Reports :: Hide Text Box If A Subform Is Empty

Aug 30, 2013

I have a report with some subreport in it. I have there on top a textbox with the title of the subreport. What I need is that if there is no data in the subreport, it should be invisible and only show up when there is data in the subreport.

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Reports :: How To Hide Empty OLE Field

Nov 22, 2013

I have a report that gives an update on construction projects. I've recently added an OLE field so I could attach photos and pdfs. I would like to see the photos and pdfs but not the empty space for the OLE field. I also want to see the construction project data even if there is no OLE. If I use the 'Is Not' Null in the query, the whole project record is not generated in the report. Is that enought info to solve?

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Reports :: Hide Or Filter Out Empty Records

Apr 29, 2015

I am looking for a way to hide or filter out the records in my reports if all of the values are 0. My problem is that all of my reports have their filters set on the event that opens the report. I use an If statement to decide which report to open, which means that different reports use different fields. This means I can't just add 'AND April_T <> 0' or something to the filter.

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General :: Hide Rows Containing Formulas But No Data Empty Text?

Jun 22, 2012

I am exporting data from Access to excel, once all the data is exported into multiple sheets. I have one Master Sheet which has formula / reference to other sheets. I want to hide those rows which do not have data but contain formulaes referencing back to another sheet.

How to hide those records has formula but do not have data.

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Empty Subform

May 30, 2006

Hi guys, here is my new problem.I have a form which conatins a subform that shows info from a query.I created a query which shows records from table history when the field comment is like *code 1.the criteria in the query, in the comment field is: [forms]![edititem]![vconcate]In the edititem form i have a hidden field called vconcate which receives the value as follows:me.vconcate= "*code " & me.winecode (me.winecode is integer)after assigning the value to vconcate i display the vconcate value and shows*code 1, as it should be. However, the subform doesnt displays any record.I also tryed to insert the query in the editform, but nothing.if i run the query from the query window, and fill the value as *code 1, it is more info:when the edititem is open, the user has to select a wine code from a combo box. After this selection the values are assigned to me.winecode and the me.vconcate. Because when i open the form edititem these codes are null or empty the subform is empty. Is there any way to refresh the subform via code?any suggestion?

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Reports :: Report Excluding Empty Fields?

Jul 23, 2013

I have a hourly report I need to run and one of the records will always be filled with a name of the employee. I need to hardkey some data in every day and instead of changing who is there that day I would like to be able to enter in, for example, sales data in a seperate record and when I go to create the report it will exclude any employee names that have 0 sales data or a blank record. so the table would be something like:


So when I run the report it will only pull Mathew's name and sales information and leave John and Steve off the report.

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Reports :: If One Subreport Has Empty Fields Then Show None

Aug 20, 2013

I have some fields in form that most of the time have data in them. Now comes that when there is no data, there should be one different field filled in with "None."

The client could have 3 types of products, but when he does have none, the "None." should appear. Another catch is that I have the titles for the products on a textbox above the products. Is it possible to have them not appear in the report if the client has no products?

I guess that it could work like in excel with an IF statment. If no values found, then keep those text boxes from appearing on the report and put a text with "None."

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Reports :: Empty Fields In Record - Not Shrinking

Sep 3, 2014

I have a report that has the addresses from the client and auditor on the same level. The address of the auditor is on the left side and the client on the right side. They have both the same layout:

Auditor - client
Attn auditor - attn client

When the Attn for the auditor is empty, it will show and empty space between auditor name and auditor address.
All the fields have the can shrink to yes, but if they are on the same level in the report, the one have text in it, forces the empty space.

Is there a workaround for this?

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Reports :: Visibility Based On Whether Table Field Is Empty

Jul 11, 2013

I'm having trouble with syntax for using VBA on a report in Access 2007. I need to some hide 3 text boxes if one of my fields is empty in a table. The table name is: 'ALM-RESP' with rows grouped by: 'TAG NAME' and the field I'm checking is: 'Rev 002 Author'. I've tried having a rectangle to cover it up but I'm having trouble using the IsNull command and setting the visibility of the rectangle. Here's my code:

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
If IsNull([ALRM-RESP]![TAG NAME]![Rev 002 Author].Value) Then REV2BOX.Visible = False
End Sub

Basically I'm having trouble checking if the field is empty and then setting the visibility.

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Hide Forms / Reports

Jul 24, 2007

Hi all,

I was wondering if there was a way to hide certain forms or reports from the view when you open an mdb? I would still like them to view it if the form thats not hidden opens the hidden report or form as well.

How would i go about doing this?

Thanks alot

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VBA To Find First Empty Cell In A Row And Insert Text

Sep 20, 2012

I'm using Access to export the results of a query to Excel and within the same code I am opening up the spreadsheet to format it. Part of the formatting requires me to find the first empty cell in column A, and then insert the text 'Summary'.

Within Excel, the following code works:

Find empty cell:

Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Select
Add term 'Summary' to cell:

ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Summary"

I've tried a few different things based on some code I've found on the net from similar situations, but in just about all attempts I get an object defined error. I've tried dimming the piece of code as an object, but when it comes to VBA, I'm just fumbling through.

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Forms :: Disable Subform Filter If Combo Box Is Empty

Sep 21, 2014

I have a form called frmSearch with an option group called grpSearch ,a combobox called comboNyaba and subform called subform_CasesSearch has a checkbox called CaseClosed

The combobox filter the subform based on option group choice and value in textbox called NyID ... it works fine except that if the combobox is empty it give me error the code in main form i put it on Load and on current

Private Sub Form_Load()
With Me.subform_CasesSearch.Form
If Me.grpSearch.Value = 1 Then
.Filter = "NyID = " & Me.ComboNyaba


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Reports :: Hide Graph If There Is No Data

Sep 11, 2014

I have a report that contains 5 graphs, one for each day of the week. I run this report daily. When I run the report on a Monday, only the Monday graph displays data and the other graphs are blank as there is no data for that day just yet. Is it possible to hide these graphs if there is no data? I did find one suggestion to create a text box with the following code

Private Sub Report()
If [SumOfWed] = 0 Then
Me.Graph24.Visible = False
Me.Graph24.Visible = True
End If

This does't work for me.Graph24 is the name of Wednesdays graph and the row source for the graph is TRANSFORM Sum([Wed]) AS [SumOfWed] SELECT [Machine] FROM [qryShiftDays] GROUP BY [Machine] PIVOT [Shift];

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Reports :: Hide Column When No Data?

May 22, 2015

I have a report in access having multiple columns. because of multiple columns it is not possible to display it in A4 size.

I want to hide the column when there is no data, Is there any possibility to hide column on the basis of criteria ?

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Reports :: How To Hide Group Header

Feb 5, 2015

In my Db , Med. Lab Results

in RptMain

I want HeadSecndGrop is Hide if :

SubName , has one related Service (test).

I haven't enter all Group members of SubName (like in orderID 1)

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Hide Subform If Criteria Is Met

Apr 12, 2006

I have a main form which has a subform with another subform in it. Subform 1 gives details of a loan and a balance field which is calculated in subform 2 after amt paid is entered - using a macro on exit.

If the balance is zero after amt paid is entered. I want the amt paid field in subform 2 to be locked or disabled - preventing the user from entering further payments by mistake.

How can I do this?

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Hide Subform If No Records

Jul 27, 2005

Is there a way to hide a subform on a main form if there is no records in the subform?

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If Some Text Boxes Empty Dont Allow Other Fields Access

Jul 27, 2005

Hello Friends,

Thank you for all the help i have gotten over the past couple days, as you can tell i am new and seek somebodys experience and wisdom to solve my issue.

I have a simple Form, That allows the users to enter contact information.

At the very top I have "Name" and "Age" and below it i have other fields such as Address, city, state, etc...

How can I make it so the user does not have access to the other information until they type in BOTH fields "Name" and "age" first.

Can somebody please show me how the Code might look like.

Thank you for your time.

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Tables :: How To Insert Text Box Value To First Empty Cell In Table

Mar 17, 2014

I have a simple form (frmAddPaper): txtPaper where user enters name of new newspaper, and cboCity, where user selects the newspapers town.

Also Close and Save buttons.I also have a table, tblCity. Columns as follow: CityID, City, Paper1, Paper2, Paper3, Paper4, Paper5, Paper 6.

Some cities have values (Newspaper names) in just Paper1 field. Others in Paper 1 & Paper 2, and some in Paper1, Paper2 and Paper3.I want to add the txtPaper value, to the first empty column, in the row where cboCity matches City column.

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Hide Access Window Task Bar And Reports

Nov 15, 2005


I've been using Dev Avish's excellent code shown within the sample database section to hide access windows. I've taken his call fsetAccessWindow function and set it to 1 or normal in two separate databases. Both databases seem to work slightly differently. The idea is that opening the database produces one Visible instance of access on the taskbar which is the purple standard graphic (Access 2000 / Windows 2000). With the first database I have set up reports through the active x control as required when using dev's code and even when I hit the report button the user is only aware of one visible instance of access as the purple colour graphic.

I am trying to implement the same code in a second database and have copied the code from the previous database into this database. It works great for the forms however there is a slight glitch when report forms are accessed. Rather than remaining with the purple access part on the task bar the task bar section is split into two between the form and the report. In the previous database users would not notice that the report had been opened at all. (although technically it was still running in the backrground)

I have checked most of the properties between the two database forms and they would appear to be the same..

Has anyone got any ideas why the taskbar is behaving differently between these two databases there must be some difference between my set up but as yet cannot find it??

Thanks Mark

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Reports :: How To Hide A Record When Yes / No Box Showing False

Jun 23, 2014

How to hide a Record when "False" or a box is unticked on the report.

I've used a Query for the report and figured it would go in the Criteria for the tick box but can't find the code I need (I am sure it is simple)

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Reports :: Move Or Hide Duplicate Records?

May 8, 2013

I'm having trouble with one of my reports. attached is a screencap of my report. The second name which is highlighted i need to either nudge it to the right so it is not directly under the first name OR remove it completely but keep the times and a gap for the next record.

I am creating is a sign in database where staff sign in/out for each day of a week. the issue is when the staff member signs in/out in the morning and then does the same when they get back from lunch it is difficult to read. This report is only printed once a week and will not show after a time frame of 5 days.

So, i still need that name to show up for the next day.

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Reports :: How To Hide Unchecked Checkbox From Report

Aug 12, 2015

I want to hide on my report unchecked checkbox ?

How can i do that ? If i shall write a code, in which event ?? Or can i use in Query Build option ?

I searched on internet and found some answers but they are not useful

(i found this code and updated for my report but still did not work)

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer) (<- what is that ??)
If Me.Skyliner = 0 Then
Me.SkylinerCover.Visible = True
Me.SkylinerCover.Visible = False
End If

quote : [URL]....

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Reports :: Conditional Hide Section - No Value In A Control

Aug 7, 2014

I have master and child fields in my query, and in my report I have blank controls where there is no child record to the master. I'm trying to set the section (Group Header and Detail) to be invisible when there's no value in a control.

However, as soon as I introduce an If statement to the VBA in a report, regardless of the event I put it in, it just stops working completely.

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Reports :: Hide Section On 1st But Show On Rest

Mar 22, 2013

I want to add a section to my report and control the visible value based on page (1st, 2nd, etc...)


1st page show 'Page Header' which has lots of detail, but dont show 'AccNum.Header' section.

2nd, 3rd, etc.. don't how 'Page Header' as I don't need lots of detail, but show the 'AccNum.Header' as this has customer name and Invoice numer, which is enough header information of all the rest of the pages.

Tried using 'On Page' and logoc aroung [Page] but no progress.

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Suppress/Hide Blank Row In A Subform

Jul 27, 2006

I need to suppress/hide a blank row on a subform.
The Main form is based on a table, contains Site Header information
The Subform is based on another table containing Sample Details records

Site Header table to Sample Details table relation ship is one-to-many,
with two key fields SiteID and SiteVisitDate

The Form/SubForm is linked by SiteID, SiteVisitDate

The form adds one record to the Site Header Table.
Then adds mutliple records to the Sample Details table for that SiteID.
Some fields are populated with a script, while others are populated by user input

An empty/blank/new row always appears on the subform before & after the Sample Details are added. The blank row Before new records are added is not a problem but when it appears after new records are added is a pain

I've tried CanShrink etc,

Any help appreciated


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