Reports :: Text Box From Drop Down Not Working

Jan 7, 2014

I have a textbox that has 3 columns in it (Rank, First Name, Last Name)...when the user selects the appropriate choice, it just shows the Rank.

Ex: Lt. John Smith --> just shows Lt.

To get around this I made an unbound text box and have it set to show all three choices when the selection is made in the drop down box. Unfortunately, it isn't working right. This is the code I am using for the text box:

=[OPRID].[column](1) & [OPRID].[column](2) & [OPRID].[column](3)

Is there anything that looks wrong with this code?

What it ends up showing in the text box is: JohnSmith (no rank, no space between the names).

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Dependent Drop-down Menus Not Working

Jul 17, 2007

Hi all,

This is my first time posting at Access World Forums and I hope you can help me out.

I think this is a fairly simple problem but due to my lack of experience (this is actually my first time using Access) I am unable to figure out what is wrong.

I have a entry form for a series of problems that needs to be documented on the plant floor.

The issue is in the 'Manual_Entry_Rewinder_Detail' form where I have two drop-downs -one for the category of which the problem lies and another drop-down for the actual problem itself. I have made (or tried to at least) make the problem drop-down dependent to the category drop-down. The purpose is to list only the relevant problems after the category is selected.
I have made a category ID of which I labelled for each problem. This of course corresponds correctly to the actual (an existing) category ID. Please take a look at the two tables: "Problem" and "Category" for details.

I followed this tutorial .
I even downloaded and inspected their sample database with no idea on what is wrong with my own.

Please help!

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Reports :: Use Drop Down To Open Different Reports

Apr 17, 2015

I have a lot of reports I have created. A lot of them are the same report but with different criteria. Right now I just have a report form, which displays all of the reports with buttons and the user chooses the desired report, clicks, and bam. In an attempt to make this look nicer and cleaner, is there a way to use a couple of drop down menus to open the reports. For example, can I group them by the main report category, have a drop down, click on a desired report and it opens from there??

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How To Change Reports Drop Down

Sep 21, 2011

I would like to change the reports drop down.

1) Change the names of the reports
2) Add additional reports.

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Reports/query By User From Drop Down Menu

Mar 16, 2005

I have a report which lists spend by customer. It is based on a query which requests the customer number I want the report for.

How can I get the query/report to offer a drop down list of the customer numbers available, so that I don't have to manually enter the number each time from memory!

Thanks in advance!



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Reports :: Drop Down Boxes Before Opening Report?

May 16, 2014

I've made a query and designed a report for it. Simply it includes:

Area code, customer name, other customer details.

I want other people, when they click on the report to be given a drop down box which allows them to choose a specific area code before it generate the report. So, for example, they just want to look at Yorkshire region records, they choose Yorkshire from the drop down box and it'll generate the Yorkshire report. I've searched around but can't find what these are called.

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Reports :: Result Of Drop-down From Query Puts X In 1 Of 19 Boxes

Jul 15, 2014

I have a query which works perfectly fine, it's the report that I'm having issues with displaying correctly.

My report is a daily personnel accountability report that shows where everyone is for the day. Instead of having a cumbersome query like I did before, I have opted to just use the results of the selected drop-down option to move the X to the appropriate box of where so-and-so is for the day.


If [marked_as] = 1 Then
Me.Morning.Value = "X"
ElseIf [marked_as] = 2 Then
Me.Afternoon.Value = "X"
ElseIf [marked_as] = 3 Then
Me.Evenings.Value = "X"
End If

I was unable to get it to work accurately outside of showing the three dummy names under the same column, even though the three dummy names were each placed in one of the three test categories.

I have this set as a private function called when the report loads, which is based on a query that filters down to the exact department or office (depending on the user's selection). Like I said, that part works fine, it's getting the code to accurately display in the correct column.

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Show Text In Drop Down Box Instead Of Numbers

May 31, 2007

Hi *,OK, still new to Access so I apologize in advance if that is a dumb question ;)I have a table "survey" where I wanna store number values (0,25,50,75,100 respectively). The user is supposed to use a form to input the data into the table. For this purpose, he/she is supposed to use a drop down box.So, is it possible that the drop down box does not show the values but instead a verbal description of these values (very important, important, average, etc.)? What I have tried was to create a table with the number values and use this table as data source for the drop down box... it shows the values but for the end user, verbal descriptions would be better...Thanks!Steve

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Forms :: How To Filter Reports By Date Types In A Drop Down Or Combo Box

Jun 26, 2013

filter reports by specific date types in a drop down or combo box I would like the dates to be

The next 3 days and the next 7 days

i don't want a date picker or between dates I have tried searching but cannot seem to find an answer They are for my engineers, they want to know what callouts they have today or tomorrow or the next 3 days or this week.

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Access 2010 - Send Reports In PDF Straight To A Folder In Drop Box

Jan 22, 2014

I would like to be able to send reports in PDF straight to a folder in Drop box with the click of a button.

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Forms :: Align Combo Box Drop Down Text?

Mar 20, 2013

it possible to align the row source values of a combo box? i want to align it to the right instead of the left

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Forms :: Referencing Text From Drop Down Via ID Number

Jul 8, 2014

I know this is simple, but I feel like Simple Jack this morning. I'm trying to take the text from a drop-down menu and use that as part of the form caption. However, the text is not what is bound, the ID number is.

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Drag And Drop Works Great But How Do I Open A Reports Based On What I Selected?

Aug 4, 2006

Drag and Drop works great but how do I open a reports based on what I selected?
I have two list boxes the first is "items not selected" and the second is "Items selected" now I want to create a button that open a report showing the result from "Items selected"?? Hope someone can help I've been to ms access web site but our firewall does not allow any down loads. Thanks in advance.

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Enter Text Into A Memo Field Using A Drop Down And Button

Dec 6, 2005

I have this database which has a comments field which often gets the same text added into it depending on what is in it. what I am trying to do is something similar to signiatures in outlook express.

What the end user wants to do is select from a dropdown box what text they want to add to the field and hit a button and it will insert it into the memo (comments) field in the form without overwriting any of the text they have in there already, they might want to just add one of the sentences or several.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how I might go about this?


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Drag And Drop Listbox Item Into Text Field

Nov 7, 2006

the title explains this..

im not even sure if this is possible.. but if it is it will be just what i need.

basically the job1 form has a search feature added to it..

as users type the passenger name in the form.. a listbox below updates if a match is found..

if you can imagine the situation..

my user will be entering jobs into this form.. they will not know whether or not a passenger has used us before.. the only way they will know is if they see in the listbox the same name.. and pickup/destination/phone no. details as the job they are about to enter

i wondered if it was possible for the user to click on the customer in the listbox.. and drag and drop it into the passenger name textbox..

can this be done.. the attatchment is very simple.. one form.. job1.

if someone can explain to me how to do it.. or perhaps alter the db i have attached i will be most grateful


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How To Have Users Drag And Drop A Document Into A Text Box Within A Form

Jul 7, 2015

how to have users drag and drop a document into a text box within a form and have it create a hyperlink. What I need to know now, is if there is a way that when a file is dropped into the text box, it only shows the icon associated with that file, or at the very least, edit the hyperlink to only show a certain text. The files I need to see are all in a networked drive, so the hyperlink addresses can be quite long, and ultimately I'd just like the hyperlink to say "letter". Showing the icon would be a plus.

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Tables :: Drop Header Records During Import Of Text File

Feb 11, 2015

simple table 6 columns

the txt file is set up so that there is a header record, 4,999 lines of data, then the same header record, then 4,999 lines of data, then a header record etc etc. for as many lines as is in the download. This is a download TXT file from a Microsoft Axapta ERP system.

I have my table all set up and during the import I want the header records to be dropped. I tried in the validation section for startdate {Not "startdate"} but that did not work. Is there some simple way to ensure the header records are dropped?

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Forms :: DLookup - Using Two Fields (number And Drop Down Text) To Query Table For Data

May 29, 2015

DLookup function. (this is for a stamp collection database).

On my form ("InventoryInput") I have a text box called "Catalog" for a numeric entry and a text combo box for selecting a "Country" in drop down list.

I want to query a table called "CatNameList" to get the "StampName" of the item (based on the entries of Catalog and Country) and populate that name in the text box. The fields in this table are called "StampName", "CatNumb" & "CName" respectively.

I have successfully placed the following expression in the control source of that textbox and able to populate the StampName I need based solely on the catalog number alone.

That express is :
=DLookUp("StampName", "CatNameList", "CatNumb = Form![Catalog]")

So it will populate the "StampName" data to match the "Catalog" number entry just fine.

However, I need to add a second layer to incorporate the Country.

Example : There is a catalog "1" for "USA", and a catalog "1" for "Canada" but both have different "StampName".

I have been attempting to get that second piece added with no success. Here is the expression I have been trying to get to work :

=DLookUp("StampName", "CatNameList", "[CatNumb] = " & [Catalog] & " And CName = '" & [Country] & "'")

Right now, the text box is just blank with the above expression. I thought it may be because there was no match found, but I have triple checked to ensure I have the spelling correct on the country name in both places.

Basically, I just need the dlookup to take the "catalog" and "country" off the form and match it to the "CatNameList" table fields of "CatNumb" and "CName" to give me "StampName" field back on the form.

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Forms :: Data Entry Form - Drop Down List With Free Text Option

Aug 6, 2013

I have a simple data entry form with drop down facilities on 2 fields. One of these fields incorporates a drop down list from a table but there are occasions when I wish to make a free text entry for the single record, but do not wish to add it to the drop down list.

I have tried to achieve this with a Combo Box but without success, although I am sure that I have read that it is possible.

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DLookup - Using Two Form Fields (Number And Drop Down Text) To Query Table For Data

May 29, 2015

Having problems getting dlookup to work in the control source field of a text box.

My form has fields : Catalog # (numeric value) and Country (drop down text selection).

I would like to query a table CatNameList for a name (text) if the catalog # and country find a match on the table.
My field names on the CatNameList table are : Name, Number (to validate against the Catalog # entered on the form) and CName (to validate against the Country drop down on the form).

I am successfully able to populate the name from the CatNameList table on my form using lookup of the catalog # using this :

=DLookUp("Name","CatNameList","Number = Form![Catalog #]")

However, I will eventually have several catalog numbers that will be identical in the table CatNameList, thus why the country is important as the second criteria to be added into the dlookup.

I have tried for a few hours unsuccessfully to add the second portion to my dlookup.

This is what I have currently (not working) that I have been playing with, I'm sure I'm missing a quote mark, & or something simple.

=DLookUp("Name", "CatNameList", "Number = Form![Catalog #] And CName = ‘”& Form![Country] & ”’”)

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Reports :: Google Map On Report With Specific URL Not Working

Sep 8, 2014

I want to show ( or print ) on a report a specific URL on Google Maps with the ActiveX control "Microsoft Web Browser".

I managed to use the Google API on a form to show the actual URL found with X and Y coordinates.

Now I'd like to show the same URL on a report to send to the customer as a reference. Is there a way to get this done?

I already put a ActiveX control (Ms Web Browser) on a report and used the same URLstring in the ActiveX control , but nothing is shown on the screen.

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Working With Text And Dates

Mar 19, 2008

I have a situation where I need to extract the date from a text field to use in a select query. The date in the text field is listed at the beginning of the text field like this.

S12345678 3/21/2008 adittional text beyond here blah, blah...

the first series of numbers can be either 9 or 10 digits long, and then the date is always in this format, the length of the characters change accordingly with the date. So trying to use the Mid function only wont work.

I supposed I need to find a way to get the position of the space character in front of and after the date to use the Mid function for each record.

I need to be able to extract this date to do a DateDiff against another date.

I have been trying to do something like this.

Narr_Date: Format(Mid([si_narr_t],InStr(1,[si_narr_t],Chr(32)),InStr(9,[si_narr_t],Chr(32))),"Short Date")

But I know I am off the mark here. Can someone tell me what I am missing?

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Reports :: Displaying All Info From Two Tables On Report Not Working?

Mar 11, 2014

I have 3 tables.

One is a list of fishermen with all their info. I used a Code as the primary key.

The 2nd is a fish ticket sheet with fish tickets entered and the code in there as a foreign key in the relationship between the two.

I create a report listing the fish tickets and prices perfectly for the 4 fishermen I have entered fish tickets for. (I have 140 fishermen in the main table)

I added a 3rd table for payments made to the fishermen. There are two payments for 2 of the fishermen.

then, I go into report design view and drag in two of the cells from that 3rd table into my report.

The problem is the report then prints JUST the fish tickets and payments for the two fishermen that have payments...not the info for all 4 fishermen. I need to print out settlements for all the fishermen whether they have payments or not?

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Reports :: Set Unbound Check Box To False On Open Not Working

Dec 3, 2013

I have a report with an unbound checkbox which has a null (greyed out value) when printed. I'm just trying to set it to false when the report opens.I have

Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Me.CheckNotPaid = False
End Sub

but it just says 'Runtime Error -214..You can't assign a value to this object'

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Tick Box And Text Box Not Working Properly

Aug 7, 2006

I have a 'yes' check box and a 'no' check box. When the 'yes' check box is ticked, it enables a text box so I can enter a date and disables the 'no' box. Great, how it should work.

However, for some reason, whenever a date is entered into the text box when the 'yes' box is checked, every 'no' box afterwards is greyed/disabled out.

The thing is, it doesn't happen when no data is entered into the text box, when the 'yes' box is checked. So I can have the yes box checked, the no box will grey out as it should, and the text box will be enabled, as it should. But as soon as I enter a date, the above problem happens.

If that's not too confusion, can anyone help?

I've tried attached the database, but apparently it's too big, so i've posted the code underneath.



EDIT: - i've just figured out that this problem is solved when I close the form and re-open it. But obviously I don't want to keep doing this every time I have to enter a date in a record.

Code:Private Sub chkSuccessful_AfterUpdate()If chkSuccessful = True ThentxtDateAppointed.Enabled = TrueEnd IfIf chkSuccessful = True ThenchkSuccessfulNo.Enabled = FalseEnd IfIf chkSuccessful = False ThenchkSuccessfulNo.Enabled = TruetxtDateAppointed = FalseEnd IfEnd SubPrivate Sub chkSuccessful_Enter()If chkSuccessful = True ThentxtDateAppointed.Enabled = TrueEnd IfIf chkSuccessful = True ThenchkSuccessfulNo.Enabled = FalseEnd IfIf chkSuccessful = False ThenchkSuccessfulNo.Enabled = TruetxtDateAppointed = FalseEnd IfEnd SubPrivate Sub chkSuccessfulNo_AfterUpdate()If chkSuccessfulNo = True ThentxtDateAppointed.Enabled = FalseEnd IfIf chkSuccessfulNo = True ThenchkSuccessful.Enabled = FalseEnd IfIf chkSuccessfulNo = False ThenchkSuccessful.Enabled = TrueEnd IfEnd SubPrivate Sub chkSuccessfulNo_Enter()If chkSuccessfulNo = True ThentxtDateAppointed.Enabled = FalseEnd IfIf chkSuccessfulNo = True ThenchkSuccessful.Enabled = FalseEnd IfIf chkSuccessfulNo = False ThenchkSuccessful.Enabled = TrueEnd IfEnd Sub

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Project Tracking Reports - Working With Monthly Data Updates

May 27, 2012

I receive monthly project tracking reports and I'm looking to compare a few things between these monthly updates. I should add I'm new to Access and have been using Excel and dual monitors to manually compare data sets!!! My life might be getting a LOT easier.

Here's what I'm tracking:

I get monthly excel reports that have unique values from a "Project ID"each "Project ID" stays the same every month, but the project status changes from "Installed", "Commitment", "Pre-Commitment", etcSometimes new projects are addedSometimes old projects disappear from the reportA few other columns have numerical data that changes every month as well "Project Cost", "$ Incentive", etc.

Here's what I'm trying to automate:

Find out what Project IDs are newFind out if old Project IDs are missing from the new reportSomehow "flag" or identify projects that have status changesSomehow "flag" or identify which numerical values increased or decreased i.e. "Project Cost", "$ Incentive", etc

Do I create two tables? Do I append the new monthly report to the old one when I import my data, then somehow work with the new information?

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