SSN Format How To Match Records

Mar 29, 2007


My database has two tables:
Master and History

Both tables have a SSN field with the following format:

000-00-0000XX (xx stand for two additional characters)

I have a search form with a textbox that I use to type criteria to open a form. The text box has the following SSN input mask: 000-00-0000CC;0;_
This allows me to return data even if I have a part of the SSN

I have now placed a button which verifies if the SSN I will type in the textbox already exists in table History. I am having problems with the SSN format as I have to type the whole SSN while I would like to type part of it (like the textbox input mask).

If Not IsNull(DLookup("[SSN]", "History", "[SSN] = '" & Me![txtbox] & "'")) Then

DoCmd.OpenForm ("popupssnsearch")

Is there a way I can do this?

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Number Of Records Doesn't Match

May 3, 2005

(this might be more appropriate in Forms; apologies if I'm putting it in the wrong place.)

My company runs a home repair program and we keep track of our clients in a database I made a few months ago. We use almost exclusively a form drawing from 3 tables. We just hit 800 records (according to the form) and I was checking some things, and found that there are 807 records in each of our 3 tables.

I did a preliminary check, and the primary keys match as best I can tell, so I'm trying to figure out how 7 records can be missing from our form.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.


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Exporting Records That Match One Or More Than One Column

Jan 12, 2015

I have stored data in access. The records have name, address and unique Id. I want to be able to extract the unique ID from the Access database for all those records that match the name and address in any new file that I compare my Database with.

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Display Records When Two OTHER Fields Match

May 20, 2015

I currently have a query that uses a function to get the current users email address. This is matched with a "Teacher Email" address in a table of students to only show students which match the logged in teacher. I'd like to modify this so the teacher can see any student in their department. Is there a way to do this without creating a separate "Teachers" table that would contain a department and email?

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Finding Records That Match Multiple Criteria

Nov 2, 2005

Hi, I have a personell DB an I vant do be able to select only the persons from a specific "city" with a specific " genre" and a specific "skill" and also i want the query to "ignore" one of the criteria if I press Enter or input all.
I tried with "query design " and I don't seem to make it work for more than one condition.


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Count Consecutive Records That Match Criteria

Jan 25, 2006

I want to place a control in a report footer that will return the highest number of consecutive weeks that a profit was earned. The database has fields named WeekNo and Net. The Net field contains positive values (profit) and negative values (losses). The WeekNo field is an integer from 1 to 52 designating the week number.

For example if the figure in the Net field is a positive number I want the control to count the number of consecutive weeks that a profit was earned. I know how to get the value of total weeks that a profit was earned; this is not what I am looking for. The control must return the highest number of CONSECUTIVE weeks that a profit was earned over the year.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Queries :: Return Records With Partial Match

Feb 14, 2014

I understand that a query can accept wildcards in the search criteria but this is different.

I have a form on which a user selects a [product] part number in an unbound combo e.g. "12345-V111".

I then need a subform on the form to list records where the relevant field matches the left most part of this part number but is not necessarily complete. e.g. records with "12345-V1" would be returned, records with "12345-V2" wouldn't. The number of characters recorded in this field will vary, but if the characters that are entered match, then the record should be listed.

In other words, the record entries themselves need to be treated like wildcard entries.

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Queries :: Query Records Match Less Than 20 Display

Oct 28, 2013

I have a db which has a query. This query is rather simple where it filters fields based on criteria. Here is the SQL VIEW:

WHERE (((DSResult.STATUS)="TESTED") AND ((DSResult.TESTCODE)="41015" Or (DSResult.TESTCODE)="41016") AND ((DSResult.BATCHNO)<>"1") AND ((DSResult.TESTDATE)>=#1/18/2010#))

I need to alter this query so that where records that have the same "DSResult.CODE" and counted are greater than 20 occurrences and then display only these records sorted in DSRESULT.Code order.

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Comparing 2 Tables And Listing Records That Dont Match

Jun 19, 2006

Very new to access, I need an easy way to compare 2 tables with a common field (the name field) and list just the records that appear in the second table but not the first (primary) table.

Please help, thanks.

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Delete Records That Match Multiple Criteria From Second Table

Jan 23, 2012

I would like to create a query that will delete records that match several fields from another table. This is complicated by the fact that one of the fields will be in one of 3 columns.I have attached a test database (no real details), all Sheet2 entries need to be deleted from Sheet1.

What I need to do is delete records that have the same 'Surname' and 'DPS' value but also the same 'Line5' value from Sheet2 in 'Line3' or 'Line4' or 'Line5' in Sheet1.The 'Surname' and 'DPS' are no problem, it's the variable position of the third field. I think I could do it in three separate queries but it would definitely be better in one.

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General :: Find Records That Match Criteria Of Multiple Fields

Mar 12, 2013

Using sql or access query I would like to create an expression that aggregates the first field and I would like to see all records grouped by the relationship with another field. Let me show an example.

My query shows:

field1 field2
apple a
apple b
banana a
carrot a
carrot b
dog b
elephant b

I would like my query to now display a third field and group field :

field1 field3
apple both
banana a
carrot both
dog b
elephant b

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Modules & VBA :: Stop Export To Excel When No Records Match Criteria

Sep 22, 2013

I have a sales sytem in Access 2010.New customers have to be imported to MYOB daily. I have a query that finds new customers and appends them to a table for importing at a later stage. I export the records in that table if the field "imported" is set to false. The results are exported to Excel so they can be imported into MYOB after some additional data is added. If there are no records to append to the import table I want to stop the export from happening. I am new to VBA and don't know how to express that the select query "000 Append New Customers...." should only run if the append query has records. If there are no records found, I want to put a message saying "no records found". Here is the code I have behind the command button:

Private Sub PrepCustcmd_Click()
'Turn warnings off
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.OpenQuery "000 Append New Customers to MYOB Customers", acViewNormal, acEdit


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Reports :: Format 25% Of Records With Different Colours

Apr 30, 2014

How do I format:

First 25% of records - Gold
Second 25% of records - Green
Third 25% of records - Yellow
Fourth 25% of records - Red

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Printing Parts Of Records In A Specific Format

Oct 27, 2005

i've created a database for city permits to be issued (which works perfectly thanx to alll your help), but now i need to be able to print out 1 permit at a time when it is issued (immediately after the data has been entered into the forms). i have 3 tables & 3 forms: contractors/owners, permtOrders (which has tabs for the different types of permits), and permitOrderDetails. the problem is the forms are set up for data entry (and only open in add mode for obvious reasons)...i need to be able to print an actual permit (like the carbon copy, landscape kind that usually tears out of a book). once the user enters the information into the forms, i need a little bit of that info from each form to be carried onto the actual printable permit. i'm not really sure how to accomplish this. :confused: i don't really know if i explained this right, but any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

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Format Vs Validation - Exactly How Records Of A Particular Fields Are Stored

Jul 24, 2015

Just curious how access stores records. Say, data type of Text, field name "FullName" when entering data via forms normally we use formatting or enforce data entry with validation rule to check say if user typed in propercase or cases that we desire to see. So far so good. When text format masks is applied for instance > or < , does the actual data or the formatted data is passed to the table layer. Alternatively, table layer format vs form layer format which one of the methods dictate what exactly is stored under the table.

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Queries :: Select Query - Count How Many Records Not In Correct Format

May 7, 2013

So I have a table with around 20,000 records and there is a field which holds a phone number for each individual within the organization, I want to run a select query that counts how many are not in the correct format

The format is 10 digits and it must start with a 0

Using Access 2010

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Modules & VBA :: Subform In Continuous Records Format - Send Contents Into The Body Of Email

Nov 10, 2014

I have a subform in Continuous Records format (records displayed are determined by controls on the parent). I would like to create a button that prepares an email and copies the contents of that subform in to the body of an email message.

The email. I have a method to create a new email, set To, CC, Subject and even Message Text.

strTo = txtName
strCC = txtManager
strSubject = "Something"
strMessage = "Hi, please find below list of details from X Y and Z" & vbnewline & vbnewline

That all works. Thats fine

The Records: I have found ways to have them added as an attachment, either the the SendObject and OutputTo method but I would like the list of records to be converted to a text string so I can include it within my strMessage variable, not include it as an attachment.

strMessage = strMessage & "Subform Records to go here"...

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Queries :: Converting CSV File Into Text Format - Export Records With Specific Series And Date

Jun 7, 2015

I have a CSV file and want to convert it in a text format with some filtered data and with some formatting. This is an everyday task for me. So I made a table and imported the data in to it by the command :

DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, "fo Import Specification", "fo", FileName:="C:UserswelcomeDesktopfo.csv", HasFieldNames:=True

Actually I have a column "SERIES", contains various series like "EQ", "BE", "DR", "BZ", "D1" and so on. And one more column with the dates having 4 / 5 current months dates and one next months date and one next to next month's date. And every date has got several thousand records.

now the issue is that : After importing these several thousand records, I want to export it but with a specific date and with a specific series.

The other thing is that, these dates change every month so if hard coded, the problem will occur the next month.

I use this code for export :

DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, "NewFnoSpec", "fnoquery", "C:UserswelcomeDesktopFO Output.txt", True

this code is working fine but when the month will change, the code won't work.

Can we have a date & series picker attached to this query, so it can export the records with the specified SERIES & DATE.

I tried putting a textbox on the form named TxtDate and in a Query ( Design mode ) under the date column, in criteria I have put [Forms]![Futures]![TxtDate] and after putting this line, the query becomes empty and no data is there.

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Forms :: Assign Field With Special Format Based On Date / Time Format

Feb 17, 2014

I wanted to assign the field "Number of magazine" with special format based on date/time format but showing only year and month in the format: "yyyy-mm".

So in property of this field in format I put yyyy-mm and in input mask I type 0000-00;;-

I also created the form based on the table containing above field and I defined format and input mask for corresponding formant in the same way like at the table.

But if I try to type date for example 2014-01 in text box of the form it comes up with the full date 2014-01-01. Why does it do like this? What do I do incorrectly?

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Forms :: Date Format To Fiscal Week Format

Jul 30, 2013

I have a list of dates in the mm/dd/yyyy format and I am looking to get it into the fiscal format of yyyyww. I am able to do this with the datepart and format functions, but I need to make it so that the fiscal month begins in January but the first week starts if there are three or more days in the week. For instance if Jan 1st is a Friday then this stands as the first fiscal week, if it is a Saturday then it does not count as the first week.

datepart and format functions have the Use the first week in the year that has at least 4 days for the firstweekofyear option but I need it where it has at least three to make it work.

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General :: How To Format The Text Using Format Function

Jul 7, 2015

I want to format the text using format function. how i format the word apple to "apple" (With Quatation mark).

str = Format(Me.word, xxxx)

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No-Match Query

Apr 17, 2006

Probably an easy one...I have two tables, each with a number field say "Cat-ID" and "Ref-ID". The query I am looking to write will show the outstanding values. For example

Cat-ID: 100, 200, 300, 400, 500
Ref-ID: 100, 200, 500

Query Result: 300, 400

Any ideas on how to do this? I'm stumped.

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Inexact Match

Jul 26, 2006


I have two tables of software names.
A count is needed of those names that are in both tables, as follows : name Count1 name Count2

matching on software name.

The problem is that names match only partially, for examle:

Table 1 :

Acrobat Writer 6.0 std

Table 2:

Adobe Acrobat standard edition 6.0

This is the same software, but how do I make Access recognize that?
can't enter every parameter manually using wildcards, because
1) tables are too large to ask for each name separately
2) Sofware names matches on different parts, not only a first or second word.

Does anyone know how to do that ?


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Select First Match

Jan 24, 2007


how can i make query that selects the first match of a criteria, or multiple criteria. lets say list of members first record in CA only then first record in OR only .... basically select first record from list of criteria.

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Query To Match

Apr 17, 2008

I have a table with two fields:
Field1 Field2
S11.1 111001
S13 130001
S11 110001
S13.1 120001
I need to query to find where Field2's first three digits does not match the numbers in field1. Giving the sample: 120001 would be listed in the results because it does not match the numbers in S13.1 130001(2nd record) does because if there is no "."; it defaults to zero.
I don't know to set up the criteria or what to ask so it would give me the results needed.
Can anyone help please.

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Number Format To General Format

May 4, 2012

I am exporting data from access 2007 to Excel 2007 using VBA code. I have a whole number, which I want displayed as whole number. But after the export, the number is using the 1000's seperator in Excel. So for example if my original number in access table is 12000, it is showing up as 12,000 in the excel file.It has something to do with the NumberFormat property. I have tried doing this but doesn't work.

objSheet.Range("A1:A7").NumberFormat = "General"

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