Return Text Left Of "#"

Jul 13, 2005

How can I calculate fieldA equal to fieldB for all text before "#"

e.g. I have a text field where the length of characters before the "#" varies. in general the field looks like this.. "abcde#zyxwv" Want to calculate that field to be equal to "abcde" since it precedes the #??

I searched this forum and was unsuccessful with InStr() and Left() functions. :confused:

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Unable To Return Query If A Field Is Left Blank

Dec 27, 2007

Hi all,

I am having a problem getting my query to work properly. I have read through this query section but it just got me more confused. I know some have used IIF function but it didn't work for me.

here's my code:

SELECT tblEmployee.UserName, tblODF.ODFNumber, tblQueue.Queue, tblStatus.Status, tblODF.ODFScanDate
FROM tblStatus INNER JOIN (tblQueue INNER JOIN (tblEmployee INNER JOIN tblODF ON tblEmployee.EmployeeID = tblODF.EmployeeID) ON tblQueue.QueueID = tblODF.QueueID) ON tblStatus.StatusID = tblODF.StatusID
ORDER BY tblEmployee.UserName, tblStatus.Status, tblODF.ODFScanDate;

I want everything to show even if one of the fields is blank.

Thank you

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Queries :: Get All Text To Right Of First Left Space

Mar 21, 2014

how to find the first space on the left of a text string, for example:I have this string : FUJIFILM XM-1 16-50mm BLACK and I want to find the space between FJUJIFILE and XM and then get all the text from XM onwards.I have this expression that gets me so far but then I'm stuck:


Model: Left([strDescription],InStr(1,[strDescription]," ")-1)

This expresssion gets me FUJIFILM, which isn't want I want.

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I Want To Put Text Down The Whole Left-hand Side Of A Form!

Jul 10, 2006

Hi Guys,

You know how you get the form header/detail/footer sections on a form. Well, how can you make text appear down the side (ie so that it overlaps all of the header/detail/footer sections).

Take a look at my drawing, it will explain it better...

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Queries :: Return Yes Or No If Other Text Field Contains Particular Text

Feb 18, 2015

Produce a query that returns a yes or no (Y or N) field if other text field contains particular text (with wildcard on either side).

Idea is to have a column for each preset word.

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Return Last Month Value In A Text Box

Aug 26, 2006

I have used the following function to return the date of the previous Sunday in a text box when I open a form..


In a different text box I would like return the pevious month based on the date in the text box.

For example the above function would return date 20/08/06. I would like to display JUL-06 in the second text box. Can anybody help?

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Text Return Based On GPA

Nov 10, 2004

Dear All:

Thank you for all you help with the above title. Your suggestions were all implemented.

Private Sub GPA_AfterUpdate()
If DIVISION = GRADUATE Then 'Honors field is empty
End If
If UNDERGRADUATE = True Then 'Apply appropriate honors
End If
If GPA < 3.2 Then
ElseIf GPA >= 3.2 And GPA < 3.5 Then
ElseIf GPA >= 3.5 And GPA < 3.8 Then
ElseIf GPA >= 3.8 Then
End If
End Sub

Here is the issue: Form created with with a combo box called "DIVISION."The choices of the combo box are "GRADUATE" AND "UNDERGRADUATE." There is a text box called "GPA", where a gpa is entered. then, there is an "Honors" field. When a gpa is entered, the honors box returns the appropriate message.

When graduate is selected from the combobox, the honors box should be empty. (That part does not work.) When undergraduate is selected from the combo box, it works.

Please help,


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Asking A Text Box To Return A Number

Jan 28, 2005

Hi guys and gals,
I have compiled a very simple database to track staff and training audit requirements for my company.
I am 57 thick as 2 short planks and need some help please.
I wish to ask a text box called "Score" to return a number 2 if a yes/No box is "NO" and a number "1" if the Yes/No box is "YES".
I have looked at the help sections of Access and thought maybe an "IIf" statment in the Validation Rule section of the "Score" box might do the trick.
However, i haven't got a clue as to what the coding should be written like.
Can anybody help me please.

Basically i want to say
"If YES/NO = NO then SCORE = 2 but If YES/NO = YES then SCORE = 1"
Told you i was thick

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Honors Text Return Based On GPA

Nov 9, 2004

Dear Access Wizards:

I have created a form based on a query with students' gpa in the form. The gpa is in a specific field.
There is another field for honors with is for summa cum laude, magna cum laude, cum laude.

Here is the issue: If the students' gpa is 3.8, return "summa cum laude"
If the students' gpa is 3.5, return "magna cum laude"
if the students' gpa is 3.2, return "cum laude"

This applies to undergraduate students only, which there is a field for.

Any ideas on how to resolve this issue?

Many thanks,


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Return Value From A Table Based On A Text Field

Aug 27, 2006

I have created a text field on a form that uses the DateSerial function to return the value of last month e.g. Jul-06.

I have a table that contains months (e.g. Jul-06, Jun-06 etc) and a corresponding numeric value (e.g. 1,2,3).

I have another text box on the same form that I want to display the numeric value in based on the value that has been returned by the DateSerialfunction. What properties/control source should I set for this field? Or do I need to write some VBA?

Any help would be appreciated.

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Return Size Of A File In Form Text Box

Feb 17, 2005

A quick question that I'm sure one of you guys will be able to answer without any trouble, but I'm having difficulty with...

I have a form on which I would like to have a text box which returns the size of a file on my PC. The file path will not change.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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Using A Checkbox To Return Text Based On Another Textbox

Apr 26, 2005

Dear All:

I have a form with three items:a checkbox called "Check231", a textbox called "text921" and another textbox called "text762".

What I wish to do is: Enter text in textbox921, which stays the same as I scroll through each record. Then If checkbox check231 is checked, it displays text from textbox921 to textbox762. Textbox762 is bounded to the form.

Any ideas on how to get started?

Many thanks,


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Queries :: Return / Extract Just Text From Field

Aug 5, 2013

I have a field which contains "01501 PRIKLJ. VRHNIKA - LJ / Stevno mesto" .

1.) I would like to extract just text part from that field, how? *number is always on beginning but different 1-10000

2.) Optional, how could I delete in this new only text field part of text after / ...*some rows have some dont /

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Queries :: Return Value In A Text Box On A Report If String Contains?

Mar 24, 2014

In my query, I have the week number and year arranged like this - "Y14-W11"

I want to return a value in a text box on a report if the string contains, for example, W11. In this textbox I've put the expression

=IIf([Y##-W##]="*" & "W11" & "*","2100000","BLAH")

But this just returns the falsepart no matter if the string contains W11 or not.

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Queries :: Search For Certain Text In A Field And Return Value

Jan 1, 2015

I am trying to search for specific text in a field and returns its value. For instance some of string includes Sub, L2L, Temp, Model, or MTM and I would like a query to return these values if found.

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Queries :: Postcodes - Return Only TEXT Before Numbers

Jun 17, 2015

I have a number of short postcodes ie


etc etc

I want a run query to return only first characters before the numbers ie..


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Return Column Header Text On Right Click Of Listbox

Apr 13, 2006

How do I return the Column Header Text on Right Click of listbox?


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Queries :: Select Query Return (text) Instead Of (Boolean Value)

Mar 26, 2015

how to do to return a text for each row (as field value) when a table field contains "1" as value ?

for example i have a table named "products" with a field/column called "promotion". Sometime a product is promotional, so in this case, the "promo" column holds "1" as value.

during a select on products table, how can i do to return "in promotion" (e.g.) if the column "promo" holds "1" for a product ?

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General :: Make A Text Box On A Form To Return A Number

Feb 25, 2013

I am wanting to make a text box on a form, to return a number (amount of records returned by a query)basically so if the query returns 5 records, the text box on the form will show"5",

Lets say the form is called "A", and the query is called "B" .How do I put this in the source control of the textbox ? < if this is right too ?

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Forms :: Apply Filter To Return Records That Matches The Text Exactly

Aug 2, 2015

I am using an apply filter in a form to find records in a split form.

The macro which I am using is:

[SLIDE] Like "*" & [Forms]![SALES]![ENTERREFDATA] & "*"

However I the filter to return only records which match the text exactly.

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Modules & VBA :: Return Folder Directory To Text Box On Forms Record When Click Browse Command Button

Nov 12, 2014

I need to return a folders directory to a text box on my forms record called Files_Directory when i click the Browse command button... The folder will have more folders within it along with documents all relivant to the folder selected, hense the need for just the folder directory rather than a file.

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Reports :: Cut Off Left-hand Side Of Text In Textbox And Show Only Right-hand Side

Mar 26, 2013

Access 2010

I have a report with some text boxes on it. Sometimes the text in these boxes can be a very long string of characters (maybe a path to some folder). In this case I do not want the text box to grow. I just want the report to show me the right-hand side of this path and cut off the left. How do I do this when still aligning my text to the left?

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Modules & VBA :: Return Rows In Query From Variant Array Return From UDF

Sep 16, 2014

I have a simple UDF that takes a string and returns a variant, which is an array of strings Example Input "Brick Wall" Return value would be a variant array with first element "Brick" and and second element "Wall" Now I have a table with a field of strings, and I want to make a query that returns all the results from the function, one per line.

So if my input table looks like this

"kick the ball"
"return the pass"

my query result should looks like this

[Orig] [new]
"kick the ball" "kick"
"kick the ball" "the"
"kick the ball" "ball"
"return the pass" "return"
"return the pass" "the"
"return the pass" "pass"

Last time I had to do something like this I used VBA exclusively, with ADO objects, but I thought a query based solution would be easier.

With my current data the largest return array size my function returns is 27 elements but I wouldn't want to rely on that number being fixed.

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Return Criteria Or Return All

May 10, 2007


Using MS Access 2000.

Maybe I've been looking at the monitor for too long but... I need to have a query return data based on a date field or return all dates greater than 1/1/2001 if left blank.

criteria: [Enter date - mm/dd] Or >#1/1/2001#

When I leave it blank it gives me all dates as it's supposed to but when I type a date it does not filter by that date, I still get everything.

I also tried [Enter date - mm/dd] Or Like "*" but it behaves the same way. I know it has got to be easy but my skull may be too thick to let me see it.

Any help is appreciated.

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Using Left Function

Jul 20, 2005

I have a column in access containing codes in format K2316 and wish to remove Prefix (K) from this code.

How can i do this as a calculated field?


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Take Left Of Another Column..

Mar 25, 2008

Not sure if this is possible? I have a column called Issues and another column I want to call ShortIssues and I basically want ShortIssues to be Left(Issues,50) so that its just 50 characters long of column Issues.

any ideas.


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