Running Totals :: Urgent Help

Apr 30, 2008

Hi everybody,
I have a problem with my running totals field.
Check the database below (password is "xixo").
In the detailshow form, there are a field called "Em Dιbito".
This form groups the records table by [Casa] and by date.
What I need is to sum all the [ValoR] values in the records table where [Data] is a date before the date in the row, and field Casa is the same as the [Casa] field in the query.

Can somedy help me please?

The database:

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Simple Sum Totals - Urgent

Dec 11, 2007

I cant work out why this:

Total: [Sum]=([Applications]![Price])

Isn't working, it either prompts me to enter a value for sum or just plain doesn't work.

What I'm basically trying to do is add up a load of prices from different tables. Something like:

Sum([Applications]![Price]+[Cases]![Price]+[CPU]![Price]+[GPU]![Price]+[HDD]![Price]+[Keyboards]![Price]+[Memory]![Price]+[Mice]![Price]+[Monitors]![Price]+[Motherboards]![Price]+[Networking]![Price]+[OS]![Price]+[Prebuilt_Computer]![Price]+[Printers]![Price]+[PSU]![Price]+[Removeable Media]![Price]+[Removeable Storage]![Price]+[Security]![Price]+[Sound Cards]![Price]+[Speakers]![Price])

I got it to work once, but as soon as I changed one of the prices, it stopped working, and now I cant get it to work again.

I've looked about for an answer, and see most problems being solved by simply entering this in a 'Total' section, but I dont have one of these :|

All I have is:
Field, Table, Sort, Show, Criteria, Or

Can anyone help?

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Running Totals

Apr 17, 2007


Am attaching a db related to my question

I have 2 tables "Summary Table" and "Select1Summary"

"Summary Table" shows projects, departments and the available hours for each department


In "Summary Table" for 71043-40 Project, there are 1808 hours available at the beginning

"Select1Summary" shows Project, department, Month and the hours each department will be booking


In "Select1Summary" Table(Actually its a summary query, but am putting it as a table)

for 71043-40 Project, Department 11 on 30/04/2007 will be booking 171 hours (ie in April dept. 11 books 171 hours for project 71043-40)

for 71043-40 Project, Department 11 on 31/05/2007 will be booking 135 hours

for 71043-40 Project, Department 11 on 30/06/2007 will be booking 108 hours

What i need to show is running totals in a new query like

for 71043-40 Project , Department 11 on 30/04/2007 Available hours = 1637 (ie 1808-171)
for 71043-40 Project, Department 11 on 31/05/2007 Available hours = 1502 (ie 1637-135)
for 71043-40 Project, Department 11 on 30/06/2007 Available hours = 1394 (ie 1502-108)

Kind Regards,


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Running Totals

Apr 13, 2005

I have a number of forms and on each form there are a number of check boxes. I want to be able to add up how many check boxes read true. i.e if check1 = true then total = 1, if check2 = true then total now = two. Can I achive this?

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Running Totals Query Help

Jun 23, 2005

Hi - Once again I'm asking for your assistance. Ideally, below is how the form (and eventually a report) would look; the first three fields (ID, Date & Vol) I currently have in a table (tblMaster):

ID Date Volume YTDTotal Q1Total CurrQTDTotal Q2Total
A1 Jun-05 10,000 77,000 40,000 37,000 37,000
A1 May-05 15,000 67,000 40,000 27,000
A1 Apr-05 12,000 52,000 40,000 12,000
A1 ------ ------ 40,000 40,000

(Sorry, I couldn't get the above data to line up right :confused: )

How would I build a query such that I could show the above in a form/subform (and eventually a report)? Help is greatly appreciated.

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Running Totals In Reports

Apr 30, 2005

I need some help with a report that has running totals of both positive and negative values. The report needs to have a subtotal of the positive values only, then the negative values only. The negative and positive values appear all in the same list. The running sum property over group/over all only adds all the values together which is of no use. Is there any easy way to do this?

Example Report snippet:
(Ignore all the dots - its the only way I could get everything to line up)

# Code...Cleaner...Current..+1Week
1..12....J. Smith........$12.20.....$4.50
2..15....R. Anderson...$10.00.....$2.30
3..18.....E. Jones.....-$14.00.....$1.50
4..19....A. Rob...........$3.50....-$2.50

TOTALS: (+)............$25.70.....$8.30

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Create A Running Totals

Mar 13, 2008

I've tried to read a couple of tutorials on how to achieve this and they've managed to lose me completely; I couldn't find one that was for forms, specifically, either. I can't help but think that there must be an easier way - so I came to you guys.

I have two fields I'd like to total: txtPrice and txtQuantity. They're both on a continuous subform, frmSub, embedded within the parent form frmMain. The txtTotPrice and txtTotQuantity text boxes are located on the frmMain.

Is there an easy way of using a query to total a certain column, given a certain domain (for example, must have same docket number?)

Or am I thinking of Excel?

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Queries :: Running Totals Access Query

Jun 18, 2013

I have a table for timesheet entry for a local building firm. I have a separate table containing employees and rates. I have created query "Qry_ Time Costs" which calculates the cost of hours worked by each employee by multiplying the hours field in the timesheet entry table by the rate field in the employees table.From "Qry_TimeCosts" I have created "Qry_TimeCosts1" in which i have included a running total field for time costs per day using the DSum function.

SELECT Qry_TimeCosts.[Project Title], Qry_TimeCosts.[Build Element], Qry_TimeCosts.[Date Worked], Sum(Qry_TimeCosts.Hours) AS Hours, Sum(Qry_TimeCosts.Cost) AS Cost, DSum("[cost]","qry_timecosts","[project title]='" & [project title] & "'" & "AND [build element] ='" & [build element] & "'" & "AND [date worked] <=#" & [date worked] & "#" & "") AS RunTot
FROM Qry_TimeCosts
GROUP BY Qry_TimeCosts.[Project Title], Qry_TimeCosts.[Build Element], Qry_TimeCosts.[Date Worked], DSum("[cost]","qry_timecosts","[project title]='" & [project title] & "'" & "AND [build element] ='" & [build element] & "'" & "AND [date worked] <=#" & [date worked] & "#" & "")
HAVING (((Qry_TimeCosts.[Build Element]) Is Not Null));

This seems to be working for some projects and not for others. In particular dates 3rd 4th and 5th of June seem to be showing null fields, where all other dates have values. A few projects are showing inaccurate running totals whilst others are working fine.

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Reports :: Counting Distinct With Running Totals

Jul 27, 2015

I remember reading a tut on how to count records using Running totals in a report - but I cannot remember where I read it. It went something like this.

In the section that you want to count, add a field with record source '=1' and make it a running total for the group.

In the header (one level up from where the running total resides) add a field with record source =Max(RunningTotalField)

Although the 'intellisense' sees my 'RunningTotalField' when I create the above mentioned formula, when I run the report, its asking me to input the value for the 'RunningTotalField'?

Have I confused some concepts or am I on the right track?

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Reports :: Sum Of Multiple Running Totals / Cumulative Data

Jul 29, 2013

i have a table with health facilities (A,B,C,D) . each health facility has data from several months (Jan, Feb, Mar etc). the table has 2 fields (New Patients) and (Cumulative Patients) . Cumulative Patients is a total of New Patients for current month plus the total patients for the previous month. In the Facility Footer of the report if i create text boxes with data =Sum([New Patients]) and =([Cumulative Patients]) works well.

However in the Report Footer =Sum([New Patients]) works but =Sum([Cumulative Patients]) totals everything. if i try =([Cumulative Patients]).

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Totals Query/sums/grand Totals

Sep 4, 2007

Hey all! This is my first post. Been searching through the net all day trying to find a solution to this problem. Basically i have a table that looks like this (regular text is what i have and bolded text is what I need:Name Date Qty MOBrad 12/12/2007 23323 4423John 12/11/2007 3445 4432 John 12/11/2007 344 4432 John 12/11/2007 45 4432 John 12/11/2007 44 4432 John 12/11/2007 3445 4432 Grand Total: (Qty)And then I'd like to be able to carry this over and display a grand total at the bottom of every page of a report that I would need to generate. Our company produces forms and we sometimes have 60 - 70 people working on a single job. We want to see their hours individually but we would also like to see a grand sum of all their hours. If someone could help with this or needs more info let me know. Thanks for all your help!

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Running Balance As Opposed To Running Total

Mar 14, 2005

Can anyone tell me how to get a running balance on a report. I know how to create a running total, by setting the "running sum" property of a text box to "Over all".

I can't however see how I can adapt this to give a running balance (as in a bank statement for example). Attempts to do so end up in failure!!

Many thanks in advance.

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Need Help, Urgent. :)

Jul 13, 2006

I have a database of employees, sales, products(Sky and Mobile Phone Contracts) and customers(Need to be common and shared between all products). ( A door-to-door marketing company)

Since each product requires different inputting tables, I have inserted all the required fields into the tblSales and then I want to run a query in order to select the needed fields and create a new Sale of a specific product.

However at the same time I want to create a new customer, assign the sale to an employee, select the commission ID that he is going to receive for the job... etc. Well as you can see the problem is that it is not letting me do it due to the fact that an entry is missing in the other table for that client or a client is not yet created for the sale. (Only one autonumber is assigned.)

What am I doing wrong?

Just in case you want to look at my mess... I have attached the DB :P

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Urgent Help!!

Mar 16, 2007

I have the following "range" table. I have a "txtBoxA" (numeric) and "txtBoxPrice". I have to look in the table for the corresponding range of "txtBoxA" and retrieve the VALUE for that range and store it in "txtBoxPrice"

1 500 40
501 1,000 70
1,001 2,500 90

Example: "txtBoxA" = 200 then the corresponding VALUE would be 40 and I would have to store 40 in "txtBoxPrice"

How would I do this??
I'm doing this in ACCESS
Thank you

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Urgent Help Please

Apr 5, 2007

My school coursework database is on my memory stick, and i have just opened it, and all my forms, reports and marcos have gone. The file has gone from 12000kb to 10000kb, and a table MSysCompactError automatically created itself. How can i get it all back?????
The last time i accessed the memory stick was on the school PC.

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Need Urgent Help

Oct 31, 2007

Hi everyone,

I'm developing a small Access 2003 application for a purchase service that includes managing informations about Suppliers, Customers, Carriers, and Orders.
With the Orders issue, I'v created a form to enter all the informations about the order; customer, supplier, carrier, orderID, and a subform to enter the items with their quantity and unit price... I want to:

1- Add a botton in the form that opens a Word document; a Purchase Order, that includes all the information entered in the form.
2- Add a botton to send this document as an attachement from Access via Outlook.

I need a guide step by step to understand how it works in Access with examples if is it possible.

Any help is highly appreciated,

Best Regards,

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Help.. Urgent...

Sep 26, 2005


the scenario..... is i have a column, let say fieldx some of them have 10 characters that is 00000000a0 others are 8 characters 000000ao and i want the 8 char to be also 10 by adding additional 00? is this possible?


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Help Urgent

Apr 30, 2006

my problem is i need query code for
Concatenate Column Values from Multiple Rows into a Single row with Access
like this
Last First Code
------- --------- ----
Lesand Danny 1
Lesand Danny 2
Lesand Danny 3
Benedi Eric 7
Benedi Eric 14

Result should look like:

Last First Codes
------- --------- -----
Lesand Danny 1,2,3
Benedi Eric 7,14

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URGENT Help Please

Sep 12, 2006

hi everyone

urgent help needed with creating a query please...

I have a table with AutoNumber as primary key.
The second column is called ClassID and the third column is called TeacherID.
I want to run a select query that finds all records where the ClassID column and TeacherID column match.
Basically I want to find records where the fields are duplicated.

How do I do this either through Access query builder or SQL view?

Thanks in advance

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Urgent!Please Help :(

Feb 21, 2007

Hi Friends,

I am not very gud in MS Access.Please check out the below example and help me.
Product_name Price
P1 $20
P2 $10
P3 $5.......

Mon Week_no Prod_name No_of items
1 1 P1 4
1 4 P1 10
2 4 P1 20
3 4 P1 10
2 3 P2 50........

Assume that Price of P1 changed to $40 in Feb.
Now I want to calculate amount earned by selling P1 from Jan to March.
Remember (For Jan the rate will be $20 and from Feb to March it will be $40)
If I calculate manually it will be - 4*$20 + 10*$20 + 20*$40 + 10*$40

But How do I do it using a query or code??

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HELP (urgent)

Apr 17, 2005

Hi guys,
im doing a project now, where i have to estimate the service due of cars. For this i need to put a count down timer in one of my FORMS and also REPORTS(sorry about posting about reports in this section but i ddnt want to post twice :rolleyes: but will do if necessary)... i searched a LOT on google but couldnt find anythng..... if some1 could come up with something reasonable, it would be VERY VERY helpful...

Please try to make it before this friday plz if you can...

thanks! :rolleyes:

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Urgent Help!

Apr 21, 2005

Hi i have imported an excel sheet in form as an OLEUnbound.
The form is for registering product details and the excel sheet iam using for price calculations. But when i register a new product the sheet doesnt clear it shows the same values enterd as in the previous product and when i change them the same thing happens with the previous products. I want to use the same sheet with the calculation differently for all product.B`cus the products doesnt have same price.
Any help. I want to use that one sheet instead of making one own sheet for every products. Use the sheet as an mal or something like that.

Plz help.. :confused:
i have included a picture of my form.
when i should register a new product the sheet should be linked for that product only.

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Need Urgent Help

Sep 8, 2004

Hy, I’ve got problem that drives me crazy. i have form with two combo boxes and text field which shows value from table based on a criteria from those combo boxes.

Can i use Dlookup function with more than one criteria like

Dlookup(“myField”,”myTable”,”1valueOfTheField inTable=” & forms!myForm!cboFirst.value &”,”2valueOfTheField inTable=” & forms!myForm!cboSecond.value)

I also know how to make a querry in VBA that gives me correct value but i don't know how to put that value(which is currency) in textbox
Or is there other way to solve this problem and get correct value
Thanks for any help

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Jan 6, 2005

i,m doing a project using Microsoft Front Page.It has to link to database.can i use Microsoft Access to do my database.if not,what should i use?

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Urgent Help!!!!

Jun 4, 2005

hello to all,

i need help with a basic problem. Is it possible to link a listbox and a calander,
My Main aim is to get a booking board for a hotel database, therefore i want it so that when you click on a particular date, the listbox displays all bookings on that date.

Also i need assistance with using queries for derived entities!!
Please help

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Urgent Help

Oct 6, 2006

Hi i have a problem coming up with the ans to the last part of this text. Can anyone help me?

The information technology (IT) department in your school has asked you, a part-time
employee at the department, to help create a database to track fundraising activities
and donations in your school. In the past, the school’s fund-raising foundation has
been manually maintaining detailed records of donors and fund-raising activities. The
school’s president has recently asked the IT department to help computerize the
foundation’s records. Your job is to design and implement the database for the
foundation. The following information is captured in the manual records:
1. Individual_Donor name, address, email and phone number.
2. Company_Donor company name, company address, company email address
company phone number, main contact, main contact phone number, main
contact email and phone number
3. Amount of donation and date of donation
4. The donation can be a one-off donation or a monthly donation (interval of one
month from the date of the first donation)
5. Name of fund-raising campaign (New building fund, President fund,
Scholarship fund, Bursary fund, Star fund)
1. Draw the ERD and database schemas for the donor database that you will
design for the foundation. Decompose the ERD where necessary. You can
make any assumptions that are reasonable for the design. Make sure to
suggest attributes that should be included but are currently not in the manual
system. …………………………………………………………(5 marks)
2. Implement the ERD in Access. Design the tables for the donor database. If
the NRIC number of the individual donor is not available right now, what is an
appropriate primary key for the individual donor? Populate your database
donor with records. ……………………………… ...................(3 marks)
3. Create an input form(s) for the donor database. In your design of the input
form(s), create (a) an input mask for a control and (b) a validation rule for a
control……………………………………………………(4 marks)
4. Create a report that lists the donations in the order of descending amount of
donations. Put in the appropriate donation details. Separate individual
donations from company donations. Aggregate the donations for each
category………………………………………………………..(2 marks)
5. Perform the following queries on your database.
a. What is the largest amount of total donations received over a single
month period (first of the month till end of the month) for 2005?
b. Which are the company donors that donated on a monthly basis and
how much are the donations?
c. List the details of individual donors that donated to the New Building
and state how much they are donating to the fund and on what dates.

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