SQL Query Syntax Giving Access Problems

Jul 12, 2005

Can someone tell me where I might be going wrong here. The following query works in SQL, but somewhere in the LEFT JOINS area, Access gets a little confused and says I'm missing an operator.

SELECT Tariffs.TariffCPUCID, Tariffs.TariffID, AdviceLetters.ALCPUCID, Tariffs.ALID, Tariffs.ScheduleID, Schedules.SheetTitle, AdviceLetters.[Filing Date], Tariffs.[C&E], SheetsCancelling.CancellingID, SheetsCancelling.CancellingCPUCID
FROM Tariffs LEFT JOIN Schedules ON Tariffs.ScheduleID = Schedules.ScheduleID LEFT JOIN AdviceLetters ON Tariffs.ALID = AdviceLetters.ALID LEFT JOIN SheetsCancelling ON SheetsCancelling.TariffID = Tariffs.TariffID
WHERE Tariffs.Type="E"

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SQL Query Giving Different Results In VBA/Access

Jul 11, 2007

Hi ,

I am using Access Application with Orcale Db as backend and this application is already in production.
The problem is.. USers Complained that the system is slow, this is because there is refresh (requery) for each Insert (When they click submit, that particular record is inserted and then a refresh has to be done to bring only unused member IDs on the User screen), i had used a Sql query using NOT IN , then i realized and now changed it to NOT EXISTS, but with this new query , if i test recordset. EOF , even though the query returns more than 13000 ..records, EOF sets to TRUE and the other part (not supposed to) gets executed. I really cant figure out why, i took the same query put it in query builder in Access and ran it , it gave 13000 records..but in VBA , this recordset is not giving expected results and so..i am totally confused..The part of the Code is shown below.

Code:newquery = " SELECT A.MEMBER_ID, A.MEMBER_NAME, A.ADDRESS_LINE1.................. FROM TABLE A WHERE NOT Exists ( SELECT '' FROM TABLE B where A.MEMBER_ID =B.MEMBER_ID)AND A.MATCH_LEVEL <> 0 ORDER BY A.MATCH_LEVEL DESC"rst1.Open newquery, Cnt, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimisticIf rst1.EOF = False ThenForm_PHS_ASSIGN.RequeryForm_PHS_ASSIGN_SUB.RequeryElse MsgBox " No records to Process!" End If

EVEn though it should requery , it gives a message No records to process which is wrong. It works with NOT IN.... BUT VERY SLOW, NOT EXISTS IS FAST BUT DOES NOT GIVE ME WHAT I WANT..

Where am i going wrong..help pls!!!!


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Access Giving Wrong Result Using Sql Query

May 10, 2012

I am using a MS access mdb file to display some record from oracle database using odbc connection.I have a table (linked table) called map_detail in mdb as well as oracle with same table structure.I formed one query in mdb (sql query) select * from map_detail where batch_no="SSO15121".It is always fetching some other result, but when I am changing the query by changing the batch no "SSO15148" it is working fine. I noticed that for cases it working.

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Query Not Giving Me What I Need... Help

Nov 1, 2005

This query is getting complicated for me... I need help please! :(
I need it to give me the data for people between FirstMonth, Year and SecondMonth, Year...
Right now it's giving me only the FirstMonth, Year and SecondMonth, Year...
I think I need a between there somewhere but not sure where to put it...??
Hope this makes sense.
I'm doing the query in Access 2002


SELECT [FirstName] & ", " & [LastName] AS FullName, TriOct10.FirstName, TriOct10.LastName, TriOct10.Address, TriOct10.City, TriOct10.Prov, TriOct10.PostalCode, TriOct10.VolScreenCode, DatePart("m",[PRCDate]) AS Month2, DatePart("yyyy",[PRCDate])+3 AS PRCDueY2, TriOct10.PRCDate, TriOct10.MemberType, TriOct10.MemberStatus, TriOct10.ExpandName, TriOct10.RegOrgName, TriOct10.RegisteredRole
FROM TriOct10
WHERE (((DatePart("m",[PRCDate]))=[Enter 1st Month]) AND ((DatePart("yyyy",[PRCDate])+3)=[Enter First year])) OR (((DatePart("m",[PRCDate]))=[Enter Last Month]) AND ((DatePart("yyyy",[PRCDate])+3)=[Enter Last Year]) AND ((TriOct10.MemberType)="volunteer") AND ((TriOct10.MemberStatus)="Active" Or (TriOct10.MemberStatus)="probationary") AND ((TriOct10.ExpandName) Like "*" & [What Area?] & "*"))
ORDER BY DatePart("m",[PRCDate]), DatePart("yyyy",[PRCDate])+3;

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Sub Query Giving Me Grief....Please Help...! Tx

Apr 20, 2006

Hi all.

I have a sub query that was working until a couple of days ago when it decided to stop.

I have a Table called TblFieldValues which whenever a new value is entered into my relational Db.
Each new Value is given a ValueID and is Dated (full date/time stamp)

My Sub Query ensures that for each FieldID (ie if more than 1) it selects/shows the top most Date....But it is not grabbing all the fields for some reason???

Here is the SQL limiting criteria to a bare minimum (QuoteID)
SELECT Main.FieldID, Main.QuoteID, Main.QuoteTypeID, Main.SubSection, Main.FieldValue, Main.NumberFieldValue, Main.CalcFieldValue, Main.Date, Main.ValueID
FROM TblFieldValue AS Main
WHERE (((Main.QuoteID)=[Forms]![FrmQuote]![QuoteID]) AND ((Main.ValueID) In (SELECT TOP 1 Sub.ValueID FROM TblFieldValue AS Sub WHERE Sub.FieldID=Main.FieldID ORDER BY Sub.Date DESC)));

I had a thought it might be the way the info is put into TblFieldValues, as it is often put in via Code, in fact only when it is put via code is it not showing up as a rule.
So I had a look at the code that inserts it.

strSQL = "INSERT INTO TblFieldValue ([QuoteID], [QuoteTypeID], [SectionID], [FieldID], [FieldValue], [Date], [UpdatedBy]) Values ('" & strQuoteID & "', '" & strQuoteType & "', '" & strQuoteSection & "', '" & strFieldID & "', '" & strValue & "', '" & strDate & "', '" & strUser & "');"

'MsgBox strSQL

DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL

I had Now() in replace of strDate, but tried changing to strDate and diming strDate as Date and then setting strDate = Now() but doesn't really change it in the table.

I am certain it is in this somehow? Any ideas????
Your help will be greatly appreciated...

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Query Giving No Result

Mar 2, 2008

Hi all,

Would appreciate help on this. I have a query which combines the results of 3 queries. Once the underlying queries each has a result I get a result in my query, but if 1 of the underlying queries has no result I get nothing. (I hope this makes sense).

How can I set my query to show results even if the underlying query doesn't.

thanks in advance.


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Query Giving Too Many Results (duplicates)

Mar 27, 2006

I have a query that selects from a table base on 3 entries (Name, BeginDate and EndDate) and should show me 12 other columns and their entries... I have 9 entries for a particular Name, but when i run the query i get 15 results. Some are duplicated but others are not and I don't know where to begin narrrowing it down. Any ideas where to start?

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Giving A Query Parameter Using A Text Box

Nov 8, 2004

Hello everybody!

I 've created a query that copies the records of a table into the same table, creating new records. (I don't know how this is called in english, sorry). For example if have a table with 2 records when the query is run I have 4 records with duplicates. The fields of each record I want to remain the same except for one, called code. For example:
this is the table before the query is run:

surname name code
tracy john 1
spencer bud 1

and this is the table after the query is run:

surname name code
tracy john 1
spencer bud 1
tracy john 2
spencer bud 2

the code is also in an another table and is included in a textbox in my main form. Everything works fine when I run the query but I must type a parameter (code) to create the duplicated table. How can I pass the parameter to the query "automatically", using the textbox value?
Thanx in advance

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Query Giving ID Instead Of Text In Report

Oct 27, 2014

SELECT Count([Unsafe Act ].[Tag]) AS [CountOfTag], [Unsafe Act ].[Audit], [qryTag].[Tag]
FROM [Unsafe Act ] LEFT JOIN [qryTag] ON [Unsafe Act ].[Tag] = [qryTag].ID
WHERE ((([Unsafe Act ].Date) Between [Forms]![frmSafetyReportOut]![startDate] And [Forms]![frmSafetyReportOut]![endDate]))
GROUP BY [Unsafe Act ].[Audit], [qryTag].[Tag]
HAVING ((([Unsafe Act ].[Audit])=[Forms]![frmSafetyReportOut]![cboConditionAct]))
ORDER BY Count([Unsafe Act ].[Source Of Tag]) DESC;

I am trying to run this query and query works fine however I am trying to run a chart on the report which shows ID's of Tag instead of txt of Tag.

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Odd Query Problem Giving Me Grey Hairs.

Mar 10, 2008

I have a query that updates a field on a table with the value in another field. When I run the query from the Access control panel, the query does exactly what it should do, 100% perfect. When I call the query using DoCmd.OpenQuery in VBA in an OnClick function on a form, it does not work properly, only appending certain amounts of information, leaving some fields blank.Can anyone shed some light on this.the SQL for the query is:UPDATE tblHolding SET tblHolding.CostGRV = [tblHolding]![OrderCost]WHERE ((([tblHolding].[Item Code])=[tblHolding]![Item Code]));It populates another field in the same record in the same table as itself.tblHolding is populated by a Subform on the Form that has the button that calls this query when clicked.Hope I am making sense.

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Queries :: Unique Query Is Giving Duplicates

Aug 4, 2015

I have a unique query which lists all the films that we are screening over the next 3 months. I have added a COUNT field so that I can see how many of each films we are screening.

The problem is that i get duplicates of some films - and this may be because we may hold several copies of some films. I have attached two images which might explain this better!

What I could do with is knowing how to make it so that i get a list of films booked and how many of each, regardless of which copy of the film is used.

The SQL is:

SELECT DISTINCTROW dbo_Films.[film name], Count(dbo_Films.[film name]) AS [CountOffilm name]
FROM ((dbo_Films INNER JOIN dbo_filmCopies ON dbo_Films.ID = dbo_filmCopies.tblFilms_ID) INNER JOIN dbo_EventsFlicks ON dbo_filmCopies.ID = dbo_EventsFlicks.filmCopyID) INNER JOIN dbo_Venues ON dbo_EventsFlicks.venueID = dbo_Venues.ID
WHERE (((dbo_EventsFlicks.datefield)>=#8/1/2015# And (dbo_EventsFlicks.datefield)<#1/1/2016#))
GROUP BY dbo_Films.[film name], dbo_Venues.southhub, dbo_Venues.northhub, dbo_Films.Specilaised
ORDER BY dbo_Films.[film name];

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Update Query Giving Me A Runtime Error 3061

Oct 27, 2005

Hi there....Im busy tonight trying to get a couple of things working correctly.

I have an UPDATE string that I am trying to get working but I am getting a runtime error 3061 saying 'To few parameters Expected 1'

I have tried the same query using the query builder and it works ok...when I try it in VBA it doesn't work.

This is my code

Dim SQLUpdate As String
Dim SQLWhere As String
Dim strComplete As String

SQLUpdate = " UPDATE tblPersonalInformation SET tblPersonalInformation.DateModified = Now() "
SQLWhere = " WHERE tblPersonalInformation.PersonalID = [Forms]![frmMain]![txtCandidateNumberReadOnly]"

strComplete = SQLUpdate & SQLWhere
Debug.Print strComplete

CurrentDb.Execute strComplete
End Sub

Can anyone see what I am missing or I am doing wrong?

Thanks evryone for your help.

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Forms :: Multi Select Listbox Access 2003 Code Gives Syntax Error In MS Access 2010

Oct 24, 2013

I've been using the following code successfully in Access 2003 & now I need to migrate to Access 2010. The purpose of the code is to use the items that the user selects in the list box to build the criteria of a query. Access 2010 keeps giving me a syntax error when I try to run the query & I don't know why:

My code is:

On Error GoTo Err_Command151_Click

' Declare variables
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strCriteria As String
Dim strSQL As String

[Code] .....

The syntax error I get in Access 2010 is:

Syntax Error in query expression 'SELECT * FROM
qryContractListSummarybyDateContract3TYPEBREAK WHERE
qryContractListSummarybyDateContract3TYPEBREAK.Rep ortableName IN('Adbri
Masonry NSW');'

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Access Project Syntax?

Oct 28, 2007

I have a small MsAccess application as a mdb file and I have a many
querys that use some field in a form as a condition.
For example: Forms![formx]![fieldx] is a condition for query's field.
I have upsized my access application (mdb) to access project and theese
querys does not work anymore. What I need to write in a access project query instead "Forms![formx]![fieldx]" ???


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Syntax For Nest JOIN In MS Access?

Feb 22, 2008

This query works:

SELECT p.AcntNumber, p.Name, d.FromDate
FROM Daysheet AS d
INNER JOIN Patient AS p ON d.AcntNumber=p.AcntNumber

But this does not:

SELECT p.AcntNumber, p.Name, d.FromDate, c.CPT
FROM Daysheet AS d
INNER JOIN Patient AS p ON d.AcntNumber=p.AcntNumber
INNER JOIN Charge AS c ON c.Id=d.ChargeNum

Nor this:

SELECT p.AcntNumber, p.Name, d.FromDate, c.CPT
FROM Daysheet AS d
(INNER JOIN Patient AS p
(INNER JOIN Charge AS c ON c.Id=d.ChargeNum)
ON d.AcntNumber=p.AcntNumber)

How do you word a nested join?

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General :: Access 2007 Ribbon XML Syntax

Mar 25, 2014

I am upgrading an Access 2000 system to 2007 and replacing user toolbars with Ribbons.I have a strange parsing error that I think is not my error.

I have placed the following control into a group:

<control idMso="GroupPrintPreviewClosePreview" label="Close Preview" enabled="true"/> and "the system" rejects it with Error Code 0x80004005 Element <group> is not expected in <group>I

t turns out that it is finding the word Group within the double quotes and interpretting is at part of the XML syntax.

Change to another idMSO and the problem goes away. Same happened with another control that had the word Group in the id.

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Join Syntax Errors Translating Oracle SQL To Access SQL

Mar 21, 2008

I've developed a working query to grab some information from my Oracle 9i database using SQL Developer. I have a tool in MS Access 2003 that I'm developing for other users so they can input some options through the GUI and query the same data that I do.

I'm trying to translate the query I developed in Oracle and have it work in Access. I have my ODBC connection set up so that Access can get to the same tables.

Here is my Oracle Query:


The error I'm receiving is: Run-time error '3296'

Join expression not support.

I believe the error has something to do with the "LEFT JOIN CPCF ... " but I can't seem to figure out how to fix it. The query will run in Access if I change that to an "INNER JOIN CPCF ...." but the result set is not what I need it to be. Any thoughts on how to fix this?

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CREATE TABLE In Access Database Syntax Error..

Aug 13, 2006

Hi folks.. I'm trying to dynamicly create a table in an existing ACCESS database..

Here's wat i'm using:

PHP Code:<%
strDB = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("../../../imgdbase/vrienden.mdb") & ";Uid=Admin;Pwd=mljiscool;"
sql = "CREATE TABLE " & request("login") & " (id INT(10) PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, email VARCHAR(155), gevalideerd VARCHAR(10) DEFAULT 'nee', inlogCount INT(10) DEFAULT 0, lastLogin DATETIME)"
Set DBConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") 
DBConn.Open strDB
DBConn.Execute sql
Set DBConn=Nothing    

Code:I'm getting this error:Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in CREATE TABLE statement./mljnew/welcomeportal/registration/registration/test.asp, line 7

What am I doing wrong ??? The code here is probably the MySql correct code (Access uses different data types / field names ???) Hope somebody can help me out, because I can't find the correct data types anywhere ! (like use TEXT instead of VARCHAR, that's all I know...)

Here's the actual sql i'm using (displayed by response.write sql):
CREATE TABLE roel (id INT(10) PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, email VARCHAR(155), gevalideerd VARCHAR(10) DEFAULT 'nee', inlogCount INT(10) DEFAULT 0, lastLogin DATETIME)

Thnx !!!!

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Syntax Error In Query. Incomplete Query Clause

Sep 28, 2005

I am really stuck. I have spent two days searcinh different forums trying to solve my problem. I am trying to create an UPDATE q to my Access database. But I get either the: "Syntax error in query. Incomplete query clause" or "Syntax error in UPDATE query".

First of all here's the URL: www.innotec-as.no/login/Kunder
Login U/P either: "alfen" or "thomas".

The page opening up shows the user info, U/P and adress.
viewing the information is working perfectly - but editing it..no way.

When editing and submiting the data the above errors occour.
Try that and you'll also see the SQL I am trying to execute.
The CODE is as follows:

SQLtemp = "UPDATE 'Brukere' SET"
SQLtemp = SQLtemp & " 'navn' = '" & request("Navn") & "', "
SQLtemp = SQLtemp & " 'epst' = '" & request("Epst") & "', "
SQLtemp = SQLtemp & " 'Pass' = '" & request("Pass") & "', "
SQLtemp = SQLtemp & " 'Firma' = '" & request("Firma") & "', "
SQLtemp = SQLtemp & " 'BAdresse' = '" & request("BAdresse") & "', "
SQLtemp = SQLtemp & " 'BPostAdr' = '" & request("BPostAdr") & "', "
SQLtemp = SQLtemp & " 'PAdresse' = '" & request("PAdresse") & "', "
SQLtemp = SQLtemp & " 'PPostAdr' = '" & request("PPostAdr") & "', "
SQLtemp = SQLtemp & "WHERE 'Bnavn' = '" & request("Bnavn") & "'"



The finished SQL statement looks like this:

UPDATE 'Brukere' SET 'navn' = 'Alf Byman', 'epst' = 'alf@baccara.no', 'Pass' = 'alfen', 'Firma' = '', 'BAdresse' = '', 'BPostAdr' = '', 'PAdresse' = 'sdfg', 'PPostAdr' = '', WHERE 'Bnavn' = 'alfen'

I have tried to user single quotes, doubble quotes, brackets etc. nothing works.

The code I use for connection is as follows:

<!--#include file="../adovbs.inc"-->
dim conn, rs, SQLtemp

' DSNless connection to Access Database
set conn = server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection")
rs="DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; "
rs=rs & "PWD=uralfjellet; DBQ=" & server.mappath("../../../../db/kunder.mdb")

conn.Open rs

I'll be very HAPPY for some expert help on this.

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Help! Query Syntax

Jul 20, 2006

I keep on getting a syntax error on the first [MU_ID]. Can anyone tell me what am I doing wrong please? You can e-mail me at Frank.Cappas@CIGNA.Com

Site: IF [MU_ID] BETWEEN ((SELECT [MU_Start] FROM [Sites] WHERE [Site] = “BRB”) AND (SELECT [MU_End] FROM [Sites] WHERE [Site] = “BRB”), “BRB”, {IF [MU_ID] BETWEEN ((SELECT [MU_Start] FROM [Sites] WHERE [Site] = “BRI”) AND (SELECT [MU_End] FROM [Sites] WHERE [Site] = “BRI”},"BRI")

Thank you so much in advance,

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Query Syntax

Dec 6, 2006

I'm trying to get my head round this query and not having much luck.

I have table that contains. amongst others, two fields I need to use - Date and Amount. I already have a query that returns me the number of entries for a given month, along with the total value.

SELECT Count(*) AS [Number of Entries],
Sum(NBReferral.[Amount]) AS [Total Amount],
FROM NBReferral
GROUP BY NBReferral.Date;

What I want is to also provide a running total (year to date). Using this:

SELECT Count(*) AS [YTD Number of Entries],
Sum(NBReferral.[Amtount]) AS [YTD Total Amount]
FROM NBReferral;

Combing the two queries works as long as there is only one month. Unfortunately, I'd like to see each month's YTD figure displayed as shown

Date Number of Entries Total Amount YTD Number of Entries YTD Total Amount
Nov 2006 5 10000 5 10000
Dec 2006 3 5000 8 15000
Jan 2007 6 12000 14 27000

What I currently get, as you would expect, are the same YTD totals applied to each month:

Date Number of Entries Total Amount YTD Number of Entries YTD Total Amount
Nov 2006 5 10000 14 27000
Dec 2006 3 5000 14 27000
Jan 2007 6 12000 14 27000

Probably a fairly straight-forward query for someone with a bit more experience. Any ideas?

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Query OR Syntax

Mar 27, 2008

Hi all,

I have the following code that works really well for me:

Me.lstEngines.RowSource = "Select [Engine Name], [Type], [Engine #] " & _
"From [Main Data Entry] " & _
"Where [Engine Name] like '*" & Me.txtsearch & "*'"

I need to make one modification to it, but I am getting lost in the syntax.
Right now this code is matching the text string "txtsearch" to anything in the "Engine Name" Field.

It works fine, but I need it to also look in the "type" field. I need results if the string is in "Engine Name" OR if it is in "Type"

How do I do that?


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Syntax Help In A Query

Oct 19, 2004

I want to run a query that allows the user to enter the beginning date and the ending date to produce the results for all items within those dates. I've written this before using "Between", but I can't get the syntax correct.



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Create Table Statement Syntax Error In Access 2000

Aug 7, 2005

Hi guys i tried to run this create table statement and each time i get syntax error.
I pasted the code in sql view windows of access 2000 and pressed the run code and i get
this error massage saying there is syntax error. Could any one help me write correct
create table statement that does not give me this error.I know u might tell me why u
do not create table in design view or .. but i want to do this since i want learn this
method as well.thanks


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What Is The Syntax Of Create Table And Insert Statement For Access 2000 Db.

Jun 26, 2005

What is the syntax of create table and insert statement for access 2000 db.

I want to paste the create table and insert statement to access 2000 "sql view window".
Therefore i want the correct syntax and format for these statements.
The reason that i want do this is that I created an application that generates create
table and insert statements for access db in text file and this way i want to test my application if it
generated the statement correctly.

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Create Table Statement Syntax Error In Access 2000

Aug 8, 2005

Hi guys i tried to run this create table statement and each time i get syntax error.
I pasted the code in sql view windows of access 2000 and pressed the run code and i get
this error massage saying there is syntax error. Could any one help me write correct
create table statement that does not give me this error.I know u might tell me why u
do not create table in design view or .. but i want to do this since i want learn this
method as well.thanks


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