Reports :: Keeps Track Of Current Status Of Various Programs

Jan 9, 2014

I have a query called "Program Status Count" that keeps track of the current status of various programs. There are three statuses: Closed, Deficient, and WIP.On the Query, I used "Total:" row and have two fields: StatusID field set to "Group By" then in the next column I have the same StatusID Field set to "Count" (it auto-renamed itself to CountofStatusID)...which on the query does what it is supposed to do:

Closed, 2
Deficient, 1
WIP, 1

When I go to the Report Design and try to make a Pie Chart (or any graph) it asks me what query I want to use, so I point it to the Program Status Count Query and select the only two fields I have in the query.This is the Row Source Code:

SELECT [StatusID],Count([StatusID]) AS [CountOfStatusID] FROM [Program Status Count] GROUP BY [StatusID];

Sometimes, it will show the appropriate fields but then it will disappear in Report View, switching to Print Preview does not fix the issue. Actually, it often deletes the correct information in the chart and use the PK autonumber instead of the words.Othertimes, the default data shows up and nothing I do changes it. I have even done the copy/paste of the query table in the report (doesn't work when the graph needs to update.

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Query To Track Files Last Status

Sep 27, 2006

Hi folks,
This is my first posting to this forum and I hope someone will be able to help me out with this.
I have a table called FILETRANS in a DB.Essentially this table is to track the in-flow and out-flow of files in a documentation unit.
The schema of the table is as follows
Filetrans_id Pk int Auto
Files_id int
Filetransdate date
Filestatus_id int

A filestatus can either be 1(IN) or 2 (out)
I need a query that will give me a list of all files whose last recorded status is 2(out) and vice versa.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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Forms :: Current Time On Form Status Bar - Keeps Showing Calculating

Aug 2, 2014

I have my main menu form that shows the current time and uses the OnTimerEvent for this. (Set to 1000) Issue is that when I open another form it keeps showing Calculating. It does not seem to affect performance but keeps the status bar from showing the control explanations.

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Tables :: Database With Updating Dates - Track Current Projects For Team At Work

Dec 27, 2013

I am creating a database that tracks current projects for my team at work.

Some projects are only due once (e.g., mailed brochures due on 1/1/14) and some are due at scheduled intervals (e.g., status report due monthly, quarterly, etc.)

Ultimately, I'm hoping that my end result will allow us to click on a form and look at what everybody has due that day, in the next 7 days, and so forth.

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Reports :: Group By Status Field

Jul 11, 2013

I have a working report which groups by a status field. Let's say I have Status (AA, BB, CC, DD, EE). It is grouping and summarizing fine. I would like to be able to merge some groups. So I would like to be able to Group on (AA/CC, BB, DD/EE).

What would be the best way to approach this?

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Reports :: Track Data Changes - Highlight Modified Values

Jan 22, 2015

I'm building a report which should highlight/change text color in field values in a modified table which have changed relative to field values in an original table. I'm using the same conditional formatting on all my fields: e.g. on the field named [Primary Instructor] in the report on the modified table, I have "Value <> Reports![F2015original]![Primary Instructor]", where I reference an identical report on the original table. Both are loaded.

My problem: it's reading all values as changed/different, even when both visual inspection and copy/paste indicate that the values are identical. Thus my report highlights all values for the field, rather than only those which have changed. The reports have identical non-conditional formatting and data type.

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Reports :: Generate A Report For Items In Previous Sentence Not Completed To Keep Track Of Workload

Jul 29, 2013

I'm completely new to Microsoft Access. This project was thrown my way. I have an accounting database to track payables, receivables, financials, and deliquencies/collections. Is there a way to generate a report for any of the items in the previous sentence that haven't been completed to keep track of workload.

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Reports :: Print Only Report Matching Current Record In Form Among Multiple Reports

Oct 2, 2013

I have been an MS Excel man all along my career and I am a novice in MS Access.I have created a table, [Initial Customer Approval] which records data from a Form, [Initial Customer Approval]. Once the data is entered in the Form, I need to do some calculations based on the data entered in some of the fields in the form.I created 6 different queries for the six possible values in those fields. now for each of those queries I created respective reports.I placed a Print command button in the Form.

1. When I press the Print button it should open the report for the current record in the Form. (Currently It Opens all the reports simulatneously, with only one relevant report containing the current record; other opened reports being blank.)

2. If user presses the Print button before pressing Save button then system should prompt user.

Here is the code (Please note [reference number] is the unique ID generated for each record entered in the tabe through form):

Private bSaveClicked As Boolean
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Not bSaveClicked Then
MsgBox "You are trying to navigate away from the active record. Please either save your changes, or press ESC to cancel your changes.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation
Cancel = True


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What Programs/Software Should I Use?

May 12, 2005

I am hoping someone can give me guidance on a fairly major project I am working on.

I am responsible for producing lots of figures, charts etc. each month and the current process takes a very long time!
I have been charged with improving this process, which currently includes the following:-

Slightly changing some CSV files each month
Importing the CSV files to an Access database containing lots of other data and information
Running some queries off an SQL database and importing the results to the access database
Running a few queries in Access
Exporting the query results to Excel
Manual manipulation of the Excle files
Producing graphs and tables in excel

I am fairly experienced in Access and know a little Access VBA
I know a bit of SQL to run queries from SQL query analyzer
I have dabbled with VBA in excel
But I wouldn't really call myself a programmer

I need to automate the process as much as possible, but I am not sure which way to go. I would need a database to combine the data from CSV files and other information as current, but also need to build up a historical store of data.
I would then want some kind of front end to select the months and year to look at, plus different categories etc. then produce a table and chart to excel or easily exported to excel for distribution to other people.

Would a combination of Access and Excel using VBA be sufficient for this?
A colleague has mentioned using SQL, in particular MySQL, which is downloadable for free.
They have also said that you can develop a front end in visual basic and there are programs freely available where you can build a visual basic front end by drag and drop methods.
They also mentioned that you could build a front end using Java.

I have also read bits on this site about ASP and PHP and how they can be used as a front end with Access as a back end database.

In short, I am getting confused about which combination of tools would be best suited for this job!
Any assistant/opinions/thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
The output tables/charts etc. would have to be distrubuted to a large range of people in the company.
The database or front end would just be viewed by a couple of people.

Many thanks!

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Conflicting Programs: How Do I Fix This?

Nov 15, 2004

I'm having an issue with two programs. One searches the DB and emails the results, the other searches the DBand prints labels from a report. When only one is in there the program will run fine. But when I try to implementboth at once then I get an error message that is something like: The expression On Click you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: Ambiguous name detected: SQLSafeThe way the form is setup I am using the same text box to enter my search criteria and the same option groupbox with my check boxes for what I'm searching for both programs. Is this possibly the conflict? Am I going to haveto have seperate option groups and search criteria boxes for each program? It would be nice if I don't because thiskeeps the look of my form clean. Thoughts?Code for Search Database and Send Email
Code:'Designed by M. Walts'Important information! this code requires a reference to the Microsoft DAO object libraryOption Compare DatabaseOption ExplicitPrivate Sub cmdEmail_Click()'will hold the dynamic SQL queryDim strSQL As String'will hold the WHERE clause portion of our SQL queryDim strWHERE As String'will hold all the recipients of this messageDim strRecipients As String'the recordset we will use to get the emails of the records that match our criteriaDim rst As DAO.Recordset'if there is input in the search criteria, then we will run the query and send the e-mailIf txtSearch <> "" Then'if you have more buttons, just add mosr cases (the value of the radio button'= the Case number, so Value of the State radio button is 1, etc.)Select Case opgSearch.ValueCase 1strWHERE = "WHERE State = '" & txtSearch & "'"Case 2strWHERE = "WHERE City = '" & txtSearch & "'" End SelectstrSQL = "SELECT EMail FROM tblUser " & strWHERE'run the query and get the results into the recordsetSet rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)'Loop through the recordset and add all the EMailsDo While Not rst.EOFstrRecipients = strRecipients & ";" & rst!EMailrst.MoveNextLoop'remove the first ; from the strRecipientsstrRecipients = Right(strRecipients, Len(strRecipients) - 1)MsgBox strRecipientsDoCmd.SendObject , , , , , strRecipients, txtSubject, txtBody, Falserst.CloseSet rst = NothingEnd IfEnd Sub'stops a ' entered in the field from breaking the queryPrivate Function SQLSafe(safeMe As String) As StringSQLSafe = Replace(safeMe, "'", "''")End FunctionCode for Search Database and Print LabelsCode:Private Sub printLabels_Click()'Edited by Nicholas Brown, original code design by M. Walts'Important information! this code requires a reference to the Microsoft DAO object library'will hold the dynamic SQL queryDim strSQL As String'will hold the WHERE clause portion of our SQL queryDim strWHERE As String'will hold all the recipients of this messageDim strRecipients As String'the recordset we will use to get the emails of the records that match our criteriaDim rst As DAO.Recordset'if there is input in the search criteria, then we will run the query and send the e-mailIf txtSearch <> "" Then'if you have more buttons, just add mosr cases (the value of the radio button'= the Case number, so Value of the State radio button is 1, etc.)Select Case opgSearch.ValueCase 1strWHERE = "WHERE State = '" & txtSearch & "'"Case 2strWHERE = "WHERE City = '" & txtSearch & "'"End Select DoCmd.SetWarnings False DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, "tmpClients" strSQL = "SELECT tblUser.* INTO tmpClients FROM tblUser " & strWHERE DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL DoCmd.OpenReport "Labels", acViewPreview 'just view for testing, switch to print mode later acViewNormal DoCmd.SetWarnings TrueSet rst = NothingEnd IfEnd Sub'stops a ' entered in the field from breaking the queryPrivate Function SQLSafe(safeMe As String) As StringSQLSafe = Replace(safeMe, "'", "''")End Function

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Publishing Access Programs

Oct 29, 2005


just starting out building a database product for mineral collectors and wanted to know what to do went it is complete.

If you want to issue the finished collectors data base as an application to other users do you need a program generator?

I have heard o the Access tollbox, does this do carry out the generation?


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See What Programs Use An Access Database

Jan 31, 2008

I am trying to upscale several databases from mdb to sql server. Unfortunately I am not sure of all the programs that use these database tables. Is there a way for the mdb to store what programs request data from it or alternatively the username. Im thinking not but worth a check.

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Updating Programs In Separate Locations

Jan 10, 2006

Hi All,

I need some advice as to what is the best way for me to update a program in 3 different locations.

I have developed a program that I now have running in 3 separate locations. Each location uses the same program structure and tables, but they will have different data.

When I make a change to the one in our office, I would like to update the other 2 offices so that we all are using the latest version.
CURRENTLY: I make a database file with the “forms, Reports, Queries, and modules” necessary to accommodate the changes. Then I, email the file to the other offices. I then try to walk someone there at the office through; “Get Files: Import”, then delete the old files and rename the new ones. This is risky!!!!!:(

I know there is a better way of doing this, I just don’t know it.
Can some one help me on this issue?
Thanks for all your help….ENVIVA :)

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There Isn't Enought Memory To Perform This Operation. Close Uneeded Programs...

Nov 22, 2007


Has anyone ever got this error message before? I’ve never came across it and I don’t know how to fix it. The error message displayed when I added three extra labels to a form then tried running it. At the beginning, it took more time than usual to think about it then the error message was displayed. Now I can’t open my form in design view nor can I run it! It’s totally inaccessible.

The error msg is attached.

Any help will be very much appreciated,

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Reports :: Records In Current Month?

Mar 13, 2013

I have a table with those fields:

Name date(d,m,y)
John smith 1/2/2013
Mary loe 25/2/2013
Mary loe 1/3/2013
Jim tonel 3/3/2012
Jim tonel 5/3/2012

I want to create a report or query that will calculate how many times a name appears in current month(03/2013) and if not it should return 0.

For example the report or query should look like this:

Name count
John smith 0
Mary loe 1
Jim tonel 2

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Reports :: Current Record To Report

Apr 17, 2014

I make a print button on the form and want printing current record to the report, but every time I can not do that.

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Reports :: Syncing Current Subform To Subreport

Aug 12, 2014

I am trying to send the current record and the current subform record to Reports for printing.Each record on the Form can have multiple records in the subform, however I only want to print the Main Form and the Current subform.Form / subform are linked on EquipID and EquipIDfk and are working correctly.Report / subreport are linked the same way and work correctly.When I try to use the DoCmd.OpenReport... It is printing the data from the main form plus all subform records related to the main record.I have tried the following Sub to filter the subreport without success.

Private Sub cmdPrintRecord_Click()
Dim strWhere As String
Dim strLook1 As String
Dim strLook2 As String
strLook1 = Me![EquipID]
strLook2 = Me![subfrmInspectionReport].Form![InspectionFindingspk]


Using Debug strLook1 and strLook2 both show they have the correct relevant record numbers and the value stored in strWhere is: [EquipID] = 745 And Reports![RptPrintRecord]![subrptInspectionReport].Report![InspectionFindingspk] = 8. This only prints an empty report. It seems that when I try to reference the subreport it goes pear shaped.

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Reports :: Query To Show Only Current Week

Dec 3, 2014

How can i make a conditional report that can give me some data from the table.

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Reports :: Printing Current Linked Records Only

Jan 7, 2014

I have a main form with a subform. The subform has linked tables from the main form. People are on the main form with the index PersonId and they are linked to incidents by IncidentId.

I want to put in two buttons.

First put a print report button for each subform whereby it will only produce a report for the records I can see on screen . i.e. if a person is linked to two incidents I just want the report for those two incidents.

Secondly I would also like a print all button on the subform where it prints reports containing the current IncidentId number.

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Reports :: Calculating Current Age In Years And Months

May 7, 2013

I am trying to calculate the age on the day the report is printed in Years and months ( and display it thus) in a report.e.g. 6 years 4 months

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Forms :: Current Record Not Showing Up On Reports?

Jul 11, 2013

I have a form with command buttons to preview reports. For some reason only the first record shows up on the reports and not the current record.

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Reports :: On Show Most Current Data On A Report

Mar 14, 2013

I have a report that shows all visit dates and the rep that did the visit. How do I only show the most current data. I use an append query to add records to a specific table. The report pulls from that table.

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Reports :: Report Date Error - No Current Record

May 9, 2014

I have a report that shows weekly schedules (each week start with Sunday date for the row) for multiple teams (columns). It prints 1 year at a time.I have to add the Sunday dates by hand into the table for each year. I have added 2016 but when I generate the report I get a "no current record" error.By the way, I am not a "programmer" but I can usually figure out whats going on when we have a problem by looking at other code in the system and by finding answers for similar problems on the forum!!

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Reports :: Show Data For Current Year With A Record Count

Apr 14, 2014

I have a report that I am trying to show data for the current year, but with a record count.

So, for example: I have 3-OVI, 3-Conduct Unbecoming, and 3-Did not transport for the current year.

When I run my report, it will show the above data for the current year, but in this format;

Conduct Unbecoming-1

and so on.

What I would like is;

Conduct Unbecoming-3
Did not transport-3

If I take out the date code for the current year in my query, then I get the desired results but I get all data.

If I leave the date code in, then I get the data for the current year but I get the first example above.

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Reports :: Conditional Format Date Field For Current Month

May 20, 2014

I have a short date field 5/20/2014

I would like to set up a conditional format to format those fields in the current month. For example, this month is would format all fields with "5".

Next month all fields with "6"

In the month space.

I can't seem to figure out the expression, I know I'm close.

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Reports :: Dentist Schedule For Current Date And Search For Upcoming Appointments

Jan 26, 2015

I am trying to create a report for 5 different dentists schedule for their current date ( and also allow a search for upcoming appointments)...

I know it requires a query but im not to sure what direction to take as i have never created a report before...

What needs to appear on the query? im aware it would be all the fields i want on the report but do i need to make changes in the criteria etc..

I also dont really know how i can create a report for each dentist because i dont want to have 5 different reports.. is it possible to have the report set where i type the dentist name and select which one i require and then i can view their schedule?

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