Result Of Expression Not Saved In Table, Please Help.....

Aug 4, 2006

I am new to MS Access, when I am making any calculation using some expression, then I have to save the result to table, it is not saved. Please anyone suggest the solution for my problem..... and mail at


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Queries :: Run Saved Query Object In Access Through VBA And Display Result In Subform

Jun 25, 2014

I have saved query object named qrySearchBill. I wan to call this query through vba and display the result in a subform named subQrySearchBills in datasheet view. Here's how I want it to work:

When the main form loads, I want all unfiltered records to be displayed in the subform initially. The user may then decide to filter based on date range, so he enters startdate and enddate parameter values in their respective textboxes in the main form. Then click search button to run the saved query based on the date range parameter taken from the textboxes.

I have this code so far:

SQL of the saved query object:

PARAMETERS [StartDate] DateTime, [EndDate] DateTime;
SELECT tblInvoice.BillNo, tblCrdCustomer.CstName, tblCrdCustomer.CstAddress, tblCrdCustomer.Island, tblInvoice.Date, Sum(tblInvoice.[TotalPrice]) AS Amount
FROM tblCrdCustomer INNER JOIN tblInvoice ON tblCrdCustomer.IDNo = tblInvoice.NameID
WHERE tblInvoice.Date Between [StartDate] And [EndDate]
GROUP BY tblInvoice.BillNo, tblCrdCustomer.CstName, tblCrdCustomer.CstAddress, tblCrdCustomer.Island, tblInvoice.Date;

vba code to call the query and its parameter:

Private Sub btnSearchBill_Click()
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset

Set qdf = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("qrySearchBills")

[Code] ...

This code works fine except that when the main form loads, a prompt window appears to ask for the value of dateStart and dateEnd. I don't want it to prompt because it's suppose to get these values from the main form's textboxes (txtStartDate and txtEndDate respectively), plus it should initially display all the unfiltered records.

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Odd Result Form Expression

Apr 26, 2006

Im getting an odd result returned & I don't know why.


If I replace value [drop] with -11.838 then the result is correct (-2.958)

The porblem seem to be when [drop] is neg.

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DLookup - Display Result Of Expression

Dec 28, 2012

I have two forms...frm1 has a text box with an expression in it and I need frm2 to display the result of the expression. I'm using the DLookup expression and it either gives me #Name? or #Error? message in the text box frm2.

=Dlookup("[loan#]","tbl_loan","[Days] =" & Forms![frm1]!Days) <that gives me #Name? message

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Queries :: Copy Result Of Expression In A Field

Dec 5, 2013

I've got these expressions in a query to extract parts of an mp3 file full path from a field and just let the name of the song.

exp: Mid([imported];[exp3]-[exp2];Len([imported]))
exp2: InStr([imported];"")-4
exp3: InStrRev([imported];"")
exp4: Left([exp];Len([exp])-4)

"exp4" is the clean name of the song.

Now how can I update my "song name" field (which is empty) to be same as "exp4" . Is it an update query? If so how can i do it?

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Tables :: Can Images Be Saved In Table

Oct 8, 2014

The user wants to be able to click a product desription in an access table, and a picture of the product pops up. is this possible and if not, what is best way to implement this functionality?

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Computed Values Are Not Saved In Database Table

Jul 26, 2005

Hi Experts,

I am beginner to Ms-access database. I want save value of A(5) - B(3) into C but, when i check the field C, i find 0 instead 2. Please advice me what i need to do to achive the exact value in field C.


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Forms :: Listbox Data Cannot Be Saved In Table

Aug 11, 2014

I have a trouble to save data from Listbox to table. I can select mutiple data from Listbox, but the data cannot be saved on the table.

Here is the detail infor:

FORM name: Attendance
FORM record source: TBL_Attendance
Listbox Name: ARR_Result
table for Listbox to use: TBL_ARR

I want to these multiple records which come from Listbox (data on the TBL_ARR table)to be saved in table TBL_Attendance.

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Access 2003 - Link To Table Not Getting Saved

Jan 28, 2013

I am linking the Access tables with another Access Database. But after exiting from Ms Access application links are not getting saved. the version of both the DB are Access 2003.

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General :: Viewing Data In Report Before Saved To Table?

Sep 20, 2012

need information in form to write to report before accepted and saved to separate table, so operators can read it. background:manifest information entered into form in receiving office, analysis ran in lab and then entered into form. When analysis is approved, Operators unload material then truck checks out in receiving office. Need to see analysis before it is written from load_temp table to Load table.

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Forms :: Option Group Data Not Being Saved To Table

Jul 14, 2013

Not all the choices (numeric codes) for my form's option box are being saved to the associated table.

I am using the options choices in the option group to enter data into a table and do additional things - clicking one option is supposed put a code in the table and then take you another form, while clicking a different option will make a new option box visible so I can collect additional data.

My option group has three options, only the data from the second option, which makes a second option group visible, is being saved in the table. If someone clicks on the first or thrid option, which takes them to another form, the data from that option choice does not get saved to the table.

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Tables :: Saved Exports - Saving A Table That Has Been Filtered?

Feb 12, 2015

I am trying to create a saved export on a table i have. However i want to filter so when i do the saved export it exports the table with the filtered result only.However when i filter my table and export it and save the export. The first export comes out with the filtered results but when i go to my list of saved exports and export it again, it doesnt come filtered and its just an export of the whole table.

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Append From A Text Box To Only Blank Field In Saved Record In A Table

Mar 27, 2015

I have designed a database that has two forms as inputs to a table. The first form is a checklist and when it is completed it saves all fields except the ManagerID field. I then use the blank ManagerID, clientID and Date to pull onto a form for the manager to complete. On completion I want the ManagerID to save into the current records so they do not show up in the manager checklist forms and I then have a complete record. I have been searching online and cant seem to see how the best avenue is. I have an append query, see below

INSERT INTO ChecklistResults ( ManagerID )
SELECT ChecklistResults.ManagerID, ChecklistResults.ClientID, ChecklistResults.DateCompleted
FROM ChecklistResults
WHERE (((ChecklistResults.ClientID)=[Forms]![TeamLeader]![ComClientNotFin]) AND ((ChecklistResults.DateCompleted)=[Forms]![TeamLeader]![ComDateSelect]));

Private Sub CmdAppend_Click()
Dim dbsNorthwind As dao.Database
Dim rstAmend As dao.Recordset
Dim qdfAmend As dao.QueryDef


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If A Make-table Query Result Is Null, How To Have A Default Message Appear In Table ?

Jan 21, 2005

Hi everybody,

Beginner here needs help !

I'm building a make-table query for which if the result is null (no record correspond to the set of criterias), a default message like "there was no activity during the period" would appear in the table (not a message box...I need the message in the output table). The best I could think of is an IIF function but it doesn't seem to work... Is there any way to do this without using VBA?

Thanks in advance !

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Search Record In Other Table And Show Result On Current Table

Apr 11, 2012

Actually I have a small form of customer details, that i made in excel, the field name mention below,

Customer Details Table
First Name
Last Name
Contact Detail
Address Detail

Postal Code
Last Purchasing Date

Now i want to make a search form like this

Search Form

Contact Details

& the result is show which I insert the contact number.......

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Queries :: Conditional Query To Post Result In Field And Filter Result Records?

Mar 5, 2014

I am working with Access 2010, on vista. What I have is a query made up of two tables, one product the other inventory. (see below) query.jpg

In the product table i have a field called "minimum reorder level". In the inventory table i have two fields one called "number in stock" and "number on order". What i want to happen is "number on order" to be filtered by the result, if the "number in stock", is less than "minimum reorder level", if it is, have the result placed in the "number on order" field. EG. if the "number in stock" = 2 and the "minimum reorder level" = 5 then 3 would be placed in the field "number on order" and only the second record from the query would be visible (see below) Query result.jpg The result of this would mean that the field "number on order" would be populated with the result and the and query would also use this to filter the record.

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General :: Adding Count To Result Of Query Depending On Month And Result

Aug 18, 2013

I want to add a number to my results within a query depending on the month and how many results. For example I have 10 results in my query 3 from January, 5 from March and the rest from April. The 3 from January would be 1,2,3. The five in March would be 1,2,3,4,5 and so on. Is it possible to do?

I'm using access 2003.

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Keep Result Of Calculation In Table

Oct 18, 2004

Hi all.
I have a TableA with 3 fields: FieldA, FieldB, Result. A Form1 based on these fields. User will put data in FieldA, FieldB and calculate in Result. Problem is how to keep result of calculation in TableA?

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Copy Result Into The Table

Sep 15, 2007

Hi all, how can I have the result which is shown as "DateEnd" on the form available on the table. right now if I open the table "tblShift" the fields are blank!

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Queries :: If There Is No Result In Query Need To Have Default Result Zero

Oct 12, 2013

I there is no result in query, I need the default result zero in my form field. I only use query wizard to create queries.

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Query Result Changes When Table Removed

Jan 26, 2006


New to this forum so be gentle! I'm also recently self taught on Access 2003 and developed a fairly substantial database for my company to track projects. My terminology may be off but hopefully youcan follow.

I have a number of queries created by copying existing queries and tweaking them. I was attempting to fine tune one of these by removing tables that had no bearing on the query. I was surprised to find that the number of records returned changed when I did this. I tried this with a number of queries and it seems to be common, on my database at least.

The tables removed had no fields selected for the query and had reltionships to only 1 of the remaining tables so it shouldn't have made any difference? In ever instance, the returned record set was a smaller nukber than before the unused table was removed.

Any ideas.

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Saving A Result From Form To Table

Nov 19, 2004

I'm creating a database to enter Tests that have been done. I am recording the date that the test was performed and now I need Access to tell me when the next test is due (i.e. 5 years from the latest test date). I used the expression dateadd("yyyy",5,[NextTestDue]). But when I put this under Control Source, it only displays it on the form but does not save it in the table. How do I get it to save the info to the table?

I need the NextTestDue field to automatically populate when I enter a test date (The date the test was performed). Please help.

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How To Save Query Result To Table

Dec 6, 2004

I want to save an Access query result to a Table, but I couldn't find a way. The only thing I can do is save the result to excel or as a query in another file. Any hints? Thank you very much.

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Filling A Table Field With A Query Result

Nov 23, 2004

I have a query_ReimburseResult
that counts the yes/no answers in field Reimburse from tbl_Survey.

How do I take the results from the query and put it into a field in another table?

I have tbl_Result and a field called ReimburseResult. I set the type to long integer and then what?


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Form Is Calculating But Table Does Not Show Result?

Mar 5, 2005

Hi Experts,

Novice here,

I managed to create a FORM that has fields that calculates basic additions/subtractions formula but for some reason the fields on the TABLE does not update?? Any suggestions?

Thank you,


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Save Result Of A Calculation Or Function Into A Table

Apr 1, 2006

Hi there,

I've read through the forums on saving the results of a calculation into a field is a bad idea. I somewhat understand the reasoning for it. But I don't think such situations arise for everyone.

But I have gone with the suggestion and created an updatequery, which simply goes through and updates the calculated value into a table. Now each time the updatequery is run its asking for permission as to the fact if I'm sure I want it to be run. How do I turn this option off. And should I call this updatequery afterupdate or beforeupdate?


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