
Aug 11, 2007


The company have MS Access 2003, Office XP Professional with Front Page, and Office XP Developer. But, we don't have license on Office XP Professional with front page, others have license.
I installed MS Access 2003, and Office Xp Developer on my company machine,
when I use Office XP Developer to create the package/access runtime for my clients, it must refer to Office XP Professional with front page to create Access Runtime. But, I don't have license for Office XP with front page, whereas I have license for Office XP Developer.
So, after I finished creating the package,
Is the Access Runtime legal in rules distribute to my clients using?

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Access Runtime

Jul 13, 2005

Hi All,

Just a quick one.

I have access 2003 installed, which I use to make systems ( doh )

Anyway, I have just installed Access Runtime on the same machine so that I can test my databases on the runtime version to make sure that all works ok.
However, I have installed several times now, but I can not find runtime anywhere to run it...
Can you not use runtime if you have full blown access installed ?
Or am i just having a blonde moment ???

Thanks in advance.


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RunTime Error 75 - HELP !!!

Jul 30, 2005

Hi there,

I'm using the FILECOPY command to copy a specific file on the C drive to a CD.

I have been testing this for ages and it's been working fine. All of a sudden, I am getting a runtime 75 error. WHY???

Thanks in advance,

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Get The Access Runtime?

Sep 19, 2005

How and Where can I get the Access Runtime ? (as I want to distribute my application to other users who do not have Access installed). :confused:

I'm using Access 2003.


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Runtime Licence

Mar 30, 2006

I have an application developed in Access 2000. Can anybody help with my search for the access runtime licence so that I can distribute to many users (who may not have access)? I have been told I need Visual Tool Extensions for Office but cant get an evaluation to check it works with my app.

OR, does anybody know a source (cheap obviously) of MS Access 2000 - users who dont have access only need 2000 to run this app.

Any help greatly appreciated!

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Oct 18, 2006

Hi all.
I have problem with form for viewing pictures. If I use apllication using full MS Access I haven't any problem. I can see BMP, JPG, GIF ... But if I open appllication using runtime I cannot open JPG file. Runtime show error to transfer picture to GIF or BMP. Where is the problem?

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Package VS Runtime

Feb 4, 2007

I have MS Access 2002 version, I create one mdb file and then put it on the sharing drive, I install Access RunTime on my client machines, they can run the mdb file on the sharing drive.

Another way,
I used Office XP Developer Edtion to create package and then install the package on my client machines, they can run the mdb file.

Here is a question,
Why do we need Office XP Developer Edition to create the package? Because we just install Access Runtime on the client machines, then they can run the mdb files.

What is advantage of creating the package?

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Runtime Error 429

Feb 13, 2007

Hi Everyone

Ive created a database using the file system object that creates folders, moves files from one folder to another, etc.

This works perfectly on my home pc, but when i try to install it on the server at work I get the following error message:-

Runtime Error 429

Active X component can't create object

I've had a look on the net and appears that it only happens on certain computers and I wondered if anyone had any quick fixes that they had come across over the years.

Thanks in anticipation

Kindest regards


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Runtime &

Feb 16, 2007

So I made a little db using A2k3 to use @ work. We have 2.0 @ work and not MS Office. Since I knew Access better than OO's db program, I used it and was going to just take it in and use it after it was finished. Well, I didn't realize that unlike OO's Word, PowerPoint and Excel versions, it's Access version does NOT open it's MS equivalent - Access db's. It'll link to them and use data, but all tables, forms, reports, etc have to be designed in the OO environment. Geez!! So I looked @ getting the Access Runtime. It's a bit expensive from what I read (about $200 if I read correctly). I have a couple questions. First, is it really that expensive? Second, is there another solution to this problem? Third, I read that the 2007 runtime may be free. Is that so? If so, will it work backwards - with a 2003 db? Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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Access Runtime

Mar 6, 2007


if I don't buy office Developer software, I just download Access Runtime 2002 from the Microsoft website, and then install it on the client machines. Do I commit the company rules? Do I need to buy unlimited license for Access Runtime before installing?

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Access RunTime

Apr 4, 2007


I have full version MS Access, and Office Developer Edition to disribute the Access RunTime for my clients.

I don't want to create the package (adp file), I just want to create the package for Access RunTime, and then install it into my client machines, we want to run the same adp file on the network sharing drive. Then, it's fine. But, how do I install the supported files into my client machines? Because the supported files attached to the package (adp file), if we install adp file into the client machine, it will install adp file and the supported files, but we don't want to install adp file, we just want to install supported files.

How should I do?

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RunTime Error 0,20,91

Jun 15, 2007


I am getting Errors: 0,20,91 at the same subroutine
What could be the reason for the error?


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A Form On Runtime

Feb 21, 2006

i want to create a on runtime. i know hoe to do that ... what i don't know is how to make the form format to be the same as the form it was called from.
i want all the visual attributes to be applied to the new form.


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Access 97 Runtime In XP

Aug 16, 2005

Hi my friends...
I need help..

I have program compiled in Access 97 runtime installed on my Windows XP computer.

When I installed this program on account TOM (Administrator) then program run and work great.
When i changed privileges for TOM (not be admin anymore) to restriction account then i have problem witch this program


Program still working, but if I want to use some function in this program i have this error:


I don't know why ?

In installation folder, and c:program filesMicrosoft Office Runtime 97 and c:windowssystem32 user TOM have ALL rights.

Can anybody help me ?

Sorry for my English,, i still learn it.
Best regards for all

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Runtime Error 3320

Jun 1, 2005

"Function is not available in expressions in table level validations"

I keep getting this message when trying to update the value of a text box when using the following code

Forms!frmFinanceProposal!Text940 = Me.Text253

Would someone be able to explain what this message means pls!!!

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Runtime Error 1004

Aug 31, 2005

Good morning

I had yesterday off work and have come back to a nightmare.

The database we use doesnt work the way it should anymore.

There is a switchboard which gives us the option to show a booking form...Worked fine until someone did something to it yesterday.

When I click on the command button to load the form I get an error saying that there was a runtime error 2001 " You canceled the previous operation"

How do I fix this??? I so confused.

I have tried opening the form other ways but it appears to be locked and wont open.

Please if someone could share some light!!!!


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Runtime For Access Xp Application

Oct 10, 2005

I am developing an application in access xp (2002) and want to distribute it as a runtime application. I do not have the Office xp Developer version and thus need to buy the MS Office Developer. It is still available and if so, where can I buy it? Or can the Visual Studio Tools for the MS Office System make a runtime version from access 2002?
Any help would be appreciated.

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Creating Runtime Deployment

Nov 2, 2005

I have Office 2000 Developer installed on my workstation at work and need to create an executable to deploy to other workstations that do not have MS Access. I'm using Access 2000 and the few that have the runtime installed already have Access 97 runtime.

When I execute the Package and Deployment Wizard I click on the checkbox for "Include Access Runtime". When it creates the package, however, the runtime is not included. I have verified that the runtime is on my hard drive. The CAB file is only about 10 Mb - the same size it was before I tried to create an executable that included the runtime module.

Any suggestions on what I am doing wrong? The size of the module created by including the runtime is not a concern at this time. I just need to get this application deployed for a mission-critical analysis task.

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Access Runtime Installation

Apr 12, 2006


I have a question about Access runtime. We have some users at work who don't have Access on their machines, but we would like them to be able to use databases we have created. My suggestion was to purchase Visual Studio Tools for Office, which will give us Access Developer Extensions and allow us to distribute runtime versions of our databases.

However, the pcs here at work are pretty well tied down in terms of installing anything. E.g. no registry changes are allowed, unless you are an administrator.

So my question is - what is actually involved in installing the Access Runtime. Can it be achieved simply by copying the relevant files (ACCESSRT.* ?) into the office directory, or is there more to it than that. Will I be able to get my databases up and running myself, or is it likely that I will need the help of the Technology Department to get the Runtime installed ?

Thanks for any advice,

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Access Runtime Configuration

Nov 8, 2006

Hello all,

I have recently finished developing a Complaints Database for my company and we carried out some testing on machines that use runtime only and guess what? Good old runtime errors!
I aksed the IT department to give me a brand new blank login profile and when I used this, the database worked perfectly under the runtime environment. This tells me that the runtime on users machines that have worked here for some time, something has changed with the way in which runtime works.
What I would like to try and do is for these machines, when the database loads up, to re-install or re-configure Access runtime so it is effectively a clean Runtime slate for want of a better expression.
Does anyone know how I could do this or possibly even offer any assistance in another way. My understanding of runtime is that it has most of the Access capabilities but obviously without design, build, debug functions etc and is purely a 'cloak' to allow the mdb file to be viewed/executed.

Thanks folks.


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Runtime Won't Allow Multipe Users

Jan 26, 2007

I have a database that is opened by two workstations with full access and four workstations with runtime. The two workstations will full access can open the database at the same time. However, if the database is open by any user, the workstations using runtime will not open.

Does anyone have any idea why this is happening?

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RunTime Error 2105

Jun 15, 2007


I have this error when on:
DoCmd.GoToRecord acDataForm, "PaycheckTable", acNewRec
Whent I trace with the debugger when the ENTER keyy is pressed event.

If I don't use the debugger I don't see any error.
This problem occurs when I check a specific checkbox and trying to go to a new record (Whith the other checkboxes I don't have a problem).

Another symotom:
When I use the next or new record buttons I don't have any problem.

How can I fix the problem?


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Access Runtime 2003

Jul 17, 2007

We are considering rolling out a number of access reports to users within our organisation who currently do not have access installed, nor do we want them to. Run time seems the obvious route.
I see the runtime module is included in Access 2003 but I cant see if you have to install Access on the users PC in a "Runtime mode only" way or if the Developer tools have to be purchased to get the package wizard so you can send the package out with run time.
Basically we want users to be able to access the database from the server but we do not want them to have the ability to do any thing else in access . i know read only rights will enable that to be done in the particular database but we don't want them building their own db's and the bothering IT when they come across something difficult....


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2007 Runtime Problems........

Jul 23, 2007

I was hoping all the errors had been addressed in the current Runtime release..... But no. If you have a previous version of Access ...2002 for example... And load the 2007 Runtime, your applications developed in 2002 will run fine in 2007 runtime. BUT.... If you open them in 2002 you receive many errors. "onClick" errors that don't exist. So if you do not have the full version of 2007 on the computer you would need to uninstall the runtime to be able to make any changes in your app.In short.... your going to screw up anyones ability to work with a previous version if you install 2007 runtime.I will try this on another computer with Access 2003 to see if it gives the same errors after runtime install. I'll post results.OK.... After trying the Runtime on another computer with Access 2003 it appears to be OK. The problem still persist with Access XP (2002). They simply do not play well together. I guess Microsoft did not feel this was important enough of a problem to address. So, if you load a Runtime of 2007 on a machine running Access 2002 you will no longer be able to use 2002.

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Access Runtime On Vista

Nov 9, 2007

I created an Access Runtime Database Download on Windows XP. One of my clients downloaded the db to Windows Vista. The installation went fine and he was able to populate the database with no problem. However, now he needs to send me back the data and we cannot seem to access any data files. The backend.mdb file appears to be blank, even know the data appears on the front end. We have tried searching the computer to find any hidden files it might be saving the data to and there doesn't appear to be any. I have tried copying the entire folder containing both the frontend and the backend to a jump drive and looking at the data on a different computer and it appears to be blank. This doesn't seem to happen on any other OS. Since it is a runtime version of Access, I am not able to export any files or even view anything of administrative value within the DB. When I look at the backend.mdb in Explorer, the modified date is old, so it doesn't seem to be adding the data to the backend, even though it is theoretically linked to it. Does anyone know where this data might reside or of a workaround of how to extract this data???



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Distribute DB With Access Runtime

Jan 12, 2008


Does anyone have a good easy sugestion on how to distribute a db with access runtime in a package to users without access 2003?
I have tried setup2go and it makes a fine .exe file.
But I can't make the package with access runtime.



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