Reports :: Combine Two Cross-tab Queries In A Report

Mar 19, 2013

I understand that I can't set multiple "values" in a crosstab query but I need to have both a UPC and a price display in a report(Price List) for Our Exotic Wood selections like so:

Wood Type 4/4 5/4 8/4 12/4 16/4 20/4 24/4

Afr. Mahogany |||| ||| ||| |||| |||| |||| ||||
$15 $20 $30 $40 $50 $60 $70

Rosewood |||| ||| ||| |||| |||| |||| ||||
$15 $20 $30 $40 $50 $60 $70

I have 2 crosstab queries one that gets the price and one that gets the UPC I can join them and get it to print on every other line but there is no way that i can find to print two lines at a time in a report so my question is there a way to achieve the outcome described above with two crosstab queries? do I need more queries or a different kind of query?

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Queries :: Combine Cross Tab Query

Nov 9, 2013

how to combine 3 cross tab queries values into one daily progress report, transpose format. The values from each crosstab query are

1) Spent hours
2) Qty installed
3) Earned hours.

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Reports :: Combine Two Queries Into One Report Source

Feb 27, 2015

I have a database that reports activities by region.

Each week, my regional volunteers report statistics on a number of club activities. This is in the form of zero to theoretically infinite activity reports that they enter on a website. I download the .csv from the website, add the activity reports to the activity table and send them a totals summary every now and then.

The summary report shows figures for every club in the region, even if no activity reports have been entered for that club that week or ever.

This works fine, including forcing the query to return zeros when no reports have been submitted for that club.

What I want to do is have the report also show (in brackets next to each figure) the position as it was X number of days previously.

I can make the query and report to show the figures now.

I can make the query and report to show the figures X days ago.

What I cannot work out is how to combine the two queries into one report source so that I can get

Club 1 100(50) 75(0) 45(45)
Club 2 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
Club 3 20(19) 0(0) 200(50)


If I try and make a third query that gets the sums from qryNow and the sums from qryXdaysago for each record in qryClubsByRegion, I get two lines for each club.

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Reports :: Getting Sum In Dynamic Cross Tab Report

Jul 28, 2013

I created a dynamic crosstab report with 4 unbound fields in the details section and 4 unbound fields in the header section, which all work perfectly well. The crosstab query contains 17 columns. The last 4 columns contain the values I need to take the sum of. I have put some code in the open event procedure of the report.

Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim db As DAO.Database
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("Select * from Que_ProjectUren_Sel_Dept_Test")


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Reports :: Can Create A Report A Little Like Cross Tab Query But Without Adding Anything Up?

Mar 6, 2015

I want to present some data in what seems to me like it would be a very natural and normal format, however have so far been unable to figure out how to do it.I record attendance data for a children's after school club in a table as follows (simplified):

AttendanceID - autonumber
AttendeeName - text
AttendanceDate - date
Attended - True / False

The data looks like this in the table. I would like to be able to easily see who attended on which days, so I would like to therefore see the data laid out like this:

The Crosstab query looks almost like it would do what I wanted, however it seems to insist on adding something up, rather than just showing me the value true or false.

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Reports :: Cross Tab Report Versus Dynamic Columns

Apr 22, 2014

I have made a cross-tab query which works fine. I also have made a report which is based on this cross-tab query. Due to nature of the cross-tab query the Value column(s) is dynamic. The report I made is based on all available data types (columns). The report works if all data type is available but the report fails if some of the data types are not available (i.e columns are missing due to not having any value or data). I hope I am explaining this correctly,

Is there a way I can use expressions in the report to place a conditional clause that if the Control Source doesn't exist place a Null or 0 in the report or in its place.

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Reports :: How To Combine Queries Into A Summary Query Of Sorting

Mar 21, 2013

i intially, I wish to have attendance stats for 3 groups of people over 2 days in a report

i have the two queries for the raw data, but wish to combine into a report that will ultimately become a "dashboard" report for half a dozen queries., and can only get one or the other to work do i need to combine the queries into a summary query of sorts?

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Cross Tab Query For 3 Month Per Report

Jun 13, 2005

I am trying to create a cross tab query which will output the data for only three months starting from the recent month. I would want these months to be heading. However, I don't want to create reports over and over again. I want something, that will resolve the issue through parameters kinda thing. I don't know, if this can be done or not. Right now I have the cross tab query for all the months, but I have to manually choose the months to fit in the page. I hope I am making sense here. I didn't know where to post this, in query or in report. Therefore, I am posting it here.

Thanx in adv.

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Combining Cross Tab Queries

Jan 25, 2006

I have a number of cross tab queries which I run on a weekly basis, each of which is running from a different date field in the database (e.g. one query for orders received based on 'Received Date', another for orders complete based on 'Received Date'. On a weekly basis I have to open each query in design view, edit the start and end date for the week and execute the query. It would save significant time if I could enter a date range once into a form and run the series of queries based on these parameters. Any thoughts?:) :)

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Queries :: Cross Table By Date

Oct 8, 2014

I have this cross table for a query called OUTPUT. The query has four fields (country, indicator, value and date). I want to cross table by date as follows:


This works fine but I'd like to visualise the date formatted by quarters instead of dd/mm/yyyy. I have modified my SQL code as follows:

PIVOT "Q" & DatePart("q",OUTPUT.[date]) & " " & Year(OUTPUT.[date]);

My problem is that using the DatePart and Year functions I miss the sorting.

Is there any approach that allows me to keep the date sorted in the cross table?

I have also tried to include the date formatting in the OUTPUT query and to sort the date there. It works fine there but when I create the cross table I again loose the sorting.

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Combine Fields In Reports

Mar 26, 2007

I have two reports, "Quick Glance Report" and "Note Report". The Quick Glance Report comes from a query called (ACE/ARB Table Query) and the Note Report comes from a query called (notequery).

I want to be able to have a calculated field from the "Note Report" in the "Quick Glance Report". Am I able to show a calculated field from one report into another report and how would I do this (If I can that is)?

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Queries :: Ordering Columns Cross Tab Query

Nov 26, 2013

I have a cross tab query. Essentially it groups together posted volumes into week numbers for different offices.

However, when I run the query, the order of the columns is not in a logical number order. I get Week 1 then Week 10 then Week 11 and Week 2 is further down the list and then Week 20 comes after that.

I would like if at all possible the Week Numbers to follow after one another i.e. Week 1 first then up to Week 52 in correct number order.

In my Dates Table I do have a SortID column which I hoped would resolve this issue so I could sort on the SortID column however this fails to work.

Attached is the query...

PARAMETERS [Forms]![frmSumOfVolByCCAndFormat]![cmbOfficeSearch] Text ( 255 ), Forms![frmSumOfVolByCCAndFormat]![txtStartDate] DateTime, Forms![frmSumOfVolByCCAndFormat]![txtEndDate] DateTime;
TRANSFORM Sum(tblTrafficEast.TrafficVolume) AS SumOfTrafficVolume
SELECT tblOffice.CostCentre, tblOffice.OfficeName, tblTrafficFormat.Format, Sum(tblTrafficEast.TrafficVolume) AS [Total Volume]

[Code] ....

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Queries :: Query To Cross-tabulate Data

Jun 20, 2013

I asked 18 people to each sort 100 statements into piles based on the similarity of the statements. The results are arranged as below.For example:

- Bob sorted statements 1, 3, and 100 into the same pile (Pile ID = 5), and statements 2 and 4 into the same pile (Pile ID = 2).
- Mary sorted statements 1 and 100 into the same pile (Pile ID = 3).

SubjectID StatementID PileID
Bob 1 5
Bob 2 2
Bob 3 5
Bob 4 2


I need to create separate summaries for each Subject. The summary should indicate, for every possible pair of statements (1 & 1, 1 & 2, 1 & 3 ... 100 & 100), a 1 if the person sorted both statements into the same pile and a 0 if they didn't. Identical statement pairs (e.g., 1 & 1) should always get 1.

StatementIndex1 StatementIndex2 Similarity
1 1 1 (identical statements always get a 1)
1 2 0 (Bob did not sort statements 1 & 2 into the same pile)
1 3 1 (Bob sorted 1 & 3 into the same pile)
1 4 0 (Bob did not sort 1 & 4 into the same pile)


I'm assuming a crosstab query is a start, but I couldn't figure out how to set it up.

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Queries :: Dynamic Cross Tab Query - Column Sort By Corresponding ID

Apr 23, 2015

I have a dynamic cross tab query - thus the column headings will change each time it is run.

At present the column headings are displayed in alphabetical order - how can I change this so they are based on a different order - eg by the descriptions corresponding ID

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Reports :: Combine A Text And Memo Field

May 10, 2013

I am having trouble creating a specifically formatted report.

Anyway, I have two fields: [Title] (plain text) and [Description] (memo). I want to combine the two but have the Title bold underlined but not the Description. I want it to look like this:

This is the Title. And this is the decription part that could go on for many, many more lines...

I have tried combining the two fields like: =[Title] & [Description] but if I set the properly to underline, then the whole thing is underlined.

Since the Title will vary in length, I cannot just underline the Title and then put the Description field next to it.

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Reports :: Combine Text Box With Value From A Field In Table

Aug 13, 2013

I have a problem when I try to combine in a text box a text and value from field in a table.

I would like to have a text like this:

Ref nr: 1

"Ref nr" would be a text in a report
"1" would be the nr of the ID of the client.

I tried:

="Ref nr " & [ID]

It simply does not work. No clue where I go wrong.

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Queries :: MS Access Cross Tab Query - Date Range Filtering

Aug 14, 2013

I just wanted to know how can i set a parameter on the following cross tab query to filter dates. Date field is [pdate By Day].

TRANSFORM Sum([PettyMaster Query2].Amount) AS SumOfAmount
SELECT [PettyMaster Query2].[Petty Cat].Field2, [PettyMaster Query2].[pdate By Day], [PettyMaster Query2].ProjLoc, [PettyMaster Query2].descriptionofpay, [PettyMaster Query2].projno
FROM PettyMaster, [PettyMaster Query2]
GROUP BY [PettyMaster Query2].[Petty Cat].Field2, [PettyMaster Query2].[pdate By Day], [PettyMaster Query2].ProjLoc, [PettyMaster Query2].descriptionofpay, [PettyMaster Query2].projno
PIVOT [PettyMaster Query2].PettyCOA.Field2;

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Reports :: Generate Report From More Than Two Queries

Sep 10, 2013

I have to compile a report from more than two queries. All queries have a field common between them.

query1 gives name, address and contact number of all the 30 students in a class
query2 gives semester wise marks obtained by each student
query3 gives performance in sports of each student.

All the three queries have name of the student common in them.

Now I wish to generate a report card which should be as under:

1. The record of query1, query2 and query3 corresponding to a particular student should come together.
2. The record of query1, query2 and query3 corresponding to the next students should come after that and so on.....

I tried using a sub-report but it ends up displaying all the records of query1 first and then all the records of query2 and so on...

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Reports :: Multiple Queries Into One Report

Jun 18, 2013

We have a database that has around 30 queries that are ran on a monthly basis. They all have unique criteria (but there is a crossover of fields that are used), and are all set up so they show only the previous month's data (the date is taken from one date field for some queries, and another date field for others).

We run the queries, and only need the 'count' of number of records that fit the query each month.I was wondering if it is possible to create a report that will run the queries simultaneously, and show the 'count' of the query results in predetermined fields.

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Queries :: Combine Two Queries Result Of Second Query In Another Column

Mar 15, 2014

i I have two queries.. What i'm hoping is to combine the result into one query but not in one column only but instead the result of the second query should be beside the first query.. The result of the second query should be added as a new column.

First Query

SELECT tbl_uSers.UserName, Count(tbl_rEceived_eMail.EntryID) AS eMailReceived
FROM tbl_rEceived_eMail INNER JOIN tbl_uSers ON tbl_rEceived_eMail.UseriD = tbl_uSers.UseriD
GROUP BY tbl_uSers.UserName;

Second Query

SELECT tbl_uSers.UserName, Count(tbl_rEceived_eMail.EntryID) AS eMailProcessed
FROM tbl_rEceived_eMail INNER JOIN tbl_uSers ON tbl_rEceived_eMail.UseriD = tbl_uSers.UseriD
GROUP BY tbl_uSers.UserName, tbl_rEceived_eMail.ProcessedYN
HAVING (((tbl_rEceived_eMail.ProcessedYN)="Y"));

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Queries :: How To Do Combine Two Different Queries In UNION Query

Oct 28, 2013

Am trying many times in UNION query but its not working because there is different field names and only some fields are matched. So I need to both query's are combine in 1 query.

They Quays details:

1.Customer Credit Transaction1
2.Customer Credit Transaction2

Above both queries are already combined in UNION query as (Customer Credit Transaction Final) its not a problem.So now I need to do combine the above Union query Customer Credit Transaction Final & ReceiptformQry.

The both query details:

Customer Credit Transaction Final
SELECT BillBook1.TID, BillBook1.BILLNo, BillBook1.BILLDate, BillBook1.Customer, BillBook1.BillMode, [BillBook1 Vat Details].[TOTAL Rs] AS [CC Amount]
FROM BillBook1 INNER JOIN [BillBook1 Vat Details] ON BillBook1.TID = [BillBook1 Vat Details].TID
WHERE (((BillBook1.BillMode)="Credit"));


Above fields are need to merge in Union query or otherwise. and remaining fields are needed to show separately.

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Combine Queries

Jun 8, 2005


I have a problem to solve,


4 67

4 0 67

how can I join table1 and table2 to table3?

Many thanks,

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Combine Two Sql Queries - See Example

Jul 11, 2006

I have the following two queries



How do I combine these to make one?

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How To Combine 2 Queries?

Sep 29, 2006

I have the following 2 queries:

SELECT DISTINCTROW tbl_members.surname, Count(tbl_years.year) AS CountOfyear
FROM tbl_members INNER JOIN (tbl_years INNER JOIN tbl_subscriptions ON (tbl_years.ID_year = tbl_subscriptions.ID_year) AND (tbl_years.ID_year = tbl_subscriptions.ID_year)) ON tbl_members.ID_member = tbl_subscriptions.ID_member
GROUP BY tbl_subscriptions.subscription_fee, tbl_members.surname
HAVING (((tbl_subscriptions.subscription_fee)=0));

This query displays a list with the surname of the member and the Count of the Years he/she did not pay the annual subscription, hence where subscription_fee = 0

TRANSFORM Sum(tbl_subscriptions.subscription_fee) AS SumOfsubscription_fee
SELECT tbl_members.surname,, tbl_members.mobilephone
FROM tbl_members INNER JOIN (tbl_years INNER JOIN tbl_subscriptions ON (tbl_years.ID_year = tbl_subscriptions.ID_year) AND (tbl_years.ID_year = tbl_subscriptions.ID_year)) ON tbl_members.ID_member = tbl_subscriptions.ID_member
WHERE (((tbl_years.year)>Year(Date())-"6"))
GROUP BY tbl_members.surname,, tbl_members.mobilephone
PIVOT tbl_years.year;

This query displays a list with the surname, name, mobile phone of the member along with the money he/she paid for the last 5 years as you can see from
WHERE (((tbl_years.year)>Year(Date())-"6"))

My question is: is it possible to combine those 2 lists and have one where all of the following columns will be listed?
Surname, Name, Mobilephone, Count of years with 0 payment, a column for each year of the last 5

Thanks in advance.

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Possible To Combine Two Queries?

Jun 21, 2007

I have two queries that I am interested in combining into one if possible. I'm trying to learn Access and SQL on-the-fly, so feel free to point out any noob mistakes I am making.

The first query simply pulls certain records from a table:

SELECT Sensor5.LaneName, Sensor5.SensorTime, Sensor5.Speed, Sensor5.Volume
FROM Sensor5
WHERE (((Sensor5.LaneName)="NB1" Or (Sensor5.LaneName)="NB2" Or (Sensor5.LaneName)="NB3") AND ((Sensor5.Volume)>0) AND ((Sensor5.SensorDate)="4/17/2007" Or (Sensor5.SensorDate)="4/18/2007" Or (Sensor5.SensorDate)="4/19/2007" Or (Sensor5.SensorDate)="4/20/2007" Or (Sensor5.SensorDate)="4/23/2007" Or (Sensor5.SensorDate)="4/24/2007" Or (Sensor5.SensorDate)="4/25/2007" Or (Sensor5.SensorDate)="4/26/2007" Or (Sensor5.SensorDate)="4/27/2007"));

The second query then takes averages and sums from this first query, grouping by a third field (SensorTime). This results in weeks of data being compiled into a single record for each time interval in a 24-hour period. See below:

SELECT SpeedWeekday5NB.SensorTime, Avg(SpeedWeekday5NB.Speed) AS AvgSpeed, Sum(SpeedWeekday5NB.Volume) AS SumVolume
FROM SpeedWeekday5NB
GROUP BY SpeedWeekday5NB.SensorTime;

Is there any way I can streamline this process by combining the two queries into a more complex single query, or should I leave things as-is? Any advice is much appreciated!

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Combine Two Queries

Aug 3, 2007

I would like to take these two queries and combine them into one if possible. This is the first query:


And this is the second query which is based on the results of the first query:


Can this be done and if yes can someone show me how? Thanks

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