Reports :: Unable To Turn Off Alternate Row Color Function

Jun 9, 2014

Using Access 10 I am unable to turn off the alternate row color function for my report. The icon is on the toolbar, but is grayed out so I am unable to select it.

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Turn Off Alternate Row Color

Feb 14, 2012

how to set the default in Access 2010 so that alternate row colors do not display when you create a new table, query or report.

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Reports :: Alternate Back Color Not Printing Correctly

Sep 25, 2013

This is re-statement for clarity of earlier thread deleted.

In Access 2010 I have a Report with a Detail Section that shows a record and a Sub-report that shows the many records of a one-to-many relationship.

The Report Detail Section Property Sheet specifies a Back Color and a different Alternate Back Color.

Report View alternates the Detail Section background colors correctly.

Print View and Printing DO NOT correctly alternate the background colors. Back color and Alternate Back Color appear in irregular sequences.

how to fix it?

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Reports :: Count Number Of Record That Turn A Certain Color

Aug 22, 2014

I have a report that in the Detail section on Format will change a record to a certain color based a criteria. (See VBA code below). I would like to put a text box control in the report footer to count the number of records that turn a certain color, this is what I have so far for the text box control -

=Count(IIf([PO Date]=RGB(0,255,255),True,Null)).

It returns a zero.

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
'Set the backstyle to normal (default is usually transparent)
Late_Ship.BackStyle = 1
If [Po Date] > ([Order Date] + 2) Then
PO_Date.BackColor = RGB(0, 255, 255)

[Code] ....

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Forms :: Set Default Alternate Row Color

Jul 29, 2015

Is there a way to permanently set the alternate row color in access, so that whenever you create a form it will always be what I want.I know that I can make a template and always use the template, but I would prefer to just change the access settings if that is an option.I checked the access settings but couldn't see an option to do this.Also if you can set sub-form's to always have a transparent border, so that you don't have to change it every time you add a sub-form to a form.

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Color Alternate Rows In A Continuous Form

Oct 25, 2005


Does anyone know how to color alternate rows in two different colors in a continuous form?

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Alternate Row Colors On Reports With Microsoft Access

Dec 6, 2006

Dear All:

I have a report in Access 2000 showing names, ID numbers, Address and dates.

I wish to have alternate colors instead of the default white backgroud Access has.

Any ideas on how to start?

Many thanks,


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Reports :: Formatting Report - Alternate Row Coloring

Sep 25, 2014

I am working on a report and I am having issues changing the coloring of the rows in the report. If possible, I would like the first column to be completely white with no alternating color because there is only data in one cell at the top of each grouping. So the column with "Aggregates", "Attachments", etc would have no alternating color rows below them.

In addition to this, I am having difficulty changing the alternating row color for the other columns. I'd like to use colors with more contrast. I have tried changing the color in both design and layout view, but the options for formatting row color is also greyed out, and not available for me to use. In other words, the alternate row color button on the home tab is unclickable, for lack of a better word.

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Reports :: Turn Off Double-sided Printing

Oct 1, 2013

How to turn on double-sided printing through code but I actually have the opposite problem and I can't find any solutions that have worked.

In order to be as green as possible, our printers are set up for duplex printing.

I have an Access 2010 database that creates discipline notices. This report, no matter what I try, will not print multiple notices on separate pieces of paper. Because they are discipline notices and are handed out to the associates, they must print on separate papers to maintain confidentiality.

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Reports :: Combo Boxes - Using Look Up Box To Retrieve Alternate Data

Nov 22, 2013

Is it possible to use combo boxes in reports? I have a report built but was wanting to use a look up box to retrieve alternate data while looking at the report.

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Unable To Use Browse Function When Importing Or Exporting Data

Jun 17, 2015

I import/export data from MS Excel. Access will not allow me to use the Browse function to select the directory and/or file to work with. I do not get an error message, just nothing happens.

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Forms :: Unable To Get Preview Selected Record Function To Pull UniqueID Field

Aug 22, 2014

I am attaching a picture of what I am talking about as this is going to get least it is for me.

I have a Navigation Form that holds 7 tabs that pull reports or data entry forms.

I am trying to get the Preview Selected Record function to pull the UniqueID field from the Data Entry Form and generate a report for printing.

I can search by UniqueID in the data entry form with no problem, it is linked to two subforms with no problem.

Here is the code I have used most successfully:

DoCmd.OpenReport "rpt1", acViewPreview,, "UniqueID =" & Forms!MainForm!NavigationSubform.Form.UniqueID

This actually works, but every time the print preview is closed, it crashes Access. I have researched this particular issue, and some of the solutions I have read and tried lead to "that method is not allowed or supported" errors or Run-Time 438 errors.

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Negative Color Change In Reports

Oct 3, 2006

How do you change negative number to red in a report's text box? i am thinking it is an iff statement in the control source field but running into issues.

Is there a way to change all Negative nubmers to red in a Report? That is, do i have to change all text boxes individually?

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Unable To Design Forms & Reports

Aug 14, 2005


I can do anything(design/edit/add new) to my table & queries but unable to redesign/edit my existing forms & reports, i wonder why?. My Database attributes is not "read only".

pls help.

thank a lot.


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Reports :: Unable To Resize Chart

Jun 12, 2014

I can't seem to size any of my charts to 100% of their object's size. I've attached screen shots of a chart in Design View, the chart properties, Chart Design View, and Print Preview. I've tried all of the Size Mode options.

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Reports :: Unable To Generate Report

Jun 19, 2015

I created a database to set-up contracts, record receipt and issue of drawings and generate procurement schedules for construction projects. The database has been in use for over a year and I have only now encountered an unforeseen problem, the fix for which is beyond my skillset. I am unable to generate the reports as I have done for the other projects in the database.

The problem is in the Drawing Registers section. When the drawings are issued, I have to log the date they were received, the drawing number, drawing title, revision letter/number and note any changes on the current drawing. The drawing number is the Primary Key and is linked to several other tables, forms, reports, etc. The problem I have now encountered is that Architects arent that creative when numbering their drawings and tend to use the same numbering sequence for each job. So I can have several jobs with the drawing number A01. I have managed to still keep this field unique by adding a prefix (either a job number or an abbreviation for the job name). This way I am not changing the actual drawing number. However, on this current job the Architect is using the numbering sequence A1, A2, A3A25. Because he is using A1 and not A01, the drawing register reports are not sorting the drawings in the correct order and drawings A10 is listed after drawing A1 and A20 after drawing A2.

I found a round-about way of getting the drawings sorted by adding a second field. The primary key would be my version of the drawing number where I can enter it in a manner that the drawings will sort; the new field would be the actual drawing number as seen on the drawings. The reports would be sorted by my field but this field will not be visible on the reports.Is there another way to sort these records?

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Reports :: Fill Certain Rows With Background Color

Sep 27, 2013

I'm trying to create a report that has certain rows filled with a background color. In excel, the fill color is complete across the row. That is, there are no gaps between cells. In Access, each individual "cell" or field is filled with the color but inbetween each cell/field there is white space. I tried changing the control padding to "narrow" but there is still too much white space. Changing control padding to "none" changes the alignment of the cells to look off. They aren't exactly lined up in a row anymore. It looks terrible.

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Reports :: Export Report Without Highlight Color

May 5, 2015

I am exporting a report from access 2010 as PDF to email and the email attachment is coming highlighted. I need it to be white like the report when seen on screen with alternate rows to NO. if I export it to PDF and view it from within access it comes perfect, but when exported to an email, its coming shaded.

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Reports :: If Statement That Checks Color Of Background

Sep 11, 2013

I have a report. In this report I have a start date and an end date. I also have a date that is going to be checked. The report checks to see if the date the user entered on a different form is between the start and end date of an individual. if it is, a txt box at the end of the line will turn red. If it isn't the box will stay default of green.

What I would like to do is not even show the lines that have a green box. I want to just show the lines that have boxes as red.

I looked into If statements but I'm not quite sure what event I should put them on, nor am I certain I have the syntax right.

I had it:
If (lblAvailability.BackColor = "#CCB13D" Then
txt1.Visible = False
and so on... making all the txt fields invisible. I would rather have them not even show up because I'm pretty sure invisible things still take up room.
End If

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Reports :: Unable To Go Beyond 3 Pages Since Page Footer Is Not Moving Down

Apr 28, 2015

I was able to create only 3 pages in access report. I am not able to go beyond 3 pages since the page footer is not moving down, means I am not able to drag it down.

It is a simple report of resume with only text boxes. My report comes around 10 pages.

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Reports :: Unable To Save Report As Excel File

Jul 19, 2015

I want to save my report as excel file on the user computer with a click of a button. I have tried this code:

Private Sub Cmd_ReporttoExcel_Click()
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "Gastrolog Report", acFormatXLS, "C:UsersXXDocuments" & Format(Date, "yyyymmdd") & ".xls"
End Sub

But it is giving error 2282 - The format in which you are attempting to output the current object is not available.

The other part of this question is :

This is something similar when I didn't have "PDF add in " in access 2007, when I added PDF add in then option to save file in PDF was available in "output to" action of macro. There is nothing like excel add in. However when I can export the data in excel sheet by Export function in access why don't I have option to save file as excel in "output to " action in macro? I want to have this option so that user can click a button in the form rather than in the top ribbon try to find out how to transfer and save the excel sheet.

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Reports :: Change Text Of A Field To Blue Color If A Certain Condition Is Met

Oct 8, 2014

I have a report which I would like to change the text of a field blue if a certain condition is met. What I want to happen on this report is if a specific field has an "Active" - then it will be in Blue text, otherwise it is in black text.

I have gone into the report ->in the Details section -> put a procedure in the On Format event. The code I have been trying is:

If Analysis_Status = Active Then
Me.Analysis_Status.ForeColor = vbBlue
Me.Analysis_Status.ForeColor = vbBlack
End If
End Sub

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Reports :: Changing Background Color And Text Format Simultaneously

Sep 8, 2013

How do I change the background colors and text formatting in all of the reports in one database at the same time? If this is not possible, is there an easier way to change the report formatting without going through every report?

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Reports :: Unable To Produce A Report Which Uses A Static Design And Does Not Change

Jun 13, 2013

I'm trying to produce a report which uses a static deisgn and does not change. For example,I require in the detail of the report a table say 3 * 8 ....and in the report I need the data to fill each one of these cells. However I may not have 8 records , therefore I need the remaing columns/cells empty - the design of 3 * 8 must not change... at the moment I have a dynamic design so if i have 3 records I have 3 *3 table leaving a massive gap on the report.

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Reports :: Unable To Print Landscape Oriented Report A4 Size

Mar 11, 2013

I have a landscape oriented report which is A4 size. When I select Landscape in print preview the result is cut off on the right. In the form's design mode I get a little green triangle on the top-left which tells me that the form is wider than the page size. Is this because I am using a default printer with a portrait setting?

I want to avoid having to change the default printer for each different form orientation. I am printing to a pdf printer (pdfCreator which doesn't appear to have a landscape output setting) while testing my design so as not to waste ink & paper.

I am using Windows XP SP3 with Access 2007.

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Reports :: Change Font Color Based On True / False Value Of Another Field

Jun 28, 2013

In access report, I'm trying to change color of text in specific records based on the true/false value in another record. Works in forms using conditional formatting, but won't seem to work in a report.

Here's what works in forms : IIf([2009 Symposium]=true, forecolor=255 ....this changes the records to red.

But using the same expression in a report doesn't change the text color.

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