Reports :: Several Fields In Report - Counting Record Values

May 10, 2014

Suppose we have a report that outlines several fields, one field shows the City. In the report, this week, we see 10 records "New York", 8 records "Houston", 7 records "London", 3 records "Paris" and so on.

Next week's report outlines different cities and different number of records. I need to have in the report footer a "recapitulation" , a field that would say :

New York 10
Houston 8
London 7
Paris 3

Total 28

Next week cities and number of records might not be the same, we may have

Tokyo 12
Singapore 14
New York 6
London 7

Can i make my report in that way that it will count the values without using VBA ? I tried the count values option but it counts the overall report, does not take into consideration the different values.

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Reports :: Zero Values And Calculated Fields In Report

Sep 17, 2013

I am trying to get calculated fields in my report to work but zero values in the data are throwing up #Div/0! and #Error! and #Num!

The main data fields I am trying to work with are:

My aim is to track mileage and consumption for a fleet of vehicles and show daily and weekly averages in mileage and consumption and then to flag 20% increase in consumption.

I have a calculated field in my report named Kilometers,
= [VehicleReading]-[PreviousReading]

And also a calculated field named Consumption,

My sum and average calculation fields in the group footers are only working where there are values above zero in the Kilometer and VehicleLitres and Consumption fields.

In reality there are some days where there has been no travel, so some records will have a zero for the Kilometers field and there are also days when there has been no refueling so there is a zero for the VehicleLitres field.

I have tried using the expression builder to create an IIf function but to no avail. I have tried copying the syntax suggested by the Expression builder:

«Expr» IIf («expr». «truepart». «falsepart»)

However I keep getting error messages and despite troubleshooting and looking on the internet I can't seem to find a solution to this.

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Reports :: Pass Parameter Values To Report Fields?

Apr 18, 2013

I have a report that is based on a query.

The query has two fields. Start and End Dates.

When I run the query the Parameter box asks for the dates by using <[Date1] and >[Date2]

What I want is to have 2 fields at the top of the report, that display the values I enter in these boxes?

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Reports :: Counting And Displaying All Different Values

Dec 9, 2014

As part of the report I'd like to have a table that would list all different values in column in column A and the number of times they appear in the table in column B.I have a bit of a hard time how to populate the table the easiest way.I have all the values in a separate source table, so first column is easier. but do i have to write the dcount statement for each row for second column?Could I display results of query as subquery in report.If you have a bunch of textboxes with increasing names like NameBox1... for for/next loops in reports... is there an easy way to assign those names?

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Reports :: Counting On A Report?

Feb 14, 2014

When entering information on the form, there is a combo box with 4 options

In Progress

There are several different areas on site here and i'd like to be able to set up a report which will count the amount of the above 4 possibilities for each section. For example i'd like the report to look something like below

Area A
Started 1
In Progress 6
Verified 3
Complete 5

Area B
Started 3
In Progress 9
Verified 21
Complete 11

So i'm displaying the number of jobs in each section and how far along they are at a glance

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Reports :: Blank Fields - Counting Times?

Feb 12, 2014

I have a report that is pulling data from a query and on the report, i have a controlled field that is supposed to count only data where a field says "no". Here is the string.

=Sum(IIf([Caller Used Resources]="No",1,0))

when i run the report i get the four results that say no, but i also get a blank field counting the times when this field is blank. If this field is blank, i don't want it to show anything.

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Reports :: Counting Unique Field In A Report

Jul 19, 2014

I have a report which is based on a query. The query combines information from TBLDwgReg and TBLDwgRegDtls. The unique field linking these two tables is DrawingNo. The query - QRYDtldDwgReg - is showing 99% of the information I want to see.

My problem is this - one drawing can be revised several times. I have my report grouped by IssuedBy and then grouped by DrawingNo. In the group footer for IssuedBy I want to count the number of drawings issued by a particular consultant. For example...the structural engineer has issued 17 drawings for a particular project but when I do a count it is returning a total 27 because some of those drawings have been revised.

I tried grouping in the query and counting the DrawingNo field there but that's not working either.

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Reports :: Counting Number Of Distinct Records In Report?

Oct 11, 2013

I'm creating a report for an imaginary "medical clinic's database", the intended function of which is described as follows: "Create a statistic that shows the total number of distinct drugs prescribed to a patient."

Where I'm at:

I've created a query called UniqueDrugs containing drug and patient info. The SQL is:


SELECT DISTINCT Drugs.Drug_Name, Patients.[Patient _ID]
FROM Patients INNER JOIN (Drugs INNER JOIN Prescriptions ON Drugs.[Drug_ID] = Prescriptions.[Drug_ID]) ON Patients.[Patient _ID] = Prescriptions.[Patient_ID]
GROUP BY Drugs.Drug_Name, Patients.[Patient _ID]
ORDER BY Patients.[Patient _ID];

The results of this query seem to be what I need. All I need is for the count formula that I use to return the number of distinct drug names there are that are related to a patient's ID.

I've created a report and I've put the following formula into a text box:


Where PID is the name of another text box in the report that contains the Patient ID that I want to compare to the drug names returned by the query.

However, this *always* results in #Error, no matter how I change the formula.I have been led to believe that syntax is not the issue, as the following formula worked as intended for a different task:


How do I use a DCount to return the number of different drugs that have been prescribed to a patient?

If it did not require the number of different drugs, I would simply use the following formula, which works just fine:


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Formula Counting Fields In Either Query Or Report

Dec 15, 2004


I would like to count number of items witin a text field,
but breaking it down identifying the different items within the
text field.


Got a field with fruits listed. Now I am identifying the fruit but want
to know how many rotten fruit there was for each specified fruit.

At the moment my query is by date and the fruit including the column
specifying if the fruit is rotten or not. But there is 3 options in the last
column. How can I count this last column to count how many of these
3 options there are for each fruit in my report?

Please let me know if this makes any sense or not otherwise I will try to explain
it a little bit better.

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Reports :: Counting Test Records From Multiple Tables In One Report?

Apr 22, 2014

I have been trying to create a report to count equipment tested between two dates:

I am using Access 2000 (old I know) and I have 21 different tables with the fields laid out the same. For the moment, I will list five of the tables: Servers, Laptops, Printers, Workstations, and Monitors. The criteria I draw from each table are the fields Model#, Part#, Serial#, Test Date, Retest Date, and Technician.

I can create a report from a query (say laptops). The criteria I is BETWEEN[Enter Start Date]AND[Enter End Date] under the TEST DATE field. Works great! In my report I use =Count(*)&" "&"Unit(s) tested" & "Between "&[Enter Start Date] & " and" & [Enter End Date].

That works great too.

I am trying to create ONE REPORT using ONE Date range and display how many units were tested:


Units Tested between March 1, 2014 and March 31, 2014

Servers 9
Laptops 23
Workstations 15
Printers 18
Monitors 31

If I can get these five tables, hopefully I can add additional tables to the same report as I need them. I am not savy with VB code, but will give it a go with some direction as to where to put it and how to add to it.

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Counting Fields On A Record

May 22, 2006

Hi does anybody know how to count all the fields on a record that have a value? Therefore not counting the fields with a null value. Im sure it has something to do with the TotalData expression. Thanks.

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Reports :: Report In Which A Textbox Generates Numerical Values And Letter Values

Aug 6, 2014

I have a report in which a textbox generates numerical values and letter values. I want to...On report load - if textbox = numbers then hide otherwise show if it contains letter values.

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Reports :: Zero Values And Calculated Fields In Reports?

Nov 13, 2013

I am trying to get calculated fields in my report to work but zero values in the data are throwing up #Div/0! and #Error! and #Num!

The main data fields I am trying to work with are:


My aim is to track mileage and consumption for a fleet of vehicles and show daily and weekly averages in mileage and consumption and then to flag 20% increase in consumption.

I have a calculated field in my report named Kilometers,

= [VehicleReading]-[PreviousReading]

and also a calculated field named Consumption,


My sum and average calculation fields in the group footers are only working where there are values above zero in the Kilometer and VehicleLitres and Consumption fields.

In reality there are some days where there has been no travel, so some records will have a zero for the Kilometers field and there are also days when there has been no refueling so there is a zero for the VehicleLitres field.

I have tried using the expression builder to create an IIf function but to no avail.

I have tried copying the syntax suggested by the Expression builder:

«Expr» IIf («expr». «truepart». «falsepart»)

I know I need to get those zero's to fail in the calculation but as I said before all of the suggested expressions I have tried fail due to syntax!

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Reports :: Scrolling Down Report Changes Report Fields To Errors

Jun 26, 2013

I have an odd thing happening with my reports. There is a main report that gives class information (from query). There are two subreports (from queries also ) with scores (one for each type of test). There are some unbound controls on the main form that display a count of how many scores are recorded which are totals from the subreports. The controls all report the correct numbers however, when I scroll down to view each record, some of them change to #error, or #name, or similar for a moment. Sometimes they will stay in error form when I stop scrolling but change to correct if I scroll up just a bit. Is this because the controls won't calculate unless that report record has focus?

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Reports :: Print Only Report Matching Current Record In Form Among Multiple Reports

Oct 2, 2013

I have been an MS Excel man all along my career and I am a novice in MS Access.I have created a table, [Initial Customer Approval] which records data from a Form, [Initial Customer Approval]. Once the data is entered in the Form, I need to do some calculations based on the data entered in some of the fields in the form.I created 6 different queries for the six possible values in those fields. now for each of those queries I created respective reports.I placed a Print command button in the Form.

1. When I press the Print button it should open the report for the current record in the Form. (Currently It Opens all the reports simulatneously, with only one relevant report containing the current record; other opened reports being blank.)

2. If user presses the Print button before pressing Save button then system should prompt user.

Here is the code (Please note [reference number] is the unique ID generated for each record entered in the tabe through form):

Private bSaveClicked As Boolean
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Not bSaveClicked Then
MsgBox "You are trying to navigate away from the active record. Please either save your changes, or press ESC to cancel your changes.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation
Cancel = True


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Reports :: Combining Same Values From Two Fields

Aug 21, 2013

I would like to make a report to show how many employees and which employees are attending to which colleges/universities.

In my data (800 records), I have two fields which is "College 1" and "College 2" for each employee.

There are values that are enter in college 1 for some employees, other employees have the same value that is enter in in college 2. How do I get to show a report that has all the employees who attended the same college in either college 1 or 2?

For instance, this is my raw data:

Name - College 1 - College 2
Bob - University of HI - Honolulu CC
Sandy - Honolulu CC - University of HI
Clare - Kapiolani CC - University of HI
John - University of HI - Windardward CC

I want my report to show:

Colleges -
University of HI

Honolulu CC

Kapiolani CC

Windard CC

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Reports :: Calculating Values In A Report

Jul 29, 2015

we have a field in a report, and currently, there is a text box with a control source of


They want me to add to it, where if [Text106]="0",[Reserve]-[Text52], otherwise it's [Text106]="0",[Reserve]-[Text106].I am able to do this second part OK with


But then I lose the [Flag1]="Capital" part.

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Reports :: How To Add Selected Values From All Comboboxes To A Report

Jul 19, 2015

I have a frmOpenReport which has 7 combo boxes linked to 7 Query's.

I have found code to add selected values from one combo box from a button 'Open Report' to a report but struggling to find how to select selected values from all comboboxs and add to a report.

My code so far.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub cmdOpenReport_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdOpenReport_Click
Dim strWhere As String
Dim ctl As Control
Dim varItem As Variant
'make sure a selection has been made
If Me.HLO.ItemsSelected.Count = 0 Then

[Code] ....

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Reports :: How To Run A Report To Only Show Null Values

Aug 20, 2014

I am very new to access. I have made a database that holds certain company information.

As part of a process a company must fill in and complete form and send to me and once they have I enter a 'yes' to the form and then link directly to said form.

I am wanting to be able to run a report to be able to only see the companies where a certain field has not been filled in.

For example I have a field for doc 698, if I have had this form back I enter a yes in this field, if I havent had this back I leave it blank and these blanks are what I want to pull off in the report.

I have made queries and then just filtered to show blanks but I would like to have in report form.

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Reports :: Report From Query Need Values To Change?

Nov 20, 2013

Objective to have a report generated from a query (Based on a Storage Table) in the record-source however need to make adjustments to each record based on the query output ie User Id is outputted as number as it needs to be for everything else but on the report loading needs to run an sql query on that ID number to get the name and then replace that value with the name and so on for each record and each appropriate column

Problem:I can either change All of the records outputted with the first records info or nothing at all. i need this process to occur individually on each outputted record

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Report - Show Only Fields That Have Values Above 0

Mar 8, 2005

I am trying to generate a report, or even a word merge doc, that will print only the fields containing values above "0". I have to print a one page benefits report for each employee, yet not everyone has values in each available field. On each report, I only want to show the fields that actually pertain to the employee. Is this possible?

I have tried doing this as a Word merge, but the field names do not show up, only the values...I have been struggling with this for over a day...please help!

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Reports :: Filter A Report Based On Values In Some Comboboxes

Aug 17, 2015

I am quite new to Access and have been working with a sample DB from Microsoft. I have been looking for some ways to filter a report based on the values in some comboboxes, and have followed the instructions on a website (can't post link yet).

I also looked at this file (**can't post link yet**) and it seems like everything works fine here. So I started a new DB with my own table, and tried to do the same thing as in this file.

Everything works fine.

But when I try all these steps in my own DB (the sample DB from Microsoft), it doesn't work.

When I filter by "Status" (f.ex: "In Progress" or "Not Started"), it seems to work fine.

However, when I filter by "Assigned To", I get the following error message: "Data Type Mismatch in criteria expression". So I googled this error message , but this field has nothing to do with any date formatting.

It gets even stranger when I try to filter by "Project":

Then a new pop up appears and asks me to enter the "Project".

No matter what I enter, the report turns blank

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Reports :: Sum Values From Textboxes - DLookups On Report Group?

Aug 19, 2013

I have a report that returns timesheet info on employees. The group-by is on the employee, and the detail records are projects billed-to, including how much time billed to each project by that employee.

Parts of the detail line are accomplished by dlookups, and I was hoping to sum() these values on each employee/group, in the employee footer area.

Per the image, the circles show where I hope to show the sum'd value from text boxes indicated by the arrows...

In the group footer on employee I've set text boxes to:


...basically taking the dlookup accomplished in the detail line and trying to sum() it... No luck.


...using the name of the control where the dlookup is accomplished prompts me to declare the value of the "RADefaultHours" - indicating the report text box control doesn't know what I'm talking about...


...trying the above again, but hoping to properly declare what is being sum'd... No luck.

...I saw some posts regarding setting "running sum over group" - and I tried that on the text box in the footer where the sum() is being attempted, but no luck.

Can I do this this way? Perhaps I need to set some other variable that is more agreeable than a 'textbox with a dlookup' to do the sum when grouping?

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Reports :: Access 2003 - Count Values Over Specific Amount In Report

Mar 16, 2013

In Access 2003 I have a form, at the footer of which I want to put some summary information. One of which is a count of the number of purchases over £500. I have tried many variations after searching the posts on this site but the only one which does not return me an error of some kind with the expression is

=IIf([Bought For]>"500",Count([Bought For]),0)

where 'Bought For is the reports listing of the purchase prices in a given date range when opening the report, but the value returned in my test is '0' when it should be '2' as the test file has two purchases of over £500.

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Reports :: Sorting And Formatting A Report Based Off Of Values And User Input?

Jul 1, 2013

I'm trying to make a report that a untrained user can use to review the relevant data from the database I'm creating. All of the work I've done so far has been directly in the tables . Here's a quick outline of my general data organization:


Needs_Work (check box)


Basically, I want the user to select a department to view using a combo box or option group (which I'm not sure of how to do in a report). Then, I want to view the employees within that department sorted first by whether or not the Needs_Work check box is selected, and then by how many of their competencies are unchecked.

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Reports :: Unbound Report - Print Preview OK But None Of Fields Print When Report Directly Send To Printer

May 25, 2013

I have an unbound form with an associated report. When the user hits the 'print' button on the form/screen, the report is launched in the background. In the On Load event of the report I populate the report fields from the forms field as so:

Me.txtAddrMainLine2 = "NAME " & UCase([Forms]![frm_OrderRx].[txtPatientName])

This works like a charm as long as I call the report in Print Preview mode (i.e. with acViewPreview). But if I send the report directly to the printer, none of the fields print.

I've read about using other report events to populate the fields (e.g., On Format and On Print) and also something about using TempVars to pass the data. But I haven't read anything that's clear and definitive about the full answer.

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