Reports :: VBA Checkbox Code Ticking All Records On Report

Nov 13, 2013

I have the following code in the On Load of a report which shows multiple records:-

If Me.PaymentType Like "Debit/Credit Card" Then
Me.Check94 = True
Me.Check94 = False
End If

This ends up checking all check boxes in the report if any have "Debit/Credit Card" in the PaymentType field.What I wanted was to tick Checkboxes for those records where the statement was true, and not tick those where it is false.Do I need the code in the On Current event? Or do I need more sophisticated code?

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Reports :: How To Hide Unchecked Checkbox From Report

Aug 12, 2015

I want to hide on my report unchecked checkbox ?

How can i do that ? If i shall write a code, in which event ?? Or can i use in Query Build option ?

I searched on internet and found some answers but they are not useful

(i found this code and updated for my report but still did not work)

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer) (<- what is that ??)
If Me.Skyliner = 0 Then
Me.SkylinerCover.Visible = True
Me.SkylinerCover.Visible = False
End If

quote : [URL]....

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Reports :: Make Yes / No Checkbox Visible On Printed Report

Aug 28, 2014

I have a form with a Yes/No checkbox. Sometimes a data entry person will use this, sometimes an associated report is printed and a technician in the field will be required to fill check the box by hand and return the report for data entry. what I have tried to format the check box, if the box isn't already checked, I can't get it to show up clearly on the printed report. It's set to Visible, width 6pt, solid, black, always display, yet it still is barely visible. Ive tried increasing the grid line thicknesses, making it shadowed, nothing seems to work. Is there anything I can do?

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Reports :: Can Run Format Event Code For Each Report In A Multiple Record Set

Aug 16, 2013

URL...Essentially it seems like the format event fires only once with a docmd that has a where clause. If I print a single report it is perfect! Example one in the above post has a subreport, example 2 its very simply incorporated into the main report with no sub report.

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Reports :: Select Records From Report To Populate Second Report?

May 24, 2015

We have a shift log that includes both personnel actions during any given day as well as operational actions. (We recently switched from a word document to an Access Database to allow multiple users to input events while another has the logbook open already (which you couldn't do with Word))

At the beginning of each day, my manager reviews the previous days log and forwards up pertinent data (some personnel, some operational) to our higher authorities. Is there a way to allow him to select which records he'd like to include on that higher-authorities report straight from the local-level report?

I'm not a fan of allowing him a "Save As" feature because that kind of defeats the data integrity purpose of an events log where he could save as an RTF and then edit any of the log entries without any checks or balances.

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Reports :: Can't Sort Records In Sub-report

Oct 29, 2013

I am using Access 2007.I have a report that has 2 subreports within it.One of the sub reports input is from a table (Work Order Parts) whose records have a field called "DisplayOrder". This is a numeric field that I use to enable the user to specify the exact order that they want the records to be displayed in a form or report...well that's the plan anyway.

I can't seem to get the subreport to sort on the "DisplayOrder" field.

I have tried to set the Property value "Display Order" to "[Workorder Parts].DisplayOrder" but this doesn't seem to make a difference. The "Order By on Load" is set to "Yes".

Here is the "Record Source" value : SELECT DISTINCTROW [Workorder Parts].*, Parts.PartName, [Workorder Parts].Notes FROM Parts INNER JOIN [Workorder Parts] ON Parts.PartID = [Workorder Parts].PartID;

What am I doing wrong?

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Reports :: Not Count Duplicate Records In Report

Mar 30, 2015

I have a simple report which looks as given below:

ID Number Products
122 Cups
133 Pencils
122 Cups
133 Pencils

When I use the count function I get the total count of the record as 4.what I want is count the product varieties which should be 2

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Reports :: How To Display Subform Records On Report

Feb 20, 2014

How do I pull information from a subform (more than 1 record in subform at times) to put on my report?

I have added the subform to the report and set Visible property to No,

I know the syntax to refer to the subform and its fields but I don't understand how to get all records in the subform for the main record to be displayed.

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Ticking A Check Box Once A Field Has Been Clicked

Jul 27, 2006


Please see attached image.

I have this subform in a form, i want the field that has a hyperlink (which is called Link) to display a check box once the file path has been pressed, so when each path (Link) is pressed i would like the form to display a check box that would tell the person if that pathfile had been pressed. I would like this to show for each of the path files.

Can anybody help please.


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Reports :: Select Data For Continuous Records In A Report

Feb 26, 2015

For the report in question all data is taken from one table named "Completions ". The fields I will be using are as follows:



When the records are added, the Branch is added using a combo box. There can be several rows of data with the same Firstname and Surname but with different Branches.The report layout must look something like this.I have tried using DLookup to select the data based on the data in the Name text box, but this just gets the first result and duplicates it.

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Reports :: Create A Report And Only Show Records With Exception

Feb 19, 2014

I have a field on a form (exception) that is also a column in a query. I would like to create a report an only show those records that had an exception in it. I am not sure what criteria in the query to use, but it would seem creating a report off of this query would work.

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Reports :: Counting Number Of Distinct Records In Report?

Oct 11, 2013

I'm creating a report for an imaginary "medical clinic's database", the intended function of which is described as follows: "Create a statistic that shows the total number of distinct drugs prescribed to a patient."

Where I'm at:

I've created a query called UniqueDrugs containing drug and patient info. The SQL is:


SELECT DISTINCT Drugs.Drug_Name, Patients.[Patient _ID]
FROM Patients INNER JOIN (Drugs INNER JOIN Prescriptions ON Drugs.[Drug_ID] = Prescriptions.[Drug_ID]) ON Patients.[Patient _ID] = Prescriptions.[Patient_ID]
GROUP BY Drugs.Drug_Name, Patients.[Patient _ID]
ORDER BY Patients.[Patient _ID];

The results of this query seem to be what I need. All I need is for the count formula that I use to return the number of distinct drug names there are that are related to a patient's ID.

I've created a report and I've put the following formula into a text box:


Where PID is the name of another text box in the report that contains the Patient ID that I want to compare to the drug names returned by the query.

However, this *always* results in #Error, no matter how I change the formula.I have been led to believe that syntax is not the issue, as the following formula worked as intended for a different task:


How do I use a DCount to return the number of different drugs that have been prescribed to a patient?

If it did not require the number of different drugs, I would simply use the following formula, which works just fine:


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Reports :: Display 50 Records In A Report Field In Two Columns Of 25

Nov 9, 2013

How to display in a report a field with 50 records in two separate columns of 25 records.Is this possible or am I completely off the reservation?

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Reports :: Auto Generate Report Or Records From Table

Nov 5, 2013

I have a table called bookings, three records within that table are;


This Table (Bookings) is linked to the guest table via GUESTID..Assuming that a guest arrive on the 5th and leaves on the 10th, I am trying to create a breakfast voucher for the guest for each day of their stay.

So 5 vouchers, 1 each for the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th.I have created the breakfast voucher as a report and a query to include data but I dont know how to propagate the new data to actually create the vouchers. All I can get is data for the arrival or departure fields.

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Reports :: Hiding Null Records In Report With IIF Statement

Dec 29, 2014

I have a report based on a query with 3 fields (Tested, RMA, OpenRMA). The query searches all the tables in my database and gives me a count of the equipment tested, RMA reported and open rma.

The report has two fields (Equipment, NumberTested) with a total below and also a total of the RMAs and OpenRMAs. I'm trying to hide RMAs and OpenRMAs from appearing in the body and only showing below the total. All three totals are showing correctly, but I am still seeing RMA and Open RMA with a null in the count in the body.

So in the report's Equipment.control I wanted to put

Iif([NumberTested] is null, null, [Equipment])

Meaning if the numbertested field is null the equipment field will be blank, if it is not just leave what is in the equipment field there, but it returns a #Error in the printout. It seems to handle the two null records correctly. Trying Equipment.Value also returned the same error.

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Reports :: Summary Of Multiple Records - Open Report With Button

Jan 27, 2014

I have a report that is a summary of multiple records in it. What I have next to the record on the report is a button.I have report that are labeled:

rptIncident Summary
rptIncident Report
and a button labeled
"open report"

I would like to click on the button and then it open the rptIncident Report with all the information, not just the summary. I will put a picture so you know what I am trying to accomplish.Is this a simple Onclick event with a where condition or what? Or does this go beyond to having something to do with VBA?

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Reports :: Setting Groupings On Report - Count Of Defined Records

Mar 29, 2013

Report has records of errors. There are 3 types of error. In the report footer, I would like a total count (this is working!) and a count by type (can't get this to work).

Error Total =Count[ErrorType]
Compliance Total =Sum(IIf([ErrorType]="Compliance",1,0))
Audit Total =Sum(IIf([ErrorType]="Audit",1,0))
Quality Total =Sum(IIf([ErrorType]="Quality",1,0))

I have tried setting groupings on the report but this alters the detail sorting (currently sent by the date field newest to oldest) and provides the count within the detail.

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Reports :: Counting Test Records From Multiple Tables In One Report?

Apr 22, 2014

I have been trying to create a report to count equipment tested between two dates:

I am using Access 2000 (old I know) and I have 21 different tables with the fields laid out the same. For the moment, I will list five of the tables: Servers, Laptops, Printers, Workstations, and Monitors. The criteria I draw from each table are the fields Model#, Part#, Serial#, Test Date, Retest Date, and Technician.

I can create a report from a query (say laptops). The criteria I is BETWEEN[Enter Start Date]AND[Enter End Date] under the TEST DATE field. Works great! In my report I use =Count(*)&" "&"Unit(s) tested" & "Between "&[Enter Start Date] & " and" & [Enter End Date].

That works great too.

I am trying to create ONE REPORT using ONE Date range and display how many units were tested:


Units Tested between March 1, 2014 and March 31, 2014

Servers 9
Laptops 23
Workstations 15
Printers 18
Monitors 31

If I can get these five tables, hopefully I can add additional tables to the same report as I need them. I am not savy with VB code, but will give it a go with some direction as to where to put it and how to add to it.

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Prompt User To Enter Personal Password When Ticking Option Button

Mar 24, 2015

I have a form in which I collect approvals from two different departments. To approve an item the user selects their name from a combobox, and then tick an option box to indicate approval. The combobox is from table 'Users' and has a query as a source with the following fields, 'UserNum, First, Last, Password'. The 'approval' fields are on table 'Approvals' and are yes/no fields.

What I'd like to have happen is that the user chooses their name from the combobox and then ticks the option box for approval; when ticked I would like a messagebox to appear asking for the users password based on the name chosen in the combobox.

Is this even possible?

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Checkbox/Query/Form/Report Help

Nov 17, 2004

I need some serious help! I am an Access newbie and I think I am trying to do something more complicated than my skills. Any help will be extremely appreciated!

Here is the situation:

I have a table of volunteer records that record each volunteer's availability and areas of interest, which are checkboxes. The volunteer information area of the form basically looks like this:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday etc.
Morning O O O
Afternoon O O O
Evening O O O

O "Trails" O "Greenhouse" etc.

The "O" designates the checkboxes saying "yes" they are available at that time and "yes" they are interested in that area. I did it in checkbox form because it is the most visual and simplest way for my users to understand the record. My users' thought process is going to be this: I am having a greenhouse clean up this Tuesday evening. I need to run a report of all our volunteers that said they are available Tuesday evenings to work AND said that they want to work in the greenhouse. What I would like next to happen is they load the database I'm designing, click the switchboard to a search form that has the same checkbox layout as the volunteer record. They check Tuesday evening, check Greenhouse, then click run report. Report appears on screen that they can view, which they can choose to print so they can call the volunteers.

I have seen samples of listboxes and dropdown boxes as search criteria on a form, but the additional problem is that my end users are over the age of 65, scared of computers, nice ladies. They wouldn't understand the listbox of fields, and it would be a disaster trying to get them to understand AND/OR statements and the entering of yes/no on a list of search criteria, especially if they have more than one time availability and area of interest that they want to run in one report. Hence, sticking to the easy checkbox format for the never-used-a-computer-before ladies to run the reports they need, spitting out the information to the question they are asking, like "Who are all the volunteers that said they are available weekends to work special events? I need to call them to see if they would work the special event coming up in 3 weeks."

I am completely lost about how to go about doing a checkbox form to run a query of checkboxed data that spits out a report with the results :[ I would appreciate a simple sample or an explanation in layman's terms of the steps involved to achieving the results I would like. I am the type who would like to try to figure this out, so that I learn, but I am completely in over my head with this one :[

All patience and help with this will be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance,
Newbie Volunteer Coordinator

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Reports :: Barcode Font - Generate Number As Barcode On Report Records

Jun 8, 2013

I am using a barcode font in order to generate a number as a barcode on my report records. In order for my barcode scanner to read the barcode it needs an asterisk at the beginning and at the end.

So, if my record ID is 62 - in order for the barcode to be displayed correctly, it needs to be on the report as *62* .

Without digressing into a discussion on barcode methods in Access, how can I precede and succeed each ID number field with an asterisks?

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Problem With Changing Report Based On Checkbox

Aug 8, 2006

I have a form with one checkbox on at the moment. Depending on whether it is checked or not I want to choose to display or not display a field on a form.

I have the following code below but whether the checkbox is ticked or not it doesn't affect the report.

If Check4 = True Then
[Report_Temp].Medium.Visible = False
DoCmd.OpenReport "Temp", acViewPreview, , MyFilter

What have I missed?

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Creating A Checkbox That Returns Text On A Report

Apr 12, 2005

Dear All:

I have created a form with students information, name, address, ID number, etc.

Is there a way to place a checkbox on this form that when it is checked, it displays text on a SPECIFIC AREA ON A REPORT?

I wish it to return this text on a report: "HONORS COLLEGE"

Many thanks in advance,


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Print Report Based On Checkbox Selection

Oct 19, 2015

I'm having difficulties with building a printing option for specific goods selected on the list.

I have a form which contains a subform. On the main form user is able to select supplier and based on the supplier can choose article that he's interested in. On the subform user gets the list of all the goods that are connected with that specific article.

I want be able now to select specific goods from subform list (using checkbox value) and based on the selection print a separate label for each goods.

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Report Fields Visible Based On Checkbox

Sep 20, 2011

I have an Access 07 report, and when viewing the report I'd like to have some checkboxes visible based on their value. In other words, I need the checkbox to be visible if it's checked and not visible if it's not. I have the following in the OnLoad event of the report;

Me.Checkbox.Visible = Me.Checkbox.Value

This works fine in print preview but makes no difference in normal view, the checkboxes are visible regardless of value. I'd like to keep normal view if possible.

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Seeing Certain Records Based On A Checkbox

Apr 5, 2005

How would I get a report to only show records that have a check box called "Display" checked? I have tried some code, I even put it in a couple of different places, but it still doesn't work. I put the code on the on click event of the command button that opens the report and I tried the code in the on open event of the report. It did not work either time. Here is the code that I tried.

'Display only records that have the box checked

If IsNull(Display) Then
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
End If
End Sub

Can anyone help me???


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