Reports :: Show Differences Between Two Records

Aug 2, 2013

I'm currently working on a report to show the differences between two records (in this case, Documents). Each Document contains a number of paragraphs which are separate objects within my database. The purpose of this is to narrow down which paragraphs require reading (i.e. remove/highlight which are duplicates).

I've set up the report to show only the paragraphs from two selected documents (I don't think there is need for more than two, but how to select two or more documents for the query), and currently I have set the 'Hide duplicates' which kind of works but not the result I was hoping for - it only hides the related field and leaves the original in tact.

I am looking for a method that hides both duplicate records (not just the duplicated fields) if possible, failing that a method that will conditionally format the remaining duplicate or all duplicates.

Looks like the Hide Duplicates hasn't quite worked either - I have two fields which are clearly different and it has hidden the longer one. Likewise another later paragraph is not duplicated and it has hidden another which isn't duplicated. If it makes any difference the field is of type 'Memo'

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Show Differences Between Tables

Oct 9, 2005


I am using ACCESS to compare roles for users on our SAP system before and after a QAS refresh. I have two tables, one listing roles before and one listing roles after the refresh, how do I have to relate these two tables and what type of query should I run to present me with a list of roles that appear in one table and not the other, since I have two tables there may be roles in table a that arent in table b, as well as roles in table b that arent in table a. I need to see both these. I also dont want to see any roles that appear in both tables.

any help?


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Modules & VBA :: Show Pop Up Message Depending On 2 Fields Value Differences

Oct 7, 2014

I have 2 fields on my form service interval combo box and vehicle mileage text box I m trying to create a pop up message on there values

if service interval is 12,000 and the mileage entered in the vehicle mileage is over 12,000 then show pop up message.

this works but I'm sure its wrong don't no why I need the -1 anyways here's what I have

If Me.Vehicle_Mileage.Value > Me.Cboserviceinterval.Column(1) - 1 Then
msgbox "test"
end if

Now my problem what I can't get it to work . I still want the pop up message, if say the service interval is 12,000 and mileage entered in the vehicle mileage is 1,000 miles below the service interval I still want the same pop message but if 2,000 or more below service interval then no pop up message .

I have tried a number of sequences with no avail....

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Reports :: Create A Report And Only Show Records With Exception

Feb 19, 2014

I have a field on a form (exception) that is also a column in a query. I would like to create a report an only show those records that had an exception in it. I am not sure what criteria in the query to use, but it would seem creating a report off of this query would work.

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Reports :: Show Number Of Records Returned In Parameter Query

Mar 9, 2013

I am trying to use Dcount to find the number of records in a query and put it on a text box in the header of a report. The query is a parameter query. The button opens a form which asks for start and end dates, the query reads those dates from the form and the report displays the correct number of records that fall within the date range. The query is based on another query, which is based on the table. I tried =dcount("*","qryName") but I get #error. Maybe becauase of dates? or parameters?

Access 2010, Windows 7

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Reports :: Report To Show Records Side By Side?

Aug 12, 2015

So I'm trying to manipulate Access to create a Directory for my church. I'm trying to get a report to show the church staff, which I was able to do, but I was wondering, is it possible to get the records to show side by side instead of one on top of the other?

I included a picture of the design view showing what I would like to see. Excuse the way the numbers are written, it's hard to write with a mouse.

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Reports :: Print Out Single Page Reports (or Forms) To Show Detail From Several Tables And Queries

Apr 21, 2014

I have a database of high-school football players, and I am looking to print out single page reports (or forms) that will show detail from several tables and queries. This will act as their resume when they visit schools on recruiting visits. The reason for needing query items, is that I have developed queries that return the most up to date height, weight, 40 time etc., and that single most up to date number is what should print, not the entire table. When I try to build a report it will let me bring in multiple tables, but not queries.

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Reports :: Getting Entire Reports To Show On A Tab Control

Apr 24, 2015

I have tab controls, each of which holds a report. If the report is longer than the tab control the report is stuck there. no slide bars, no overflow. I have set scroll bars but they dont seem to take or work. I need to find a way to add verticle scroll bars to the reports within the tab controls so that you can view the entire report. I have included a screen print of what I mean.

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Reports :: Show Detail - Using Section Header As Hyperlink To Show / Hide Detail

Aug 13, 2013

I'm trying to create a report where I can use a section header as a hyperlink to show/hide detail, but only for that section. For example, my customer names are:

123 Co.

If I click on ZYX Co., I want it to show the contracts for ONLY that customer:

Contract 1
Contract 2
123 Co.

Right now, my code looks like this for On_Click:

If Me.Detail.Visible = False Then
Me.Detail.Visible = True
Me.Detail.Visible = False
End If

But it shows and hides detail for ALL customers when I do this. Is there a way to only show/hide for the customer on which I click?

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Differences In Two Tables

Jan 31, 2005

Hi everybody
It is my first post here :)

I have a simple (I hope :) ) question.
I have two tables in my database.
Tables are simple and the structure is the same
Tables contain some different and some the same records
I want to create a new table (or Raport maybe) which contains differences (different records which are not in both tables)
How can it be done in the easy way?

Sorry for such stupid question but I have tried to find this forum for similar issue with the easy solution but no luck.

Thx for the reading

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Differences Between Two Tables

Feb 20, 2007

I have a Table named WorkUnit1234567-01-01-07. We'll say the info on this table is from 1 January. I will then have a Table named WorkUnit1234567-02-01-07. We'll say the info on this table is from 1 February. Both of these tables will have the same fields. What I would like to do is compare Table WorkUnit1234567-01-01-07 with WorkUnit1234567-02-01-07 and only show the differences between the first table and the last table. Any ides on how to accomplish this?

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Matching Name Differences

May 3, 2005

Hi. I am in the process of loading nursing license numbers into my database. The spreadsheet that I am importing from does not use the exact same names as the ones in my database, i.e. Smith, Deb in my database is Smith, Debora in the spreadsheet and I can't figure out the code or procedure to use to tell the database that these names are actually for the same record. Is it possible to do this and if so, how?

Thank you!


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Qry Results Show Duplicate Records, Records Are Not Dup In Table.

Nov 16, 2004

I have built a qry that initially shows the correct information. For example.

tblContent has 289 records with a Type = Class.

I built a Query to select from tblContent Type = Class and I get 289 records. I add additional criteria of Progress <>"Not Scheduled", I then get 206 records. I then add additional criteria Last Name <>"Demo" And <>"Care" And <>"Support". This brings up 200 records, but the query appears to duplicate each record 3 times. I do not have 3 of the same types of records.

The SQL Statement is below

SELECT tblProfile.LoginName, tblProfile.FirstName, tblProfile.LastName, tblProfile.Organization, tblProfile.CostCenter, tblContent.Title, tblContent.Type, tblContent.Code, tblContent.[Date Assigned], tblContent.[Date Started], tblContent.[Last Accessed], tblContent.Progress, tblContent.[Date Completed]
FROM tblProfile INNER JOIN tblContent ON tblProfile.LoginName = tblContent.LoginName
WHERE (((tblProfile.LastName)<>"Demo" And (tblProfile.LastName)<>"Care" And (tblProfile.LastName)<>"Support") AND ((tblContent.Type)="Class") AND ((tblContent.Progress)<>"Not Scheduled"));

The qry is named qryPhysical Class. I have provided the link to view the database. Can you help me?

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

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Differences Between UK VAT & US Tax Systems And DB Design

Dec 18, 2006

I'm building a number of systems that I'm trying to make compatible in the USA and UK I have sorted all The Date And Currency Formats so the system Can Now work Completely With Both.But At present The Systems Designed To Work With The UK VAT System Would anybody be able to give me some guidance with what I would need to make the tax system Correct for the USA As Well As The UK.Many thanks in advanceMick

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Comparing 2 Fields--Looking For Differences

Jun 1, 2005

I have 2 fields that are supposed to have the same information for each record. I got the information from different sources, which is the reason for having 2 fields. I wanted to make sure that the information was accurate. Turns out, that some of it isn't accurate--all the fields don't match.

Here's a little example of what I have:

|___TITLE___|___ISSN 1___|___ISSN 2___|
|__TITLE 1__|__12345678__|__12345678__|
|__Title 2__|__22224444__|__23224322__|
|__Title 3__|__98765432__|__98765432__|

As you can see, the ISSN numbers for Title 1 and 3 match. There's no problem there. I want a query that would list all those like Title 2, where the ISSN numbers don't match. Then I'd have a list of all of the problem Titles, and I could look up the real ISSN numbers.



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Why Those Permission Differences Btw Access Files ??

Sep 1, 2005

Hi accessors,

I have 1 permissions related Q.

If I create msaccess db by calling the app through its icon, i get a db with following permission items :


but if I create it through rightclick> new> ms_office_access_application, I get a db with:

VS Developers(compNameVS Developers)

Why /the hell/ those differences btw the same kind of files ? :mad:


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Identify Differences Between Table And Spreadsheet

Dec 19, 2006

Here is the problem

I have a tblOrders that has 1800 records with 31 fields primary key tblOrder which is a number.

Periodically users export data from SAP into a spreadsheet, which are changes to the original data but may not contain the exact same fields as the master tblOrders. The data in this spread sheet identifies changes and may contain aprox half of the fields that are contained in the master tblOrders. The field names however (in the spreadsheet) will be of the same type as in tblOrders.

What I would like to do is identify differences between the tblOrders records and the records in the spreadsheet, and then update the tblOrders to show the changes.

how would you proceed? Maybe create a new table by importing the excel spreadsheet into access and then somehow querying the differences and updating the master. If anyone has done anything like this b4 please could you update me...

Cheers in advance.

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Queries :: Formula Identify Differences

May 22, 2014

Basically I would like to populate column three "OUTCOME" according to the following logic:

if train A10 has multiple destinations (we see this in the second column) then in outcome I woudl like to have "multiple destinations" if the destination is only one (in case of trains A15 and A16) , then I would like to have that city in column 3 "OUTCOME".

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Query Differences In Access 2000 & 2003 Using Vba

Feb 28, 2006


I'm just wondering if there is any differences in writing queries in vba in different versions of access. i'm developing a search function in access 2000, but it doesn't seem to be working. however, the same code in access 2003 works fine.

Here's an extract of the code when the search button is clicked (I'm getting table information, attribute/field information and condition they're specifying from the user. The result is then displayed in a subform):

Private Sub cmdFind_Click()
Dim searchSQL As String

searchSQL = "select * from ENGINEERS INNER JOIN TEL_CABLING ON ENGINEERS.EngID = TEL_CABLING.EngID where " & Me.cmbTable.Text & "."
searchSQL = searchSQL & Me.cmbAttribute.Text
searchSQL = searchSQL & Me.txtCondition.Text

Me.subfrmTest.Form.RecordSource = searchSQL

End Sub

The part in red is the part that is highlighted whenever i run it in access 2000. The error message is: " You entered an experession that has an invalid reference to the property RecordSource "

Can anyone tell my why it's like that and how i can fix it to work for access 2000?

Thanks I've also enclosed a picture of the form, so you can get a feel of what it looks like.


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General :: Automatic Calculation Of Date Differences

Sep 13, 2012

The project I'm working on is an action list with the following tables;

itemnumber - autonumber PK
originator - text
dateentered - date/time
actiondescription - text
assignedto - text
targetdate - date/time
forecastdate - date/time
actual date - date/time
remarks - text
due - text (not sure if this will be correct)

Basically, when a new task is entered, all info will be manually filled in except last 3 fields. targetdate needs to be locked after entry, and forecastdate initially set to targetdate.

"due" should show how many days between dateentered and forecast date, and preferably update everytime the DB is opened. IF the current date is beyond the forecast date, "due" should read "OVERDUE".

Changing forecastdate would obviously reset the "due" field to show how many days left to complete. If a date is entered into actualdate, then "due" should show COMPLETE.

Reports will be generated based on what is coming due, what is over due, and not show what is already complete.

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Reports :: Show Only Report

Oct 3, 2014

I have a form and on a button click, a report pops up.I want to see only the report but not the access window.i could do it for forms but not to report.

"DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acViewPreview, acDialog"
"fSetAccessWindow (SW_SHOWNORMAL)"

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Reports :: Show Search Criteria?

Apr 8, 2013

ACCESS 2010, I have a from and to date in a query. How do I get these two dates to show in the report header ?

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Reports :: Show Subreport With No Data

Jun 16, 2014

I have a main report with several subreports. Some subreports have other nested subreports. all of the reports and subreports are based on queries. when a query returns no values, i would still like for the reports and subreports to display in print preview. (currently, they display in report view but not in print preview.)

I tried a few things:

1) I set all report section can shrink options to "No" - (this did not work)

2) I set the can shrink options for all textbox controls, within each report section , to "No" - (this did not work)

3) I moved all controls from the details section of the subreport to the report header section - (when I did this, I got the subreport to show in print preview when the query for a single subreport returns no values but when i have a subreport with nested subreports that have no value, none of them show up in print preview)

I've searched...moving the controls from the details to the report header was the best thing i could find, but again, this only works with a single subreport and not with multiple nested subreports.

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Reports :: Show Two Rows For Each Record

Mar 19, 2015

I have attached a sample spreadsheet. Each store has a planned date which is calculated off the dates in column b and c. The second row is actual date.

As much of the data I have is in MS Access, I tried to use some extracts to appear in this format but no luck.

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Reports :: Not To Show Data With Zero Balances

Mar 31, 2014

I want the report not to show data with zero balances.

Example: if my report has 10 line items and 3 of these line items have 0 balances, then the report should only show the 7 items that do not have 0 balances. (the report should use up 7 lines / rows only.)

See the attached report for a better understanding...

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Queries :: Comparing Data Differences Between Two Identical Access Tables?

Dec 10, 2013

I have two identical Access tables, for example tblDataYesterday and tblDataToday. The data from tblDataToday has updated data changes in it that are different from tblDataYesterday. I have a maximum of 100 fields to review. I want to compare the two tables and display in a query the differences between the data from both tables.

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