Reports :: Syncing Current Subform To Subreport

Aug 12, 2014

I am trying to send the current record and the current subform record to Reports for printing.Each record on the Form can have multiple records in the subform, however I only want to print the Main Form and the Current subform.Form / subform are linked on EquipID and EquipIDfk and are working correctly.Report / subreport are linked the same way and work correctly.When I try to use the DoCmd.OpenReport... It is printing the data from the main form plus all subform records related to the main record.I have tried the following Sub to filter the subreport without success.

Private Sub cmdPrintRecord_Click()
Dim strWhere As String
Dim strLook1 As String
Dim strLook2 As String
strLook1 = Me![EquipID]
strLook2 = Me![subfrmInspectionReport].Form![InspectionFindingspk]


Using Debug strLook1 and strLook2 both show they have the correct relevant record numbers and the value stored in strWhere is: [EquipID] = 745 And Reports![RptPrintRecord]![subrptInspectionReport].Report![InspectionFindingspk] = 8. This only prints an empty report. It seems that when I try to reference the subreport it goes pear shaped.

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Reports :: Breaking To New Page If Subreport Cannot Fully Print On Current Page

Nov 12, 2013

I have a report which includes several subreports. There will be times when a subreport prints partially on one page and completes on the next. I don't always want to break to a new page with this subreport. However, I would want to break to a new page if the subreport cannot fully print on the current page.

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Forms :: Opening Report And Subreport To Current Records

Jun 10, 2013

I have a main form (ZooMobile Booking Form-New Client) with a subform (ZooMobile Event Booking-New Client) within it. In the main form I have a button to open up a report displaying the main form's current record.

The report that is opened has a subreport that needs to display the current record from the subform.

So far I've managed to get the report to open to the main form's record using the following On_click command:

DoCmd.OpenReport "ZooMobile Billing Invoice", acViewPreview, , "[Client_ID]=Forms![ZooMobile Booking Form-New Client].CustIDTxt"

I can't manage to get the subreport to open to the current record in the subform, however. I've tried to integrate it into the above event and to use On_load events in the report and subreport but everything either comes up as a bug or has no effect on the subreport's record.

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Reports :: Chart On Subreport

Jun 20, 2014

So I am adding a chart (on a subreport) to a report that has multiple subreports already. I have gotten the chart to show up correctly on the report, but now 2 of my other subreports are not working. I am being prompted to input parameters for these subreports that used to pull their parameters (between dates) from the main report.

I read somewhere that charts master/child linking doesn't work but I'm not sure if that applies to subreports with charts on them, or just charts in general. I've tried changing the query on the chart subreport a little without luck. Is this likely some glitch thing? Should I keep trying to alter the query or maybe there is some other work around option?

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Reports :: On Load Event SubReport

May 8, 2013

I have a main report with 3 sub reports.The Sub reports have onload events that fill up the text boxes with VBA code. When I open the sub report alone everything works fine. But when I open the main report, the on load of the subreport wont work.

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Reports :: How To Refer To A Control On Subreport

Feb 12, 2014

I have a report with several subreports. I need to total the subreports onto the main report. How do I refer to the control on the subreport?I know that with a form / subform I would use: Me!Subform1.Form!Controlname.But simply replacing 'Form' with 'Report' doesn't seem to work.

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Reports :: Show Subreport With No Data

Jun 16, 2014

I have a main report with several subreports. Some subreports have other nested subreports. all of the reports and subreports are based on queries. when a query returns no values, i would still like for the reports and subreports to display in print preview. (currently, they display in report view but not in print preview.)

I tried a few things:

1) I set all report section can shrink options to "No" - (this did not work)

2) I set the can shrink options for all textbox controls, within each report section , to "No" - (this did not work)

3) I moved all controls from the details section of the subreport to the report header section - (when I did this, I got the subreport to show in print preview when the query for a single subreport returns no values but when i have a subreport with nested subreports that have no value, none of them show up in print preview)

I've searched...moving the controls from the details to the report header was the best thing i could find, but again, this only works with a single subreport and not with multiple nested subreports.

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Reports :: Subreport Based On Logic

Oct 21, 2013

I would like to create a report based on a query. The first part is simple enough. However within this query I have a 'Count field' (a total of the number of duplicated this record has appeared in the table). And would like to create a subreport (if possible) based on that value for example. if count > 1 then show subreport.

My question therefore; is the above possible? How would I go about linking this logic with the subreport

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Reports :: Limit Records In Subreport

May 1, 2013

In Access 2010 I am previewing a customer report. I also try to give users the choice of seeing history sub records for any given customer. I have a selection dropdown box where they can chose ALL, 5, 10 or 15 in a report. To this end I set the record source in the "Open" event for the subreport. if I want all records it works fine, but as soon as I put in "SELECT TOP 5" the subreport goes invisible. I have tested the query directly and it works fine. I'm sure this worked in Access 2007

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Reports :: Subreport Only Works If Set Breakpoint

Apr 19, 2013

I have a report with 2 subreports on it. One of the subreports does not show on the report preview unless I set a breakpoint in the report's code. Set a breakpoint in the code (for no other reason), hit the breakpoint, continue, and the report works fine from then on, until you close the database and open it again, even if you remove the breakpoint. The other subreport, which is similar, always shows fine.

I can't find out what's wrong by setting a breakpoint.

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Reports :: Suppress SubReport With No Data

Jul 25, 2015

I have a report that calls a subreport. In most instances, the subreport will have no data and I won't want to show the subreport. I've tried various ways to deal with this:

1) Make the subreport property on the main report the minimum height and set CanGrow = Yes
2) Use the Report_NoData event on the subreport and add the code 'Cancel = 1'
3) Make all the fields on the subreport the minimum height and set CanGrow = Yes

None of these seem to work. I don't have any headings on the subreport, so the only price I'm paying is adding a gap onto the main report the size of one detail line of the subreport. Still, it leaves the report lacking professional quality.

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Reports :: Subreport Not Showing On Main Report

Jan 12, 2015

I have a main report with one subreport. The main report contains details of a payment being made to a supplier. There is the total amount being paid, and the cheque number being transferred. There is also a field called payref which is made invisible. This is used to link up with the subreport. The amount is the total of several invoices for which payment is being made.

The subreport contains details of each of a number of the invoices being settled. The subreport is linked to the main report via a common field called pay-ref, and the subreport is 'visible'. The subreport prints when placed in the page header section of the main report. However when there is a large number of invoices being shown in the subreport only a certain number appear. It appears that the subreport can only hold a certain number.

When the subreport is put, as it should, in the detail section of the main report, it does not appear at all in the main report. I have no clue why and I have made several reports like this one before.

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Reports :: Subreport To Print Word None If Blank

Jun 4, 2014

I have a report with four subreports. If the subreports have no data I have a formula to put the word 'none' in the first field as follows:


I do a print preview and the word 'None' shows up and subreport looks good when I view just the subreport as well as when I view the full report.

When I print the subreport the text '#Error' prints. When I print the full report I just get a blank space.

I need the subreport to print with the word 'None' if there is not data. How do I accomplish? I tried the above formula both in the query and in the control source of the report. It just comes up blank when I put it in the query.

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Reports :: Add DLookup To Subreport - Member Not Found

Jul 3, 2014

I need to add a DLookup to my Subreport.

For my text box, Text255, on the Subreport I have tried:

Private Sub Report_Load()
Me.Text255 = DLookup("[Along_line_spacing_%pass]", "Performance_Requirements_Defaults_Table")

The table Performance_Requirements_Defaults_Table has just one record for lookup. No value is returned when I run the main report.

I found this: [URL] .....

And tried adding the lookup code to the main report instead of the Subreport, but I think I am having trouble understanding what they mean here: "Subform1 is the name of the subform CONTROL on mainform" Are they inferring that I need to have a text box on the mainform as well?

I tried using this Me!Subform1.Form!ControlName like this:

Me.Text255.QC_Along_Line_Processing_Subreport!Text255 = DLookup("[Along_line_spacing_%pass]", "Performance_Requirements_Defaults_Table")

I know this is not correct, and I have tried several variations, but I am totally stumped. Everything I have tried with the lookup code in the main report returns "Member Not Found" and Text255 is highlighted. I feel like this should not be such a big problem.

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Reports :: Linking Report To Subreport Chart

Jun 25, 2014

linking a report and a subreport (chart). I have uploaded my sample DB. I'm trying to chart all the individuals and three fields for each Home. Both report and subreport are using the same query for the record source. My charts are blank "All_Homes_Individual_Totals". Just use date range 05/01/14, 06/24/14 on my Main form page for the data.

My second question is how would you create a chart to pull by each individual with their monthly totals per Home using "qry_Community_ Inclusion_ All_Homes" with a report and subreport (chart) as above. Report would show the individual's totals by month for each home.

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Reports :: Subreport Total To Main Report

Dec 13, 2013

Access 2007
Windows 7

Trying to get a subreport total to show on my main report

getting #error no matter how I code

Running a subreport containing a total in report footer (only field that

name of subrpt total fld subrpt

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Reports :: If One Subreport Has Empty Fields Then Show None

Aug 20, 2013

I have some fields in form that most of the time have data in them. Now comes that when there is no data, there should be one different field filled in with "None."

The client could have 3 types of products, but when he does have none, the "None." should appear. Another catch is that I have the titles for the products on a textbox above the products. Is it possible to have them not appear in the report if the client has no products?

I guess that it could work like in excel with an IF statment. If no values found, then keep those text boxes from appearing on the report and put a text with "None."

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Reports :: Grid Line Of Fields In Subreport

Aug 22, 2013

I am using Access 2003. Is there any way to put grid lines among fieldnames and contents just like in Excel in the output of subreport?

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Reports :: Subreport Totals On Main Report

Jul 30, 2015

I am trying to get my totals from my subreports, and dividing the number by 2 or 4, and put the new number on the main report.

for Operator/Trainer Productivity, I used:
=([rptEmployEvaluationOperator subreport].[Report]![OPTotal]+[rptEmployEvaluationOperatorTrainer subreport].[Report]![OPTotal])/2

for Auditor/Trainer Productivity, I used:
=([rptEmployEvaluationAuditor1 subreport].[Report]![OPTotal]+[EmployEvaluationAuditor2 subreport].[Report]![OPTotal]+[EmployEvaluationAuditor3 subreport].[Report]![OPTotal]+[EmployEvaluationAuditorTrainer subreport].[Report]![OPTotal])/4

These both work if there are values in all totals subreports. When one of them might not have a total, I get an error message.

I tried to use :

=IIf([Orders].[Report].[HasData], [Orders].[Report].[txtOrderValue], 0)
=IIf([Orders].[Report].[HasData], Nz([Orders].[Report].[txtOrderValue], 0), 0)

=iif([rptEmployEvaluationOperator subreport].[Report].[HasData],([rptEmployEvaluationOperator subreport].[Report].[OPTotal]+=iif([rptEmployEvaluationOperatorTrainer subreport].[Report].[HasData],[rptEmployEvaluationOperatorTrainer subreport].[Report].[OPTotal])/2

and the same idea for the second one. I tried both methods and did not work. I am not sure what I am missing.

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Reports :: Subreport Not Showing In Main Report

May 2, 2013

I have a subreport with bitmap files attached, the sub works great until I link it to the main report then the sub shows nothing.

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Reports :: Page Breaking Between Records In A Subreport

Nov 13, 2013

I have a report in which there is a subreport that prints towards the bottom of the page. I know that I can use grouping to have the subreport print on the next page if the entire subreport cannot print on the current page. However, I want to have the break occur not for the section as a whole but between records. Let me illustrate this.

All sorts of other stuff prints at the top. At the bottom, I have a subreport which today prints the following on the first page and breaks the last record in two printing the second line on the next page.

First Page of the Report:
__________________________________________________ _______________
Doctor's Location: XXXXXXXXXXXX

Doctor's Location: XXXXXXXXXXXX

__________________________________________________ _______________
Second Page of the Report:
__________________________________________________ _______________
Doctor's Location: XXXXXXXXXXXX
__________________________________________________ _______________

What I would like to do is the following:

First Page of the Report:
__________________________________________________ _______________
Doctor's Location: XXXXXXXXXXXX

Doctor's Location: XXXXXXXXXXXX
__________________________________________________ _______________
Second Page of the Report:
__________________________________________________ _______________
Doctor's Location: XXXXXXXXXXXX
__________________________________________________ _______________

Is it possible to specify that if a complete record within a subreport cannot be printed on the same page to break to the next page without having the whole subreport break to the next page?

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Reports :: Nested Subreport With Control Parameters

Jun 30, 2014

I have a report with a nested Subreport. Main Report>Subreport1>Subreport2, for simplicity.

I have master/child set up for both Subreports, but I would also like to filter the Subreport2 records with a date range parameter.

Is there a way to get the Subreport2 where clause to recognize the Subreport1 control I want to use for the date range?

So far I have tried:

Between Int([Reports]![Processing_Performance_Req_Dataset]![report]![QC_Static_Processing_Subreport]![Collection_Date]) And (Int([Reports]![Processing_Performance_Req_Dataset]![report]![QC_Static_Processing_Subreport]![Collection_Date])+0.9)

Between Int([Reports]![Processing_Performance_Req_Dataset]![QC_Static_Processing_Subreport]![Collection_Date]) And (Int([Reports]![Processing_Performance_Req_Dataset]![QC_Static_Processing_Subreport]![Collection_Date])+0.9)


Between Int([Reports]![Processing_Performance_Req_Dataset]![QC_Static_Processing_Subreport].[Report]![Collection_Date]) And (Int([Reports]![Processing_Performance_Req_Dataset]![QC_Static_Processing_Subreport].[Report]![Collection_Date])+0.9)

where Processing_Performance_Req_Dataset = Main Report
QC_Static_Processing_Subreport = Subreport1
and Collection_Date = textbox control on Subreport2.

Is there a syntax error? I have other, single level, Subreports on the main report with a similar data range parameter that work just fine. Or does this type of parameter input not work on second level Subreports? Every time I run the main report it asks me for a parameter but doesn't accept my input, and Subreport2 doesn't load any records.

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Noob With Textbox And Subform/subreport Problems

Aug 4, 2005

I am making a from that has a set of combo boxes that allow the user to search through a table. the results are displayed in a subform / subreport window that is set to a query. the search works by changing the SQL of the query. I have spent weeks on getting this far and i have decided to just show some key infomation in the subreport window.

What i want to do now is to display further infomation from the query row that is selected by the user in a textbox on the form.

i have been looking in the access VBA help,an access programming book and in the forum .And found that it is something to do with the recordset and making the text box bound but i cant find any examples where it is applied in this way.

the problem is (i think) that i would like the text box data to change when the user selects differnt rows so would this change what the textbox is bound to. :confused:

I hope it is possible and if anyone can help it will be greatfully recived


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Reports :: Calculated Field Not Displaying Correctly On Subreport

Sep 14, 2014

I have been trying to figure out why my subreport is only showing sales price for only one of the records on my subform. Everything else works as it should, but it only displays the sales price for the record which is active on the subform.Attached is the database with the subreport called rptProposalItems with the field 'Sales Price' which is experiencing the issue.

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Reports :: Error In Subreport When Linked To Main Report

Mar 1, 2013

I have a subreport that works fine on its own. But, when I link to the main report I have an error, which I am attaching here.

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Reports :: Subreport Borders Cover Text In Print Out

Jan 5, 2015

I have several reports that include subreports in them, each one has a bold border surrounding it. When viewing the reports in Access, the spacing and layout is great.

But when I print the reports--either physically or to PDF--the text within the subreports somehow shifts left and up. Some of the subreports--by virtue of chance--happen to have enough extra space, but others don't and part of the text gets clipped by the border.

I'm not exactly motivated to go through the reports and readjust the layout for each one but if there's a database setting that I can change to correct it that would be nice.

I've attached a screenshot (where the layout is perfect) and a printed PDF (where the text is clipped) of one of the reports. The issue can best be seen in the Public/Private ZooMobile and Indoor/Outdoor ZooMobile subreports.

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