Reports :: Sort By Count

Oct 1, 2013

I am trying to create a report that shows how many sales each sales person has in a 2 year period and sort it from the most # of sales to lowest. I want to show all sales people not just top 5 or 10.

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Sort And Count

Jan 27, 2005

I have a database that tracks Monthly repairs. One of the fields is set to short date 99/99/9999. I need to sort out monthly (like all the april ones) and then count how many there were for that month.

How do I do this??

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Queries :: Count And Sort Criteria - Returning On Blank Values

Nov 18, 2013

I have a list of employees and sort criteria. for example


The output I am looking for is a count of the number of times T appears by an employee, BUT is there is no record it would return 0


I can get it to return:

using Count and the criteria Where Criteria="T" but not returning zeros.

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Reports :: Can't Sort Records In Sub-report

Oct 29, 2013

I am using Access 2007.I have a report that has 2 subreports within it.One of the sub reports input is from a table (Work Order Parts) whose records have a field called "DisplayOrder". This is a numeric field that I use to enable the user to specify the exact order that they want the records to be displayed in a form or report...well that's the plan anyway.

I can't seem to get the subreport to sort on the "DisplayOrder" field.

I have tried to set the Property value "Display Order" to "[Workorder Parts].DisplayOrder" but this doesn't seem to make a difference. The "Order By on Load" is set to "Yes".

Here is the "Record Source" value : SELECT DISTINCTROW [Workorder Parts].*, Parts.PartName, [Workorder Parts].Notes FROM Parts INNER JOIN [Workorder Parts] ON Parts.PartID = [Workorder Parts].PartID;

What am I doing wrong?

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Reports :: How To Sort Result Of PIVOT

Sep 12, 2014

I had made a report based on a query last year as bellow, but I don't remember how did I sort the results by "Totally"?

SELECT specialist,Count(ID) AS Totally
FROM projects
GROUP BY specialist
PIVOT main_firm;

The results are sorted by Totally:

Specialist totaly A B
Sara 10 6 4
David 7 2 5
Paul 3 2 1

When I run the Query, the results are not sorted, but in the report I see them sorted.

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Reports :: Custom Sort Report By Combobox?

Apr 23, 2014

I was wondering is this was possible in access. I've read material on grouping and sorting, but haven't been able to pin down what I need.

I have a combobox field that has 14 entries, beginning with 01 as the first two characters. What I'd like to do is change the order in which everything is displayed on the report.

For instance, show 07 at the top, then 09-13 below that, and so on...

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Reports :: Sort Week Starting On Wednesday

Sep 5, 2013

I have a report with a date field and want to sort it by week starting on Wednesday. I currently have the week starting on Sunday.

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Reports :: Copy Group And Sort From One Report To Another?

Apr 11, 2013

In Report Design View, is there any way to copy the group, sort and total specifications that are in one report and paste them into another report?

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Quick Question: Is There A Way To Sort Forms Like Reports With Sub-groupings?

Jun 16, 2006

I have one table holding lots of different data. That data is all the same, but when it comes to output, it needs to be separated by groupings (which I have defined within the table itself as group 1, group 2, etc)

I was wondering. i would like to do the same thing with forms so that input will be separated easily / visually for the data input. At this point, all I can think of is order ascending /etc, but this doesn't give any visual queues to the user when he has moved to the "next" part.

I don't like the option of just another text box beside it spamming a textbox per record of whats next.

By the way, the form display is continuous, and thats why I want a "grouping" option.

Any suggestions?


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Reports :: Sum Function In Report Causing Re-sort Of Query

Aug 6, 2014

I have a report that runs off a query that is sorted in descending order the price of something. This price column is in the middle of the report. Every time I try to add a function (sum or count of a column for example) in the report footer or header however, my report is then immediately resorted in ascending values of the first column.

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Reports :: Sort Report On Impact Score Column

Sep 8, 2014

I have an issue sorting the results on my Access 2010 Report. Here are the details:

- Report Record Source = "Portfolio Ranking"
- Portfolio Ranking is the name of a query
- The query includes a calculated field called "Impact Score"
- FYI: this is a web database (not sure if that limits what I can do)

I want to sort the report on the Impact Score column. However, when I view the query calculation for Impact Score, the "Sort" field says "(not sorted)" and it's greyed out, so I can't select Descending as desired.

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Reports :: Dynamically Sort Report That Already Has Group By (XP / Access 2003)

Jun 28, 2013

I must use XP/Access 2003 to solve this problem for reasons I won't get into.

I have a report with a Group by on City.

The users need to be able to sort by Coordinator within that OR by Client Name based on a selection they make on the form that opens the report.

-- I have tried to set .OrderBy

-- I have tried to set .RecordSource to different queries with order by hardcoded in them (I only have 2 sort options fortunately)

Is there a way to dynamically change the "Sorting and Grouping" defined in the report? This seems to be the only sorting that the report is responding to.

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Reports :: Class Roster - How To Sort Concatenated Fields On A Report

Mar 16, 2015

I have a class roster report in which the Employees' names are concatenated in a text box. When I select to sort the concatenated names alphabetically, it is sorting by the Unique ID, which is a letter and four numbers. The letter used to match the last name, but newer IDs are random. So most names are still in order, but some are not.

The Employee field Row Source is:

SELECT [Last_Name] & ", " & [First_Name] AS Employee, tbl_AM_Operators.User_ID FROM tbl_AM_Operators ORDER BY [Last_Name] & ", " & [First_Name];

What do I need to change to have the Employees' names alphabetized on the report?

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Reports :: Sort Report Based On Option Group On Form

Oct 9, 2014

I have created a form with an option group with 4 options (date, line, description and observation). Each of these options are to be a sort order for a report that will open after the user selects an option and clicks a button. I am trying to code the button using a select case so that case 1 opens the report sorted by date, case 2 by line, etc. how to write the code for the sorting.

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Reports :: Sort Records By A Calculated Percentage Using Text Box Values

Jan 27, 2015

So I have a report with the following text box controls:

[Surname] & ", " & [Firstname]
=Sum([Quarter1_A]) - Named "Quarter_Total"
=Sum([Quarter1_T]) - Named "Quarter_Target"
=Val([Quarter_Total])/Val([Quarter_Target]) - Named "%Target" (Percent Format)

The report is grouped by the expression '[Surname] & ", " & [Firstname]'.I am trying to sort the records by the %Target text box. I tried entering the expression into the sort function but it still sorts by the grouped expression. I also tried sorting by the name of the text box but got the same results. How can I sort by the desired control?

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Count In Reports

Mar 27, 2006

I am trying to count how many times a name comes up. I dont want to tally how many in field.
For example. I have a field name: School District. Underneath that I have hundreds of schools. I want to know how many times JFK High School or Plainview High School in a report.

Thank you.

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Reports :: One To Many - Count Last Record Only

Aug 15, 2013

I have two tables - one contains customer names, the other customer appointments. So one customer - many appointments.

Each appointment is booked at a set interval (every 3 weeks, 4 weeks, 5 weeks...) which can vary from one appointment to another.

I want to do a count, in a query, to show in a report.

I need to count:

Total Cus_ID by interval - so how many customers are booked every 2 weeks, every 3 weeks, etc.

I need the count to be based on the customer's LAST appointment only.

I have tried, select query (group), crosstab (!)... querying a query... Total line using Max... then Last...

Nothing I tried works. The sum of appointments by interval should equal the total number of clients in the database... It gives me 4 times that... so it is counting every appointment, not just the last appointment entered.

I also will be including two other fields: activecustomer = yes and source = Eve - need to know criteria to set.

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Reports :: How To Count The Records

May 13, 2013

I have a report where I would like to count the records. I can do this in a typical way to count the records but I'm a little stuck on this scenerio.

In my report I pick a date range of 04/01/2013 to 04/30/2013 it displays all my records. I have 3 records for 04/01/2013 what I would like is for that to count 1, not 3. So on and so forth - so it will show me at the end of the report how many times a week they worked. Is there a way to do that?

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Reports :: Count By Age Range AND Gender

Jul 8, 2015

For example, I have 1 table with 3 fields : Name, Birth date, Gender. Then I want to create a report where all data are grouped by age range and gender

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Reports :: Count Dates In A Report?

Sep 30, 2014

I need the total of days in a report but exclude the repeated ones.

So user are working sometimes in different work orders on the same day but our administration only needs to know the number of days worked in one period of time.

i send a jpg with the example i use the =Nz(Count([Date Worked]),0) but that way i get all the entries counted

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Reports :: Count Of Populated Fields

Apr 13, 2013

If I have a Report, with three fields (all data-type Text) named 'Jan', 'Feb' and 'Mar', and I want to have a fourth field (Unbound) alongside them, providing a count of the number of fields out of these three fields that are populated.

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Reports :: Count Number Of Records Under Value Of 6

Jan 23, 2014

I am trying to get the number of records under the value of 6 ... E.g. On the report it looks like this

Date Result

1 5.6
3 8.2
4 6.6
5 4
7 10

And the code I am using is


The resulting answer is 5 , when the correct answer should be 2

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Reports :: Display A Count Of Type

Nov 19, 2013

I have a report where I have added a package type to my Query (STD or XL).I have currently included this in the report although I dont need to show it, however I do need to show at the bottom of my report how many rows are Type "STD" and How many are Type "XL"

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Reports :: Count Unique Records Only

Sep 30, 2013

In a report, I have a textbox to show the number of employees in the report.

I use this formula : =Count([last name])

Sometimes the same person has multiple entries, so the count is wrong.

How can I show only the number of different employees and ignore the duplicate names?

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Reports :: Returning A Unique Count In A Report?

Oct 27, 2014

I have a report. behind that report is a query.

The query returns the parts used for each job. This could be 1 to many, so I get 1 to many rows returned in the query for each job. There can be a number of jobs to a work schedule (I'll call this WS). Each job is for a particular model. So I bascially have


I want to count the number of jobs each model appears in ie MODELx appears in 2 jobs, MODELw appears in 1 job.

I've read DCOUNT can eliminate duplicates but I can't see how to use it to do so.

I have (general gist)

DCOUNT("model number"."query","model number" = [model num])

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Reports :: Count Unic Days In Report

Oct 9, 2014

how to come up with the number of unic days worked as the DB i atached if worker works in diferent work order in the same day in the report it comes up as he work two days

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