Retaining A Value Entered Throughtout The User's Session

Nov 13, 2006

I am creating a database to track a student's course load in a degree program.

When the student enteres their ID on the first form I want to retain that value so subsequent forms and views display their records, or allow new entries/updates to different tables without re-entering their ID. I'm having no luck passing the value entered into the first form's text box to other processes selected prior to closing out the database.

Thank you.

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Send Message To User When Entered Into DB

Aug 9, 2006

I have look around in the forums, but I haven't found what I was looking for. I just maybe didn't use the correct search criteria. But anyway this is what I am looking for.

When a certain user Logon into the database. I would like the have a message sent just to that one particular user. Bottom line is. When a report is due and that user is responsible for it, I would like a notification go to that user.

Can this be done and how would one go about this?

Again thanks

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Applying User Entered Data From One Field To Another

Aug 14, 2006


I am currently building a stock control system in access. I have a form with which the user selects a stock item from 3 combo boxes (stock name, stock weight and stock grade). The combo box links to a table of stock items. A stock item is made up of a name, weight and grade (all separate fields in the stock items table).

I wish to setup the form so as the user selects the stock name from the first combo box. Based on the value selected by the user, the appropriate stock weight(s) assoicated with that stock name will be displayed in another combo box.

Basically, I wish to take the result from one field in a form and apply its result to a query(?) in another field so as to filter(?) my result accordingly.

Hope that makes sense. Any suggestions?


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Display Results Between Two User Entered Dates

Apr 18, 2006

Is there a clean way to:

1)Take two user dates as input at run time, e.g by a calendar GUI selection, or even just a string

2) Then return all rows from a table where the value of the date column is between those two values?



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Queries :: Dynamic Top Value According To Number Entered By User?

Dec 17, 2013

Is it possible to have the user enter the number of top records to choose in a query?

I know that you can enter a number or percentage in the Top Values property of the query but I would like the user to be able to enter this number each time they run the query since it may be different each time and not always, say, the top 10 records.

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Tables :: Default Value Equal To Date Entered By User

Dec 21, 2012

I want a default value to equal the first 2 characters of field [first name] and first 3 characters of field [last name] and the numeric datevalue of [DOB] 'date of birth'.

In excel its easy,
C D E resultformula

Formula LEFT(c9,2)&LEFT(d9,3)&"-"&e9

How do I get same result in Access?


Field 'PRN', a text field set as default =""""& left([first name],2}+LEFT(Last name],3), date()&""""

Access accepted the above statement but when I input user details the default doesn't work.

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Forms :: Warn User When Data Being Entered 3 Times

Oct 24, 2013

I am making a simple database for the computer laboratory in school (my place of work). Actually it is a Automated Logbook System. Here's the Problem. I want to make a form that will prompt me whenever I enter the data(ID number) of the user(student) 3 times already for the current week.

The message box will more likely prompt.

The Data already entered 3 times this week!!!

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Forms :: Append Data To A Table Entered By User

May 20, 2013

How I would go about appending data to a table that has been entered by a user on a form.

My initial idea to tackle this was to create a number of text boxes as a method of user input which would all then transfer to a table but this doesn't have much longevity to it(if the database requires additional columns to be added, etc.)

The setup at the moment is two tables, a main table, and a temporary table(which is where I intend to first store the user input, this is so that the user can view what they have entered and make any necessary changes(undo))

I'm wondering if there are any easier ways to go about this such as, a msgbox appears and asks the user to enter each individual column data for a row. This doesn't sound like the most efficient way but efficiency isn't a priority right now and is something I'll look at later.

I'd like it so that a user can input data into a number of text boxes, a button has an onclick event that will append all entered values to the temporary table, this is then relayed(I'm assuming through requery?) back to the user as a way of checking before really adding it to the main database, and then if they're happy there is another button which is then enabled so they can add it to the main database.

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Visual Sign To Show User Details Have Or Havent Been Entered

Nov 23, 2006

hi.. i have one table with fields 1-8

2 forms are used to fill in the details for each record using the primary key on each form.




is there a way that on FORM1, i can indicate to my user whether or not any details have been entered into FORM2

maybe a colour system.. eg

if table.pickup and table.dropoff and table.vehicle are empty
form indicator on FORM1 is red (to show that none of the details on FORM2 have been entered)

else if table.pickup or table.dropoff or table.vehicle are not empty
form indicator on FORM1 is green (to show that atleast one of the fields on FORM2 has been entered)

it doesnt have to be a colour scheme, it can be wording.. eg

Form2 Empty, or Form2 Completed...

just some kind of sign to my user..

anyone ever tried or used something like this before?

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Using Form Data In User-Entered Query Search Criteria

Dec 20, 2006

I am attempting my first access database which tracks blood components in our medical facility. When a component is issued to a patient there is a button to push which links to a report that runs a query. The user must enter the unique key for the component at a promt, which ensures the report generated will be for that component only. My question is if there is a way to cpture and use that key automatically when pressing the button. If I need to clarify something, please let me know--I may not have the Access developer lingo down yet...

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Modules & VBA :: Parameter Query - Detect If User Has Not Entered A Criteria

Dec 12, 2014

I have a report that is fed by a parameter query. When a command button (Command23) is clicked a parameter box opens and the user enters a subsystem number. A report for that subsystem then opens.

I want to open the report with VBA and show a message if the user has failed to enter a subsystem number in the parameter box and just clicked OK.

The problem is I don't know how to refer to the parameter box and detect if it has been left empty before clicking OK. I first tried to use IsNull in an If statement with Command23.Value, but now realize it is the value in the parameter box I am after, not the "value" of Command23.

How can I change my code to detect if the parameter box has not been filled out?

Private Sub Command23_Click()
If IsNull(Command23.Value) Then
MsgBox "You did not enter a Subsystem", vbOKOnly, "No Criteria Entered"
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptTESTInfoBySubsystem", acViewReport
End If
End Sub

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Queries :: Append Query With User Entered Parameter Values

Sep 17, 2013

I have an append query that currently looks like this URL...This query automatically adds the machine parameters for a product code and lot number into the running condition log. This is so the user does not have to manually go in and tediously select each machine parameter.

The running condition log also has a date field to specify what day and record number the machine parameter's value was recorded on. When I run the query the appended rows look like this. The product and lot are defined by user parameter and there are actually about 36 machine parameters

Productstockcode LotNo Day Record Parameter ActualCond
PE-500 130816m71 StockTemp
PE-500 130816m71 Zone 1
PE-500 130816m71 Zone 2

My question is: how do I modify the query to automatically add the date and record number in one shot? It needs to be user defined at the time of the query because this data is not stored anywhere else in the database. For each 36 machine parameters the day and record would be the same.

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Make User Select From A Drop Down List If A Number In Another Field Is Entered?

Feb 13, 2006

Hi all, i have a 2 fields in a subform named "HRS_ABSENT" & "ABSENCE_REASON" i'm trying to create some code that will display a message if the user inputs any number into the "HRS_ABSENT" field & leaves the "ABSENCE_REASON" field empty. I want to force the user to select a ABSENCE RESON (these are 3 letter codes) from the drop down list, if they enter a number in the HRS ABSENT field. Ive tried the below code but it doesnt do anything :-(

Anybody please help me out?
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
MsgBox "Please select an Absence reason"
Cancel = True
End If

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Queries :: Select Query To Pull Records Based On Multiple Strings Entered By A User?

May 1, 2013

Is it possible to run a basic select query to pull records based on multiple strings entered by a user?

I have a query with field criteria - Like '*' & [Type In MMDBID:-] & '*'

This allows the user to input one MMDBID and the records are retrieved from the db.

I can also use the OR statement in the same field criteria "AB123" OR "BC123", and all records based on those values are pulled back.

But I cannot get the user to input multiple values and I tried amending the SQL string based on the OR criteria above

SQL statement (Like) is below :

SELECT tblFund.MMDBID, tblFund.[Investment Name], tblCodesLive.[IOE Code], tblCodesLive.[Uptix Code], tblFund.[Red Payment Deadline]
FROM (tblFund INNER JOIN tblCodesLive ON tblFund.MMDBID = tblCodesLive.MMDBID) INNER JOIN tblContact ON (tblFund.MMDBID = tblContact.MMDBID) AND (tblCodesLive.MMDBID = tblContact.MMDBID)
WHERE (((tblFund.MMDBID) Like '*' & [Type In MMDBID:-] & '*') AND ((tblFund.Editing)=False) AND ((tblFund.Closed_Fund)=False));

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Session Ending

Dec 29, 2004

Can I let a Session variable end when all the pages are closed?

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Can't Open Mail Session

Feb 25, 2008

I use Access to e-mail advice reports to my project managers. I have done this for many months using a macro "sendobject". For some reason this week I get the message "Can't Open Mail Session". When I look at the help note it says there might not be enough memory, close other applications but this is not the problem as I have nothing else open. I have tried it on another machine and still get the same message.

Any ideas?

Many thanks

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Select Statement With Like And A Session Variable

Oct 28, 2004

Can some one please help with my SQL statement. Having trouble with getting the like statement to work with my session variable.

Here's the code I am using thus far.

<% If Session("PhoneN") Then %>


dim objcn1,objrst2,sql4

set objcn1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
set objrst2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")

sql4 = "SELECT * FROM [Bill To Customers] WHERE CompanyPhone LIKE '%' & PhoneN & '%' "

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Queries :: Time Query - Show Transactions For Particular Session

Jul 20, 2015

I have a pop up reports tied to my form so the usere can press the see list report of all the equipment they just scanned in or out of the building. I am useing the Date/Time data type (General Date) What I would like to get out of the query is when the user clicks the button it will show all entries from the time right before the button is pressed AND through 5 minutes earlier. (That would be the time that the user would of started scanning the equipment.

This is my current criteria : Between Now() And Date()

This is returning all transactions for the day. I really only want all transactions for that session.

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General :: Student Database - Transfer Of Payment To New Semester And Session

Nov 18, 2012

I am creating a student database in ms access2007 but finding difficult to go further. In my database, I have created the following


Then a query from the payment that shows student I'd,arrears,amount due,paid. And balance

My question is

1.How do I transfer the students and their balance to a new semester and session
2.Do I have to new student and payment tables every semester bcos payment are made every semester
3. I want to keep each students payment for as long as they remain in the school
4. A session is made up three semesters how do I transfer students to a new session

May be my tables layout are faulty...

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Modules & VBA :: Web Browser Control To Navigate A Website That Only Allows One Session At A Time

Oct 16, 2013

I have constructed an application in Access2010 that uses the ActiveX WebBrowser Control.I am using the Web Browser control to navigate a website that only allows one session at a time and normally (if using a regular web browser) if you close the tab you're working on, you have to completely close the browser and reopen it to be able to acces the website again.

I have this application on 2 networks.


A) when using the WebBrowser control I can navigate to the site. But if I need to navigate away or need to log in as a different account on the site, I can close an reopen the form and that will suffice to regain access to the site.

However on PC

B) it will not allow me to navigate back to the site by closing and reopening the form (the website recognises it is not a new session). I have to close the entire database and reopen it to get the site to work again.

I would very much like PC B) to be behaving in the same manner as PC A) so that I do not have to tell users to restart the whole database in order to reaccess the site.

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Me.controlsource Not Retaining Value

Dec 13, 2007

I have a unbound text box being used as a label. In the control source of the text box I have a date ie. =#12/31/2008#. I am using this date for criteria in a dsum function, so whatever date is in this field effects the data being displayed. I need to be able to have the user edit this date when necessary. I created another unbound text box and put the following code in the after update: Me.ReestDate.ControlSource = "=#" & Me.EnterReestDate & "#"
This is working as it is displaying the correct change. My problem is that the control does not retain the date. When I exit out and go back in, the original date is still there. Is there some code that will save the field after I update it? Or maybe another suggestion to do what I need.

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Retaining Leading Zeros

Jun 22, 2005

I have a query and i want to join 2 fields together

eg. JOB:[Type_id] & [Number_id]

this works fine but i need to put an input mask on the field

type id is 2 letters
number id is 4 numbers (0001)

however whan the filed JOB is created all leading 0's from Number id are lost

how can i prevent this


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Retaining Order Of Records

Nov 10, 2006

Hi, how do I retain the order of my records in a table in terms of when added ie

1st record id = 3456
2nd record id = 1234
3 rd record id = 2456

but when i go into the tabel it is now in order of 1234, 2456, 3456...i dont want numerical ordering!!



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New Record With Retaining Information

Oct 13, 2015

How to code this button so it creates a new record while retaining information such as a serial number. So if you pull up the item check out its past service. then you want to click a "new entry" button but you want the serial number to remain in the field.

What I got so far is:

Private Sub BtnAdd_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_BtnAdd_Click
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_BtnAdd_Click
End Sub

But obviously it erases the serial number.

The field is txtSerialNumber and the control source is SerialNumber.

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Retaining Text In A Click Action

Jul 6, 2006

I have two fields set up on a form, when the user double clicks in field 1, the text that was in Field 1 then moves to field 2. The issue is that the text in field 2 only retains the most recent text change - overwriting the text that was in field 2 previously. How do i make it so that every time the text moves to field 2, that it keeps a running history of the text?

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Merging Tables And Retaining Data

Oct 19, 2004

Newbie here,
i have two tables with 3 fields in each (code, Description and amount)
what i need to do is join these two together to show data from both tables (some of the
data in fields one and two will be identical, but the third fields in both
tables will need separate entries for each table)
the primary key would be the first field (code) ysee, the original table has been updated
by a n other, some codes and descriptions changed for others so, i would like to end up with
feild one, all codes from both tables, field two,
all descriptions matched to codes from both tables,
field three numbers matching from first table, field
four numbers matching from second table.

is this a possibility?

please help...loosing hair!


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