Reports :: Duplicate Fields Not Always Hidden

Feb 22, 2015

I have a report based on a query.

I have this grouped by a jobid.

For each field on the report I have hide duplicates set to yes. for each job id most of the line should be hidden except for a couple of fields (part used and description).

This works in 99% of cases but I occasionally I get the whole line repeated

I've treble checked that the fields are duplicates (they are) and am at a loss what to look for.

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Hidden Fields?

Mar 3, 2006

Hi guys

firstly, i have been searching the forum for previous posts on this issue - I was hoping someone else has asked this question before... no luck tho

if someone can point me the right direction that would be great(im guessing it will have to be done through VB) - I wanted to know if it is possible to have a "hidden" field in my primary form, which would be set to autonumber, so that when the user fills in and submits this first form, the hidden autonumber can be passed to subsequent forms.

anyone have any ideas?

Thanks in advance


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Reports :: Hidden Count Box For Dividing A Set Of Values

Aug 11, 2015

I am trying to get my report to divided numbers that are there. I get this data from subreports, then want it divided by the appropriate number. Example:

this would equal 48, but I want it to be divided by 3, not by 6. Or say the next report would have:


which would equal 45 and this would be divided by 5, not by 6.I was wondering is there a way by creating a hidden box that would check each value to see what it would be divided by. Example: iff(report.hasdata, control +=1)

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Reports :: Hidden Query Request In Report Design

Nov 20, 2013

I am trying to discover the code that is asking for a phantom query in Subreports. Each Subreports control source query works fine.

I have attached two zipped files

1. Database stripped to send
2. SnapShots of the problem.

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Reports :: Eliminate Whitespace For Hidden Report Columns

Aug 20, 2013

I have a large tabular report, 22" and 18 columns. In the report footer I have for each column a series of calculated fields, specific to that column. For example, one of my columns is NumberofCreditsEarned. The calculated fields at the bottom of it are min, max and avg. Another one is Gender, and the calculated fields at the bottom of that one count the males and females and give percentages of each.

I designed a basic form with 18 checkboxes, so users could select as many or as few columns as they want. My original idea was to use the checkboxes to show the desired columns (along with the calculations for those columns) and hide the rest.

The issue is that while the column may be hidden, the white space is not. If I can't find a way to get rid of it, my reporting tool won't be feasible to use. I've researched using "can grow" and "can shrink", but I dont think they'd work on a tabular report like this, where all of the controls are the same height and width, and on the same line.

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Reports :: Possible To Open A Report With Access Main Window Hidden?

Jul 18, 2014

I'm working on a database that produces employee contracts. To make it look as professional as possible I hide the Access main window when the splash screen loads using the ShowWindow function. The various forms to check and enter details all pop up without any problem, but when I get to the last stage where I use a report to produce the contract and then open it in PrintPreview mode, it won't display (unless I show the main window again , which looks very untidy!). Is it actually possible to display a report with the main Access window hidden?

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Forms :: How To Make Hidden Fields Permanently Appear When Another Field Is Changed

Jan 14, 2015

i have a form that shows payments (checks) that have been issued. sometimes those checks need to be voided and i want 2 fields (Updated By and Updated Date) to pop up when the payment distribution field is changed to a void status.

payment distribution: "I" for issued and "V" for void

i've gotten the On Change Event to work with VBA when the payment distribution changes from "I" to "V" and the 2 new fields pop up but if i exit the form and go back in to look at that record, the fields are gone. Is there a way to make the fields permanently if the payment is "V" on the form?

this is what i have so far for the On Change Event:

If [payment distribution] = "V" Then
me.cmbo_UpdatedBy = True
me.txt_UpdatedDate = True
me.cmbo_UpdatedBy = False
me.txt_UpdatedDate = False
End If
End Sub

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Print One Of Duplicate Reports

May 16, 2005

Hello everyone

I have a little print problem
I have a student database with student code, addresses, names etc.
Because there are so many records i nedd to print them in batches of 100
i did select top 100 but i have duplicates
Is there a way where before a reports gets printed to check to see if its a duplicate to print only one.

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Reports :: Duplicate Is Blank On Report

Jun 14, 2013

I have a report that spits out several names of individuals, I have it in ascending order and if there happens to be a duplicate the second, third etc. are all left blank on the report, is there anyway to prevent this from happening.

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Help With Duplicate Fields Please!

Dec 9, 2004

Hi, doing my project at college, decided to do a EPOS simulator for my sisters business based around barcodes etc and tied to a database. i've just knocked up something after normalising my data to prototype it to see if it is viable. I'm having problems with duplicate field entries. My db consists of essentially 4 tables at this point:

User : user ID, User Details

Product: Product ID, Barcode, Description, Cost Price, Sell Price

Transaction: Transaction Number, Date, User ID, Transaction Total

Transaction/Product - a compound key which is to manage the many to many that exists between Product and Transaction tables.

I am wanting to allow multiple entries for the same item, i.e. multiple scans, not a single sacn followed by a quantity. I keep getting an error message though that syas I am duplicating fields. I have tried altering the Index property for the fields in the Product/Transaction table but htis has had little effect.

Any thoughts please as to how to do this? I have attached the db for examination.

many thanks, Lol :D

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Reports :: Move Or Hide Duplicate Records?

May 8, 2013

I'm having trouble with one of my reports. attached is a screencap of my report. The second name which is highlighted i need to either nudge it to the right so it is not directly under the first name OR remove it completely but keep the times and a gap for the next record.

I am creating is a sign in database where staff sign in/out for each day of a week. the issue is when the staff member signs in/out in the morning and then does the same when they get back from lunch it is difficult to read. This report is only printed once a week and will not show after a time frame of 5 days.

So, i still need that name to show up for the next day.

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Reports :: Report Giving Duplicate Subreports

Apr 15, 2015

In my database, I have a report called "rptEventsbyEmployee" and in that a subreport called "sbrptEventsbyEmployee". The master/child link is the employee name. Everything is fine until you get to page 3 where the subreport shows twice.

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Reports :: Multiple Duplicate Records In Subform

Mar 9, 2015

I currently have a report which contains a subform. The master/child fields used to link them are called 'StudentID'.

In the table on which the subform is based, it is possible for multiple records to be associated with a single StudentID: in this case, the subform shows the locations where a student is studying, therefore if a student is based in three different locations the subform will display all three.

This seems to be resulting, when I run the master report, in three identical iterations of the same report being displayed (at least this is the only reason i can see why these duplicates would be displayed; it doesn't happen if a student only has one record in the subform).

Clearly, as a single instance of the report shows all three records in the subform anyway, I don't want to be seeing these duplicates.

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Reports :: Not Count Duplicate Records In Report

Mar 30, 2015

I have a simple report which looks as given below:

ID Number Products
122 Cups
133 Pencils
122 Cups
133 Pencils

When I use the count function I get the total count of the record as 4.what I want is count the product varieties which should be 2

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Reports :: Duplicate Records In Print Preview

May 7, 2014

I have a small database for some data collection having One main Table and then sub Tables, then Main form and sub form then Main Report and sub Reports forms.

For each main records there are several sub records in sub tables. Now the problem is that when i Print Preview the report so i see repeatation/ duplicate of the records; while if any record have only one record so that don't have any duplicate.

Now how to stop duplicate due to the subtable in Reports

If my above statement is not clear so i can attach the database...

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I Need To Match 3 Fields For Duplicate

Sep 26, 2005

I am exporting an Oracle report to excel, and using an Access macro to import into a table.
The records contain some duplicate info that I do want to capture, but I don't want to import the same records. (I import the file on one day, and someone comes in and imports the same file later).
This would work if I could get the table to not duplicate if three of the fields are the same as an existing record. I tried using the index, but it reconizes any/all of the fields that duplicate.
Any help would be appreciated.

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Querying Duplicate Fields

Jul 14, 2005

Please can anybody help.
I wanted to have a form containing a list of members forenames and surnames in one record. I wanted to be able to input the members reference number and then the forename and surname would be automatically filled in.
I have achieved this through a query based on a table with ten foreign keys for the members. The query uses the members table ten times to join the ten foreign keys.
This works fine and the form runs with space for ten members and I can enter a members reference number in each field and their forenames and surnames are filled in.
The problem is that I wish to run queries with members surnames as criteria to bring out all records containing those members. How can this be done without having to set the criteria in the query in each of the members surname fields.

I know I can do this if I have a separate record for each member in the form
but I really need ten members in each record.
I hope this makes sense and somebody can help.

Thanks in advance

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How To Avoid Duplicate Column Values In Access Reports

Dec 31, 2010

I have a report which has say two columns - staff number and visit date. For a staff number (which is unique) there may be more than one visit date. But I want to list a staff number only once and not multiple times in the column (but want all the visit dates of course). How can I do that?

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Reports :: Summing Calculated Fields On Reports And Tables To Include Cents?

Feb 18, 2014

In my tables i have used calculated fields. one of the fields is to "total expenses." In a report, i need to show the sum of all the "total expenses", the filed populates in the report but the cents are missing. for example if the amount is 6080.40 it shows as 6080. how can i get around this? I have tried changing the decimal point value to 2 at which point the value turns to 6080.00 when it should be 6080.40 (i am a beginner at this i am assuming the answer will probably involve c++ or visual basic's, two concepts i am not familiar with.)

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Check For Duplicate Record By 2 Fields

Mar 12, 2007

dear all

i managed to get checking for duplicate record by ONE field ie member_no

code :

If DCount("*", "runner", "member_no = " & Me.member_no) > 1 Then
MsgBox " This member is already exist!" & vbCrLf
End If

how i want to get checking duplicate record by TWO fields ie member_no and run_no ?

thanks in advance

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Help Finding Duplicate Of Reversed Fields

Feb 14, 2008


This is my first post and i searched to try and find an answer on the forums but can't seem to find one so thought i'd ask to see if anyone is able to help. Sorry if this has been answered before and i've been a bit thick not been able to find it. anyway here's my question...

I have 2 fields i want to check in my database DOB1 and DOB2 (date of birth of applicant 1 and date of birth of applicant 2.

i've written a query that looks for any records where the data in DOB1 and DOB2 match the data in another record for DOB1 and DOB2. i hope that makes sense. this is what i've written.

In (SELECT [App1 DOB] FROM [Data] As Tmp GROUP BY [App1 DOB],[App2 DOB] HAVING Count(*)>1 And [App2 DOB] = [Data].[App2 DOB])

this seems to work but please feel free to correct me.

Now the part i'm struggling with is trying to find duplicates where the fields have been reversed. eg App1 DOB and App2 DOB are the same as App1 DOB and App2 DOB in another record but applicant 1's Date of birth has been stored as Applicant 2 and Applicant 2 is now stored as Applicant 1. i hope thats not to confusing.

Basically i'm trying to check for duplicate mortgage applications in the database but sometimes applicant 1 and applicant 2 are reversed.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Duplicate Record And Increment Several Fields

Jul 3, 2006

I have a document database that often deals with multiple copies of a document. Each copy must have a record of its own. With the add new record form I would like the user to be able to add the extra copies automatically by duplicating the first entry "n" times but also incrementing the copy number field by one for each copy. Got the duplicate copy done OK but am stuck on how to increment the copy number. This database forms part of my yearly assessment and is due in a couple of weeks so would welcome some help.

many thanks

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Tables :: Duplicate Over Multiple Fields

Sep 21, 2012

I have a table that is going to track people. First Name, Last Name, and Date of Birth in three separate fields.I dont want to be able to add the same person in the table. How do i do this when the data is in separate fields.

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Queries :: Duplicate Data From Two Different Fields

Jul 2, 2014

Any way to query duplicate data from two different fields from two different tables in the same access 2010 project. I first quried the first part since it combines the first 3 columns to create another value (i.e. 52 & 60 = 5260).

So I created the concatenative value but now I have to compare to another field to display what results are found in both the concatenative and the other (APN in the file). I tried using query wizard but it is for only one field. I understand you have to use joins but the destination filed is what gets me.

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Duplicate/Multiple Fields In A Table (Recordset?)

Jan 30, 2006

Hi All,

A bit new to this, any help most appreciated.

I'm trying to set up a table which will have multiple fields (a recordset? is that right, if so I don't know how to set one up in access). Its for a skill set which is utilised by specific lines in a production plant.

Each line in the plant has a set of skills required. I have a skills table (SkillID and Skill), what I want to do is have a Skillset which I can then link to each line

So for example Skillset 1 with a SkillsetID will also have in that table skill 1, skill 2, skill 3, but all taken from the Skill table. However that would involve having the SkillID field numerous times in the same table, but this cannot be done?

The idea is that for each line I can link the Line table to the Skillset table and that tells you what skills are needed for that line.

I hope this makes sense.

Thanks all.

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Preventing Duplicate Data From Multiple Fields

Mar 4, 2008

Hello All,

I'm trying to limit the data entered into a specifc field, but also the data must be unique with respect to other fields.

Two fields: System A & System B.
Data entered into System A, can not be entered into System B.

Anyway to prevent this from recurring?
Would I use a validation rule?

Thanks in advance

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