Required Field Dependant On Another

Sep 12, 2006

Quick question for you.
I know how to set a required field, but how do I edit two field so that they are dependant on each other? IE. How do I set my form to make FIELD1 required ONLY if FIELD2 is empty and vice versa?
Thanks very much and I hope I've explained myself correctly.

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Lookup Field Row Dependant

Mar 18, 2005

Hi Everyone,

I have a question about lookup fields. I have the tables below. The main table is [vid] and i reference other tables like [manufacturer], [model].. etc. to fill in [vid]. I have pull down lookups for all of [vid] but it is showing all models, makes, etc. I need helping making the lookup row dependant. For example when I am in [vid] and click on the [model] combo box for vid=1, I only want to see the models for that manufacturer(Ford), so it will only show mustang, escape, and navigator; not all of the models. For vid=2, when I click the pull down for model I only want to see Gm Models, corvette and cavalier. So this is what i mean be row dependant. Is this possible?

Thanks so much in advanced,

vid,year,mft, make, model, submodel, ...
2,2005,GM,Chevrolet,Cavalier, LS
30,2005,ford,Lincoln,Navigator, base


1, Mustang,Ford
2, Escape, Ford
3, Corvette, GM
4, Cavalier, GM
5, Navigator, Ford
6, Wrangler, DCX

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Make One Field Dependant On Another

Jun 2, 2006

i have a fault logging system for a school. i am trying to change a background Colour of a field to red when another field contains certain values.

any ideas much appriciated :)

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Form Field Dependant On DDLB

Apr 26, 2005

I have a list box containing various items. I would like to have another field return a numeric value depending on what is selected in the list box. For example, if Closed is selected from the list box, the other field would return a 1. How can I do this. The new field also needs to be linked to a table so the values are saved in the table. Thanks for the help.

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Change Colour Dependant On Field Value

Jun 28, 2006


First please accept my apologies if this has been done before. In the attached database I am going to have a form which is continous what I am looking to do is change the colour of the box which is in the background to the associated colour from the quote table for example

if they choose water then it will look at the TBLQuoteType and change the box colour to the colour which has been assigned to that value.

Hope this explains it ok I will continue to try and figure it out but I thought I could also use your expert knowledge.


Thanks again

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Make A Field Visable Dependant On Combo Box

Sep 18, 2006

I am very new to Access and all that it entails but I have really learned a lot viewing everyones posts. I cannot seem to get my current problem solved.
I am trying to have a combo box appear depending on a preivous combo box selection.

1st combo box is "ApplianceCombo"
2nd combo box is "SpeedCombo" Set to Visible = No

1st Combo Box has
Washing Machine etc

If they choose Washing Machine I would like my 2nd combo box to appear which they can then choose

Hope I have explained this well enough.
Thank you in advance for any help

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Forms :: Lookup Value Dependant On Previous Field Entry - Requery?

Jun 21, 2015

I'm creating a database which contains information for keeping dog grooming clients. It has 3 tables, table 1 is customer, table 2 is dog, and table 3 is booking.I want to be able to choose the customer table and within that you can see the pet linked to that customer and within the dog table you can see any bookings with that dog.What I have done is linked the pet and booking table to the customer details via mobile no. being the primary key.

I want a form called appointments which contains fields *ID, date, mobile, dog name, grooming stlye and other. What i want to happen is this, once the mobile number is entered, i then when it to lookup the mobile number in the dog table and pull the pet name from that, then in the dog name box it will then provide a drop down of dogs related to that mobile number.

I understand a query needs to be made in the dog name field, so in that field i created a query to look up the mobile no. in the appointment table, and to then lookup the pet name in the pets table. This kind of works. The two problems are this, the drop down in the dog name field shows all of the dogs in the database not just the ones assigned to the mobile no. in the field before. If i choose one of the dogs not related to that mobile it changes the mobile number in the field before to the relevant one (but i don't want to be able to see the dogs which arent related to the mobile no. in the field before.The other issue is that on one of the customers there are two dogs, now on the drop down you can see both dogs, but it will only allow you to select the dog that was entered first into the database. If i select the other dog it simply chooses the data for the one first entered.

I have read about doing Requeries on the afterupdate of the field and attempted this by choosing the dog name field and in the afterupdate telling it to requery pet name (I've also tried mobile), this hasn't worked. I have a feeling I'm getting a bit confused by which fields i'm supposed to use etc.

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Making A Field Required Based On Value Of Another Field

Jun 18, 2015

I am trying to do something that I would think is very simple but I'm having a hard time with it. I have a form that consists of questions that the user is needed to answer. It displays the question, a combobox where the User can select 'Yes' or 'No', and a textbox where the user can input their comments. What I would like to do it the following: if the user selects 'Yes' as an answer, I want the corresponding comments box to be required.

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Required Field

May 8, 2006

Hi. I want to have all my fields on my form to be required and so that the user cant close the form if they are empty (error message). In the table properties I have them set to Required an have tried putting in a validation rule of IS NOT NULL but it still dont work. any help appreciated. thanks

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Required Field

May 8, 2006

Hi. I want to have all my fields on my form to be required and so that the user cant close the form if they are empty (error message). In the table properties I have them set to Required an have tried putting in a validation rule of IS NOT NULL but it still dont work. any help appreciated. thanks

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Required Field... Simple

Jun 23, 2005

I can not for the life of me figure out how to make one field required. The name of the field on the form is Selectee. Can someone help?

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Required Field If Enabled.

Aug 7, 2006

After some suggestions, I have a form with combo boxes, the combo boxes are set to enabled "no", but become enabled by an after update command on another field.

The after update command works perfectly, however once enabled I need to ensure data is selected, as opposed to leaving blank.

Any ideas on the best/easiest way?

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Required Field In Form

Nov 3, 2004

I have a form that users update, but they continue to leave this one field blank and I have to go behind them to enter this date.

Field Name: OrigProcDt

This is a date field

I don't want this field to be a required field in the table, because it won't stop it anyways.

The record is already added by the clerical staff, the other users just update the record when it's time to.

The problem is that they need to enter a date in this field before leaving the record they are updating.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Required Field Allows Non-entry?

Aug 29, 2013

Some records that users are inputting through a form are coming back blank in fields that are required. how do I fix?

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Forms :: Fields Are Required To Be Filled Out Even Though Not Set As Required

Nov 3, 2014

I have made a form based on related tables. it requires me to fill out every field, which I don't want. I didn't make them required. Why does it do that?

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Using Validation Rule To Set Field To Required

Feb 11, 2006

How can I use the validation rule to set field to required instead of checking required field, because I wish to customize the prompt message.


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Only The Month Required From The Date Field

Nov 8, 2005

Hello everyone

I am wanting to pull out only the month part from a date field, 11/10/2005.

In the query I have made an expression to pull the month, eg 10 for October.

I need to convert this number of the month to the Title of the Month.

I made a combo box on the report based on the Expression and in the row source put

1,"January", 2,"February",3, "March", 4,"Apri", 5,"May", 6,"June", 7,"July", 8,"August", 9, "September", 10, "October", 11, "November", 12, "December"

Unfortunately it still comes out with the number of the month.

Can anyone tell me please where I am going wrong.

Thank You in advance.

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Required Field Error Message

Feb 26, 2005

I have form "Project Log" for my table "Orders". One field "OrderTakenBy" ( text field) is a required field in the table.

In the field properities of OrderTakenBy in the Before Update event I have used the following code:

Private Sub OrderTakenBy_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)

Dim strMsg As String, strTitle As String
Dim intStyle As Integer

If IsNull(Me!OrderTakenBy) Or Me!OrderTakenBy = "" Then
strMsg = "You must enter your name."
strTitle = "Field Required"
intStyle = vbOKOnly
MsgBox strMsg, intStyle, strTitle
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub

When I first tested it, after trying to leave the field without making an entry-it worked great. Now it seems to have stopped working, I get no message when I leave the field empty.

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Need Help With Required Field - Different Character Lengths

Sep 15, 2005

I need help with a required field that has different character lengths.

I have an input mask that covers the first 7 characters, however, the users are still entering the incorrect policy numbers, I need to put a stop to it.

I have 3 different policy number lengths involved, 7, 8 and 9.
They are different kinds as well, alpha, alpha/numeric and numeric.

Example below:
P###### - 7 characters
02###### - 8 characters
02M##### - 8 characters
NX####### - 9 characters
HX###### - 8 characters
HXL##### - 8 characters
HXM##### - 8 characters

My question is this -- do I have to create 7 different forms or can I program it to accept only the certain (policy#) characters above. Or can I create a query to insert into my form.

Any help is appreciated, Thanks as always.

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Field Required Before Record Can Be Saved

Sep 4, 2006

What i want to do is if a user forgets to put lets say Address or Zip
Will not allow user to save record but instead will highlight the text boxs
that are required. Once data is put in will allow user to save record.

Any ideas

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Required Field Property Is Not Listed

Jan 3, 2007

We just upgraded to Access 2003 and I am creating a new database and in my Form... I was trying to set the REQUIRED FIELD PROPERTY to YES, but when I click the Properties of each field, it's not listed.

Has this been removed?

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Need Help With Required Field - Different Character Lengths

Sep 15, 2005

I need help with a required field that has different character lengths.

I have an input mask that covers the first 7 characters, however, the users are still entering the incorrect policy numbers, I need to put a stop to it.

I have 3 different policy number lengths involved, 7, 8 and 9.
They are different kinds as well, alpha, alpha/numeric and numeric.

Example below:
P###### - 7 characters
02###### - 8 characters
02M##### - 8 characters
NX####### - 9 characters
HX###### - 8 characters
HXL##### - 8 characters
HXM##### - 8 characters

My question is this -- do I have to create 7 different forms or can I program it to accept only the certain (policy#) characters above. Or can I create a query to insert into my form.

Any help is appreciated, Thanks as always.

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Required Field Property Is Not Listed

Jan 3, 2007

We just upgraded to Access 2003 and I am creating a new database and in my Form... I was trying to set the REQUIRED FIELD PROPERTY to YES, but when I click the Properties of each field, it's not listed.

Has this feature been removed?

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Forms :: Required Field On Subform

May 30, 2014

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)

' This procedure checks to see if the data on the form has
' changed. If the data has changed, the procedure prompts the
' user to continue with the save operation or to cancel it. Then
' the action that triggered the BeforeUpdate event is completed.

Dim Ctl As Control

On Error GoTo Err_BeforeUpdate


THis code avoids a form being closed if a required field (with tag "*") is not filled. How can I expand it to fields on a subform?Another "issue", how can I personalize the error messages :

1) Can't save record at this time ... (required fields in my table)
2) Multicolumn index causes an error message "Ca't save because of duplicate value in primary key, index ...

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Urgent Required Field Advice Needed

Jul 1, 2005

I'm looking for advice on the best method to accomplish the following from the esteemed members of this Forum (You all have provided excellent advice in the past to this Access Dummy, with my thanks), (I've also searched the forums without result):

I would like to make several fields "required" fields on my form, easy enough, in that I set the Required property on the table to "Yes".

What I would like to happen on the form is that when a user tabs out of a required field, a message box pops up that says "This is a required field" and/or when they click any of the following command buttons I've created, "Save Record", "New Record" or "Close Form", that a message box pop up and list the required fields that they missed.

Any ideas, with code, macros, or other solutions would be greatly appreciated, keeping in mind that I'm just not that swift to start with.

Many Thanks,

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Help Required Again Pls(date/time Field Related)

Apr 2, 2005

Hi i have a field which is a date/time field and its format is short date which is xx/xx/xxxx. I want to ask if there is any way i can add a validation rule for only the year to be larger than 1980???

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