Restricting Display Of Information

Jan 16, 2007

I have built a database to be used by several users. One of the tables contains some fields which I don't want some of the users to be able to see.

All users log in to the database with their own username and password.

How can I hide the fields to everyone except a specific group of users?



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Auto Display Information When Entering ID

Jul 23, 2005

Hi All!

I'm working on a Personal Information Database.

I want my system to do the following whenever I

enter a person's ID:

If the ID is already entered before, I want all

the personal info fields to be populated with

the person's details.

If the ID is not entered, then I will enter all

the person's details.

Any help will be very much appreciated!


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Using A List Box To Display Query Information

Jul 30, 2013

I'm trying to get a listbox to display results of a query that are only related to the current record being viewed.I have a form (setup as a continuous form) that displays a vendor table. I have a query setup to reference what parts a vendor supplies, and I would like those results to be visible on the form. I would use a subform to make this happen, but if I try and drop a subform on the main form, it says it won't do it with a continuous form. So, the listbox. I copied my form, dropped in the subform, and took a copy of the SQL statement. I then took that SQL statement and dropped it on the Row Source of the unbound listbox. I do get a return of Parts and Prices, but its the whole list, not just a list for the currently displayed vendor. My SQL is currently thus:

SELECT tblPrice.[Part Number], tblPrice.Cost, tblPrice.[Price Date], tblPrice.[Bulk Discount], tblVendors.[Vendor Name]
FROM tblVendors INNER JOIN tblPrice ON tblVendors.[VendorID] = tblPrice.[VendorID];

I have tried to wrap my head around it, and I'm stuck. GoogleFu has also failed me, as I can't find something quite on point to what I'm doing.

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Using Form Fields To Display Other Table Information

Jan 17, 2006

Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me.

I have a simple database, consisting of two tables and one form. I'd like the form to display information mainly from the first table (table 1). For this, I have used the Form Wizard, which works well and displays as it should. My problem comes when trying to display data from table 2, without using the Form Wizard.

I have a simple field called 'Number' in 'Table 2'. I'd like this value displayed in a text box along with table 1's data. I've tried using the expression builder, which gives me something along the lines of:

[tbl_Table 2]![Number]

But this is displayed as:


...when I open the form. Could anyone explain how I do this correctly please? All I'm trying to do is display data from other tables in the form.

Any help is much appreciated.

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Forms :: Display Some Information From Query In Pop Up Window

Jun 18, 2015

I've created a query called "JobHistoryQuery" and a form called "JobHistoryMultiForm", this displays all Jobs related to an Asset and all the information about that job. There are some fields (BilledMonth, BilledYear, BilledValue, Parts Required, PartsUsed), however, that I would only like to see if I need to see them (as there is quite a lot of information on the form and ideally, I'd like to be able to see the key information from each job from that asset with ease). What I would like is to create a button that says "Billing" and "Parts" for each job and it brings up a pop up window displaying that information.

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Forms :: Form To Display Information From Junction Table?

Feb 3, 2014

I've established a many to many relationship using a junction table.

So I have 3 tables (A for "materials", B for "batches", and J for "junction")

Form A is linked to table A, and contains a subtable linked to a query from table J. This allows me to input materials into table A and then list all of the batches it may be used in that are in table B. I successfully got this to input all the batches and materials combinations in table J.

Now on form B, which is linked to table B, displays the batch information, with the subtable J.

My problem, is that only the materials primary key is showing, not the other information that should be linked from table A.

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Forms :: Unable To Display Information Based On Data In Another Box

Nov 15, 2013

I am trying to get a form to display certain information based on the data in another box. I have to input some exam results and want to assign a level to them. So, if they score < 13, the result would read "Below Entry 3" if between 13 and 21 "Entry 3" etc If this was a spreadsheet I would use an if function, but I am not sure that I can do this here

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Forms :: Way To Display / Hide Information On Subform Using Check Box?

Jul 11, 2013

Is there a way to display/hide the information on a subform using a checkbox?So, when the checkbox is checked, the fields are blank but when the checkbox is unchecked, the information displays?

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Forms :: Buttons To Display Information Stored In Excel Sheet

Sep 2, 2014

I would like to first state that I am new to Access and trying my best to pick up on skills, so pardon if my questions seemed redundant or illogical. I'm trying to create a sort of quick-access/all-in-one Access form that..

1) Displays contact details stored in an excel sheet
2) Opens application on click
3) etc..

I am able to get pointer 2 sorted out, however am having trouble with pointer 1.

I have the contact details stored in an excel sheet, of which I am aware of how to import it into Access. However, my idea was to have a tab where firstly there are 4 buttons, say buttonA to buttonD.

I want it to perform an action such that when i click buttonA, 5 other buttons (say button1 to button5) appear on the right of the 4 existing buttons.

If I press buttonB however, button6 to button10 will appear and replace the button1 to button5 at the same spot.

After which, if I press button1 etc, there will be a field where contact details are displayed (name/number/etc) and it switches as I press different buttons.

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Button Action To Display Information From Contact List On Click

Jan 21, 2013

I would like to know how on a report to make a button action that when i click it present information from contact list (full contact details).

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Combine Two Columns To Display Information In Third Column As Unique Identifier

Jul 23, 2015

So i have a access database with a main field that we can call vendor # (LIFNR) and another called Company code (BUKRS). There are multiple company codes under a single vendor #. Example:








What I am trying to do is create a 3rd column where i can have a unique row for each of these fields without it repeating. There is no unique identifier in this table and that is what i am trying to achieve.

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Modules & VBA :: Searchable Form - Message Box To Display Information Based On Expression

Nov 24, 2014

I have a searchable form that display information on agreements other companies have with us. If a company requests an inspection we have 30 days to go out and complete it.

I am trying to create a message box that will display all inspections that are due within 5 days when the form loads. No luck so far, only broken dreams.

Is it possible for message boxes to use expressions and display information that fits the criteria?

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Forms :: How Data Is Passed Using Foreign Keys - Cannot Display Proper Information

Jan 25, 2015

I'm trying to understand how data is passed using foreign keys.

I'm using Allen Browne's 'Don't use Yes/No fields to store preferences' at: [URL] ....

I've also downloaded his sample DB, RelationBasics, to use as a guide.

Attached is my version of the Student / Sport DB as described on the webpage.

I use 2010 at home (saved as 2003 version) and 2003 at work (JPNSE OS). Both result in the same thing.

The problem I'm having is I cannot get the actual sports to display in the combo-box, only the Sport_ID number.

I've tried building both forms with and without actual data in the TBL_Student & TBL_Sports tables, but no mater what the result is the same.

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Forms :: Create List Box To Only Display Information From Another Form Related To Current Form

Mar 20, 2014

What I would like to do is create a list box that will only display the information from another form that is related to the current form.So I have a form call Equipment Catalog and that form is related to Equipment features 1 to M relationship and the Equipment Features is related to a Features form M to 1.

So what I want to do is display all the related equipment features in a listbox that is related to the current PK of that form.So if there is only one feature on one form the list box will only display that one item however is there is 6 features on another it will display all 6.I have been trying SQL and Queries but I still can't get it to work.

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Restricting Access.

Nov 18, 2006

is there a way to pw or restrict access for ppl to a table, form / control page?

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Restricting Access To Informatino

Oct 24, 2006


I have made up an Access database form for our Sickness Administrators to fill in when someone is off ill. I want the form to only show (on the drop down list of names) the people that that particular SA deals with - for example, Jill would enter sickness records for the Democratic, Legal & Personnel section. I am not sure how to go about this:

a) if I have one table with all of the employees names on it, is there a way of restricting Jill from seeing any names other than the ones that she deals with?

b) if I have separate tables for each section, would that be easier? and if so, do I just make a "switchboard" for them to click on the appropriate list?



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Restricting Records Per Date

Aug 15, 2007

Hi, a newbie needed help here.

I just wanted to ask whether it is possible to restrict records/rows in a table that has the same values (same date to be exact).

For example, I have an order form and wanted to restrict to only 20 orders per day (could be of any date; not restricted to the current date only). Therefore, if more than that, a message box will appear and no more record will be allowed to be saved.

Whether is it possible or not please justify.

Thank you in advance.

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Restricting Fields On Import?

Aug 29, 2007

Hey guys-
New here, and fairly new to Access as well (although I can stumble my way around). I am building a database in which I have to import the data on a daily basis (there won't be much, if any, data entry- just manipulating/Queries of the imported data). One of the fields I am importing is a 'category' type field. There's no way to restrict the data entry aspect of it before I import it into my DB- so I have to work with what I got.

The users type in the categories themselves- many all match the same name/spellings, some do not. So I assume I'm going to have a Category table with all the acceptable categories already entered into it. What I need is some way for the ones that don't fit the acceptable Category names to be flagged- once flagged I need to be prompted for each record if I want to ADD the category to the Category Table, or, if I want to match it to an existing category in the category table. If I choose to match it to an existing category, it will always keep that new category name so that queries and whatnot are consistent.

An Example-
The acceptable Category name might be 'Fruits'.
Upon importing the file- there might be entries that match that exactly, or- some might be entered as-

The Fruits
Fruits II
The Fruity Ones

If these three were to be in the import file- I want to be prompted to change the field entry to 'Fruits' or create a new category name, and associate that with the new name.

How would I go about doing this?

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Restricting Entry To Alphabetic Only

Jul 27, 2006

Hello everyone,

I'm working on a data-entry form and would like to restrict the data that I enter on certain fields to alphabetic characters only i.e. a -z, A - Z and Spaces.

Is there any way I can acomplish this??

Many thanks in advance.


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Restricting Access Via Comand Buttons

Apr 20, 2006

I have created a db and would like to apply the format of the attached zip file

I cannot seem to work out how it was done cutting and pasting the code is not working either if someone could take a look and give me a simple method of creating the desired solution i would be very greatful

The button to access the password will be called DCC Log In.

This will then allow the Command Button DCC to be Clicked (Previously Hidden as in the example)

This opens the DCC Form (already achieved by =openForms("DCC")

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Restricting Certain Data When Opening A Form

Mar 24, 2006

What I have is a database that I am using for 3 different sites; NE, NCA, & SCA. What I want to do is have the form ONLY show information for the specific site that the Leader is a member of. I have a security table that contains the persons name, & site location. For example: John Smith works at the NE site; so when he goes to open a form to add/modify/delete members from his site I want him to only be able to see date for NE from the table. So in the listbox NCA & SCA would be filtered.

How can I go about doing this? The forms Record Source is set to the Security Table. Please help so I can do this without having to create a seperate form for each different location. :)

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Restricting Number Of Open Connections

Jun 10, 2005

I want to restrict the number of times each person can open a database, but give them the option to force close the database on another PC, if they have left it with the database still open, prior to allowing them to have full access / functionality of the database on another PC.

In order to achieve this, I need advice on how to automatically record the computername as each person "logs in" to the database and secondly, send a command to close the database / Access on a PC with the stored computername.

Thanks in anticipation.

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General :: Restricting Field Entry

Mar 16, 2014

In a table I have 3columns with the primary key of MemberID. Of the columns in question, one is StudentID and the other is StaffID. What i want to do is that if a use enters the information in MemberID, he will not be able to input in the field in StaffID and vice versa.

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Restricting Updates Of Product Prices

May 28, 2013

I am trying to set up a database to track truck maintenance, repair, and inspection records for a trucking company. Parts are ordered from vendors, and I have forms set up to facilitate the entry of the information regarding those orders. The problematic form is based on a query. In that query (this form and query deals with the purchase details - product, price, extended price), the product ID is gathered from the inventory transaction table, the product name and price are gathered from the product table (I did this so that price would enter automatically).

Of course, when I change the price, it is changed across all related orders, including those that have been saved previously. I know that the problem more than likely stems from having the info pulled from the products table. I'm just at a loss as to any other option to have the price automatically pulled.

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Restricting Lookup Values In Sub-datasheet

May 12, 2014

I am new to Access and am currently learning it so that I can construct a database of trivia questions.

I have a "Questions" table with question, answer, type, etc. This table is linked to a "Categories" table with a many-to-many relationship using a junction table called "Questions_Categories". The "Categories" table is also linked to a "SubCategories" table with a Categories as the parent and SubCategories as the child. I have attached the database for ease of understanding.

When I enter data into the "Questions" table using datasheet view, I open up a subsheet that shows me the Category and SubCategory fields which have their own lookups.

My problem is the following: I want each category to have its own set of SubCategories. For example, the "Region-Specific" category has "Canada", "London", and "Ontario" as sub categories. However, the movies category should not have any sub categories. The problem is that when I choose Movies in the sub datasheet, the subcategory lookup still shows Canada London and Ontario when I don't want it to show anything. It doesn't make sense to have a Movies category with a London subcategory.

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Password Protecting A Table Or Restricting Access?

Aug 17, 2006


Basically i have a single database with several tables in it. I want certain tables such as Ireland, UK, US etc to only be accessable by employees from those countries. Is this possible and if so, how?

I have looked at user/group permissions but can't figure out how to assign passwords to users etc.

Any help is much appreciated


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