SQL Linked Table Problem- Access 2003

Jan 12, 2006

Hi all,

I set up three tables (pastoral, referral, confidential) all at the exact same time on our sql server, all have the exact same permissions and i am the owner of all three. Ecah have a primary key in the form of an autonumber.

When i link to these tables in access i can delete from both the pastoral and confidential tables but cant delete from the referral table (the smallest of the three with only 6 fields) and i get this message:

"The Microsoft Jet database engine stopped the process because you and another user are attempting to change the same data at the same time"

Ive tried:

Compacting and repairing
Recreating the table on the sql server
decompiling and recompiling with a compact and repair
redoing the table links
trying the table in a different database

and none of these things have solved my issue.

Its bizarre:

on the sql server i can add, edit, delete
in access i can add but cant edit or delete as i get a write conflict error message:

"This record has been changed by another user since you started editing it. If you save the record, you will overwrite the changes the other user made...."

Yet the overwrite option is greyed out and i only have the choice of copying to clipboard or dropping changes.


im at a total loss as to what is going on, ive tried all the fixes i know and have come back to trying to fix the problem instead of starting it again due to the fact that recreating the table gives me the same problems.

Any ideas? all service packs are up to date and so is the jet engine...



The Microsoft Jet database engine stopped the process because you and another user are attempting to change the same data at the same time

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Linked SQL Server Tables In Access 2003

Apr 16, 2007

We are sharing an Access 2003 database amongst two departments that contains twelve (12) tables that are SQL Server linked tables. Nine (9) of the tables work just fine for people in both departments. Three (3) of the tables cannot be opened until the user refreshes the link(s) using their ODBC DSN.

We do not understand why nine of the tables work without issue but three will not.

Has anyone ever run into this issue before? Does anyone have any ideas on how to resolve this issue?


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ISAM For FoxPro 2.6 Tables Linked Into Access 2003

Nov 26, 2004

I have been running queries and reports with data from our company database (a third-party system based on FoxPro2.6) by linking tables into MS Access 97 for years. We have now upgraded to XP and Office 2003, and suddenly I can no longer do this but get a message "Could not find installable ISAM".

I've tried to locate the required file on the Internet but no luck so far. Can anybody help me? I am currently using an old pc with Office 97 on it to run the reports, but it's in a different office location and makes the whole job very tedious. Are there any work-arounds?

Any help much appreciated!


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Tables :: Access 2003 Table Data Import Into Access 2007 Table

Apr 26, 2015

i have a database in access 2003 when i open it with access 2003 it shows data in table but when i open same table in access 2007 it shows only header rows , no data

how can i see this data into access 2007 or excel 2007.i want to link these table data with excel 2007 or access 2007 but with above problem i can't do it

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Table Problems Moving From Access 2003 -> Access 2007

Jun 19, 2007

Attached is a screenshot of the relationships in a database I built a couple of years ago. It's worked absolutely fine in Access 2003 and currently has over 18,000 customers with associated information in it.

However, when I open the database in Access 2007 the performance is awful. All the forms are very slow to respond when tabbing between form elements. I've experimented by reducing the number of form elements calling on related data on a given page and whilst this improves performance it reduces usability - something I don't want to compromise on especially since Access 2007 should be able to cope with this.

My next question is therefore whether I've got the most efficient underlying table design and I can't see any other way of doing it than my current method so I'd be grateful for any feedback or advice anyone has.

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Run A Macro To Sort A Table In Access 2003

Nov 7, 2006


I have a table that has new data added into it through forms, and i want the data to be sorted when a new record is added.

The person that the database is for is new to Access and therefore is not 100% competant at it.

I wanted to add a button onto the forms that would run a macro that would sort the data. Is there a macro in Access that can do this?



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Importing Excel Table To Access 2003

Jan 22, 2007


I was importing the large array of accounting data into Access from Excel through File - Get External Data - Import. Several columns contained tangible accounting data (e.g. registration numbers) that had different formats like "23423 34", "32-3545" and in some cases even contained letter constants. Therefore, I have assigned TEXT type to this column while importing and was sure that all values are going to be stored as text. However, what has happened is: 18307769 turned into 1.83078e+007! this means tangible accounting data that was used as a key field for further linking turned into bull&&$%! :-(

I know this problem is very simple, so please, can you give me a hint as to how do I solve it in the future.

Thank you in advance.

merchant credit card processing

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Access 2003 - Link To Table Not Getting Saved

Jan 28, 2013

I am linking the Access tables with another Access Database. But after exiting from Ms Access application links are not getting saved. the version of both the DB are Access 2003.

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Linked Tables - Windows 2000 Vs 2003

Feb 20, 2007

I have an Access mdb file that uses linked tables to connect to SQL Server 2000 using a System DSN. The Access database contains many databound forms that are used to update data in SQL Server. Recently, we moved the database from a Windows 2000 server to a Windows 2003 server. After we did this, the Access database would lock up at certain spots in the forms.

We have been investigating this for over a week, and finally realized that it seems to be a Windows 2003 issue. We have tried putting the database on two different servers running Windows 2000 and have had no issues.
We then tried putting it on two different Windows 2003 servers, and had the constant lockups.

Our original thought was that there was an issue with the new Jet drivers for Windows 2003, but we looked at the msjet40.dll on both Windows 2000 and Windows 2003 and the version on all is 4.00.9025.0.

Does anybody have any idea on what could be causing this?

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General :: Copy Data From Local Access Table To Linked SQL Server Table?

Jan 13, 2014

I have an MS Access accdb with linked SQL Server 2012 ODBC tables. I am working on a procedure to copy data from local tables to these linked tables (identical schema). I did a simple


DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO linkedTable SELECT * FROM localTable"

This works, but is very slow. Way too slow. (INSERT copies the data one record at a time).

I would like to copy the data in a bulk operation, or operations that I can execute programmatically.

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Extracting Data From Linked Db2 Table Using Access Make Table Query

Aug 29, 2006

I am extracting data from linked db2 table using access make table query. First I create a select query and can view the linked db2 data, but when I change to a make table query I get an error message, "invalid argument", when I run the make table query. There is no selection critera specified. Has anyone had this happen? and Do you know a solution?

Thanks for your support

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Adding Columns To Existing Access 2003 Table

Jun 3, 2005

I am fairly new to doing DBA, and I am having trouble adding a new column to a table that is existing. Is there any simple way to do this or does it have to be done throught code? And if so how.

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General :: Linking 2 Table Getting Hanged Access 2003

Sep 20, 2013

It is a simple linking based on one Column in Both the Table.The problem is One Table has "11 Lakh Rows other 2000 Rows"..Actually I am not sure weather the computer is getting hanged or Not as I wait for 10 min still when I am not able to see any update I End the access.

How can I know if it is working or hanged ? (errors like memory overflow will not come after I wait for an hour or so)

Can I use DLOOKUP instead of linking as I want it to be one on One link ?

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Append Records From An Access Table To SQL Server Linked Table

Jul 21, 2006

I am rebuilding an application for a client and I have an Access table that I am using as a temporary table. Once the user is done entering information into the temporary table through a form, the user presses an update button that appends the records using an Append Query in Access to an SQL Server Table.

The following error message occurs:

"ODBC -- insert on a linked table 'linked tblname' failed.

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] Explicit value must be specified for identity column in table 'linked tblname' when IDENTITY INSERT is set to ON. (#545)

I am using a form, subform combination to record a bill with many details. The bill summary is posted into a tbl_TransactionsMain table in SQL Server using the ADO AddNew method. The PK for the tbl_TransactionsMain is then entered into the temporary table in Access. When the temporary table records are appended into tbl_TransactionDetail the error message occurs.

What is also interesting is while typing out this post I thought to test the error by manually trying to run the query. The query worked like a charm! :confused: When the orginal error occurred off of the form I tried to run the query manually and it failed. I am guessing that this might have something to do with the ODBC timeout.

I think SQL Server/ODBC connection is not liking how I have a set of records in an Access table with foreign key numbers assigned when I am attempting to append the records. I am new to SQL Server and any ideas are most appreciated! :)

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Access Error 3027 When Using VBA To Append Table To A Linked Table?

Apr 7, 2014

I have two tables, submit and imgdest. Submit is edited by front-end users to load pictures for back-end users who then delete the images when they're done with them. Submit is edited by a form, in the form I've placed a button (Command37) that has code:

Private Sub Command37_Click()
Call InsertData
MsgBox "Completed", "0", "Completed Backup"
Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub InsertData()


This code was working for a short while, now anytime it's run I get error 3027 - Cannot update. Database or object is read-only. However, I can open the linked table and manually change information in it with no problems.

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Problem While Updating Table Data Using Forms In MS Access 2003

Feb 1, 2005


i am getting stuck while updating the data in the database table using a command button in the MS Access2003 forms. when i click the command button in the form, a message "Run time 2185: you cant refer to a property or method for a control unless the control has a focus". the code is as follows.

rivate Sub Command10_Click()
Dim query As String

query = "select RESOURCEINFO from tbl_control where CONTROLNAME='" + Combo4.Text + "'"

If (cn.State <> 1) Then
cn.Open "dsn=ABC", "", ""
End If
rs.Open query, cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
rs.Fields(0) = RESOURCEINFO

Set rs = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing
On Error GoTo Err_Command10_Click

DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command10_Click

End Sub

i am a beginner. any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Combo Box Based On Linked Table Needs To Pull Info For Sub-Form From Non Linked Table

Aug 31, 2007

I am trying to build a Form that will show an estimate (then eventually will be moved to a project if customer and employee aggree to price and project) in a Form F_Estimates is a M_Customers(Customer_ID) (Based on a Table) and thier info in a Subform. Also is the "projected costs" from parts out of the Parts(Part_ID) (Based on another Table) in a second Subform as a list that I need to calculate $$$ in
(Dang that still sounds evil and definately NOT understandable even after edit... so)

Here's some basic info


EstimatesandParts - Table
EstimatesandParts_ID : Autonumber
Estimate_ID : Number
Part_ID : Number

Parts - Table
Part_ID : Autonumber
PartNumber : Text (not a number due to some part#s have letters in them)
PartName : Text
Unit Price : Currency
Description : Text

Estimates - Table
Estimate_ID : Autonumber
InvoiceNumber : Text (again can have letters in it)
EstimateDate : Date/Time
EstimateTime : Date/Time
Employee_ID : Number
Customer_ID : Number
ProblemDescription : Memo

Customers - Table
Customer_ID : Autonumber
FirstName : Text
LastName : Text
CompanyName : Text
Address : Text
City : Text
Province_State : Text
Postal_ZIPCode : Text (CDN Postal codes are letter num letter...)

you can see the link table in the EstimatesandParts Table

Now I want to use that link to populate a subform in the F_Estimates form


SF_Customers - SubForm

(all boxes atm are text boxes on this form till I figure out the Parts section then will use same base for this so I can pick any customer in the database to be the customer for this estimate. Also will have ctrl button for making new customer with customer form and a refresh on Focus Gain bit of code)


SF_Parts - SubForm
Default View -Continuous Forms

(want it to be a list of parts that I can grab prices and descriptions from then in a bit of code to calculate a cost of parts)

Part_ID : Combo Box
Control Source - Part_ID
Row Source Type - Table/Query
Row Source - SELECT Parts.Part_ID, Parts.PartNumber, Parts.PartName, Parts.UnitPrice, Parts.Description FROM Parts ORDER BY Parts.Description;

(Pulls info from the table Parts for input into a list of parts to be used on that project)

PartName : Text Box
UnitPrice : Text Box

(here's where I run into problems due to the fact that the form is not based on the parts table but rather the link table EstimatesandParts so I can't propogate the info to the 2 other text boxes, ps I dont care if they cant be text boxes and have to be linked or some other type I'm not "set" just need to find out how to make it work )

(have tried a couple things to complete this task)

Me.txtPartName = Me.Part_ID.Column(2)
Me.txtUnitPrice = Me.Part_ID.Column(3)

(works AWSOME ... for ONE ROW then propogates the second selection to the first and second and third selection to first second and third and so on ...)

(tried to make control source for the txtPartName to)


(Doesnt exist .. akkk, cant use ActiveForm either as it doesn't focus on the SubForm but the MainForm ... cry)

F_Estimates - Form


(all basic Text Boxes)


(Combo Boxes Select Customer and Employee from list of present ones of each)


(Both SubForms on the main form)

Now this is an Exerp from my entire Database I like to work on one small problem at a time and I have made this its own little database till I figure out the problem then I will bring the info I learn back into the rest of the database and go from there ...

Hope you can help I have a feeling I will need to make a recordset and go from there but I'm just not able to wrap my head around that for some reason

Thanks in advance for ANY and ALL help that I get from here

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General :: Access 2003 Create Multi Column Filtered Table

Jan 4, 2013

create a datasheet from 2 odbc linked tables which I will be exporting to Excel. The resulting datasheet will have four columns, 'Purchase Order Number' 'Stock Code' 'Delivery Date' 'Unit Price'. The information I require in the datasheet is a unique stock code (one occurrence of each stock code) with the most recent unit price based on the last delivery date for each product. The linked tables contain many Purchase Orders for the same stock codes over a time period of a number of years where the unit price has varied.

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Create A Linked Table In Access?

Jun 29, 2015

I am trying to figure out how to create a table on Access that looks like the following:

Data 2
Data 3
Data 4
Data 5



I want the table to be linked to the Pivot Table Data and publish it as a report.

I know in excel it is simply using the = sign to the cell reference; however, what is the equivalent of this in Access?

- How to create a table as shown above?

- How to link the Pivot Table data to the table above?

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Access 2007 Html Linked Table

Jul 10, 2007

Has anyone else encountered this?

I wrote a Access 2000 database which has a linked table to a HTML file which worked perfectly. However, I Have recently installed Access 2007 and now when I use my database to try to open the HTML linked table it says it is either empty or not in the right format!

Any ideas anyone?



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Is There A Linked Table Manager In Access 2007?

Nov 27, 2007

Hi folks

Is there a linked table manager in access 2007?


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Excel Spreadsheet Linked As Access Table

Aug 23, 2005

I'm trying to link a spreadsheet as a table in Access 2002. The link wizard is importing my number columns as numbers, even though I defined them as text. I need for them to be text in Access. How do I force this?


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Access 97 + Linked Table Oracle + Autonumber

Mar 24, 2006


I'm making a MS Access frontend for some tables on the Oracle 8 database at work. The tables are linked ofcourse.

One table has an AUTONUMBER field on the Oracle and it seems to give me trouble to insert new records.
When I try to insert a new record (leave the autonumber field blank) I get the following error: "ODBC — insert on a linked table <table> failed. (Error 3155)" followed by the error "[Microsoft][ODBC Driver for Oracle][Oracle]ORA-01722: invalid number (#1722)".

When I look at the Oracle documentation I got this:
ORA-01722 invalid number
Cause: The attempted conversion of a character string to a number failed
because the character string was not a valid numeric literal. Only numeric fields or character fields containing numeric data may be used in arithmetic functions or expressions. Only numeric fields may be added to or subtracted from dates.
Action: Check the character strings in the function or expression. Check that
they contain only numbers, a sign, a decimal point, and the character "E" or "e" and retry the operation.
I checked the INSERT statement: "INSERT INTO AFM_HV_PROP_VALUE (HV_INST_ID, HV_PROPERTY_ID, TABLE_NAME, HV_PROPERTY_VALUE) VALUES (4, 'V_TESTJE', 'hv_inst', '123465')" and everything seems to be allright. The value that's causing the error is the "4" that gets in the "HV_INST_ID"-field.
Using TOAD to execute the SQL Statement, there is no problem at all.

When I look at the table design in MS Access I see that the Autonumber field is of the type "Double". That doesn't seem right to me...

Anyone some suggestions? I'm running out of courage :s

Niels R.

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Linked Table Manager In Access Runtime

Feb 12, 2007

Database with front- & back end.
From mdb to mde to Runtime.

The linked table manager is grey if the access application is installed in a different folder then initially set.

I have no idea how to solve this.

Help is welcome.


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Access Support For Checkbox Against Linked Table

Jan 25, 2013

I have an access file that is using a linked Oracle table.

When I open the linked table in Access, I want to have a column display as a checkbox like the YES/NO Access datatype does.

How I can accomplish this?

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Conditional Tallying, Linked .xls, Access Table Creation

May 14, 2007

Hi all-
I work for a staffing firm and I'm trying to figure out a way to turn exports from our vendor-based sql gui (i.e. I can only get .xls files out of it, can't just run SQL queries) into spiffy reports using Crystal Reports. My grand plan is to use Access to process these various XLS files (one for each client) by linking them to an Access DB and coding a table to conditionally tally individual records based on different criteria.

The criteria are company name, position name, date submitted, active, and status. I was able to code an Excel template that did the trick perfectly, but required each file to be edited to reflect the new report format, and updated as more positions are added. My question is this: is there some way for me to create a DB that links to the XLS files for each client and puts each company name, position name, date submitted (pulled straight from XLS files) and then the following tallies:

submitted (just # of pos name by date)
accepted (status != "s" AND active = "y" by date)

I don't really expect someone to do all my coding for me, maybe just point me in the right direction, as the only coding outside of excel formula coding (which I feel doesn't really count despite my proficiency) that I've done has been over a decade ago. Any suggestions?

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