Requery In A Continuous Form

Oct 6, 2005


I have scanned through the forum but have not found an answer for the above..

How do I do a requery only for the combo box of a particular record in a continuous form?
To be brief...the user has to select the pimary sector for a project . After, this, I want the next field to show up all sub-sectors based on the value selected in the previous primary sector combo box.

When I do a requery using the following code,


all the records in the form get requeried.

All the field are bound field.

There was a similar post in the form but was not complete.


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Requery Continuous Form

Jun 2, 2005

Is there a way I can requery a continuous form. Basically my form runs from a query. If when certain criteria become true I want that record to move to a different form, (working on another query) Basically I am saying is that if checkbox1 = true then I want to hide that record. Does that make sense?

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Continuous Form Wont Requery Properly

Apr 12, 2006

I have a continuous form (FormA) which shows records from TableA. There is a button on FormA which opens FormB. FormB allows a record to be added to TableA. On closing FormB, FormA should requery to show the most recent addition to TableA. This does not happen though, it is always a record behind, unless I close and reopen the form.

I'm using;


on my close button on FormB.

Any ideas? I have done a search but cant find a solution.

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Modules & VBA :: Requery Continuous Form And Maintain Bookmark

Jul 11, 2013

I have this code:

Public Sub cmdRequery_Click()
Dim vFlag As String
vFlag = Me![EncounterNbr]

With Me.Recordset
.FindFirst "[EncounterNbr] = '" & vFlag & "'"
Me.Bookmark = .Bookmark
End With

The user starts on a continous form and opens a record, makes some changes, and then when that form closes it triggers this public sub.

The code does what I want it to do in that it returns to the last encounter number that was selected (now on the continous form again) and it requeries and shows anything that was changed about the record on the form that was closed before requery.......

But it always resorts and moves it and I want it to stay in the same spot unless the user sorts. Is there any way to make that happen?

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A Continuous Form And Continuous Subform, Possible?

Aug 9, 2005

What I am trying to do is put a subform within a subform. The trouble is I want both forms to be continuous forms.

when I put the subform within a subform, access comes up with the following message:

************************************************** ********************
A form with a subform object cannot have its DefaultView set to Continuous forms.

You tried to add a subform to a form in design view.
MSAcess will reset the property to Single Form.
************************************************** *********************

which it does my higher level form becomes a form only showing single records at a time whilst the subform is a continuous form.

does anyone know of a way around this?

what about Access2003 does it allow this?

help much appreciated.

Steve Ferry

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Prevent Form From Displaying New Record And Save It When Form Requery Or Close

Aug 26, 2014

I have a split form that's like a list of pending tasks. The data source is a linked SharePoint 2013 list where users submit requests. The user takes the information from each record and performs an action. When it is done, the user presses a button and the task status changes from "Pending" to "Processed". The form record source is based on a query that finds only records with a status of "Pending" so when the user changes the status of the task, it is removed from the list. It works fine except when there is only one task left in the work list. If the user processes the last task, the form refreshes and it goes to a new empty record and I get an error message that says I must enter a value into one of the required fields. I tried making the field non-required but it just creates an empty record in the table.

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Forms :: Requery Form And Subform After Popup Form Close

Aug 19, 2013

I tried all sorts of permutations of the requery command but apparently I'm too dense to figure it out.

Form 1
subform 1 > button to open pop up form
subform 2
subform 3

I'm trying to requery a combo box (inside of subform 1) based on a table that is updated from the pop up form.

On pop up form close, what's the correct syntax for re-querying subform 1?

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ReQuery A Different Form

Jul 19, 2005

Can someone please check this code for me, I just need to make sure that what I am doing is correct!

I am trying to requery a form from another form:


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Requery Form

Apr 3, 2006

I am new at Access and have a database that has 2 tables (Donors and Donations). My donations form's source is a query. I have a combo for the DonatorID on the Donations form. I have a On Not in List macro that opens the Donors form so they can enter the name of a new donor. This works great but when you close the Donor form and the focus goes back to the DonorID combo, the new donor isn't in the list. How can I requery this so the new donor that was added to the Donor table shows up in the combo? I played around and added another combo that had tab index 0 and then everything works but this aint the solution.

Thanks for your help.


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Requery Another Form When Pop Up Unloads

Nov 3, 2005

i tried this

DoCmd.Requery ([frmpcinfo.AssignedBadge])

somehow that doesnt work.

all i wana do is requery a combo (assignedbadge) on the form (frmpcinfo) when the pop up form unloads/.

please assist :confused:

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Requery A Previous Form

Apr 30, 2006

Silly query, think I am missing something obvious but I shall ask anyway.

I want to update certain lists in my form do the user can select from this list to update a field, so i click on a button and open a table, update a record and then close it to return to the form.

the List does not update unless I close the form and re-open it again.

Is there a property that automatically updates the list on exiting the query / table you are updating?

Thanks in advance


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Requery List Box From Another Form Vba

Apr 24, 2008

I have a main form....I click a button on this form and another form edit is made....(BOTH MUST BE OPEN)
WHen I close this form I want to Refresh a List box on the Main form to reflect this edit.

I am trying this with no success



What am I doing wrong????


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Need Help With Requery To Update Form

Jan 20, 2008

I have created a split form that shows all records from the main table. On the split form (form1) I have a button that opens a second form (form2) to add records. On form2 I created a button to save the records and that works fine, but form1 does not show the new record after the save button is clicked.

I am attempting to use requery to show the new record but I am not having any luck. Right now, form1 only shows the update if I switch to detail view and then back to form view. Maybe I am not doing something right, I am new to using MS Access and VBA. I have tried using the requery with an onclick on the save button and I also tried using requery on form1 in the ongotfocus event. I am using a macro to do the requery, and I have left the argument blank.

Can someone please point me in the right direction to fix this?

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Requery A Form From A Macro

May 1, 2012

I'm a complete novice to vba. I'm trying to automatically requery a form after executing a macro. I know there's a lot out there about requery, but I can't seem to get it to work. It's clear that the best way to do this, is to code it in vba.

I have a form called "Formulier_afspraak_nieuwe_patient" that I'm trying to requery from the converted macro Macro_toevoegen_nieuwe_patient()

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Modules & VBA :: How To Update / Requery A Form From Another Form

Jul 18, 2015

How do you requery/refresh a form from within another form?

refresh formA from within formB in VBA?

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Forms :: Requery Form After Making Changes In Another Form

Sep 17, 2014

I have a form that shows a companies engagement with our company. If someone wants to edit the details of that company (address phone number etc...), they click the "edit" button, which then opens a form where edits can be performed.

After the edits are done, the user clicks a save and close button which runs docmd.runcommand acCmdSaveRecord, and returns to the companies engagement form.

When I return to the company engagement form, I would like to see the companies information reflect the changes that I just made. Currently, I can only do this by exiting the form and re-opening. I have tried using Me.Requery in the OnGotFocus, Activate and Current events to no avail.

I should mention that I have a company combo box with multiple columns that are used to display address, postal code, etc... in textboxes on the same form.

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Requery Form With Previous Conditions

Feb 28, 2005

It's easiest if I take you through step by step. I open a form with a list of students and I have to enter the condtion for a Tutor Group (say I type in 13EN). The form then loads up with all students in 13EN. Then I have a 'Add Student' button which loads up a form with an indivudual students information qith a blank record. Then I press a 'Done' button which closes that form and requeries the Student List form.

My problem is when I requery the form I have to re-enter the condition for 'Tutor Group' i.e. I have to type it in again. Is there any way I can refresh the data from the conditions I have already entered (i.e. for the Tutor group, 13EN) without having to type it in again?


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Forms: Requery A Subform From Another Form

Apr 18, 2005

I need to requery a subform from a third form and can't seem to get it to work.

frmForm1 has frmAddress as a subform. The button cmdReviseAddress opens the form frmUpdateAddress where all of my validation work is done and the new record is added.

However, the new address is not being displayed in the subform.

If I use the command
it works fine.

The problem is that I want to be able to frmAddress on any form, and need to pass the name of the main form (in this case frmForm1) as a variable.

If lsTemp = "frmForm1", the statement
Forms![lsTemp]![frmAddress].Requery (and every variation using brackets and quotes that I can think of) fails.

Any ideas?


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SubForm Requery From Seperate Form

Aug 11, 2005

Hi. Having a bit of a problem getting a subform to requery/refresh after running a query from a seperate form. The seperate form is acting as a 'search form' and running query qSearch.

I've tried various things (requery the form, subform etc) but here is the code I'm currently using:

Private Sub RunqSearch_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "Papers"
Forms.Papers.RecordSource = "qSearch"
Forms.Papers!Authors.Form.RecordSource = "qSearch"
Forms.Papers!Authors.Form!AuthorName.ControlSource = "qSearch.AuthorName"
DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name
End Sub

The main form is requerying fine, but the subform isn't. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

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Requery Form Based On Query

Oct 2, 2005

I have a form that is based on a query, on the form there is an option group with two options (show all and show active). This option group is the criteria for the query the form is based on. My hope was to have a requery on the after update of the option group and have it show approptiate records based on that option group.
My query does work if I open it by itself, and the form will show the appropriate records when it is initially opened. However, when I change options in the option group the query runs again but the data in the form is not changed.
I have searched every forum I know of but I have not found out how to make this work. It is like the form is not being refreshed with the new data from the query.
Lastly, this is my first large database and my knowledge of database design is a little like swiss cheese! Is there a way and would it be better to use a filter to do this? I want the user to just click an option or button to show records marked as active only or show all records. By active I mean the yes no field in the table being set to yes.

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Requery Controls When Data Changes On Another Form

Jan 29, 2007

I have a listbox with a record in it for every record that is entered on another form. To add a new record, you press the button Add New which I made. That takes you to another form, you can enter a new record and close that form.

I then want the listbox to requery and show the new record. I have tried requering the listbox on close of the other form, I have also tried doing it on the original form's Got Focus event. None of this works.


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Modules & VBA :: Requery A Subform From Another Form?

Jun 26, 2013

I have a subform in a tab within a mainform. Within the tab there is a button to open a form to delete/add data to the subform. So upon closing this pop up form I want to update the subform to show what has been deleted or added, I have tried the various things to requery the subform but none of it seems to work, here is what I have tried;


I assumed this would work but evidently not...

I have also tried;




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Access Requery Of Underlying Form

Nov 17, 2011

This seems pretty simple but I would like to select a combo box and after the user selects the combo box (Which Is a City) I want to use the underlining query of the form to run because I am using the <>False Criteria for a command of;

IIf([Forms]![frm_Deals]![CheckCity]=True,[City] Is Not Null Or [City] Is Null,[City]=[Forms]![frm_Deals]![SelectCity].[Value])

I may have other combo boxs with other information so that is why I want to run the underlying query. I have used the After Update command of;

Me.RecordsetClone.FindFirst "[XXXX] = '" & Me!FindXXXX & "'"

But I want to requery the query under the form.

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Requery Form And Goto Its Current Record

Apr 19, 2006

I'm requerying a form after an update.

I would like to have the form to be set to its current record when being requeried. How can I easily achieve this?
I've seen things about recordsets, I'm working with ADP (based on SQL Server) and don't know or all DAO events will help me.

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Prevent Form From Jumping Back To Top During Requery?

Mar 20, 2006

Hello All,

I'm a newbie to the forum, but hope that someone can point me in the right direction to solve a problem.

I have a db that I use much like Quicken to maintain a ledger and reconcile accounts. To reconcile credit card transactions, I have a continuous form that lists each transaction as a record in the Detail. Each record has Check Boxes for Yes/No criteria pertaining to "Cleared Status", "On Statement", and "Missing Receipt". Checking the box for "On Statement" allows a subsequent report to include the items that are checked. Likewise, an Update Query used later in the process sets all all items in the reconcile to "cleared" so that do not reappear on the list of items to reconcile. In order to cause the Report and the Update Query to reassess the Yes/No status for each item and thus function properly, I have set the Event Proceedure for these Check Boxes to Requery the underlying data.

As you can imagine, the list of Credit Card Transactions is a long one. Each time a Check Box is clicked, the requery causes the list of records to jump back to the very top of the list. This really slows down the process of completing the reconcile. Is there a way to hold the continuous list in the detail section still as the requery takes place?

Thank you very much for any help you can provide.


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Requery Failing To Add New Record To Form List

Nov 29, 2004


I have inherited a buggy database thas has a simple piece of code that won't behave the way I think it should!
The code should add a new record and have that new record appear on the list form (where the button On_Click event is called) making it available for user edditing. In 99% of cases though, the blank new record does not appear. The record is getting created, as i can see it in the table and have added a watch to the RecordCount property, it just doesn't display automatically. The existing workaround for users is to click a second button that invokes a simple one line function sub that performs only a Me.Requery. The user presses that up to two or three times before the new blank record finally appears.

One solution I read about, but hesitated in trying due to the unprofessional 'flash' that occurs, was to close the form and the re-open it...anyone experienced this or can comeup with a neat workaround?

The code

Private Sub CmdAddRule_Click()

Dim db As AO.Database, intnextseq As Integer
Dim TestThis As String
Set db = CurrentDb()
Dim rstDao As DAO.Recordset
Set rstDao = db.OpenRecordset("select * from stblAllocRules order by intRUSequence desc;", dbOpenDynaset)
If rstDao.RecordCount > 0 Then
intnextseq = rstDao!intRUSequence + 1
intnextseq = 1
End If
With rstDao
!AutRU_id = 0
!intRUSequence = intnextseq
!bytAppendBack = 1
!bytUpdateBack = 0
!bytDeleteBack = 0
End With

Set rstDao = Nothing
Set db = Nothing

Me.Repaint 'I have used this staement in addition to and instead of the Me.Requery to no effect
Me.Recordsource = Me.RecordSource 'I have used this statement also in addition to the above to and in isolation, to no effect.
End Sub

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