SIMPLE VBA Open Form Depending On Yes/No Reponse

Oct 12, 2006

Can someone please help !!

I have a table with four 'Yes/No' fields.

I have four forms (each form 'relates' to one of the 'Yes/No' fields) and contains additioanl information to be completed.

When I create a new record in my database I tick one, two three or all four of the 'Yes/No' fields.

I would like some VBA code that will automatically open the relevant form (depending on wether the 'Yes/No' box has been ticked) when I click a button.

Many thanks.

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Open A Form Depending On Conditions

Feb 21, 2005

I have a search form, that can be opened by both my "product_enquiry" and my "edit_product" form.

When you select a value on the product search form, i want it to open another form at a specific record.

Easy you might think, but what If i want it to work out which form to open.

So if: A button on Edit product was clicked on to open product search, the value found in product search should be loaded into edit product.

But if it was a button on product enquiry, the record should be opened on the product enquiry form.

Can anyone help?

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Open A Form Depending On Selection Off List Box

Aug 23, 2006


I have a form, with 2 Combo Box's and a List Box. The Combo Box's provide a search criteria and the results are displayed in the list box [searchList].

I want to be able to double click a record in this List box [searchList] and that will open a from [frm_SearchDisplay] with the selected record from that List Box [searchList]

Can someone please point me in the right direction.

Thanks in Advance


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Forms :: How To Open Form Depending On Field In Subform

Sep 22, 2013

I have a Table table_clients and a connected table (1-->many) table_invoices.

I have two forms:

form1(table_clients): all clients with subform1(table_invoices): all invoices for every client

the form2 and subform2 are the same, just objects are placed differently on page.

I want when I have opened a record on form1/subform1, to be able to click a button and open form2/subform2 filtered by the invoice_id and the client_id.

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Simple New Record In Form On Open

Apr 21, 2006

:mad: it sound really stupid but I am having problems on open.

I have a main input page for the database I am creating but when I open it up it brings up previously inputted data.

Any ideas on this?

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Modules & VBA :: Open Recordset To Do A Simple Calculation And Lock It Again

Feb 18, 2014

I'm trying to open or unlock a recordset do do a simple calclation and then relock the record set. How this can be done with vba?

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Sub Form Increase In Size Depending On Data

Sep 29, 2006

I have a main form with a few imbedded sub forms.
Sometimes these is a great deal of data in one of the sub forms & non in the others.
Is there a way that the sub forms can grow depending on the amount of data there is in each particular sub form. (The sub form grows for a lot of data & shrinks for little data)
The way I have it now is that each sub form is always the same size and a scroll bar appears when these is extra data. This is OK but I need to see all data in sub forms at once if possible.
Can anyone help with ideas please?

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Load Record To Form Depending On Value In Combo Box

Oct 10, 2007

I have 2 combo boxes. The first one gives a lis of Prefix letters for railcars. The second uses the value of the 1st and finds railcars that start with the same letters.

finally got the 2nd combo box to list the prefix and number of a railcar based on the 1st combo box and also got it to clear as each run-through starts.

Now that the user can select a number (ex. dfcv1234 as the railcar), I need to find the record with the prefix dfcv and the car number 1234 and load the record to the form for view and editing.

So far, I know it needs to be the after update event and have a select statement that finds the [key], [prefix], [car_number] that matches the value selected on the form but how do I use the key to make the record show on the form?


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Forms :: Vary Sub Form Labels Depending On Other Value

Jan 21, 2015

I have a form containing a sub form.

On the sub form I am selecting products that I am selling to a customer whose details appear on the main form.

The products on the sub form are selected from a combo box. This section is in datasheet format.

Depending on the product sold some of the labels on the sub form are not relevant. And when this is the case I was thinking maybe the label is rendered invisible.

Maybe this is not the best way to handle this - or is it. It certainly is expedient.

Perhaps as well when the label is rendered invisible entry of a value into the corresponding text box becomes impossible.

Is there a better way to handle this?

How I can render the label invisible and disallow data entry depending on the value of the combo box.

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Modules & VBA :: Conditional Form Formatting Depending On Field

Jul 2, 2013

I created a form that applies conditional formats depending on a field. It works fine, until you enter data into one of the conditionally formatted fields, then all hell breaks loose. Conditional formats totally go away and the cells go to #error.

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Modules & VBA :: Display Text Depending On Combo Box In Different Form

Aug 6, 2013

I want to display the text from one combo in a text box in another form based on what's selected in a second combo box. The text box is in a different form from the combo boxes.

Sub D_ComponentTypeCmb_Change()

If Me.D_ComponentNameCmb.Value = "Customise" Then
Forms!CustomComponentF!C_ComponentTxt.Value = Me.D_ComponentTypeCmb
Forms!CustomComponentF!C_ComponentTxt.Value = ""
End If
End Sub

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Forms :: Disabling Subform Depending On Main Form Value

Jan 9, 2014

I have a mainform called frm_Main containing the field AgeCalc

I then have a a subform which has some tabs, one of those tabs contains a subform called frm_Bans.

If the AgeCalc field is <17 I want to disable the subform frm_Bans.

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Forms :: Text Box Background Color Depending On Its Value In Continuous Form

Jul 13, 2013

In Access 2007 (or 2010 , 2013), in a continuous form, I want to change the background colour of a text box depending on its value. Obviously, for each record, the color can be different.

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Forms :: Display Certain Fields On A Form Depending On Criteria In Another Cell

May 6, 2013

I would like to only display certain fields on a form depending on a criteria in another cell. For example if some enters 4 in 'Schemes' it would display 4 data entry boxes scheme1, scheme2, scheme3 etc - is it possible?

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Forms :: Adding Combo Box To A Form Depending On Input Values

Sep 23, 2014

I want to add a combo box to a form, where depending on the values entered in the box another combo box would show more values. In other words, if the first combobox had choices of 1, 2, 3 and 4, if 1 was selected the next combo box would have values a, b, c and d. If 2 was selected, it would have values of a, d, e, f and g.

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Making Form Buttons Visible/Invisible Depending On The Contents Of A Field

Oct 23, 2004

I am trying to make a button on a form visible and invisible dependant on the contents of a field in my form, any ideas?

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Forms :: BrowseTo Opens Form As NewRecord Depending On Opened Record

Apr 2, 2015

I'm using a navigation control to switch between forms. In one of those forms, I have a continuous subform which is a list of Projects (source is a query) that is read-only. To edit a project, I can click on its name, which switches the form displayed in the navigation control via docmd.BrowseTo (with acEditForm as the last parameter). This works fine. The proper form opens, with the proper project being displayed.

Now, on this second form, I have on the right the list of tasks contained in the project in a continuous subform (source is a query), and on the left another subform which is kind of an "edit bar" that I use to actually edit the individual tasks. So, when I click on a task in the task list, the OnCurrent event triggers a docmd.BrowseTo command that updates the "edit bar" subform and passes the ID of the task as the WhereCondition parameter. This updates the values displayed in the Edit Bar to that of the selected task, which I can then edit.

Now here's the thing: depending on the project I open, the Edit Bar doesn't work. Actually, it looks like only one of the projects is working, while the others are not (and I managed to have a different project working, but only one works at any given try). When it doesn't work, the Edit Bar is in "NewRecord = True" for some reason. All the other properties of that subform seem to be the same between when it works and when it doesn't.

So, it looks like the same command (docmd.BrowseTo with acEditForm) opens the subform properly in acEditMode when it works, and in something else when it doesn't, depending on the parent record that's being opened.
This really gets me, I really can't figure out how that's even possible.

I suspect it might have something to do with locked records, maybe?

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Forms :: Form That Adds Data To A Table Depending On Which Option Was Clicked In Combo Box?

Sep 30, 2013

i have a standard database with tblProducts, order, employees, customers, suppliers etc. i also have a table called tblperson with personID which acts as a one, with the many in three different tables (customers, suppliers and employee) the person table holds data such as first name last name address city postcode and phone. now, ive created a form called frmPerson that acts as a adding data to my database. ive got a load of buttons a working add, delete and a save button, i also have the option to switch through records next, last, end and first. now basically in this form i want to be able to add data i.e. fill out the text boxes and then have a combo box or something similiar that when i add the data i can basically click an option the says 'employee' 'supplier' or 'customer' and then the data gets added to my person table however the difference is that it will also be associated to the record in the wanted table.

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Forms :: When Open A Form / Want To Open Another From At Same

Jan 14, 2015

when i open a form i want to open another frm at the same time. i have a main form with some buttons in it. when i click on a button and a form opens then i am not able to click on a button to open other forms from the main form.

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Simple Form Help Plz...

Oct 26, 2005

i have a form that keeps a record of my telephone enquieries at work..

i want to place a button on this form so that, whenever i have successfully dealt with a call, i can click this button and the record will go to a NEW "Logged Calls" form...

how can i achieve this?
p.s i am very new to programming etc...

thanks in advance!

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Closing An Open Form From Another Form That Is Open

Dec 17, 2004

Is there a way to close a form that is open from another form that has the focus. I tried using the Unload event, but I received an error message "Cant load or unload the object". I would appreciate any help!

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Forms :: Saving Specific Data From Data Entry Form Depending On User Selection

Dec 18, 2014

I am trying to save specific data from a data entry form to a specific depending on what the user selects from a dropdown/combo box.

So if the user selects "test company from the combo box, that data (from that form) will save to the Test company data table.

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Change "Form" Properties Depending On User

Feb 9, 2006

In a nutshell...I want to have a form open with the "form" properties set to "NO" on "AllowEdits","Allowdelete" and "AllowAdditions" and then those same properties set to "Yes" depending on who you are when you open the form.
I think I got a handle on the "who you are" part, I am just not sure about the form properties stuff.

Thank you

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Forms :: Limit Form Field Selection Depending On Another Field

Feb 5, 2014

I am creating a training database and first I have tables in relationship to the courses:

Course ID (Primary Key)
Course Title

Instructors (lookup field allowing multiple instructors to be selected, meaning they are skilled to teach the course)

Instructor ID (Primary Key
Last Name
First Name
Full Name (Caluclated to put Last Name, First Name)


What I am trying to do on a form to create a new event is once the user selects the Course from the Course ID combo box, then I need the Instructor combo box to only display the instructors who are skilled to teach the course which are selected in the tbl_Courses.

I can get all Instructor ID's, but not the names and the class that has multiple instructors show on one line.Should I have not put the Instructors field in the tbl_Courses? Do I need another table for instructor skills or something?

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Access 2007 - Autofill A Form Field Depending Upon Value Of Another Field

Feb 20, 2012

I am new to Access 2007 and I am having trouble in creating a form. It is simply a data storage table which would be fed in by users. That it.

I need to create a user friendly form so that :

When the user selects : Career_Goal field as "None", the next field called: Years, should be automatically be populated as 0.

In any other case, they should be able to select the years from the dropdown list.

How do I create this if else conditions? Do I use expression builder, if yes then how?

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Simple Form Validation

Jun 27, 2005

When user submits record on form, by pushing the arrow to move forward to new form, or back to previous ones, I would like to ensure that they have met a specific criteria in some fields.

How can I catch this without using VB Access? I can use VB Access, but would like to know how "normal" users would force form validation.

Much appreciation for lesson.


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