Running A Date Query Will Cause Catastrophic Failure..

Aug 30, 2005

Hi guys.

I got a problem with my access database. I'm using the code as below in a access function.

Code:Dim rst As ADODB.RecordsetSet rst = New ADODB.RecordsetstrSQL = "select * from tbl1 where fldDate between #08/22/2005# and #08/28/2005#" rst.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic

When I get to the last line, It will cause a "catastrophic failure" on my computer, whilst on others it will run just nicely.

I'm thinking some sort of version problem, but wouldn't know where to look...

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Macro Running Module Failure

Nov 15, 2006

hey there,
i have a macro that has 2 actions:

set warnings to warning on: NO
runCode to Function Name: cmdImport_Click()

where cmdImport_Click() is a Private Sub in a module within the same database.

when i try to run the macro i get an error that stated
"the expression you entered has a function name that MS Access can't find."

but if i open the module called ImportMSExcelFile and set my cursor on the Private Sub cmdImport_Click() and select the green arrow to run the procedure it runs fine.

any suggetions?


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Running Query About Date

May 9, 2007

Say for example I have a database containing the date of birth of people in the format of YYYYMMDD (a string/text field) and another field about the age of the person (a numerical field) and another field is, say, the date they had their birthday last year. I would like to check whether the year in the date of birth field and age adds together is the year in the date they had the last birthday field (or off by no more than 2 years), and give me the list of the people who are not. Is it possible to do that by writing a query or I have to use a macro and write an SQL statement for it? In both case, how should that be done?

Thanks a lot!

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Problem Running A Query Based On Date Criteria Over Previous 7 Day

Mar 19, 2008

Hello All,

I do hope somebody can help this newbie :)

Please except apologies if I sound a bit ignorant with this but I'm complete novice with Access...

Basically I have a table with the fields Name - Date - Location I need to extract info from the table based on the location field.

i.e. return Name if a specified location exists and another specified location does not. This was real pain in itself and in the end I had to run two seperate queries which returned NAmes where each of the chosen locations exist. I've then created an additional query which compares the two sub-queries and iliminates Names that appear in sub query 2.

I do hope this make's sense I'm starting to confuse myself.....

Anyway, my problem is with the date field... I have to specify a date in order to get the correct info as the results may change on a daily basis... i.e. somebody may use both locations one day, but just the one location the next. However the eventual report which I need to generate is based on criteria over the previous 7 days, although if I use this criteria in my query in completely messes up the results.

So, what I was hoping that I could do is somehow automate my query to run 7 times (once for each of the previous 7 days) and then to combine the results of the 7 queries into a single query or report...

Failing that, could anybody think of any simple way of achieving this... or will be a case of having settle for a seperate report for each day?

Any help would be hugely appreciated... once again apologies for the explaination... It porobably makes no sense at all.



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Update Query Failure

Aug 30, 2012

My Access table has a record which my update query was unable to locate. This issue resolved when I removed the primary key and applied it again.

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Queries :: Running Total With Text And Date Field?

Jun 19, 2013

I have a table ("tbl_idq_all") with a text field for product codes ("scode"), a date field (dd/mm/yyyy) and a quantity field ("po_qty"). This table therefore holds future receipts of stock for products.

What I am having trouble doing is create a running total of [po_qty] based on [scode] and [Date].

A good example is stock code 10254. This has a quantity of 40,032 arriving 01/06/2013 and a quantity of 30,096 arriving 01/09/2013.

Therefore the running totals should read:

scode | Date | po_qty | RunningTotal
10254 | 01/06/2013 | 40032 | 40032
10254 | 01/09/2013 | 30096 | 70128

As you can see from the attached DB I have 70128 repeated twice in the RunningTotal column.

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Email Failure

Jun 15, 2005

have a DB which is working fine on most PCs (approx 15 users) I do however have a problem sending emails from some machines (using a macro to do the send object as example below) The mail program used is Outlook 2000 / 2003

DoCmd.SendObject acReport, "Returns Notice", "SnapshotFormat(*.snp)", "to a defind list", True, ""
This works fine BUT on most machines but on a couple we get a fail message when attempting to send, this message is unspecific. I cannot find any different settings on the machines in question, the op system is 2000 / XP.

I operate the same program on my PC running XP prof servpk 2 and although 99% of the time the emails go through without issue I do sometimes have the same problem. Re-booting does not resolve it! and I can find no trend as to why I have the problem.
Any thought or advise welcome.

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SQL Statment Failure

May 2, 2007

Hello again all... Today's problem is as follows.... I have an "after update" combo box that is coded as "CurrentDb.Execute "uno", dbFailOnError". I have an SQL Query named "uno" that is showing the following: "UPDATE [Input] SET [Input].Loc_Lng = [Loc-1L].Combo8, [Input].Loc_ID = "1", [Input].Loc_Desc = "xxxx";" I am trying to have the combo box update the values from the combo box into a blank table. When I try to run this, it comes up with the error: "Too few parameters. Expected 1". Any idea what that means, and then how to fix?

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Mean Time Between Failure

Sep 26, 2007

I'm fairly new to Access, so maybe someone can school me here...

I have a issue tracking database query reporting a serial number in the first column, an open issue date in the second column and close issue date in the third column. There can be several instances of each serial number.

I already figured out how to use DateDiff to get a time to fix column...

I want to have a column reporting the difference between the previous close date to the next open date (grouped by serial number).

S/N Open Date Close Date Time to Fix MTBF
1234 1/10/2007 1/13/2007 3 5
1234 1/1/2007 1/5/2007 4
2222 1/2/2007 1/3/2007 1

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SQL Execute Failure

Jun 17, 2007

Hi all

I'm stuck on the following SQL statement. It looks OK to me... but there must be something wrong with it because it doesn't execute.

I've tried the runSQL command and I've tried currentproject. connection.execute as well. Both fail to execute... it has to be the SQL string below.

Thanks for any advice.

SQLImportPE = "UPDATE data INNER JOIN data_import ON data.ID = data_import.ID" & _
"SET data.pe1 = data_import.pe1, data.pe2 = data_import.pe2, data.pe3 = data_import.pe3, data.pe4 = data_import.pe4, data.pe5 = data_import.pe5, data.effort_pe = data_import.effort_pe" & _
"WHERE (((data_import.pe1) Is Not Null));"

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F4 Combo Box Failure

Sep 19, 2011

When I highlight a combo box, the default hotkeys should be alt+down or f4 to drop the menu down.The issue I'm having is that while alt+down works, f4 does not. I just got a new computer in my office, and f4 worked on the old one.My keyboard does not have a f-lock key on it. That seems to be the internet's general response to my problem, but that doesn't work.

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Failure In Creating MDE File

Sep 26, 2005

hi There
I Have A Database Trying To Convert It To MDE I Get The Following Message
This error is usually associated with compiling a large database into an MDE file. Due to the method used to compile the database, a considerable number of TableID references are created for each table. The Microsoft Jet database engine version 4.0 can only create a maximum of 2048 open TableIDs at one time. Exporting a database as an MDE potentially can exceed this limit if the database has a large number of objects (table, macro, form, report, etc).

There is no accurate method to estimate the number of TableIDs the Jet database engine uses during the process of compiling a database as an MDE. However, each VBA module and each form uses one TableID, as a result, if the database has 500 forms, and each form's HasModule property is set to Yes, as many as 1,000 TableIDs are used.

Any Help Please
Thank You In Advance

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ADP / ADE - Recovering From Connection Failure

Oct 9, 2012

I admin an Access 2007 ADP that is distributed to our user base as an ADE. The back end is MSSQL 2005. Recently, we have begun deploying this software to employees in the field who connect to the corporate network via VPN. Because our field employees are sometimes connecting from some seriously flaky Internet connections, we have seen an uptick in Connection Failure errors.

I've been researching ways to detect and reestablish a failed network connection from VBA so that the user doesn't encounter the errors, or the need to close and reopen the application to continue working. This post appears to get me most of the way there, in that it both suggests a way to detect the failure and reestablish a connection on the fly:

[URL] ....

Basically, it suggests replacing the call to CurrentProject.Connection with a call to your own custom function, looking something like this:

Function fCurrentConnection () As ADODB.Connection
If CurrentProject.Connection.State = 0 Then
CurrentProject.OpenConnection "YourConnectionString"
End If
Set fCurrentConnection = CurrentProject.OpenConnection
End Function

My problem is that I define my connection in the built in server properties of the project. My users connect using Windows NT Integrated security. I don't know what I should put in the "YourConnectionString" area. Is there a way to tell Access to use the stored settings to reconnect, or alternatively, any example string that connects to a server name and database name using Windows NT Integrated security?

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Running Balance As Opposed To Running Total

Mar 14, 2005

Can anyone tell me how to get a running balance on a report. I know how to create a running total, by setting the "running sum" property of a text box to "Over all".

I can't however see how I can adapt this to give a running balance (as in a bank statement for example). Attempts to do so end up in failure!!

Many thanks in advance.

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Synchronization Failure And Design Change

Apr 30, 2007

Hello. i'm working with 10 replicas and a design master, but when i tried to add new tables and forms i get the message (Error 3492) " The synchronization failed because a design change could not be applied to one of the replicas" and after that, i cant synchronize anymore!!!
i don't understand what could be the problem.
thanks if anyone can help.

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How To Debug Validation Rule Failure?

Aug 7, 2005

I have an append query which fails due to validation rules. There are no field validation rules, only enforced table relationships. There is an autonumber field which I am omitting from the INSERT and SELECT clauses in the hopes that it will take its next value.

How do I determine which fields are causing the problem? I have changed the query to a simple SELECT and manually typed in the resulting values with no problems. Note that ALL records I am attempting to add fail the rules.

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Data Type Conversion Failure

Sep 1, 2005

I feel a little silly bringin this up but I have gone through the solutions provided on this topic but it all doesnt seem to work.

I am trying to up date my Products table with data from two other tables (Sales and Stock Receipt). I have made sure the data types in all the tables are the same (currency) but I still get this message

"Microsoft Access did not update 5 field(s) due to a data type conversion failure."

This is the expression I'm using in the update query

IIf(IsNull(DSum("[Quantity]","Sales Detail","Sales Detail.[ProductID]=" & [Products].[ProductID])),[Products]![OpeningStockAmt],[Products]![OpeningStockAmt]-(DSum("[Quantity]","Sales Detail","Sales Detail.[ProductID]=" & [Products].[ProductID])*[Products]![CostAmountperUnit]))

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DLOOKUP Type Conversion Failure

Sep 3, 2005


I am having problems with a DLOOKUP expression in an update query.

I have set up a lookup table (imported from Excel and another table set up myself because of this error) with a date field and a week number field and I am trying to return the week number into another table for the date in another field. It is easy to do in Excel (VLOOKUP), but I have never done this in Access.

I am attempting to get the update query to update another table which has a Date of Booking and a new week number field. When I run the query, it has the error message that it cannot update all of the records, due to a type conversion failure. I thought that this error was due to fields have dissimilar data types and changed them until they were exactly the same - the Week Number are both Long Integer number fields and the dates are a General Date date fields.

The expression is: DLookUp("DLOOKUP Created.Week Number","DLOOKUP Created","Date = " & [2004 Lookup].[Date of Booking]). The lookup table is DLOOKUP Created and this is the return value I want. The 2004 Lookup table is the table that I want to update with the week number, using the date of booking.

Any help will b gratefully receive.

All the best,


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Automatic Record Navigation Failure

Feb 6, 2006

Hi all,
We have an Access 2000 db on a server that I can open.
Problem is, when other users open it up and use the Navigation buttons to say, view the next record, Access crashes with the following error:
"Method 'Requery' of object '_Subform' failed." (this is the Access supplied record navigation functionality - I havent customised it in any way)

Other users have been using it before with no problem (upto last week). I can still open the db and do not have any errors...
So, it appears to be a user related problem.

Any suggestions or things I should check out, please?

Many thanks,

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Type Conversion Failure - I Don't Want To See The Error Message.

Jul 21, 2005

Good afternoon all,

I have a macro that I run. In this macro, I've changed the "SetWarnings" to No. This works since I do not get a "Are you sure..." when I do a makeTable query and the table already exists.

However, I do get a type conversion failure error message.

Does someone know how I click Yes on this without any intervention on my part when the macro is running? Would entering keystrokes in the macro work? I don't think that they will since the next command is not called until the previous has executed ... and I'm getting hung up on the dialog box before the make-table command has finished execution.

I've attached the error message text that I'm seeing.

Thank you for your time and help.

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Tables :: Type Conversion Failure And Key Violations

Jan 23, 2014

I am trying to import records from Excel and I have two issues:

1) I have imported the excel file into a new table and I get type conversion errors just for fields 25, 26, 28 and 29 (and only for rows 2 to 25) but there aren't that many fields in the table.

2) The second is that I get key violations even though the indexing for all the fields for "table_candidate" is set to "no" (apart from the "cand_ID").

I can't see anything wrong with the records.

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Queries :: Type Conversion Failure With DateSerial

May 12, 2013

I have an update query:

Query: DateExtractor
Type: update query
Field: ProductionDate
Table: Production
Update To: DateSerial("2000"+Val(Mid([Code];1;2));"Mid([Code];3;2)";"Mid([Code];5;2)")

Field [Code] is a Text field and ProductionDate is Date/Time type, with short date format.

As I run query, there's an error that says "Microsoft Access didn't update 99 field(s) due to DateSerial,..."

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Modules & VBA :: Failure Of Logic Due To Quotation Marks?

Jun 17, 2014

In the highlighted line of code attached I am comparing two strings one from a snapshot recordset and one from an array.

The logic fails, you can see in the watches window both values equal "DESIGN and the elseif statement should execute but it does not.

The only reason I can see for this is that the values are equal to "DESIGN and not DESIGN. Where this single quotation mark comes from I do not know. It is not visible in the tables and it does not appear when the values are printed into excel.

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2010 Runtime ADODB Connection Failure

Jul 3, 2011

I have a routine which connects to MySQL database with ADODB connection. This worked in 2003 and 2007 runtime but throws a 430 error on 2010 runtime. It works in full access 2010. Has there been a change of policy to restrict this type of connection in the 2010 runtime? If I use a linked ODBC table instead of ADODB the runtime fails with "Runtime Error". It still works in full access.

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Running Sum In Query Possible?

Sep 16, 2005


Sorry I am to bother you. But I was wondering whether it is possible to create a running sum in a query (from each previous record just a simple add up)?

I know how to do in report (it is described in the help function) but for a query I cannot find anything.

Thx and rgds,

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Running Sum Query

Feb 16, 2006

have a table, Loans.

ID (key)
Loan Number
Principal Balance.

I have another table, Transaction, that's based off the Loan Number field on the loans table.

Payment Type (2 choices, payment and advance)

I have a user form where users can specify the payment type, and amount, based on a certain loan number.

I'm attempting to do this:

User enters a transaction into the database. once the transaction is entered, the Principal Balance field for the specified loan number is updated.

If the payment type is advance, the query will subtract the amount from principalbalnce. if payment, the query wll add the amount to the principal balance.

Here's what I have so far.

The userform updates the transactions table with the information correctly.

My next step is to update the principal balance.

I'm thinking I could use some sort of update query, but I don't know where to begin.


If there is a better (normalized) way to accomplish this, I'm definitely open to ideas. Please just provide a basic example so I can understand. :o :cool:

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