Reports :: How To Export Report To Excel

Mar 26, 2013

Exporting report to PDF works sort of easy. But how does one design the layout of the report, to make it look good on "exported excel files"?

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Reports :: Export MS Access Report To Excel

May 16, 2013

I have a TEXT field in a report which contents "0" at begin (ex. 01234). When export the Report to excel file, the digit "0" deleted automatically.

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Reports :: Export To Excel

Jul 2, 2013

I'm trying to Export one of my Access Report to Excel, I kept getting this error message.. "There is an Invalid used the Dot, or ! Operator or Invalid of Parentheses..My report is working fine, except when I try to export it to Excel, then this error message pop up..

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Access Reports Export To Excel

Oct 26, 2007

Hello all...I'm having a problem when exporting some text from Access 2000/XP to Excel using the EXPORT function. The reason why report is used to export is b'cos I need certain layout & to be ported over to Excel.

Text like '00133484-001' or '00130898-001' will be changed to another number after EXPORT, can anyone help me in this ? How can I set these numbers so that they remain the same ?

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How To Export A Report To Excel

Oct 17, 2005

I've been asked to export an MS Access report to Excel. I'm having trouble with including subtotals, totals, etc. in the Excel sheet. I've enclosed a picture of how my report looks in Access, and was wondering if there's a way to export everything the report has into Excel......

Can anyone maybe point me in a good direction, or to a link that has info re: what I want to do?

And before anyone asks, it's for a manager who insists that everything be done in Excel, since that is what he's comfy with. Outside of that, I wouldn't be giving myself headaches, since my Access report contains everything needed.

Thanks in advance!

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Export A Report To Excel

Sep 8, 2004

I have designed a report in Access, which i am happy with, one of the next requirements it to Analyze it in excel...

is there a way to do the following :

automatically export the report into excel without having to click the button on the toolbar,


click button on my form to run the report ----> report opens ----> Analyze in Excel starts automatically.

when i anaylzing the report in excel the formatting of the report is all over the place, can i set this up to auto tidy on opening..

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Export Report To Excel

Mar 9, 2008

Hello everyone,

Is there a way to automate exporting a Report to excel? Using a button or somthing.

Thank you...

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Reports :: Access Appcrash With Export To Excel (VBA)

Oct 27, 2013

It only happens once in a while a few times in a row and then, without changing anything, it's all fine again. It does happen on other pcs as well. (It happens on Office10 and Office13)

I'm not exporting tons of data to excel just two normal-sized querys.

This is some of the VBA code:

Set qdf = CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef(tmpAbfrageLehrgaenge, SQL_Lehrgaenge)
Set qdf2 = CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef(tmpAbfrageKunde, SQL_Kunde)
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, , tmpAbfrageLehrgaenge, ExcelDateiName, True


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Reports :: Export To Excel With Multiple Sheets

Mar 30, 2013

I have a report generated per insurance company selected. There are around 10 insurance companies.

Is there a way to run the report and export it directly to Excel (I don't need the report in Access) for all companies where each company will be in one spreadsheet? So, 10 companies, there will be 10 sheets in the Excel file.

Is it possible?

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How To Export Different Report Into SAME Excel File

Mar 13, 2007

How can I export different report into SAME excel file?
Any suggestions are appreciated.
Thanks in advance.


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Report Export To Excel With Format

Feb 29, 2012

I have a beautiful report and when printed straight from access it has nice gridlines and even gridlines null fields (which I want). However when I export to excel all the fancy gridlines and bold fonts are lost. Is there a way I can get it to export to excel what I can print in access? I would like to be able to export to excel to add some extra rows before printing but not have to do all the formatting.

I've tried printing to word, same problem as excel. Tried printing a pdf and it looks exactly the same but I can't edit it to add the extra blank rows.

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Reports :: Export To Excel - Invalid Procedure Call

Mar 25, 2013

When I try to do an export to excel for a report - it comes back with a message saying Invalid procedure call or argument .

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Reports :: Create Query From Command Button And Export To Excel

Apr 22, 2014

In Access, it is possible to create a query from a command button and export to excel?

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Modules & VBA :: Set Up A Button To Export A Report Automatically To Excel

Aug 27, 2013

Recently I set up a button to export a report automatically to Excel using the following code: DoCmd.outputTo acOutput Report, "Report1", acFormat.xls, "J:Insurance DeptReport1.xls", True.This works great, however I was wondering 2 things:

1. How do you set up to transfer multiple reports using the same button. EG I have reports named Report2, Report3, etc how do I add these to the code to export as well?
2. Is it possible to have them transfer to the one file but different sheets. EG Report1 would go to sheet1, Report2 to sheet 2, report3 to sheet 3 and so on?

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Export Snapshot Of Report To Excel Workbook Multiple Sheets

Oct 4, 2005

Here's my problem. I run a database every monday that has several (more than 15) reports as the outcome. Due to the massive amount of information we can't build the data up every week. We need to overwrite the tables and recreate the "Reports" every week. The department I am creating this for wants to keep a snapshot on the computer of the 15+ reports instead of printing them out. But instead of simply creating a snapshot of each individual report he would like to see them in the format of one file with multiple sheets. The one file would be labeled the date the reports were created and each individual sheet would be labeled the name of the report. For example, This past monday when we rant he Db the file would have been lbld 10-3-05, and one of the many sheets would have been labeled "Selects", or "Rejects" or "Cost" and so on. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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Reports :: Automatically Export Report As PDF?

Apr 8, 2013

Relatively speaking, I've got a pretty simple database. The presenters at our community radio station fill out a form of what song they play and this (along with the system time) is stored in a table.

I have a wildcard query to bring up all entries from a certain date and at present, I export a report of this by hand on a Saturday for everyday of the previous week - but I want to automate this?!

I can change the query to be a standard one to just bring up entries for today. I then, somehow, need to automatically export a report of this query as a PDF at midnight every night into a certain folder with the file name being today's date.

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Reports :: Export And Automatic Rename A Report?

Nov 2, 2013

I have a report (FI_ID) based in a query with the same name.

When i export this report to my desktop i need to manualy rename the filename.

What i need is a way to automatic rename my report to my text field value, called "Seq_Number" (it's a automatic number).At the end i will have 101.pdf, 102.pdf, 103.pdf in my desktop.

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Reports :: Export Report Without Highlight Color

May 5, 2015

I am exporting a report from access 2010 as PDF to email and the email attachment is coming highlighted. I need it to be white like the report when seen on screen with alternate rows to NO. if I export it to PDF and view it from within access it comes perfect, but when exported to an email, its coming shaded.

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Reports :: Export Report To PDF Automatically With Button?

Apr 23, 2013

currently i have to open my report and export manually to save report as pdf.

This is my code to open for specific user :

DoCmd.OpenReport "myreport", acViewPreview, , "[User_ID] = " & Me.User_ID

now I want to output my report to pdf automatically to a certain location.

how do i filter with specife userid ... by using DoCmd.OutputTo

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "myreport", acFormatPDF, "C:Userspublic empCourse " & [UserID] & " - test.pdf", False

is there any other way i accomplish this..

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Reports :: Export Access Report To Word?

Feb 27, 2014

Is there a way to export a report from Access into Word so that it keeps all its formatting etc. The only option shown is in RTF format.

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Reports :: Importing And Processing Excel File For Report

Mar 26, 2013

I have an excel file that I need to prepare to create a report.It would be great if I could do this with Access 2003. This would mean that I need to import the excel file and create a table to handle this.Is there by any chance that I don't need to create a table and I can process the excel file? Or maybe automate the import of the excel file into table and only use a few of the columns so later I can create the report in access.Also what I need to do is add some columns with text in it (a standard text) that needs to add a day taken form the column to the right.

I simply would like to avoid to create a table from the import as this would make me end with a lot of tables (or mabye option to delete the table after finishing producing the report.

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Reports :: Attendance Report Design From Excel Data

Feb 9, 2015

I receive attendance data in Excel with two columns, StaffCode and DateTime, from a biometric machine.

Each staff member clocks in in the morning and clocks out in the evening.

Optionally, they also clock out for lunch and back in after lunch.

Each StaffCode may therefore have 2 or 4 entries per day of attendance.

Staff details (name and department) are specified in a related table.

I wish to design two reports in Access as follows:

1. Daily Attendance Report (Filtered by current date or custom parameter)
Department (1st Group level)
StaffName ClockedIn LunchOut LunchIn ClockedOut

2. Weekly/Monthly Attendance Report (filtered by current week/month or custom parameter)
Department (1st Group level)
Date (2nd Group level)
StaffName ClockedIn LunchOut LunchIn ClockedOut

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Reports :: Unable To Save Report As Excel File

Jul 19, 2015

I want to save my report as excel file on the user computer with a click of a button. I have tried this code:

Private Sub Cmd_ReporttoExcel_Click()
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "Gastrolog Report", acFormatXLS, "C:UsersXXDocuments" & Format(Date, "yyyymmdd") & ".xls"
End Sub

But it is giving error 2282 - The format in which you are attempting to output the current object is not available.

The other part of this question is :

This is something similar when I didn't have "PDF add in " in access 2007, when I added PDF add in then option to save file in PDF was available in "output to" action of macro. There is nothing like excel add in. However when I can export the data in excel sheet by Export function in access why don't I have option to save file as excel in "output to " action in macro? I want to have this option so that user can click a button in the form rather than in the top ribbon try to find out how to transfer and save the excel sheet.

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Reports :: MS Access 2010 Report - Exporting To Excel Produces Blank Xls File?

Jun 27, 2014

My report (rptBilling_STS_Summary) has three subreports (rptBilling_STS_Summary_Install, rptBilling_STS_Summary_Rental, rptBilling_STS_Summary_LDRate) that return values that are grouped by customer and calculates a total for each customer.

I need the report to export to excel for our client but every attempt has produced a blank XLS file. I have tried every export method I can think of. This is what I have tried:

Export button from external data ribbon
Export from print preview
Export via macro
Export via VBA (DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "rptBilling_STS_Summary", acFormatXLS, , False, , , acExportQualityPrint)

All this has produced the same blank excel file... Very frustrating...

I have searched and found a lot of information on 2007 and it requiring sp2 but all I can find on 2010 is instructional information.

Update: I copied the database to my local PC and when I export the XLS file it opens in protected view.

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Access Query With Links To Excel / Export To XML And Back Into Excel

Apr 25, 2013

I am using Excel and Access 2010.

I have an excel spreadsheet with 8 tabs. They are all in the same format and column order. They are employees grouped by region. My ultimate goal is to merge all of these onto one excel tab, relatively instantly. I created a master tab and tried doing array formulas and Vlookups, it worked but my spreadsheet was way too slow.

My solution? Import and link them to an Access database, step complete. Create an XML export then import into Excel.

My problem? The only way to update the excel tab with the combined tabs is to save the excel file after changes, go back into Access, re-export to XML, then go back into excel and refresh the data.

My questions, is there any way to automate this process to the point that I can change excel, save, then hit refresh on my excel tab with the XML import to auto-update?

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Modules & VBA :: Export To Excel And Call Macro From Other Excel?

Aug 25, 2013

i want to export a table to excel , open this file and execute a macro from another file.

the code i have now is :

DoCmd.OpenTable "Overzichtaanwezigheid", acViewNormal
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdExportExcel
DoCmd.Close acTable, "Overzichtaanwezigheid"
Dim XL As Object
Set XL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
XL.Workbooks.Open ("C:UsersErwinDocumentsOverzichtaanwezigheid.xlsx")
XL.Visible = True
XL.Run "d: est.xlsm!Macro3"

Opening the excel file goes ok, running the macro however not.

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