SQL Server Tables

Mar 16, 2006

I have A db that links to a SQL Server table via an odbc connection. The problem is that I have to set up the odbc datasource on each machine that needs to run the db. Can I set up an ADO connection to the table and use that connection as a record source through out the app to drive forms , reports, etc? (And this would eliminate the need to set up and odbc connection to the table on each machine...) :confused: :confused:

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Link Tables To SQL Server

Nov 27, 2007


I have build system DSN for SQL Server.I want to link table to the DSN.

But I can not select the DSN when I start the 'lined table Manager",I only can select files.why?

Please let me know how to link table to system DSN.



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Linking Tables To BE Using Server Name, Possible?

Jan 3, 2008

Current situation:
We have various departments using a Db and some of the users have drive mappings to different to others (company reasons). So far we have had to create different front-ends for each section, not very useful for updates etc.

What I'd like:
To be able to link to the tables on the server using the server name and not a specific drive letter.

My question:
Is this possible some how?

Would using SQL server for the back end be a way of getting round this issue?

Thanks for any assistance as usual

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Linking Tables On A Server

Nov 8, 2004

Hi Guys,

I am new to this forum and I am hoping you can help. I have produced an Access 97 database on a PC on the hard drive (C I have sent this to a client but he cannot run it as the backend data files are in C: and he is running the whole access programme on the R: drive. As the front end is an MDE file is there anyway I could write the path to the linked files so that access can find them automatically. The same problem applies with the help files, how can you define the location of the help files when you don't know the end users server location?

Any advice would be most welcome.



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Tables :: OLE Server Is Not Registered?

Aug 19, 2014

I try to insert object (jpg file) to an (OLE datatype) field but it gives error message (OLE server) is not registered>

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MDB Linked To SQL Server Tables W/MDW Security

Jan 12, 2008

I am in need of some assistance regarding SQL Server ODBC links and security. This is for a project at work...

1) I have an MDB that has linked tables through ODBC to a SQL Server 2000 database. This is how I chose to write this multi-user application (instead of the ADP method).

2) My IT department created a user ID that the application will use to connect to the database. They chose this method instead of having to create many user accounts with varying permissions. I have programmed permissions within the application.

3) After linking the tables through ODBC, it defaults to my Windows User ID for the connection. Because of this, I have used a connection string with the application's User ID/Password and perform a RefreshLink on all linked table definitions on startup to ensure valid connection.

This is successful, but my IT department is seeing that another user is attempting access to the SQL Server database--the username in the LDB/MDW file! This is what I don't understand. If I open the database without going through workgroup security, the word "Admin" is passed and the authentication fails. If my users would login through the MDW file, their user IDs would be passed and again, authentication will fail as they are not valid users (only the application ID would be valid).

What is really going on here? :confused: How can I prevent the "Microsoft Access User ID" from being passed through the ODBC link?

Here is a sample of the connection string I'm using:
Driver={SQL Server};Server=ServerName;PersistSecurityInfo=Yes; AnsiNPW=No;Database=DBName;Uid=Username;Pwd=Passwo rd;

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How To Export Tables From SQL Server To MS-Access

Mar 25, 2007

Hi all,

I have faced with one problem that is how to export Tables from SQL server to MS-Access.

could anyone plz help me


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Link To Sql Server Tables On Internet

Jun 14, 2007

I would like to use a local Access front end to edit tables linked to a SQL Server database located on my Internet host provider's server. I haven't been able to find any information about how to do this or whether it is even possible.

If I need to set up an ODBC source, how can I do that for a non-local (Internet) SQL Server database?

Can anyone help?

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Back Up Tables Inside A Server

May 12, 2006

I have 5 PC clients and a server.each user upon shutting down his PC,is prompted to send all the information inside a table "Patron" to a table inside the server.That way each user backs up his information to a table inside the server and at the end of the day,the table on the server side contains all the data from the 5 PCs.I am new to access,can anyone guide me through the steps I need to accomplish this project?
thanks in advance

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General :: Linking SQL Server Tables

Aug 28, 2012

I want to work on SQL Server tables located at my work place at home using Access. My question is; is it possible to link SQL Server tables on a server to my lap top computer using "Remote Desktop" or will I need to install Access onto the server and if tables can be linked using Remote Desktop how do I link them? I am using Access 2010 and have Windows 7 professional installed on my lap top.

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Is Pessimistic Locking For Linked SQL Server Tables Possible?

Feb 1, 2006

Hi you geniuses!

I just had to upsize my loved and complex Access database to SQL server 2000 and had to link all tables via ODBC into my client Access database.

I used to use pessimistic locking on all tables when the tables were in an Access database before - worked fine ...

but now my client Access database uses "No Locks" on these tables because they are controlled by SQL server 2000.

Does some genius know how to change this bad behaviour? :confused:

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Linked SQL Server Tables In Access 2003

Apr 16, 2007

We are sharing an Access 2003 database amongst two departments that contains twelve (12) tables that are SQL Server linked tables. Nine (9) of the tables work just fine for people in both departments. Three (3) of the tables cannot be opened until the user refreshes the link(s) using their ODBC DSN.

We do not understand why nine of the tables work without issue but three will not.

Has anyone ever run into this issue before? Does anyone have any ideas on how to resolve this issue?


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Link To Tables On Server From Local Machine

Oct 10, 2004


I'm trying to establish the link from my local mdb to an mdb on a commercial server I'm using.

The problem is there's no way to locate the remote access database when using the Link Table wizard.

Anyone knows how to establish that connection??

Thanks in advance!

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Modules & VBA :: How To Alter Tables In SQL Server From Access

Jul 7, 2015

I have an access front-end package that works just fine but if there is an update, I just want the program to run scripts to update the SQL Server tables that it is connected to. I just don't know how to do this. I know how to do this on SQL Server Management studio and all, I just was hoping I could do it straight from my access front end so that a user could just click a button and update the tables or something.

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Tables :: Alter SQL Server Table From Front End?

Aug 1, 2014

I have an Access 2010 front end with linked tables via ODBC to a SQL Server back end. Is it possible to add, delete, and otherwise alter the tables on the SQL server from the Access front end? I've tried the following but received an error "cannot execute data definition statements on linked data sources"

DoCmd.RunSQL "alter table [dbo_tblAccountsMvOld] add column [cnt] byte;"

Is there code that will let me do this?

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User-defined Datatype In A Sql Server Attached Tables

Dec 5, 2006

Hi all,I'm trying to attach some table from a Sql Server database, but when I take a look to the content, I see all the fields filled by the value "#CANCELLED".I supposed that the matter of such an issue could be the datatype used for some fields, a user-defined datatype. The only table content from the same Sql Server database I can see does not use that data type. I'm using a read-only account to access the Sql Server database. If I try to import the table, the data are imported correctly and the user-datatype is converted to text.Any suggestions for a solution / workaround ?Thanks Bye

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General :: Database Back End Keeps Hanging (Tables On Server)

Aug 10, 2012

I have a database with a front end and back end (tables on the server) that was recently converted from Access 2003 to Access 2010.

For some reason the back end keeps hanging and I have to constantly compact and repair and there has been major data loss on a regular basis.

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Tables :: Linked Table Disable Password SQL Server

Feb 4, 2015

In Access2010 I have created a linked table to a SQLServerExpress database.I have a user in SQLserverExpress with only reading rights.This linked table is used in a form which only shows the information. When opening the form, it prompts for the SQLserverExpress username and password.How can I configure the linked table so that it logs in automatically with the SQL user I prefer so that the user does not need to enter a user / password?

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Tables :: Adding New Table That Is Linked To Second Database On Server?

Aug 16, 2013

I have a fe that has 5 tables linked to a backend db on the server.I want to add a new table to the fe that is linked to a second db on the server? What I have tried.I have created the tbl_called in the fe.when I right click on it and go to Linked Table Manager I do not see it on the list. The only tables in the list are the 5 I linked before. Why is tbl_called not showing up??

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Modules & VBA :: Update Data In A Bunch Of Tables Of SQL Server Database

Apr 25, 2014

I need to update data in a bunch of tables of a sql server database. The database has 300 tables which I have linked via odbc. I'm hoping there is a simple way, using vba, to loop through my linked sql server tables and determine which of them are views as opposed to tables.

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Login SQL Server Linked Tables Automatic On Event Load Of Login Form

Apr 17, 2015

I have a ms access application in Front End and linked tables to sql server 2008 r2 in back end.. every time I open my application the linked tables ask to me for the user and password of the sql server user of the odbc conection. I want to connect to my sql database without login every time the user open the application, I know that can be possible if I start session from vba code...

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SQL Server

Nov 30, 2006

Using A2002 or A2003, trying to convert an app from Jet to SqlServer

i am using DAO rather than ADO

this statement causes an error
Set rs = dbs.OpenRecordset("tblconstants", , dbSeeChanges)

the error is
error 3622 - must use dbseechanges on a sql server table with identitiy bit set

Set rs = dbs.OpenRecordset("tblconstants", dbOpenDynamic)

produces error 3001 - invalid argument

(Note: i've got another app, in A97 that works with sql server tables without any additional parameters )

Set rs = dbs.OpenRecordset("tblconstants") works in A97

any idea what do i need to do please

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One .adp, Two Or More Different SQL Server

Feb 18, 2007

Hi. hope you can understand my english.

I have 2 SQL Servers.
Is there some way to set to which sql server connect the .adp (or .ade) via code??
Now I have 2 sql servers (development and production).. but soon I will have more server at production in different cities. All SQL Servers have different names. Same databases names but the servername are all different.
So I have to configure the connection of the .ade in the the development server. Then when I want to send and upgrade to one of my clients, I have to go to his city and manually reconfigure the .ade to connect to his SQL Server.
This problem would be solved if all SQL Servers had the same name, but this is not my case.

It would be nice to have a config.ini file or something like that where the .ade could read the name of the server to connect to.

Is it possible to implement something like this.

Thanks in advance.

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SQL Server - Yes Or No

Sep 6, 2004

Hi, i am looking at making use of SQL Server which we have at work to run our access Database from, is this a good idea ?

what are the benifits, problems etc...


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OLE Server

Nov 14, 2004

I am trying to insert a picture in a field OLE object, but after I have selected the picture I would like to insert, I get the following error message :
A problem occured while MS Access was communicating with the OLE server or ActiveX Control.
Can someone help me to resolve this problem ?

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SQL Server

Apr 19, 2005

I've never dealt with SQL Server, and have no working knowledge of it. Is it possible to upsize my db without it? The server that we have uses Windows 2000 Server as it's OS, would this be capable of housing an upsized db? I was tols that MSDE is only capable of about 15 concurrent users, and I will be having +-100 concurrent users on this particular db. Is there another option?

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