Reports :: Where Condition And Output To PDF File

Nov 30, 2013

I would like to print a report file from a database into PDF format.Currently I am using a macro with a "where condition" to select the particular file which currently outputs to the default printer. Converting the macro to VBA reads as follows:

DoCmd.OpenReport "Receipt - full pay new", acViewNormal, "", "[ConsultID]=[Forms]![Payment Record Type]![ConsultID]"

However, if I do an output to PDF file as below, I can't insert a "where condition" to pick the specific file. Instead, it outputs the whole unfiltered report which is 12,000 pages and 29 MB!

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport,"Receipt - full pay new",acFormatPDF,"C:AccessReceiptPDF.pdf"

How to combine the 2, i.e. have the "where condition" to select the particular report page, but output to a PDF file in a selected directory.

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Output To File Where Condition

Aug 2, 2005

I am using a where condition on printing records from a form to restrict output to the current record. I would also like to write the current record only to a file (rtf). Have set up an output to file button which works but writes all records and there is no code option for a where condition.

I can live with this as it is only for backup but a report per record would be a neater solution.

Is this possible anyone know?


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Reports :: Output / Print Results Of A Query To Text File

Dec 13, 2013

I have researched on here how to print the results of a query to a text file. I put the code in and I get an error on the openrecordset line. The error says "too few parameters, expected 4"

I tried the query in another report I export to excel and the query works.

I tried printing the whole table using "Select * from tbl_Customers" and it works????

Here is the code:

Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("qryBell1", dbOpenSnapshot)
Dim fs, TextFile
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set TextFile = fs.CreateTextFile(pathname, True)

[Code] ....

the query returns 6 fields for printing and can filter based on whether 3 fields are filled or not on the form - Date, Campaign, Status

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Reports :: Using Transfer Spreadsheet Command To Output Data In Query To Excel 2010 Format File

Aug 18, 2015

I'm working with Access 2010 and am trying to use the transferspreadsheet command to output data in a query to an Excel 2010 format file. Here is the line of code:

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12, "q_calldetails_tmp", "c: emp estoutput.xlsx"

It works fine and produces the output file but when I try and open it with Excel I get an error saying the format is incorrect. If I change the extension to .xls it opens with no problem but I need it to be an Excel 2010 format with correct extension.

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Reports :: Output To PDF Different Than Printed Output

Aug 20, 2013

I'm using Access 2007 SP3.

Whenever I export reports to PDF, the output appears zoomed and clipped. No extra pages are generated as they would be if I'm going over margins, it's just the report is clipped.

The report looks perfect in preview mode, and it looks perfect when going to an actual printer. However, when using OutputTo to save it as a PDF, this is when the report content is clipped.

Here is the code I'm using:

DoCmd.OpenReport MyReport, acViewPreview
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "", acFormatPDF, "MyReport.pdf"
DoCmd.Close acReport, MyReport

I open the report in preview mode first so events are fired that show/hide various objects based on fields in the recordset.

I've tried reinstalling, and I've tried this on two different machines, one running Windows 7 and one running Windows Server 2008...both with the same results.

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Reports :: Output Access Reports As JPG To Display In Pictures Screen Saver

Sep 2, 2013

I have been tasked with creating a database to log employee suggestions and then automatically present reports around the site. I have developed the database and it works OK and can output *.PDF reports, but I'm having problems with how to display these reports. My idea was to output the reports automatically as *.TIFF or *.JPG files and have them stored in a folder that the My Pictures screensaver uses. The reports (in fact, any site report stored in this folder) can then be shown on any screen dotted around the site when it goes into screensaver mode. However I can't find any way to output/convert to a picture file.

The other option is to create a webpage that rotates through the saved PDFs, but this isn't ideal as the PC users will have to load the webpage to display the reports.

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Output To An Excel File

Nov 24, 2005

I am having a problem getting Access to output to an excel file.

I want to take a form that I have that has 20 or so records with 6 or 7 fields for each and put it into an excel file that is formated the way I need everythign to look.

I also need it to make the file name such as CCCAAAMMDDYYYY (3 letter company abbreviation,3 letter initials and then todays date) I am thinking that the company abbreviation will be pulled from a query, then initials will be a form that opens, and the date can be pulled from access' date function.

I tried using vb code and doing an output to comand but that did not work.
I am confused someone please help if possible.

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Output An OLE Image To A File

Mar 31, 2008

Hello, all.

I haven't worked with access in about 2 years, so I'm a bit rusty. I was wondering, what is the easiest way, if any, to output an image stored in an OLE object field to a file, like a bmp to be edited say in paint or something via VB code?

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Output To A Text File

May 26, 2005

Hi all! I'm not sure if this is the correct area to post this in, but hopefully it is!

I have a Microsoft Access database, and I need to output the content of one of the tables in a specific format-the table contains a Name field, a Description field, a URL field and an Alt Text field, and I need it to end up in a text file in this format:


Where each line of the text field is a different product, and the content of each field is separated by the | symbol (whose name escapes me right now).

Anyone that can help?


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Query To Output A CSV Or Excel Like File

Feb 13, 2007

Hi Guys,

I have 2 tables


a few others not necessary in this

and tblXRFResultsConcentration

ResultID (many records linked to 1 record in tblXRFResults)

What I need to set up is a query that will allow me to generate a report that will give an excel like format, with the column headings being the SampleName, followed by the CompoundName(s) from the other table and the "rows" will be corresponding sample name and concentrations.
I am sure this is pretty easy, but I am stumped!

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Output Data To Text File

Dec 13, 2004

Could anyone help with a simple answer please ?

I have an Access db that schedules the sending of emails with attachments.
I run a query on the table that returns all active users
I then need to create a separate file for each active user - in the format as shown below.
Each file is called "ddmmXX.epe"
- where dd=day,mm=month,XX=sequential number starting 01.
The file needs to be formatted ascii text file.
The file extension must be .epe


All the fields within the {} are fields in the Access table
Each file must then be saved to a directory c:mailout
(eg C:mailout141201.epe)

Sample file would look like this:

SUBJECT:{Daily Newsletter}
BODY:{Please find attached today's newsletter}

Can anyone help - it would be much appreciated, as I am still learning the slightly more advanced methods of VBA.


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Modules & VBA :: Report Output To PDF File Name?

Oct 10, 2014

I currently have an invoice report that runs through my database which is e-mailed to clients (automatically through vba), and then saved to a specific file path.

I'm currently having an issue with the saving part of the process with certain clients who have illegal characters in their names - for example, "Client / Other Information" where the '/' is causing the save to fail.

I'm trying to find a way to change the file name of the save file for clients with these illegal characters in their names. I would prefer not to take only part of the name (as some clients are listed as "Town/Village of...") but if there is no other way then there is no other way.

The code I'm currently using is as follows:

Dim strFilePath as String
strFilePath="C:Users" & Environ("UserName") & "DesktopNew Invoices" & Me.Client.Value & ".pdf"
docmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, , "PDFFormat(*.pdf)", strFilePath, False, "", 0, acExportQualityPrint

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A Head Scratcher: Output Into A Current File

Sep 8, 2005

At the moment I am trying to send data ( a query) to a CURRENT Excel file, I do not want it to replace the current file but instead just update the cells of that file to the new values calculated in Access.
Is it possible to do this?

Cheers all
:confused: :eek: :( :mad: :confused:

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Form Data Output To Text File

Jul 25, 2005

:confused: I've created a form within our company database which will track hardware/software requests. I'd like to create a macro, or add code to output the data entered into a notepad file. Nothing extraordinary. I'd like for it to be like this:

Ticket: XXXXX
Employee: xxxxx
Reason for Request: xxxxx
Part Number:xxxxx

Those are the headings of the fields and x's denote entered data. I'd like to keep the headers and have the entered data as well. Is it possible?

Thanks to all for your help

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Change Output File Name During Send Object Routine

Apr 3, 2007

I have a query that runs based on a parameter a user selects on a form.

I want to dynamically create the sendobject file name based on the parameter the user selects.


My form has a parameter named medicine. When the user checks the checkbox next to medicine it runs a query for records labeled as medicine but sends the e-mail output as the query name. I want something like medicine.txt etcc...



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Modules & VBA :: How To Change Name Of File Output Report Is Being Saved As When In PDF

Jun 4, 2014

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "Estimate", acFormatPDF, "c:TestMyReport.pdf"

the following code saves my report in a folder called test as a pdf file with the name MyReport. I have a string variable called RepName. How can I make the report get saved under that name.

I tried
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "Estimate", acFormatPDF, "c:Test&MyReport&.pdf" but it dosent work.

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Reports :: Hiding Text Box In Report On Condition

May 5, 2014

I am trying to hide a text box based on the contents of another text box in the same report. Here is the code:

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
If IsEmpty(Me.DocFullName) Then
Me.Text55.Visible = False
Me.Text55.Visible = True
End If
End Sub

i.e. I want Text55 to disappear if DocFullName is empty.

I thought my code was OK, but it refuses to co-operate.

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Reports :: Where Condition When Opening A Report With A Button

Oct 22, 2014

Basically when I click a button on a form I want it to run a report but only when certain criteria are met as entered in the 'Where Condition' box. I've managed to do this successfully when it is an equal to query but I now want to run a 'contains' query and don't really know where to start.

I have a text box on the form labelled [Desc] and I want the report to pull records where any text entered in the [Desc] text box is contained in the fields [Used Stock]![Model]

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Reports :: Error 2501 On Output To PDF

Mar 17, 2014

Access 2007. I can run the report for last month and with the VBA code outputting it directly to PDF and it works. When I run it for this month, I get an error 2501. This report has been running for months with no issues. When I run it for this month and preview the output, I can export it to PDF with no problems. Why can't I get it to work in VBA for this month?

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Reports :: Lookup A Number / ID And Output

Nov 12, 2014

I got a easy table with two columns. To make it easy say

1 20
2 40
3 30
4 78
5 60
6 85
7 20

I want to put the number 1 - 7 over a picture and get it to look up the value in the 2nd coloumn and replace the nr with the number in the 2nd column. Is this possible? I would have to manually put in where 1 - 7 is (this will be labeled ontop of a plot plan)...

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Reports :: Output A Report To Multiple PDFs

Feb 6, 2015

I have several reports that creates price sheets for all of my customers. It is a report with multiple subreports within, and I am trying to create a process to seperate them and export them all into [Customer Name].pdf. I have tried to scrap some code together from various forums, and it has been unsuccessful.

For example, one of the reports "rptPriceSheetQuarterly", has a field "txtCustomerName", that feeds the queries for the other subreports. I would like to create a new PDF when that field changes.

I understand I need some sort of looping code that will cut the report up dump them all into one folder, but I am totally out of my element here.

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Reports :: Change Text Of A Field To Blue Color If A Certain Condition Is Met

Oct 8, 2014

I have a report which I would like to change the text of a field blue if a certain condition is met. What I want to happen on this report is if a specific field has an "Active" - then it will be in Blue text, otherwise it is in black text.

I have gone into the report ->in the Details section -> put a procedure in the On Format event. The code I have been trying is:

If Analysis_Status = Active Then
Me.Analysis_Status.ForeColor = vbBlue
Me.Analysis_Status.ForeColor = vbBlack
End If
End Sub

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Reports :: Output To PDF With Distorted Letters - All Fonts Are Embedded

Aug 12, 2014

I have a report that i export to pdf from access 2010 using OutputTo. The report is about 10 pages long. Every time i run this report, at page 5 and beyond, random letters become distorted, sometimes with a box sometimes with a question mark. All fonts I've tested are embedded. Times New Roman, Calibri, Arial, Georgia and others.

Attached is a sample of of the distorted pdf output.

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Reports :: Output A Report In Word Document Including Images

Oct 21, 2014

I need to know if exist the system in Access 2007 to output a report in word document including images. Normally the output is "*.rtf", with a quite good quality but due to the file type it doesn't include the pictures.

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Reports :: Save Report As PDF - Output To Action Cancelled With Access VB Macro

Jan 12, 2015

One of the users of my application, reports an error when saving a report to pdf by VBA code. She’s using Access 2013, on Windows 8.1.

The error is “error 2501 output to action was cancelled with access vb macro”

The VBA code is

StrReport = “RepInvoice”
StrDocumentName = “C:UsersMaryDocumentsAccessInvoice.pdf”
DoCmd.OpenReport StrReport, acViewPreview
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, StrReport, "PDFFormat(*.pdf)", StrDocumentName, False
DoCmd.Close acReport, StrReport, acSaveNo

This error occurs at the OutputTo line. This code is part of an user form with a button “save as PDF”.
When this code is run, the report is visible as an example (as meant to be) on the screen. The code stops at the OutputTo line.

When I use
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, StrReport, acFormatPDF, StrDocumentName,, False
the problem still exists.

I tried to save the report manually by Preview > Export > PDF. The preview is OK, saving as PDF results in the same error 2501. This may lead to the conclusion that this problem is not caused by the VBA code.

I verified whether user write rights are OK, and whether a default printer is available. Both are OK. The report consists of 1 page.
When this very same application is used with Access 2010, everything functions as expected.

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Reports :: Generate Report File Name

Apr 28, 2014

I have a report named PIRREPORTFORMD17792. Every time I try to print out a record, the MS Access 2010 uses PIRREPORTFORMD17792 as a default file name.Instead of using PIRREPORTFORMD17792 as a default file name for all the reports, I would like to use a field on the form for the file name. This field called PIRNO. This field will automatically generate a number whenever a new record is added.

If I am on a record shown PIR20014-0001, then I want the file name of this report (in PDF) to be PIR20014-0001.

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