Reports :: Showing All Detail Records If One Record In Query Meets Criteria
Mar 5, 2013
I am trying to create a report which basically includes the following:
Company, Wages, Contribution.
Each company reports wages for each employee every month. Then they also contribute to a general fund based on a percentage of the wages. For instance:
Each employee is required to contribute, in this example, 1% of gross wages to the general fund.
On occasion, the company does not pay in the required 1% of gross, say, for CompanyA EmployeeA, they only paid in $35.
Here is what I need to do. If any contribution amount for any employee is incorrect, I want to display all the records for that company, not just the incorrect ones. The report is grouped by Company, and may contain dozens of companies.
I am already passing a number of criteria to the report using a filter, including the date range and other fields which are informational.
I have a table [PickData] in a WMS (Warehouse Management System) database, that records details of each item picked. The key fields are;
[Movement] - a unique ID for a collection of items to be picked. [ToAssignRef] - the order ID [Product] - the product! [Picked] - the date/time the item was scanned [Pick Actioned] - the date/time the [ToAssignRef] was completed [Reason] - A code to indicate why an item could not be picked - AKA F3'd
An operative would be allocated a movement, connected to the [ToAssign Ref], containing a number of products to pick. If an item can not be picked for some reason the operative presses F3 and selects a reason (no stock, damaged etc). These F3'd items (other stock allowing) will later be picked on a different [Movement]. I need a query to identify the subsequent [Movements] and the associated fields following the occurance of an F3'd [ToAssignRef] & [Product].
I have a query, but it runs very slowly (perhaps due to the DB size currently 780K records). Is this the right approach, is there a better (faster) way to do this?
Code: SELECT PickData.ToAssignRef, PickData.Product, PickData.Picked FROM PickData GROUP BY PickData.ToAssignRef, PickData.Product, PickData.Picked HAVING (((DCount("[Movement]","[PickData]","([ToAssignRef]='" & [ToAssignRef] & "') AND ([Product]='" & [Product] & "')"))<>0));
I am creating a report that is organized by project. The detail lines are to list payments applied to the project. How can I skip the detail section (or print a single blank line) if there are no payments in the separate payment table that match the project ID? Is there a way to tell that there were no matching payments and format accordingly? I currently get multiple blank lines.
I have a report that contains a subreport (form) that pulls records from a query. When I go to run the report, the records are there correctly, but the subreport continues to duplicate many times.
Hi, I have one field, for this example, FieldA and another FieldB. I would like the following: If fieldA =1 then FieldB must = 1 or 3 or 4. If not then I would like a message box saying it needs to check. Otherwise I don't want anything to happen.
How can I do this? and where do I put any expressions? thanks Sue
Windows XP MS Access 2007 VBA experience is very limited
So in my forms 'BeforeUpdate' property I want to validate whether a condition is met. The condition is whether 'any one of 4 fields contains something (text or number)'. I have written this code for validating a single condition and it alerts if the field is left blank. This code returns a warning message when the field is blank.
If Me.[txtObjective] & "" = "" Then MsgBox "A 'Problem Objective' is required, please complete this field.", vbOKOnly Me.[txtObjective].SetFocus Cancel = True
how to write the SetFocus part. And I dont know if this is correct anyway.
Just setting up the query filters in MS Access 2007, by simply going into the design view for that particular query, setting the criteria, so really can't see how it isn't working? I put Like "*TOF*" in the criteria field and no records are returned for that, even though there's many records including that word in that field?
I have a Access table that stores BatchNo,Scandate,NewBatchNo . As I can't attach Access database here so I have exported data from Access to Excel in Sheet1 to show how the data is stored in Access table.
Now I have to write code in VBA that will check the last NewBatchNo in the table . In the attached workbook its 194389. Now vba code should check the NewBatchNo which are blank before 194389 . Now in the records where NewBatchNo is blank , it should add the corresponding BatchNo,ScanDate in the listbox1 in form1.
e.g Sheet2 in the attached workbook stores Bathcno and Scandate of those records where NewBatchNo is null and before the Last used NewBatchNo which is 194389 in our example.
I'm an amateur (is there such a thing as having databases as a hobby?) with little training. I volunteered to organize a growing volunteer group I'm a part of by making a simple database for the volunteer office staff. One of the things I want it to do is make name tags for our weekly meetings. I don't want to print one for each name on our list because the list is over 400 names long with only around 35 regular attendees. I made two tables--one is the MakeNameTag table that lists regular attendees (it is a lookup field on the Names table).
The other is the Absences table. It has two fields; DateOfAbsence and MakeNameTag. If someone misses a meeting (does not pick up their name tag), their name is added to the Absences table. A query then filters the table for dates in the last 28 days. If their names shows up four times in the last 28 days I want for their name to be deleted from the MakeNameTag table. How to do that automatically? Our office volunteers have minimal PC skills, so the solution needs to be very user-friendly.
I'm trying to create a report where I can use a section header as a hyperlink to show/hide detail, but only for that section. For example, my customer names are:
Code: ABC Co. ZYX Co. 123 Co.
If I click on ZYX Co., I want it to show the contracts for ONLY that customer:
I have a query with various entries, pertaining to various invoices. Each line of the query corresponds to a piece of work done, and there may be several lines in the query pertaining to one invoice. I've written the code to input data to a report.
If there are multiple lines in the query to be added to the one invoice, I don't know how to write code that will add those multiple lines in the detail section. Same type of data on each line, just basically pertains to several different lines of work.
I have a bunch of records that are assigned to categories which are problem tickets. I would like to print the report showing not just the categories that have records open in them now, but also ones that don't have any records in them. So say I have these three categories. Power, Circuit, Hardware failure..If I have a few open tickets in circuit and hardware failures and none in power. Power will show show up on the report but with no records listed underneath it.
If I have a report and it has controls (labels representing column titles) in the page header. Now when I print the report - if it happens that the last page has no detail records - but there is text boxes and so forth in the report footer. Is there a way to not display the page header on the last page?
I have a report where the last page shows the page header - and the field/column labels on the page header - but for which there is no detail records left to display - on the last page. There is report footer information that should display. It just looks weird because the field/column labels show at the top of the page - but there is no data remaining to print under them on that last page.
I tried using an IIF statement in a text box in the mainform branch header section to return the branch expense if subform branch = mainform branch.......When I run the report I get all of the Employee overhead but only the last record for Branch 2 branch expense displays.
i want to open a report but only showing the result of one record in a sub form,
i have a field that is on all rows of the subform,[click to run] and what i want the user to be able to do is double click on this field and it will open the report with only the record information for that row displayed.
I have a database of high-school football players, and I am looking to print out single page reports (or forms) that will show detail from several tables and queries. This will act as their resume when they visit schools on recruiting visits. The reason for needing query items, is that I have developed queries that return the most up to date height, weight, 40 time etc., and that single most up to date number is what should print, not the entire table. When I try to build a report it will let me bring in multiple tables, but not queries.
I created a Report from a query. The query shows the correct data that should be on the Report. I created the report to sort by Field A and then sum Fields D, E, & F. None of the query data shows up on the Report. I;m stymied as to why I can see data on a query, but the ONLY data that shows up on the Report is Field A. None of the summations show. All are blank with the box outline.
I've created the report 3x thinking I did something incorrect. Whatever it is, I did it 3x!
I am trying to use =DCount() on a report and its half way working, it does count records acording to the criteria I asign the problem is its using the whole universe of records in the table so I have a report displaying 10 records of which 953 are Red and 752 are Blue...
Hello. This is a very basic question. I have a query that has relationships set within. Now.. When I pull up the query with a criteria such as "date" ... the query pulls up all the information for only the items that have all the related fields filled in. How would i make this query show ALL the items from that "date" even if their related fields are blank or there are no relationships in another table?
Hi All I have a feeling that this is an absolute newbie question. I have three queries, qryVisitsDue, qryVisitsOverDue, qrySiteView. The query qrySiteView uses SiteID to produce a listing of all sites which includes a count of visits for those sites. If there is no visit data the site does not display. To display the counts I'm using the other two queries. In the first two I'm querying a table, tblVisits, to find what visits are due or overdue based on the current date. They work fine where there is visit data. My problems start when there is no data for a site. I need to be able to show the sites where there is no visit data. I'm not very experienced so basic explanations are probably the best. Any help much appreciated. ChrisD