Reports :: Show Two Rows For Each Record

Mar 19, 2015

I have attached a sample spreadsheet. Each store has a planned date which is calculated off the dates in column b and c. The second row is actual date.

As much of the data I have is in MS Access, I tried to use some extracts to appear in this format but no luck.

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Reports :: Multiple Rows In Query Show In One Report Entry

Sep 17, 2014

I have a query that returns numerous rows of data per person per day.

Simplified Example ( ';' used to show columns):

LastName ; Date ; DrillNumber ; Score
Smith ; 18/9/14 ; 0 ; 100
Smith ; 18/9/14 ; 1 ; 150
Smith ; 18/9/14 ; 2 ; 120
Doe ; 18/9/14 ; 0 ; 150
Doe ; 18/9/14 ; 1 ; 150
Doe ; 18/9/14 ; 2 ; 100

I'm trying to create a report that shows each of the scores per drill in the report per person (Dont worry about the formatting):

Name: Smith
Date: 18/9/14
Drill & Score:
0 - 100
1 - 150
2 - 120

However, when I drag the field lists into the report Im getting a new report entry for each drill eg.

0 - 100

1 - 150

Any way to get all drills to show in the one report entry per person? So all data for Smith is in the one report or report section, and then all the data for Doe.

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Reports :: Average Of Numbers - Show Only 1 Record In Report

Sep 11, 2013

I have a report with 3 fields in it. I have made the control source for each field an average of the #'s in the field of the query. I only want it to show 1 record but can't seem to figure out how. I've already listed the cycle option to current record, but it still shows the 3 fields repeating over and over... for ex:

Field 1 Label 7.4
Field 2 Label 8.4
Field 3 Label 6.4

Field 1 Label 7.4
Field 2 Label 8.4
Field 3 Label 6.4

And it goes on and on like this... the averages are correct, but I only want to show them 1 time, not repetitively..

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Reports :: Creating Report That Show Only One Record From Query Or Table?

Feb 19, 2014

I am using Access 2007. creating a report that show only one record from my query or table.

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Reports :: Show Data For Current Year With A Record Count

Apr 14, 2014

I have a report that I am trying to show data for the current year, but with a record count.

So, for example: I have 3-OVI, 3-Conduct Unbecoming, and 3-Did not transport for the current year.

When I run my report, it will show the above data for the current year, but in this format;

Conduct Unbecoming-1

and so on.

What I would like is;

Conduct Unbecoming-3
Did not transport-3

If I take out the date code for the current year in my query, then I get the desired results but I get all data.

If I leave the date code in, then I get the data for the current year but I get the first example above.

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Queries :: Pivot Table To Show Blank Rows

Mar 4, 2014

I have a PivotTable that I am trying to put together that will give me the following:

Types of Payments - Left
Accounts Where Payments came from - Top
Amount of Payments - Data

I want it to look like a spreadsheet where it will show me all the Types of Payments even though I don't have any data in there. Almost like an Excel Spreadsheet but I want it in Access. I was able to get the Columns to show up even though I had some blanks but now I need the Rows to show up.

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Forms :: Show Single Form With All Rows From A Table?

Jul 11, 2015

I'm building a simple access database to be used in a factory. It's pretty much there now, in the sense that it does all it needs to do, but some things feel a little "clunky". One of these things is the page where new products are created.

When a product is created the user has to specify what raw materials it's made up of and that works great, there is a continuous sub form that lets the user just add a row for every raw material. Having it as a continuous form makes sense as there can be lots of rows or just a few, so it's flexible.

Currently though the labour/time on that page works in the same way. But it feels a bit silly as there are only 3 sorts of labour (at least currently, they might add a couple more later). The labour types are..

- Build
- Finishing
- Handling

My question is, how would I go about turning the existing continuous row-by-row subform for labour into a single form that just listed those three types of labour (read from my labour type table)? So that it just shows a row that asks for quantity of each available labour type.

Not all products have all types of labour but it would be fine to write a 0 in the labour table for (for example) Finishing against a product that for example didn't need Finishing Labour. Obviously with the current continuous form approach no row would be written for Finishing if the user didn't select that.

I guess I could hardcode a single form to show the three current types, but ideally it would be flexible, coping with new labour types when the users find they need to add them.

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Queries :: Create A Query To Show Rows With Timestamps In Between Two Times

Jul 7, 2013

Create a query to show rows with timestamps in between two timestamps? my variables are cutoff time and the current time where cutoff time is saved on a table (tblcontroltable.cutoff ) a pseudo code of what i want to achieve is

select date, product, timestamps
from tblsample
where date = date and timestamps > cutoff and timestamps < time

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Reports :: Print Out Single Page Reports (or Forms) To Show Detail From Several Tables And Queries

Apr 21, 2014

I have a database of high-school football players, and I am looking to print out single page reports (or forms) that will show detail from several tables and queries. This will act as their resume when they visit schools on recruiting visits. The reason for needing query items, is that I have developed queries that return the most up to date height, weight, 40 time etc., and that single most up to date number is what should print, not the entire table. When I try to build a report it will let me bring in multiple tables, but not queries.

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Reports :: Getting Entire Reports To Show On A Tab Control

Apr 24, 2015

I have tab controls, each of which holds a report. If the report is longer than the tab control the report is stuck there. no slide bars, no overflow. I have set scroll bars but they dont seem to take or work. I need to find a way to add verticle scroll bars to the reports within the tab controls so that you can view the entire report. I have included a screen print of what I mean.

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Reports :: Show Detail - Using Section Header As Hyperlink To Show / Hide Detail

Aug 13, 2013

I'm trying to create a report where I can use a section header as a hyperlink to show/hide detail, but only for that section. For example, my customer names are:

123 Co.

If I click on ZYX Co., I want it to show the contracts for ONLY that customer:

Contract 1
Contract 2
123 Co.

Right now, my code looks like this for On_Click:

If Me.Detail.Visible = False Then
Me.Detail.Visible = True
Me.Detail.Visible = False
End If

But it shows and hides detail for ALL customers when I do this. Is there a way to only show/hide for the customer on which I click?

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Reports :: Summing Up The Rows In A Column?

Mar 20, 2013

How do I sum up the rows of a column in a report ? My example is here below

Sick Days
Total of Sick Days

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Modules & VBA :: Select Rows From Different Reports

Apr 9, 2014

Im working on a DB with multiple tables. My DB consists in a lot of tables, each one for a different element and his specifications (e.g.: transmitter, sensor, relay). The user can create loops selecting different elements (All the elements of the same loop have the same Loop ID).

I want that when the loop is finished the user can select one of the loops he has create and see all the elements and specifications he has selected for this loop. The problem is that when I want to show in a form or report all the elements the user has selected before I cant select each different element from his table and show in a form or report.Until now I have this code in a form to select an element from a report and show it, but it doesnt work very well.

-) List3 is a list box in my form where is the list of elements to select.
-) Boton1 is the button in my form to open the report when the element is selected
-) Transmitter Specifications is the report with the list of elements and his specifications.

Option Compare Database
Option Explici
Private Sub boton1_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_boton1_Click


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Reports :: How To Get Sum Of Values For Specific Rows

Nov 5, 2013

I have a report being generated that pulls in a bunch of data. The processed column is a boolean value.

I want to be able to set the text of a label to be equal to the "material cost" for all the rows where is processed is set to false.

Picture of the report: [URL] ....

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Reports :: Overlapping Rows In Report?

Dec 23, 2014

I have a report whose fields are arranged in a table:

I need all fields to be able to grow in the event that there's more text than the box can hold, so I have all fields "Can Grow" property set to Yes.

However, when any of the top row fields (Field1, Field2, Field3) need to grow, the entire top row grow but the bottom row stays put and doesn't move down, which causes the top and bottom rows to overlap -- like below (look at ID # 4):

Green is the top row, Blue is bottom row:

how I can get the bottom row to move down when the top row grows?

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Reports :: Fill Certain Rows With Background Color

Sep 27, 2013

I'm trying to create a report that has certain rows filled with a background color. In excel, the fill color is complete across the row. That is, there are no gaps between cells. In Access, each individual "cell" or field is filled with the color but inbetween each cell/field there is white space. I tried changing the control padding to "narrow" but there is still too much white space. Changing control padding to "none" changes the alignment of the cells to look off. They aren't exactly lined up in a row anymore. It looks terrible.

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Reports :: Join Together Multiple Rows To One Field?

Jul 1, 2015

I have been struggling with combining multiple rows into one row for an order summary report.

Specifically, I have three tables (Products, Orders, and OrderDetails)

ProductID = AutoNumber
ProductName = String

OrderID = AutoNumber
OrderDate = Date/Time
OrderInfo = Memo
CustomerName = Text
CustomerAddress = Text
PaymentDetails = Text

OrderNumber = Number (Linked to OrderID)
ProductNumber = Number (Linked to ProductID)
Notes = Memo (Notes on product customization)

The OrderProductDetails table is in many to one relationships with both Orders and Products table. If I place an order with 3 products, the OrderProductDetails datasheet would be:

OrderNumber ProductNumber
1 78 (Product 1)
1 89 (Product 2)
1 56 (Product 3)

On my report, instead of 3 entries for this order, I would like show just one entry under a column "Products Ordered" ---> Product 1, Product 2, Product 3.

I tried the Concatenate macros I found online, however, I am unable to configure them properly to use for this purpose.

I am using Access 2010.

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Reports :: Concatenate Multiple Rows Into 1 Field

Jun 18, 2013

My database has a 'markets' table, where there could be multiple markets per campaign.

So right now in my report, it's displaying like this

campaign 1
Market 1
Market 2
Market 3

Is there a way, to Concatenate multiple rows into 1 field. So it would look something like this

Campaign 1
Market 1, Market 2, Market 3

That would save a lot of space in the report, and make it easier to read.

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Reports :: Hiding Rows Based On Cell Value

Aug 21, 2013

I have generated a report with my entire list of personnel, and I have created a column that generates thier age based of another column using this:


Now my question, im trying to hide the rows of those who age is older than 26. If thats not possible maybe highlight the entire rows of those under 26, i used conditional formatting to highlight the age, but not the entire row.

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Access Reports: Adding Lines To Separate Rows And Columns Like Excel

Nov 4, 2004

Ive been converting .xls files to Access database files. I would like to use ACCESS to develop the Reports but the client wants the Reports to look like those in where you have lines between rows and columns. If I could give my Access Reports the same look and feel, I could wean these guys off of Excel and into the wonderful world of relational models.

Does anyone have sqlcode or tricks I might use to create the Excel 'look alike' report in Access?

thks in advance...and I will sum.

the ravenman.

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Reports :: Conditional Formatting - Rows To Be Of Specific Color Based On Value In 1 Field

Jul 24, 2014

I have a report that I would like to have the rows be a specific color based on the value in 1 field on the row.

I have attempted to use conditional formatting but it will not work (IE, I can get font color to change, but not field boxes to have color).

The field is labeled [text144] based on the value in the field (1,2, or 3) I would like the field to be a different color.
3 = green
2 = yellow
1 = red

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Modules & VBA :: Running Update Query On Record And Have Form Show Updated Record

Jan 26, 2015

i want to be able to create an On Click Event when pushing a command button that will run an Update query to update a record and after it has been updated that specific record will pop up on a Form and be displayed. i know a different way is to run the Update query and then have it displayed in a Select query but i want it to be displayed on a Form instead. is it possible?

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Multiple Rows Per Record?

Oct 10, 2007

I have a table of products and a table of ordersEach product requires multiple processes to completeCan I make a query that will lookup the products in the orders table and show a list of all the processes that need to be done to complete all the products on order?The bit I dont get is how can a query return multiple rows for each product?

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Linked Excel Files - Blank Leading Rows In Query Datasheet View And Reports

Dec 12, 2013

I decided to link Excel files and all is running fine except when I run a query on the file I get about 1,041 blank rows before my data is displayed in the query's datasheet view or any report based upon this query... the data seems good but why the leading blank rows? The data in the linked Excel sheet does not look like this and another Excel file's query looks fine and they seem set up identically!

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Forms - Is It Possible To Add A Row/record Between Rows/records

Jul 19, 2005

Is it possible to add a row between rows on a form. I am creating a contact list containing phone numbers and groups. I dont want to sort the form out in ascending order, just by group order.

For example:
Joe Teacher (primary school) 12345
John Teacher (primary school) 67777
Ann Teacher (secondary school) 35555
Mary Teacher (secondary school) 388338
Sarah Nurse 373773
Tina Nurse 111111
Peter Footballer 199999
Rob Footballer 888888

Any ideas would be great :confused:

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Report Has 2 Rows, 1 For Each Record With Same Date

Aug 19, 2004

oh, finally I am close to what i need

I have the report in the included db. there are 2 problems though.

the subreport DOES sum the total for each outlet if there is one, BUT it includes a row for each outlet, therefore repeating up to 3 times.

if EN-02 and EN-05 have values 1 and 3 recorded on the same date then the report has the rows:

March 8, 2004 1 0 3
March 8, 2004 1 0 3

when it should only show 1 of the rows

and if there is a value from another date it includes it in this as well.

so how can i have this limited to the sum where the dates are the same.

how can I have it display "No flow" if there are no values instead of '0'

thanks for all your help in advance


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