Reservations System

Nov 3, 2006

I am creating a database to room allocation in a small hotel. I want the system to check room availability between two dates. What would be the best way to construct this in Access?


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I Need A Simple Resstaurant Reservations...

Feb 5, 2008

Does anyone know if there is a free Access data base for restaurant reservations that has been built? I am in need of a simple Access solution. Nothing fancy


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Queries :: Calculate Prices For Reservations Using Query

Dec 31, 2014

I have two excel tables that I linked in access. From excel tables I created query that gives me all data I need.

First table has data of periods and prices of apartment per period. For example:

PropertyID 1111
PropertyName Apartment Zagreb Mila
StaringDateOfPeriod 1.1.2015
EndingDateOfPeriod 1.7.2015
PriceForPeriod 100
PropertyID 1111
PropertyName Apartment Zagreb Mila
StaringDateOfPeriod 1.7.2015
EndingDateOfPeriod 31.12.2015
PriceForPeriod 120

Now as you can see I have apartments with prices that change per periods.

Second excel table gives me information of total paid service that customers need to pay , number of days that he will stay and CheckIn and CheckOut dates of those guest.

In calclutated fields in query I created calculations like TotalyPiad(from 2. table) - OwnerPrice*TotalyNumberofDays . I guest good result IF i have reservations that matches or is it BETWEEN StartDate and EndDate of periods.

BUT If I have reservation that is overlapping , where CheckOut of guest is 1 or more days > that EndDate of selected period I have problem with calculation because my calculation is based on WRONG price in that period.

For now what I manage to do is to create separate field in query where I calculated number of days that are out of range

CHECK_IN - StartingDate of period
CHECK_OUT -EndingDate of period
Check-in date - starting date of reservation of guest
Check-out date - ending date of guests reservation
nabavna cijena - owner price

PreklapanjePerioda: IIf([Check-out date]>[CHECK_OUT];[Check-out date]-[CHECK_OUT];Null)*[nabavna cijena]

But still when I calculate those number of days I multiple those number of days with old period.

So How can I MULTIPLE THOSE NUMBER OF DAYS WITH PERIOD +1 , I meen next period not this old one just for those days that are out of range? [CHECK_OUT] +1 doesn't work it just add extra day in my CHECK_OUT filed

My final idea is :
Separately calculate in one field number of days that are out site of range
Calculate number of days of reservation of guest that are in range
= make sum of those two fields

From that I will create report which I will send to our owners of properties (number of reservations, reservations details, price that they need to pay to us ...)

I also thought this could be possible to make using VBA but I am still not skilled anough in it. Also I was thinking of creating calendar where I would that add those two queries but how to create simple calendar in Access. Is there some template for simple calendar in Access?

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Tables :: Primary Web Based Inventory System - Update Raw Data From Another System

Mar 13, 2014

I have our primary web based inventory system that I am exporting to Excel and using this as an import to Access for the main raw data for my database. This being inventory it changes daily so I am updating this table every day. When I try to append the table it ads all the records. I am wanting an easy way to add only the new records/take out the ones that are no longer there. Basically update the table with what is currently there.The only have I have found to do this is by running non-matching queries and update queries.

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Spa System

Aug 19, 2007

I am new to Access and Ive created adatabase to control a spa system.
I have several tables: Customers
Types Of Haircut - Their prices
Types oF massage Their Prices

Now I want To create a form where i am able to choose customer, the employee performing the haircut or massage
The price should be displayed and the total AMount

How can I do that?
Should I create a Query and based on the query I create the form?

Please Help!!!

Thanking you all

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System.MDW File

Jun 18, 2005

I am still a bit confused about the system.mdw file.
I create FE and BE on my local computer and change name of system.mdw to say Jobs.mdw, after backing up system.mdw I then join jobs.mdw with my jobs FE and jobs BE and set secutity settings, etc. I then place
FE, BE and Jobs.mdw all in the same folder.

I now email jobs database with jobs.mdw file to client which places FE, BE and jobs.mdw in Jobs folder on server. Shortcut for fe is placed on each local machine.

My question-Does Jobs FE and Jobs BE still access Jobs.mdw even though placed on another computer and possibly another version of Access?

Does the shortcut have to reference Jobs.mdw?

I need to understand this.



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Payroll System

Sep 27, 2005

Hi All,

Need your expert advise. Is it ok to develop a simple payroll system using MS Access or do i need switch to Visual Basic?

Also, is there anybody can help what tables do i need to produce a payroll system, i.e. tblEmployee.



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Set An Equiry System

Dec 15, 2005

Hi, I am trying to implement my Database with an enquiry (or quotation) table and I am not sure I am heading in the right direction:

-We use assemblies made of components and the data are held together in the database with a 'Bill of Material' set up.
-A typical assembly is made of 1 or 2 bodies + Fasteners (straps and screws),
-The body price is calculated depending on his weight and an extra costs can be added with extra tooling and machining,

The costumer ask us for a quotation for various number of assemblies and we send back the estimation of the price,

I am really struggling to see if my tables are set right and this is what I came up with (attached
A main Enquiryfile Table is linked to an enquiryDetail Table which would record each individual item information for each Enquiry.
I have also added a Extracost detail table that would record all the Machining and extra pattern making cost for each assembly.
And finally, and that's what I am far to be sure about, a TblChildItemCost where the price of each components would be recorded (for each enquiry detail). The body price is based on his weight but also depend of various market exchange rates, that is the reason why I have created a table for the price of component for each enquiry.
I really hope someone can help me on that one...Thanks in advance.

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System Tables

Oct 24, 2006


My application I develop should retrieve some meta data from Access system tables. It should find:
- What tables are stored in database.
- What columns have each table in database.
- What relationships are between tables in database.
I opened systems tables of some .mdb file and took interest in such kind of information. But I got some problems by looking for what exactly I need. Please, could someone help me at these points:

1) I found that in system table MSysObjects I can find names and ids of tables created by user (for example by me). But how to determine that these tables are created by user and they are not let’s say a system tables?
2) I didn’t find any meta data about columns of tables! How to determine what columns has each table?

I created application which uses MS SQL Server to retrieve such a kind of meta information and there where no problems. But I stuck using Access.
I was looking for some information in Internet but ineffectively. Please, help me...

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Hire System Help

Nov 27, 2006

I have two tables, one named Loan and one named DVD Details.

On my DVD details table i have a field name, on_loan with a data type yes/no.

I have created a form called LoanForm where i want to select a DVD with a combo box,

then select a Set loan button that will set the corresponding DVD on_loan field to yes(true), in the dvd form.

on the button i have the following code

Private Sub HireDVDButton_Click()

Update dvd
Set car.on_loan = True

End Sub

But it doesn't seem to set the on_loan field in the DVD table to true, which is what i want to do.

Sorry if it's not clear what i want to do. I am just a beginner.

Thanks in advance :)

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Difficulties With System

Feb 8, 2006

Hi, I’ve been having some problems being able to do some things on my database, I was doing ok creating my system but now I’m a bit confused about what to do and I’ve been trying but getting no where. Firstly on my order form I need a total for the products which are in an subform and after the order is complete I need to be able to create an invoice and keep all the order information in the 'invoice' and 'invoice details' tables. I also need it to update the stock levels after the order is complete. Then I had created a tab in 'view customers' and I wanted to have it so that past customer orders could be viewed. Any help is appreciated; here is a link to my system:
'Gamez System' (

Thanks, Bob.

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Checking If The Same Name Is In The System?

May 31, 2006

I have a form where I enter student names, and it often happends that I enter the same student a couple times, Is there any way to let the user know that there is allready someone in the system with the same name, like a pop up message.:confused:


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Getting Into An Access System

Jun 12, 2007

Someone, who is no longer working at out organisation, created a system in Access which we are trying to get into, however the creater put on some security which will not let us open the system to alter. Is there a way of getting into this?

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Issue System Commands From VBA?

May 23, 2005


I would like to issue a system command from within a VBA function. Specifically, I'd like to start another application using a command-line startup command, but am not sure how to do that.

Any suggestions?


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Access Quiz System

Jul 29, 2005

i am trying to make a quiz system using ms access
i want to select 30 questions randomly from a questionbak of 100 or more
also i need to select 3 answers randomly including the corect answer
from answer bank that has 5 possible answers for each question

QID Question
1 Question1
2 Question2
3 Question3

1 1 Q1 answer a true
2 1 Q1 answer b false
3 1 Q1 answer c false
4 1 Q1 answer d false
5 1 Q1 answer e false

the field correct is for identifying the correct answer yes/no filed

so far i have been able to get the questions randomly
that is generating a random number in the query and selecting
top 30 records

ideas and help would be appreciated

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Slot Reservation System

Oct 7, 2005

Hi there,

I'm working on my A2 IT Access project atm, and my aim is to produce a fully functional db for use by a golf course, incorporating membership information and tee-time reservation system.

I've got the membership side pretty much sorted, so now I need to start work on the reservation system.
But where to start?

Basically, the user needs to be able to view slot availablity on a specific day, and make/change/delete bookings quickly and easily. The booking also needs to contain the party size. The bookings themselves should relate back to the specific member that made it via the MemberID field.
The user should be able to make bookings upto 6months in the future.
Block bookings should also be possible, so that the admin can block an entire day out for a tournament therefore preventing member bookings.
The first available and last available slots also need to be editable by the system admin to take into account time of year, light conditions etc.

Right, so i know there's quite a lot there, and i'm sure i'll come up with more features that would make it better.
But as it stands, that's something to get me started.

I'm not asking for someone to do the project, just to point me in the right direction as to suitable table structure, how to "make" the slots, how to store the bookings in the table, etc.

So, any input and ideas are greatly appreicated.

Gavin W

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Minimize To System Tray

Mar 13, 2006

is there a way that we can minimize access application to system tray.

this can be done in a vb project.

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Maxing System Resources ....

Jun 22, 2006

I just found something interesting.

I have a small db open. One form, viewing info.

I notice in Windows Task Manager that MSACCESS.EXE is taking up between 70 to 97% sometimes 100% of systems resources.

How could this be?

QTNM = )

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Is It Possible To Loop Through System Objects?

Jul 25, 2006

Is it possible to loop through all forms within a project and look at its controls? I was requested to change some object names to a more generic name, but I would like to find all references of the form within the Access application. Is there an easy way to do this?

I know that the MSysObjects contains the listing of all forms, but I don't know how to generically type cast a local variable to the form name listed in the table.

Does this make sense? There has to be a way to do this, but I haven't found anything in searching this forum.

Thanks in advance.


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Order Management System

Jul 29, 2006

I have little experience using Microsoft Access, but am attempting to create an order management system.

I have designed a system to store customer details and allow the entry of orders. I now want to develop this so that the system can handle delivery notes.

There are currently two tables for order information, since each order can consist of multiple items. So, general information, like the order date, order number and salesperson are stored in an orders table. A second table, Order Detail lists the items and item specific information along with the order number of which they are a part.

A whole order (i.e. all items assigned to one order number) may be delivered at once, or in smaller consignments. However, every consignment must have a delivery note with a unique number. So, there may be several delivery note numbers associated with each order, relating to different shipments.

I therefore need to create a system which allows the user to select which items from an order are being dispatched and then get Access to do the following:

Create a new record in the delivery notes table. The delivery note number will therefore be created (it's an autonumber). The user should be prompted to enter the delivery date and this should be stored in the date column of the delivery notes table, alongside the delivery note number.
Enter the delivery note number in the "Delivery Note Number" field of the Order Details table, for every item that the user selected as dispatching.

Once this is in place, I will then be able to pull all the required details together with a query and then print the delivery note.

Bearing in mind that I'm very new to Access and so don't have any knowledge of scripts/macros etc, can anyone tell me how I can achieve this?

Many thanks in advance,


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Serial Numbering System

Apr 18, 2007

I have the following code for the text field (Before Update)

If IsNull(Me![DyNo]) Then
Me![DyNo] = Format(Nz(DMax("[DyNo]", "[tblAllDet]", "[TheYear]='" & Year(Date) & "'"), 0) + 1, "00000")
End If
Me![DyNo] = Format([DyNo], "00000")

The code starts giving numbers from 00001, 00002, 00003 and so on. The problem was that when I have to search, I have to type the zeros before the number i.e. 00007, 00008 etc. otherwise the search form doesn’t show the relevant record. Ideally, I would like the numbering system to be 1, 2, 3, etc. (without the zeros). I tried changing the code to “0” but with the single “0”, I am unable to insert records beyond No.10. Is there a way to change this code so that I get only 1, 2, 3 etc and not with preceding zeros ? Grateful for help.

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Help Wanted With System Test...

Jun 13, 2007

I'm not looking to spam anyone or sell their data but need help to test a simple market research system that i have built. I'm looking for about 25-50 people to let me send them an email inviting them to a webform to see if the "process" works correctly from start to finish.

The form asks for limited data about people but nothing that can identify them personally. Just gender, age group and postcode prefix.

Can anyone who is OK with sending me their email address to enable me to test this please send to:

Your help is greatly appreciated.



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My System Is Ready Now. What Is The Best Installer I Can Use

Jul 21, 2007

After hard work done, my system become ready. Now I want to deploy it in the clients computers. What is the best installation software my system files from the CD disk into the user computer?

Thanks Very Much

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Urgent Help Needed For New System

Jan 9, 2008

Hello all being my first post i will try and make this as clear as possible...

its a new system my company.

my manager would like if possible the system to work in this way..

firstly a form whcih will book rides so when opened will ask current members to etner their card no which is a 16 digit number always beggining with 5555 1946 and the customer no. added on which is 0000 0001.

If a customer has not registered another link so they can register and enter details and once done this press enter and message generating a new 16 digit card number 1 mroe than the highest number in the system. new members are allocated 2000 points on their card and points are taken off when booking new rides plus a 10 point booking fee.

then a button will be clicked to take back to reserve rides which allows the customer to book a ride using the ride id and ride number on a specific Session of which there are 3 times in the day 11:00, 14:00 and 17:00 and with a maximum of 5 places on each ride during each session being able to book.

once session ID and time,date selected the next box should show the available rides

if member does not have enough points to book an error message is displayed.

I know this all sounds confusing and ive attached my progress so far its very basic being a basic user i hope users out there can help as this has to be done before friday

the attachment is below thankyou for all the help

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System Design Question

Jan 29, 2008


We have a relational DB that holds information on West Nile Virus. Currently, we have 5 tablet PCs that take a full copy of the DB and updates/edits are done in the field.

Once a month, the tablets come back and someone manually takes the 5 databases and uploads the changes to the central database. I want to find an easier way to do this. Some sort of 'synchronization' type of process.

Can anybody recommend anything? I am not too experienced with Access and this sort of functionality.

I think ideally I would create an application to check data in and out of the central DB, but I'm not really sure where to start.

Any help is appreciated.


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Instructor Booking System

Mar 8, 2008

I have been tasked with creating a system for booking instructors with clients. Customers will book in for a lesson which can be anything from 30 mins to three hours long in half hour chunks. There are up to seven instructors available and I need to be able book up to six months in advance and hopefully display a daily screen with a grid showing who is booked out with who at various time of the day.
Can anyone suggest some piece of freeware or example database to get me started?

Many Thanks

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