Rounding Down In A Report Field

May 27, 2014

I am creating a student database for our instructors to track attendance and grades. The grades will be printed out as a progress report / student transcript. In order to comply with our accrediting agencies, I must calculate the units of study credits (two separate columns) and have the total Credits round down to the .5

So for example: column 1 = .40 , column 2 = .30, Total = .70 but the rounded down total would be .50

This is the Excel formula used to get that calculation =FLOOR((E11+G11),0.5) How do I create the expression to do the same in my report in that field?

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Calculated Field - Rounding To .99

Jun 25, 2015

So I have a Calculated Field

If the price is .01 to .08 I want it to round up to .99 if it is 1.00 to round down to .99

The current Calculated Field is this:


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Rounding Answers In A Calculation Field

May 31, 2013

Im building an expression where I am dividing fields by constants and adding them together. I need all answers always round down, so 19/20=0, 21/20=1

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Queries :: IIF Statements - Rounding Value In Calculated Field

Mar 24, 2014

I am using access 2010. I have a query with an iif statement on a calculated field im trying to round up. ex.

TotalDiscount: Round(iif([field1]="Piece",[int]-[decr],[field2]*[field3]/[field4],3))

I get an error something like "wrong number of arguments or expression on comma.

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Queries :: Field In A Table That Keeps Rounding Data Entry Off

Nov 11, 2013

I have a field in a table that keeps rounding the data entry off. It has identical properties to the field next to it but one rounds and the other does not. I tried deleting the field and creating a new one.

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Queries :: Rounding Value In Calculated Field In Crosstab Query

Aug 4, 2015

I have a very basic query with the following calculated field in it:

ProjRevNRC: IIf([ProjRevDate]>=DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date()),1),[CurrentNRC]*[Rev Flow Through],0)

I went into the properties if that field inside the query design and changed it to Standard with 0 decimal places and it worked fine.

But when I based a crosstab query off the query that contained the above calculated field, I cannot seem to get the numbers to format correctly. 1231313.424 is shown instead 1,231,313 and I don't have a line in the Properties window to even change the decimal places. It doesn't recognize when I change the format to Standard. I have tried using Round([ProjRevNRC]) which gets rid of the decimal places as desired but does not show commas.

I'm sure it's a simple part of the Round expression that I am missing but nothing has worked.

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Tables :: Decimals Rounding Even With Double Field Size

Nov 8, 2012

For some reason I cannot enter decimal values without the number rounding up or down. I've already set it to 'Number' and 'double' and have also tried 'Fixed' set to 2 decimal places. Right now the only way it works is if I set it to 'Text'. However I need to do some calculations with these values eventually.

What's strange is I have another table in the same database that is NOT rounding and is working just fine.

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Reports :: Rounding A Calculated Field (Nearest 3 Decimals)

Apr 17, 2013

I have a field that sums pounds. I need to convert this to tons (rounded to the nearest 3 decimals), then multiplied by $67.50. This will calculate a fee payment.

This is what I have now:


The total pounds is 2675.

After dividing by 2000, Access generates a number of 1.3375. It rounds 1.3375 to 1.337 which generates an incorrect final total. Not sure how to alter this to round properly.

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Jan 8, 2007

In My Table I Want To Type A Number (4.2) But I Cant Get Access Not To Round That To (4.0) Any Suggestions

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Feb 12, 2008

I am trying to write a query, it needs to multiply 2 numbers from separate columns, then, I need it to Round the value UP to the nearest 0.25? Does anyone know how to write this formula in a query?

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Feb 9, 2005

I am having some problems with rounding numbers. I have a DB using forms and i want the user to enter a weight and it rounds to the nearest half KG, so either ?.5 or ?.0 depending on what the number is. I know i can enter a range check in the table validation or say => 5 AND <= 10 but i am stuck on the rounding validation. I think this must be enterd into the text box of the form but as to what the syntax would be i am lost.


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Jan 8, 2007

I Want To Type 4.2 And Access Is Rounding It To 4.0...ive Tried Changing The Format To General Or Fixed But I Cant Get Access Not To Round

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Rounding Up

Jul 23, 2005

Have the need to Round up to the next whole. If I have 1.2, I would like it to Round to 2. Is this possible? :

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Rounding Up

Dec 15, 2005

I want to round up to whole number based on U. the else needs to round up to the nearest cent. i.e. 1.64 rounds up to 1.65.

The first part works but I can figure out how round up the cents in the else part.
IIf([Item type]="U",+1*Int(+1*[Gross]*1.03),([Gross]*1.03)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Rounding Up

Oct 13, 2006

I have the following expression in a query. This gets the order due date takes away todays date then goes through a series of calculations to work out the period in terms of a number of months (Assuming they are all 4 weeks, wrong I know)

((((([Blanket_One]![Due Date]-Date())/7))*5)/20)

My problem is fairly simple I think. I need the output from this expression to always round up to the nearest whole number.

Example (1.0009 would round up to 2)

In excel I can use the function Roundup, is there an equivalent in Access?


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Rounding Up And Down

Jul 29, 2005

I have a form with a field that gives me an average of results. Below the number 10 it works fine - for example, if I have 6.3 as an average it displays 6, if it is 6.7 it displays 7.

If however the number is greater than 10 I have a problem. Should the number contain a decimal it rounds down to 10 or up to 20. ie any number below 14.9 will round down to 10 and any number above 15.1 will round up to 20. Whole numbers display fine.

Any ideas?

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Sep 18, 2007

I need help on writing a function that will cycle thru numbers of a field and allow the user to either round up or down in .5 increments.

For example: (18 is just a random number, it could be any number from 1-200)

18.1 - Round down to 18 or up to 18.5
18.2 - Round down to 18 or up to 18.5
18.3 - Round down to 18 or up to 18.5
18.4 - Round down to 18 or up to 18.5
18.5 - Stays the same
18.6 - Round down to 18.5 or up to 19
18.7 - Round down to 18.5 or up to 19
18.8 - Round down to 18.5 or up to 19
18.9 - Round down to 18.5 or up to 19

Any help would be so much appreciated!

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Rounding Down To Nearest 1

Sep 16, 2005

I have got a formula in a Query as follows:

Suggested Qty: [StockQty]/[Numerator]

How do I round this down to the nearest 1?

(i.e 7.2 = 7 or 9.9 = 9)

Any help would be greatly received.



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Decimals And Rounding

Oct 27, 2005

I have a field that holds a unit price. I can't use currency as the data type because the currency type is different for each client. I have another field that specifies the currency type for each department. Up to now I've been using a double format with a 2 decimal places. We now need to increase the decimal places to 4 but don't necessarily want to see all four places if only 2 are required - 1.5000 against 1.50. However if I make the decimals as auto, if I have 1.50 it rounds to 1.5.

Any other way to give a bit of flexibility to this?



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Rounding Up Control

Nov 22, 2005

Am sure there is a simple solution to the people that know.....which isn't me!
But I have a text box on a report to calculate % of total and don't know how to Round it up or display the total?

The Text box is:


Tried =Round([TotalTemp])/([GrandTotal])*100 & "%" with no joy and have quite a few of these to implement.

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Rounding Down To The Nearest 10

Mar 5, 2006

Hi, I am quite new to access, and have the following problem:-

I have a value that is returned in a report of say 17.93, i would like to round this number down to 17, similarly 9.13 should read 0

Can someone help please? Many thanks in advance


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Help With Rounding Up To Nearest 20

Mar 19, 2007

I have been searching the forum for the last hour or so. I'm new to access, vba and macros. So I asking for some help, please be gentle with me. I'm am trying to round up the the nearest twenty.

example. I have a table that contains an estimate take-off f and I want to round the pipe footage to the nearest 20 for purchase amounts and update the table.


Item QTY
Pipe 534.08
Pipe 405.5
Pipe 28.83
Pipe 1381

Item QTY
Pipe 540
Pipe 420
Pipe 40
Pipe 1400

Another problem I'm not sure how to fix is, some of the qty totals are two decimals and others are nine. Maybe not an issue but thought it might be.

So if anyone is compelled to help a greenie out it would be much appreciated.


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Rounding Numbers

Jan 8, 2008

I am trying to get Access to round numbers to the third decimal place and I can only get it to round up to the nearest whole number. I have used the help function and tried several things but can not get ACCESS to round as I need it. Any HELP is greatly appreciated!!

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Rounding Currency

Jan 19, 2005

Hoping someone can help. I have looked for an answer and can't quite grasp what I need to do. I am using Access 2000.

Basically, I have a quote form that adds together all job related services and totals them using a currency field. Sales would like to have the option of quoting the job two decimal places or going out to three. So, I need to round to the two different cost options. I can't figure out how to do this. So, my question is:

1) Am I using the correct data type?
2) If currency is most appropriate, how do I show results such as:
$12.327 and $12.33.

If I only change decimal property (therefore, the display) for the fields, the form shows: 12.33 and 12.330. Have tried using the Round function different data types and not having any luck.

Hope this makes some sense. Thanks!

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Issue With Rounding

Jan 20, 2005

This hopefully is an easy question for you guys :)

My problem is this...I have a lot of code on a command button. One portion is it divides one field by another field. this works correctly; however, it is rounding stuff and I'm unsure what to do about are the examples:


That are the results I am getting when the function is ran...are there some settings on my table that are incorrect? both are set to double / number with decimal places set to auto. Thanks!

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Problems With Rounding

Jul 29, 2005


Am currently working on a basic inventory system, for the most par its going ok, but have come across one strange . I have a field labled VAT to which I want to return the value 17.50 (NOT 17.50 %) but whenever I key it, it automatically changes to 18.00, have tried changing the format but no joy,

Any ideas?

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