit Total =Sum(IIf([ErrorType]="Audit",1,0)) Quality Total =Sum(IIf([ErrorType]="Quality",1,0))
I have tried setting groupings on the report but this alters the detail sorting (currently sent by the date field newest to oldest) and provides the count within the detail.
I am trying to join a number of reports into one report. I have a generic report which displays a different dataset given the user's choice on a form. I created a collection where I can store multiple instances of this report (called mcolReportInstances) - this works just fine.
I was looking to combine all the reports in the collection into one report. To that end, I have created a report with a number of subreport controls but with no sourceobject. In the On_Open event of this blank report, I am trying to set the source object of the subreport to one of reports in my collection:
i'm a bit a database novice, and have a fairly simple database in Access2000 that records complaints of different categories with amongst other things 'reported' and 'resolved' date fields.
I have 6 queries/ reports that need to be run periodically, using a 'ReportStartDate' and a 'ReportEndDate'. When i run the reports they all use the same dates.
At present I have these set as parameters in each of the 6 queries, but it is a pain having to type both dates in 6 times, and there is obviously a good chance of me making a mistake in typing the dates 6 times.
What I would like to do is just set the ReportStartDate and ReportEndDate just once, so that it could be used by all queries/ reports.
I was thinking that the best way of doing this would be to enter the 2 dates in a table, but I can't see how this would then be linked to the main data table in the queries. I'm sure there must be a way around it...and i'm probably going about it the wrong way...any pointers would be greatly appreciated before it drives me insane!
I have a form that the user can add Work Order numbers to a text box and pass them to a listbox to collect 1 or more values. Each of which need a separate report with the labour hours for each Work Order.
I am having issues figuring out how to get it to pass them to a query or filter the reports.
I have tried many different examples and nothing seems to work.
I have created a report which contains within it multiple sub-reports, which I use to generate a document for management meetings on a bi-weekly basis.
For each of these I have the subreports filtered to a unique number for consideration that period e.g. LIKE "88/00039" which relates to my data.
In order to change this I have to manually update each of the filter commands within the subreports but I assume there must be an easier 'catch-all' method of achieving this?
Ideally I'd be looking for a command prompt so I could enter just the number sequence e.g. "88/00040" and then enter this (via a corresponding macro or similar) to update the filter commands.
I've created a database where I have all the information for people like name, address, etc. Then there's a list box to choose what events they will be attending. I want to be able to run a report and see all the information for the people who are attending any specific event. Is there a way to create a form where I can click a button then it brings up the screen to choose the parameters of my report, then generates the report? Thanks!
I am trying to figure what code to use. What i am trying to accomplish is when the use clicks to open a report i want a form to open and make them choose from a combo box a "training activity". then the report will generate info for that activity only.
I have a contract management database where contracts have a start date and an end date. I also have a date parameter set up whereby I can show live contracts between overlapping records.
I want to be able to count the number of days for each contract that is live between the dates of the parameters.
For example my contract might run from 1st to 30th November but I might want to report from 10th October to 10th November so the number of days I need the query to return is 10 days as my contract is not live before the 1st November. Or my query might run from 1st October to 31st December, then I would need it to show 30 days as it covers the whole of this contract.
I have a report with a nested Subreport. Main Report>Subreport1>Subreport2, for simplicity.
I have master/child set up for both Subreports, but I would also like to filter the Subreport2 records with a date range parameter.
Is there a way to get the Subreport2 where clause to recognize the Subreport1 control I want to use for the date range?
So far I have tried:
Between Int([Reports]![Processing_Performance_Req_Dataset]![report]![QC_Static_Processing_Subreport]![Collection_Date]) And (Int([Reports]![Processing_Performance_Req_Dataset]![report]![QC_Static_Processing_Subreport]![Collection_Date])+0.9)
Between Int([Reports]![Processing_Performance_Req_Dataset]![QC_Static_Processing_Subreport]![Collection_Date]) And (Int([Reports]![Processing_Performance_Req_Dataset]![QC_Static_Processing_Subreport]![Collection_Date])+0.9)
Between Int([Reports]![Processing_Performance_Req_Dataset]![QC_Static_Processing_Subreport].[Report]![Collection_Date]) And (Int([Reports]![Processing_Performance_Req_Dataset]![QC_Static_Processing_Subreport].[Report]![Collection_Date])+0.9)
where Processing_Performance_Req_Dataset = Main Report QC_Static_Processing_Subreport = Subreport1 and Collection_Date = textbox control on Subreport2.
Is there a syntax error? I have other, single level, Subreports on the main report with a similar data range parameter that work just fine. Or does this type of parameter input not work on second level Subreports? Every time I run the main report it asks me for a parameter but doesn't accept my input, and Subreport2 doesn't load any records.
I have a field in a table called reasons. Then I have a list of possible reasons in a drop down list for my form. I want to create a report that allows the user to select from a drop down of these reasons and do a query for only those records with that specific reason. I know you can ask that info be typed in by using brackets in the query but instead of typing the reason I want to be able to select from the drop down list to produce the report. Can this be done?
The input form of the database have one common table containing data for all parameters for row source. As all data was in one table had one ID. My problem is I am trying to run reports from a form after selecting dates and parameters.
For selecting parameters I created dynamic combo box. For dynamic combo box I needed ID and description of the parameters. So I created separate tables for each parameter with ID and Description column. Which ran me into the problem that when I run report based on main input form which has different row source table and my report form has different row source tables and reports doesn't run when I base my queries on the report form.
I created a report using wizard and altered the parameters to what I need on my report and saved it as a new autoformat. The autoformat did not retain the parameter adjustments I made...only the basic format...no size changes...grouping I added ...a seperator line between the groups and the bound items I deleted that I did not want were still there. All I want to do is to be able to use the report format I created numerous times as it is without me having to go in and make adjustments with each query I pull a report from. There are several different query's with different tables involved. To sum it up one report format to use multiple times....Help Please!
I would like to run a report that uses a stored procedure with parameters. Is there a way I can pass the parameters from the report to the stored procedure? I am NOT running it from a form.
I want to call the report from VBA code and pass it the parameters that are necessary to run the stored procedure. Any ideas?
I need the following report to open with date parameters. I have the following code, but it doesn't quite work.
When an item is chosen from Modl (a list box) a box pops up asking for LowPop, then another for Start Year and then another for End Year.
Those last two aren't doing what they should. They should restrice the [Date] field to between the years entered as start and end. I would like to put it in the "OpenReport" line, but don't think that's going to work.
Code: Private Sub Command27_Click() Dim varItm As Variant Dim ModelWhere As String Dim strQuery Dim LowPop As String Dim SDate As Date
I have a report with a number of text, date and combo boxes. We quite often add items that are very similar, so it would be useful if the values you've just entered were kept the same for the next item. Then you can just change the odd field that's different. Is there a way to achieve this?
what i have is a form (image attached) and i need to be able to select any combination of parameters (including state, zipcode from GENERAL, i.e. referring doctor last name from RefMD, Drugname from Drugs, Diagnosisname from Diagnosis, and VisitType from Encounters) and filter PatientForm where all the selected parameters are true..
I'm pretty new to Access, so if I'm doing this the hard way, that's why.
I work in a quality control position, and I'm trying to set up a single Access database for the QC staff to use instead of everyone having their own seperate Excel workbooks.
The issue I'm running into at the moment is on a report. Each record is graded on four seperate types of criteria, Error Type 1, Error Type 2, Error Type 3 and Error Type 4, all of which need to be reported on seperately. So I have at least four queries set up, all with the same parameters (right now, just review date.) I'm trying to pull through all four queries on the same report, and so far I've had success having the report ask for the parameters only once and then applying it to all four queries. However, I'm running into a problem where Access is now forcing the filters of each individual query on to each of the other three queries, so it's only pulling through records for all four queries that match the criteria of all four. Any record which only matches the criteria of one, two or three of the queries is being left off the report.
Sorry if this sounds confusing. Anyone have an idea as to what I'm doing wrong?
I would like to have a user enter a start date and an end date into two textboxes on a form. The two dates will be used to query a table. I would then like to print a report that was created from that query.
Here is the query created as a stored procedure:
SELECT Transactions.*, Hoods.* FROM Hoods INNER JOIN Transactions ON [Hoods].[ID]=[Transactions].[BoxID] WHERE ([Transactions].[Date] Between [@StartDate] And [@EndDate]) ORDER BY [Transactions].[Date];
What would be the best way to pass txtStartDate to @StartDate and txtEndDate to @EndDate in the VBA code of the form? How would I open or print the report created from that query filtered on that date range?
Any suggestions? Am I going about it wrong? Should I have created the report from the above query, or should I do it another way? Can anyone direct me to some code that does all of the above or something similiar?