Reports :: Unbound Control In Form Heading

Apr 2, 2013

I have a report that starts with an unbound form [Form1] which I need for the parameter inputs. Date1, Date2 and BillingMonth, all three are unbound controls. Date1 and Date2 are the criteria for the dates of billing and they work fine, that is, the query looks them up and the query runs fine. But I want to use the unbound control of BillingMonth to populate an unbound control in the report heading.

The control source is set as =[Forms]![Form1].[BillingMonth]; it works fine if the underlying [Form1] is still open. There is a command button on [Form1] that opens the report and then closes [Form1] since it is a pop-up form that is only used to get the criteria for the underling query; I don't want it to remain open when I run the report. However, the [BillingMonth] does not appear on the report heading. Just #Name?, which I assume means that since [Form1] is no longer open, it can't find the control [BillingMonth].

So, how can I get the [BillingMonth] to appear on the report heading?

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Form Laout - Matrix (row Heading, Colum Heading)

Oct 23, 2006

Hi all, this is my first post.

i have created a simple access database for keeping student and attendance record.

student table fileds are:

studentId - primary key
accademic year

attendance table fields:

studentid - primary key
date - primary key
attendance (yes/no boolean field)
paid (yes/no boolean filed)

this database is just ment to keep records of students attending at particualr dates.

for example if attendance table cotain records like:

for the form layout, what i want to do is

i want this to be editable. how would i do this using access form, or do i have to wrtite VBA code

PLUS i want the form to automatially have new records when i add for example a student, with ID 10011 OR if i add new records for a different date say 11/11/2006, then i want that to be viewd on the form just like the 21/09/2006 and the 04/11/2006.

please help :) been looking for a solution for long time.


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Reports :: Unbound Control On A Report

Jul 7, 2015

I have run across a problem where I have an unbound control on a report that "used to work just fine" until today. It is a concatenated string:

=[ProgramCity] & "," & (" "+[Programstate]) & (" " & Left([ProgramZip4],5)) & (" "+[ProgramCpsAbbreviations])

I have this on two slightly different reports, where only one line of the report is different. One report works fine, no problems. All the data is there. But on the second report I get the dreaded #Name? error.

So I amended my query and used

CSZ:[ProgramCity] & "," & (" "+[Programstate]) & (" " & Left([ProgramZip4],5)) & (" "+[ProgramCpsAbbreviations])

And now set the field source as CSZ and it now works fine.

So my question is: Why does the concatenated code not work sometimes in a report but the same code in a query works fine?

Do reports not like concatenated fields?

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Tabular Form With Unbound Control

Nov 23, 2006


Is it possible to have an unbound image control on a tabular form displaying a different image for each record ?

Actually i have tried putting some code on the onCurrent event, but it is displaying the same image in all records, depending on which record is current.

This is the code which i tried using:

Private Sub Form_Current()
On Error GoTo Err_Form_Current
If Not IsNull(Me.txtCountry) And Not IsNull(Me.txtCatalogueNumber) Then
Me.Stamp.Picture = Environ("userprofile") & "My DocumentsDatabasesPhilatelyStamps" & Me.txtCountry & Me.txtCatalogueNumber & ".jpg"
ElseIf IsNull(Me.txtCountry) Or IsNull(Me.txtCatalogueNumber) Then
Me.Stamp.Picture = Environ("userprofile") & "My DocumentsDatabasesPhilatelyStampsNotAvailable. jpg"
End If
Exit Sub
If Err.Number = 2220 Then
Me.Stamp.Picture = Environ("userprofile") & "My DocumentsDatabasesPhilatelyStampsNotAvailable. jpg"
MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Error #" & Err.Number
End If
End Sub

Actually, the above code works fine for Single Form, but not on tabular form.

Thank you for any advice.

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Forms :: Refer To A Calculated Value In Unbound Control In A Form

Jul 19, 2015

In my DB i would like to make a form that displays different calculated values based on other forms and queries like income running cost etc., but i do not know how to refer in an unbound control to value of a control in another form. I get always #names? error. However it worked when loaded that form i refered to. Is there a way to do it without loading the refered form?

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Reports :: Deleting Column And Its Associated Heading In A Report

Sep 10, 2014

I am coming back to an Access 2007 database that I put together some time ago. I need to simply delete a column and its associated heading in a report and I can't remember how to do it!!

I have attached a few screen shots.

001.jpg is of the actual report and 002.jpg is what the report looks like in Design view. If I try to use Layout view it displays the message "Layout View is Unavailable for this report".

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Reports :: Sub-report Group Heading Repeats After Every Record

Apr 2, 2015

I have a subreport and would like to have a header that repeats on each new page if it extends to multiple pages.I tried the suggestion I have seen to create a dummy group header based on an expression of =1 and set the group header "Repeat Section" property to "Yes".header now repeats before every record, instead of just once at the top of each new page.

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Reports :: Column Heading On Report To Pull From Main Menu?

Nov 20, 2014

I have fields on the main menu where folks put in a start and end date prior to running a report. I'm doing a monthly report that pulls current month, and two prior months of data. For example, the user selects a date range of 10/1/14 to 10/31/14 the report will show August, September and October results.

I need the column headings to change each month depending on the date range they select to run the report so in November they will pull 11/1/14 to 11/30/14 and get September, October and November.

The headings for the columns would then adjust.

I put an unbound text box with the formula as follows in the control source of the report page header to pull the month that is equal to the current month minus two (I'm just showing one of the column headings formula):

=Format([Forms]![Main Menu]![EndDate]-2,"mmmm yyyy")

This is not working. It's pulling the current month which I have set to run for October so it should show August 2014.

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Forms :: Unbound Control In Data Input Form - Auto Fill Leading Zeros

Apr 12, 2015

I have an unbound control in data input form requiring to input a 6-digit number. I have put a validation rule restricting more than 6 digits. Most users prefer to enter, say 123 and the system can enter the 3 leading zero for them.

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Reports :: Control Form Pivot Chart In A Report?

Dec 2, 2014

I have a bar pivot chart made in a form this load fine, I have the below VBA code in place to control the bar color depending on what the bar show.

Set frms = Forms![OtherCases created by Indv by Month chart].Form.ChartSpace.Charts(0)
Dim i As Long
With frms
For i = 0 To Forms![OtherCases created by Indv by Month chart].Form.ChartSpace.Charts(0).SeriesCollection.Count - 1
With .SeriesCollection(i).Name
Select Case Forms![OtherCases created by Indv by Month


When I then open the Report this is not working at all each bar just get a random color regardless what the bar to convert the above to fit a Pivot chart form a form that is displayed on a report.

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How Do I Add An Unbound Control To A Query

Nov 23, 2007

I have an inventory transaction file that has quantity on hand as a calculated field. I am trying to add this unbound field to a report using a query but I can't figure out how to add my quantity on hand field to the query since it is a calculated field and not a bound control.

Any help would be appreciated.



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Control Source For An Unbound Textbox

Oct 25, 2005

I have a form that uses a query as its control source. The problem I have is that on this form I have an unbound textbox that I need to show the result of another query in. I thought I could do this by using =[Query]![QueryName]![Field name] in its control source, but this isn't working.

What is the right way to go about this?


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Continuous Subform Unbound Control Problem

Feb 21, 2006


Please see the attached images (screen shots from my db).

I'll start by explaining the function of this form. Invoices are raised through a different area of the system - they then appear in the outstanding invoice list in my payment processing screen while awaiting payment. When a payment is received the user creates a payment using the controls at the top of the form. When created - payments will appear in a list box at the bottom of the screen. I then want the user to be able to highlight a payment from the list and type the amount to allocate against each line in the outstanding invoices subform. Then (once happy with the allocation) press the "Allocate" button which will cycle through the allocations the user has made inserting rows into my Transaction table - allocating the payment against multiple invoices.

The fields displayed in the outstanding invoices subform are selected in a query which calculates the amount still outstanding. In trying to illustrate my aim I've added an unbound text box to the subform (the column Allocate). What I'd like to be able to do is type a different amount against each outstanding invoice. I understand this is not the way that unbound controls work in continuous forms - i.e. that they are multiple instances of the same control hence when I type 100 against the first item in the list it appears against every item in the list. I can't use a bound control because the query is not updateable - and in any case, the entry won’t exist in the transaction table until it has been inserted anyway.

I'm pretty competent with Access and VBA but haven't really explored recordsets - I'm usually able to achieve what I want by binding my forms to stored queries. This, however, is a bit more of a complex problem than I'm used to dealing with.

So, to the point then. I guess my first question is - is it possible to achieve this? I'm sure it must be. If so please can someone try to shed some light?

Secondly, I have an idea but have absolutely no idea of how to implement it. I seems to me what I would need to do is build a temporary recordset for the form and add a field to it i.e. the "Allocate" field I've been talking about. The user would then be able to manipulate this recordset because the form wouldn't be directly accessing a query. Nor would there be any unbound controls on the form. Once the user had typed in all of the allocation figures they are happy with they would be stored in my temp recordset. They could then hit the "Allocate" button which would cycle through the recordset inserting rows into my Transaction table (as long as various validation rules were passed).

Does this sound possible? If so can anyone give me any help or point me in the direction of any material they know of that might be of any help?

Thanks in advance for your help.

To give a flavour of how I originally built this form I've attached another image - PaymentProcessingOld.gif. It's a similar kind of setup. Payments are created at the top of the screen and appear in the list box bottom left. The outstanding invoice subform serves only as a point of reference. The user actually allocates payments by selecting the item from a combo box and typing the amount. This builds the transaction I've talked about above. It's quite straight forward when there are only a few payments and allocations, but in practice payments are usually large and split across up to 100 different invoice lines. That makes it a very tedious task.

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Unbound Report - Setting Control Values

Oct 25, 2005

I have a very simple report - just one field.

I have a Form - "Cases". The button to open the report is on that form as are the values I want in the report.

I want to pull the value of Case Name and Case Number from the current form view and put them together in the single field on my report.

I can "almost" do it. Then VBA gives me a warning - it says that you can't assign a value to the control on my report.

Can anyone give me any ideas?

by the way:
I chose to make this an unbound report because I'm using SQL server as my back-end and my Access is an .adp file. SQL (so I was told by the programmers at work) can't pull in variable criteria from a form like Access Queries can. So this all has to be put in VBA.

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Limit Character Length On Unbound Control

Dec 15, 2005

How can I limit the length of an unbound control? For instance, I want a text box to only allow up to 3 characters.

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Forms :: Formatting Calculation In Unbound Control

Sep 17, 2013

I have an unbound text box with the following control source:

="The scores below are based on the number of total evaluations (" & Sum([TitleIDCt]) & ")."

I set the formatting of the control to Standard. It reads:

The scores below are based on the number of total evaluations (1718).

I need the comma to show up so it reads like this:

The scores below are based on the number of total evaluations (1,718).

Can this be done?

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Forms :: Binding Unbound Control To A Table

Jun 4, 2013

I have a user form that has many unbound controls that are used as calculated controls that lead up to an unbound control that is the grand total of all the data entered. I would like for the unbound grand total control to update the grand total field in the table where I would like to store the there a way I can bind an unbound control to a field in a table?

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Modules & VBA :: Calling RDL File To Generate Reports From A Form Control Button In Access

Dec 2, 2014

So Access was unable to manage the amount of content that I needed to produce in a single report. The reports contain 12 charts/graphs all of which I needed on separate pages (one chart per page). As such I could not create large enough charts in access to fit to each page, as Access limits the amount of space one can use in a report.

I downloaded Microsoft Reports Builder 3.0 and built my reports as needed and can generate them as desired at current. I'm wondering if there a way to call that RDL file I created to generate my reports from a form control button in Access?

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Entering Unbound Text Control In Report Footer

Jan 26, 2008

I have entered an unbound text control into my footer, and typed in some text, and now when I go to Preview my report it's asking for a Parameter Value? There is no parameter, as it's just a return address typed in there. That's crazy!!!

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Forms :: Unbound Object Frame Inside Tab Control

May 24, 2013

On a Tab Control inside a from, I've created an Unbound Object Frame, referring to an MS Excel Work Sheet. The goal here is to link that Unbound Object Frame residing on the Tab Control and save the form/link.

Now, when I execute the code, the Object Frame is linked and updated, but when I close the form, the link inside the Object Frame is not saved! However, when I do the exact same thing without placing the Object Frame on one of the pages of the tab, so as regular control inside the form, all works fine.

The code is as follows (performed when I click the button);"OLETest" refers to the UnBound Object Frame placed inside the first page of a Tab Control inside the form.

With OLETest
.Enabled = True
.Locked = False
.Class = "Excel.Sheet.12"


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Modules & VBA :: Update Value In Unbound Control Then Trigger Event?

Feb 4, 2015

I am updating a value in an unbound control on an unbound form. When the value in the control is changed I want a sequence of code to execute. Specifically changing the record source of a subform and refreshing it.

The problem I have is that when the value of the unbound text box is control is changed (I am using a button to change the value as a test) the after update event on the text box does not do anything.

I did a simple test using a button to change the value in the text box and in the afterupdate event of the text box asked it to output the value of the textbox to a message box as shown below.

The problem is this does not work, nothing happens. If I tab out of the text box or change the value with the keyboard however the msgbox appears. Just not via a vba change.

Private Sub Prod_ID_AfterUpdate()
Dim pid As String
pid = Me.Prod_ID
MsgBox pid
End Sub
Private Sub Button_Test_Click()
Me.Prod_ID = "TEST"
End Sub

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Queries :: Union Query - Control Source For Unbound Listbox

Nov 25, 2013

I'm preparing a query as the control source for an unbound listbox. The following code gives the desired results:

SELECT DISTINCT tblCameras.CameraNum, QrySbfShotList.CamerasFK
FROM QrySbfShotList INNER JOIN tblCameras ON QrySbfShotList.CamerasFK = tblCameras.CamerasID
WHERE (((QrySbfShotList.shootsFK)=[my].[control]))
ORDER BY QrySbfShotList.CamerasFK

(My.control will be a control on the form. For the time being, I let the query prompt me for a value.)

It produces two columns like so:

CameraNum Camera ID
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 5
5 6
6 7
8 9
11 12

CameraNum is text; CameraID is numeric.

Now, I'm trying to use a trick I read about that should add a single textual entry to the top of the list like so:

SELECT DISTINCT tblCameras.CameraNum, QrySbfShotList.CamerasFK
FROM QrySbfShotList INNER JOIN tblCameras ON QrySbfShotList.CamerasFK = tblCameras.CamerasID
WHERE (((QrySbfShotList.shootsFK)=[my].[control]))
ORDER BY QrySbfShotList.CamerasFK


SELECT "(ALL)", "Dummy"
FROM QrySbfShotList INNER JOIN tblCameras ON QrySbfShotList.CamerasFK = tblCameras.CamerasID
WHERE (((QrySbfShotList.shootsFK)=[my].[control]));

This produces

CameraNum Camera ID
ALL Dummy
1 2
11 12
2 3
3 4
4 5
5 6
6 7
8 9

The second (numeric) column is now out of order. This is reproducible for other values of my.control. If there are double digit entries they get inserted at the third row.

Why? What am I not understanding about how UNION works?

(BTW, I know I could put the "ALL" entry into tblCameras, thereby avoiding the need for a union, but I'd still like to know why the unexpected result.)

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Forcing FormatCount On Unbound Reports?

Nov 11, 2004

Hi folks, I'm having a problem creating a report.

I've gotten rid of all the linked tables from my frontend, so I'm fetching all my data from the backend with VBA code.

This works splendidly until I got to creating reports!

I can populate the report detail with the below code, by opening a recordset and filling in the appropriate text boxes when the report calls the Format_Detail subroutine, but the problem is, that opening a report with no recordsource sets the FormatCount property to 0, so it only runs through the format_detail once. Setting the .nextrecord to FALSE allows as many sub calls as I need, but I can't figure out how to force the report to generate a new detail line! It's looping through all the records in the recordset, but it's only generating one line on the report

Any ideas?

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
On Error Resume Next

If tags.EOF = True Then

[txtfound] = tags.RecordCount
Set tags = Nothing
Me.nextrecord = True
Exit Sub


[txtCode] = tags!TagCode
[txtDescription] = tags!Description
[txtCount] = tags!Countoftagcode
Me.nextrecord = tags.EOF

'something to force new line here?

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)

Set tags = backend.OpenRecordset("SELECT Tags.TagCode, Codes.Description, Count(Tags.TagCode) AS CountOfTagCode FROM Codes INNER JOIN Tags ON Codes.Code = Tags.TagCode GROUP BY Tags.TagCode, Codes.Description")


End Sub

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Reports :: Unbound Field On A Report

Jul 3, 2013

I have two numeric fields which make up what looks like a full decimalised number ie 20.22 - only I am unable to put the decimal point in between the two numbers.

I thought about putting in an unbound object such as a picture of a full-stop but cant get it anchored at the correct angle to make it look convincing in the report.As this is such a huge database I have tried to amend the tables, but it loses vital data ?

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Reports :: Unbound Combo Box On Report

Feb 19, 2014

I have an unbound combo box on a report that looks up to a table of address data.I have a specific requirement where if one of the bound fields on the report is a specific value, I want the combo box to show data. If the bound control on the report is a different value, I want the data in the combo box to be different.

I have tried using the OnOpen method, but it says I cannot assign a value to it.I have tried using the OnLoad procedure, but it doesn't show anything. the code is as follows:

Private Sub Report_Load(Cancel As Integer)
If Me.[Dispatch Type] = "Sent to A" Then
Me.cboDispatchTo = 15
ElseIf Me.[Dispatch Type] = "Sent to B" Then
Me.cboDispatchTo = 8
End If
End Sub

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Reports :: Getting Entire Reports To Show On A Tab Control

Apr 24, 2015

I have tab controls, each of which holds a report. If the report is longer than the tab control the report is stuck there. no slide bars, no overflow. I have set scroll bars but they dont seem to take or work. I need to find a way to add verticle scroll bars to the reports within the tab controls so that you can view the entire report. I have included a screen print of what I mean.

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